Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Brother Brother ,Oh Brother

"I'm Karen's you can guess, I'm the Black sheep of the family...My sister made good grades, graduated from school on time..while I had to go to the Youth Study Center. She went to Law School, graduated and passed the bar... While I spent a year and a half in the Youth Study Center... I escaped and headed out West....I got myself together... I got my G.E.D.  , I took some college courses and came back here...and got lucky....I'm in the Oil Business now....Somehow somebody came across my juvenile record and threatened to out me....They were blackmailing my sister, an Attorney with her eyes on a Judgeship with having a brother who was a fugitive...To my knowledge no one has looked for me for years. I mean it's not like I'm John Dillinger...Personally, I think it's that slick boyfriend of hers...I only met him once...She brought him out to California....I didn't like him..I told her I didn't like him."said Gary Gallagher.


 "I think you're right...We found out that he's not who he told her he was...Turns out he was an ex-con...and a confidence man, Bunco artist." said Yvette.

"That figures....He gave me those vibes when I met him." said Gary.

"Well you don't have to worry about him....He's dead, Somebody shot him to death a few nights ago...
He and a guy we think he was working with, who was blackmailing your sister..both were shot to death..Only the black mailer's house was blown up and the body so badly burned it can't be recognized" I said.

"Ouch!" said Gary.

"Where were you two nights ago?" asked Bee Bee.

"In Los Angelas...I got in Philly today...I had talked to my sister...I knew she was in trouble..And here I am. She told me you guys were her lawyers and where you were located...Nice digs."said Gary...

"You're kind of like a fugitive.. We can't harbor you you know until you straighten this out."said Sofia.
"As Officers of the court it would be our duty to turn you in...but we aren't going to do that."said Kahlil.

"My associates are right...We can't even advise you right now...but we do intend to help your sister...She's been arrested...but she has an alibi witness to her innocence..We are going to get her right now." said Yvette.,

"Good...I'll lay low...When you see my sis, Tell her I'm in town..;.She'll know where to find me. And thanks for talking to me.and layin it on me straight." said Gary as he exited the conference room and our office,.

"This case just adds more layers on it as it goes on." said Jade.

"You aint never lied.."said Virginia.

"Come on...Let's head to Central Booking and get our client..." said Yvette.


Meanwhile at the "Fishbowl" , the nickname the detectives gave to their interrogation room.

"Phewwwwww weeee. This room smells like unwashed underarms and bad breath combined....and when is the last time you've emptied these trash cans?" asked Karen Lewis..

"The smell of my interrogation room is the least of your worries Ms. Lewis... I know you bought a ticket at 6:30....but you didn't board the bus until 8:30...I have three eyewitnesses who were on the bus that say they don't remember seeing you until 8:30...Well after the time both Nudie Jefferson and Dustin
Randall, real name, Harry Chambers were shot to death...Yeah that's right...your fiance's real name was Harry Chambers, a convicted confidence man...If you were being blackmailed..He and Nudie Jefferson were in on it together.."said Lt. Tragg.

Karen looked shocked...She didn't here to for know this....


 "Don't say another word Karen..We are here....You may have to let her go Lieutenant....I have a credit card receipt and a bus ticket stub proving she was on the bus to Harrisburg hours before either of these men were killed and I have an eyewitness who was on the bus with her." said Yvette.

"Oh yeah? Well I've got three eyewitnesses who say she got on the bus at 8:30.....not 6:30..That includes the Bus Driver, and two passengers on the bus."snarled Lt. Tragg..

"That's impossible...That's just not true!"said Karen..

"WHAT?" I said.
"Well we have a witness who will counter all of that..."said Bee Bee.
"Yes...I don't know where all of this testimony comes in." said Sofia.
"Something's fishy here." said Kahlil.

"We'd better go check in on Kristin."whispered Jade..

"Yes I know....but first things first...Lieutenant can we have the room?" asked Yvette..

"You certainly can...Vettie , you got a stinker of a case this time.heh heh heh!"laughed Lt. Tragg,leaving the room..

"It stinks as bad as this room...Phewwwwww weeee. This room smells like unwashed underarms and bad breath combined.."said Bee Bee....

I grimaced....She was absolutely right....

"And when is the last time these trash cans were emptied? They are overflowing..."said Sofia..

"I don't understand these people...Who are they ? Saying I got on the bus at 8:30...8:30 we were pulling into the bus stop at Harrisburg... Kristen will attest to that...She sat next to me..We talked the entire time on the bus..." said Karen.

"Okay...We'll examine all of these so called witnesses...We are going to go talk to Kristen...We've got her holed up in an uh...Well I won't say in here...The walls HAVE EARS!" said Yvette, knowing that their conversation was being listened to.

"Give us a list of names we can use as charactor witnesses....We are going to try and get you arraigned as soon as possible. It's Thursday....It's too late now...but at least Tuesday..."said Kahlil.

"Hang in there Karen...We are on the case."said Yvette,.

"Thank you Yvette...We really need to catch up..." said Karen.

"We will....Hang in there. You're an Attorney, you know not to talk to anybody about your case...Cops, Jailers, inmates right?" said Yvette.

"Yvette I've told my clients this..." said Karen.

"Oh and we met your brother...He told us to tell you he's in town." I whispered..

"Awwwwwwwwww" said Karen, thinking of her younger Brother..Gary.

This was all about him...He had escaped from the Youth Study Center years ago and made his way to California to their Aunt's House...There , he finished his High school Education and went to college , even got a job and was now in the oil business...He had been a solid citizen for many years now..Almost 20.....Somehow Nudie Jefferson had got his juvenile  file and was threatening to out him...He had been so good all these years...She couldn't afford to see him thrown into jail to finish the one year he still owed the State of Pennsylvania.

She managed a weak smile as she was handcuffed and led to the cells upstairs...known as the "Cooler."


Later That Afternoon-

Jade drove to the apartment complex where Kristen was holed up!

To her surprise...a Police Cart was in front of the building...

and the familliar unmarked police car right across the street from it..

To her utter surprise and amazement-

Lt. Tragg
and a squad of Tactical Police were walking out with Kristen..... They put her in the back of one police car.....She wasn't handcuffed....
and in the back of the police car directly across from the street was

Gary Gallagher, the younger brother of our client, Karen Gallagher-Lewis.

Jade looked stunned..

Lt. Tragg knew she was surprised they had located their well hidden witness....and even more surprised that Karen's fugitive brother had been picked up... He didn't say anything to her, but he laughed that goofy grin of his as both police cruisers pulled off and got in his unmarked car and also pulled off.
It had been a successful night for him..


Jade met everybody at Curley's Bar ,shortly after attempting to talk to Kristen and getting a double surprise.

"Kristin, Tragg has got her and he's got Gary Gallagher too! He and two squad cars full of cops were at the apartment complex when I got there....She wasn't taken out in cuffs.....but he was in another car in cuffs." said Jade.


 "But how? Nobody knew where we had her stashed...She wasn't a suspect in any crime...We never mentioned her?" asked a very perplexed Ms. Yvette.

"Tragg has obviously got some very good intelligence...and I say that sparringly...He's getting an anonymous tip ,lots of anonymous tips from somewhere... "said Gary.

"He said he had three witnesses who could refute Karen's alibi....Where did they come from all of a sudden?" I asked.
"And how would they know exactly what time she got on the bus?" asked Bee Bee.
"The Bus driver??  I've ridden on long bus trips....unless I know you, I hardly know what time any particular person gets on the bus..."said Sofia.
"There is something, someone very sinister behind the scenes at work here....How did they know Gary was in town?"asked Kahlil.

"These are all questions I asked myself on the way here..  I took the car home and took Public Transportation here." said Jade.  "I plan to get sloshed tonight."said a distraught Jade.

"It's not that bad baby.....I'll nose around find out what I can find out tomorrow." said Danny Ho.

"Does he even trust you ? Knowing you're married to Jade and close to us?" asked Virginia.

"All good questions." said Jetty.

"Vettie girl, you look troubled and don't say you aren't...You know I know...Ever since our first days at Penn Law School if you see me, you see you..We've been inseperable..You're my sister...I know when you're troubled." said Olivia putting her arms around her good friend and hugging her.

"It's this damn case Olivia...It's not making any sense...You ever get a case you wish you didn't have?" asked Yvette.

"Yeah most of em now of days...but then I remember why I chose this profession...To help people in impossible situations." said Olivia.

"Oh Olivia, you always could make me feel better."said Yvette, hugging her..

"You two aren't going to kiss are you?" joked Donnie Ray....

"NO, would that turn you on?" asked Yvette,laughing...

"It probably would, but noo..." laughed his wife, Olivia....
"Come here baby...let me kiss you." said Gary...

Taking Yvette in his arms and kissing her..

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM YESSSSSS!" he moaned in between a hot smouldering kiss...


"Wow , that kiss is turning me on!"laughed Beverly...
"Yeah, me too!" said Nelson...

"You're always turned on."laughed Beverly as she sat on Nelson's lap and enjoyed her drink.

Beverly leaned over and began kissing Nelson, who put his drink down and focused all of his attention on his wife's sweet lips...

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmm turned on now?" he asked her..

"I am....I can't wait until we get home..."moaned Beverly...
"I can't wait until Christmas....I'm glad we got our shopping done." said Josie.
"Yeah, me too!"said Paris.

"Now we can watch other people push and shove and run around."said Bresha.
"Christmas will be lit at Renee's house..."said Tony.

Alfreda loved being around all of these younger people...They kept her young and vibrant..

And having a younger , super horny husband also did wonders with her complexion and well being. 

Jazzy had overheard some of Yvette's conversation and weighed in..

"I know from my days as ADA that Lt. Tragg has become a lazy investigator.. He'll take an anonymous tip and he won't follow up."she said,.

"Sounds like him.   He's not that smart and he's not that good....If he's been on the spot this much...He's got a pipeline...Some unseen informant close to this case that you guys don't know about."said Dabnis.

"But who? Everybody close to this case is dead." I said.

"The Blackmailer , Nudie Jefferson is dead... "said Bee Bee.

"Our client's fiance, who it looks like was in on this caper with him...He's dead.."said Sofia.

"There's got to be a third person involved...Somebody we never knew about behind the scenes, pulling strings."said Kahlil.

"That's the only logical answer to this..."said Kayla.
"But why? What could they possibly get out of this?" asked Ray.

"And that is the jackpot question...One that should be answered before you guys go to trial."said Jessica.
"Wow this seems good...I could write a screenplay or a novel based on this case."said Chip,laughing.

"But a case like this is no laughing matter." said Karen Page.

"Hmmmmmmmm I'd like to cover this case...After it's concluded of course." said B.L.

Oblivious  to the conversation going on was Natalie and David.. She was sitting on his lap; kissing him passionately..

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm I think we do it too much David.." said Natalie in between kisses..

"You wanna stop?" asked David between more kisses..

"NO!" she said and they laughed and continued kissing.

"Those two need a room." laughed Brooke.
"So do we." said her husband Sean..

They were kissing just as passionately

"You get inspiration from them don't you?" laughed Brooke..

"Ummmmmmmm sometimes." he laughed..

"And other times you're just super horny right?" she cooed.

"Right. Like now!" he said in between more kisses

"Look at Lt. Tragg and Kelly Ann over there in that corner."laughed Zoey.

"Plying poor Judge Kelly Ann with Tequilla.."laughed Lem..

"Boyyyyyyyy, he's really planning to get some tonight. Tequilla used to get me really horny...That's why I'd never drink it when I was out with strangers.."laughed Renee..

"Yeah look at him over there.."laughed Tyrell.

Lt. Tragg purchased another bottle of Tequila.

Lt. Tragg and Judge Kelly Ann had downed two bottles of Tequilla..
and were working on a third bottle.

"You've turned me into an alcoholic" she said as she downed another shot glass..

"Nonsense.. this just loosens you up...heh heh heh.You're with me tonight...You're safe."laughed. Lt. Tragg...
"You don't need to loosen me upppppppp, you're my boyfriend...." she cooed in between deep throated kisses...

"Heh heh heh.."he laughed...running his hands up under her skirt..and attempting to ease her panties down..

She removed his hands...

"Not here...wait til we get home...tee hee.." she giggled.

"Oh my godddddddd!"he moaned...He was in a state of bliss...He had cracked a major case ,it appeared and he was with his sexy girlfriend.....Nice way for him to close out the night...


We all went home..

Bee Bee was wearing a sheer see through Baby doll.....She had just taken a hot shower and walked into our bedroom..

My eyes popped out of my head..

She giggled..

"Oh my goddd..look at you...Are you going to act like this all the time?..WOW!!! That boner is massive." she said and put her hands over her mouth..

"You act like this is the first time you've seen me like this. You see me every night...You've kind of been seeing me in my underwear since law school." she said.

"It certainly isn't the first time I've had a boner because of you.I was having them in law school too and having to hide them from you...because we were supposed to be just friends." I remarked , smiling at her.

"Oh I know..THAT goes back to the first day we met. I have a confession to make..I was  kinda turned on by you too, lots of times...and I just never said nothin."she said.

I pulled her towards me..." Well you can say something now...Is this something you bought at Bridget's store the other day?" I asked.

"Yes, The Panties and The Baby doll....I bought it at Bridget's store in the Mall at Bayside.." she giggled..

I undressed and  slipped her panties down and off  and took her into my arms and kissed her softly....

"Ohhhhh my godddd, Bee Bee..."I moaned...

"Ummmmmm, ouuuuuuuuuuuu you are so hard....Ouuuuuu, look at youuuu! And so damn BIG!  OUUUUUUU!" she exclaimed as she stroked me lightly...

"You like that honey?" she asked softly..

"YESSSSSSSS!" I moaned.

"Ummmmmmmmmmmm I like it too!" she cooed..

Soon we were making love passionately on top of the bed..Not thinking about the days events..

The next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS, all we were thinking about was each other..

The same was next door at Kahlil and Sofia's house..

Sofia and Kahlil were lying across the bed..

Kissing ,fondling and laughing..

He slipped her panties down and off...

"OHHHHHHHH MAMASITA!!!" he moaned...

"OUUUUUUUUUUU PAPI...AYE MIOS DIOS! You are sooo damn hard! OUUUUU!" Sofia moaned  as she rode him on the side of the bed until neither one of them could take anymore...

"You've always gotten me hard mamasita." said Kahlil.


It was not long 

before they too were making sweet love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS!

Moaning and cooing..

"My goodness Yvette ." said Gary..
"You are staring daggers at me.....Ouu look at you!" said Ms. Yvette.

"Ummmm I can't help how you make me feel." said Gary, taking her in his arms and kissing her...

"What do you feel like?" she asked...

"Making love" he said.

"Me too!" she giggled.

"Ouu Husband, slide em down....I'm ready!" she cooed.

"OHHHHHHH VETTIE, SO AM I!" Gary moaned, as he slid her panties down..

Yvette spread her legs and eased herself down on Gary...


"YESSSSSSS IT DOES!"  moaned Gary...

She eased herself down on him and began to ride him....
Gary lifted her up and entered her upright..



They made love early into the morning hours....


Ms. Yvette liked when he called her that...

She loved the look of pure joy in Gary's face as he entered her and humped her.......

Enjoying  their massive  smart bed.. 

Yvette smiled.The bed was sturdy and very very comfortable...It moved with their every move and was very comfortable and warm..It actually enhanced their lovemaking..

EIGHT TO NINE HOURS had passed by.

 Bee Bee and I were fast asleep in each others arms..

This time, so was Sofia and Kahlil...both exhausted from their furious lovemaking.

And Gary and Ms. Yvette were sound asleep in each other's arms.

Ms. Yvette sleeping soundly on top of Gary, who was still awake, with a big wide smile on his face....

A nice stress buster

And At Ms. Jade's House...a few doors down.

"I'll look into what's going on with Lt. Tragg." said Danny.
"Thank you baby." cooed Jade.

They kissed passionately..

Very passionately....

Danny took her into his arms and stood in the middle of their bedroom, kissing her passionately.

Danny slipped her panties down....

She  eased herself down on Danny slowly.....


"OHHHHHHHHHHH HUSBAND!" she cooed. She liked being able to say that.

They began making love.  And like us ,for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS, all they cared about was each other.

They ended the night like all of us...Cuddled up and sleeping soundly.

And at Ms. Virginia and Jetty's house..

"Jetty you're good and soused...Look at your eyes....but you're as hard as a baseball bat...I don't knopw how you do it." laughed Virginia as she undressed.

"Staring at you... Staring at you keeps me this way..."said Jetty seriously..

He took Virginia in his arms and began kissing her...

He spread her legs wide open on the bed and entered her warm , wet center..




"You sound like a damn mule, the way you moan..." she laughed.

"I've  got a mule in my pants for you.." he said.


Like the rest of us...They made love until the early morning hours...."

and early the next morning...

Karen's Brother, Gary Gallagher walked out of the Men's Correctional Center (City Jail) a free man..
He had been bailed out by an unknown benefactor!

As Bull Bailey looked on!



Anonymous said...

Standing and Applauding and throwing my panties...What an ending!

Toni said...

So this is the brother Karen has and this is what has been being held over her head...His Juvie Record.

Angie B. said...

His Juvie record shouldn't have anything to do with the advancement of her career.

Sunflower said...

Sometimes people use any little thing to go against you...We see it everyday on television in the news.

James Perkins said...

It all makes sense now.. She told it to her boyfriend and he told Nudie Jefferson and they cooked this little scheme up together...Then Nudie double crossed the fiance...but who killed the both of them?