Sharon had twenty of her most trusted FBI agents staying there
,along with some DEA Agents and we had some Narcotics and Vice Cops staying there, along with our most trusted administrative personell..
Sissy,Hazel,Carlotta,Sirena ,Angie,Hop and Jimmy all packed bags and moved in ,with help from Eddie C. , Sissy' husband..
Seemed like we liked staying here...It was our secret place....It was like summer camp...In addition to working together..We all hung out socially anyway...So it wasn't a hardship...
The building we nicknamed "Copland" was really a former apartment complex....A complex the government had taken from a now deceased gangster, who once owned it.. and converted into a makeshift headquarters...On the first floor was offices...In one office, I had a complete law library, laptop computers, phones and tablets and could work on the legal aspect of any case..
In another room was a conference room where we could all meet and discuss the case and in yet another was a room filled with computers, monitors and all of the sophisticated equipment we used to fight crime.
It was like our own little batcave...
This was the command center where FBI SAC,Sharon Hopkins, Lt. Sissy Van Buren and Detective Edwin "Duke " Baylor collected evidence and manned the phones.. keeping communication and strategizing with the various street pieces in this major investigation...
And there was even a make shift morgue for Hazel...should she need it..
We had a staff of trusted administrators , sworn to scerecy who took the calls and listened to wiretap and video evidence and who helped survey the traffic, ATM and Crime Stopper cameras in the areas we had targeted...
This office was equipped with fax machines, laptop computers and flat screen video monitors as well as phones....A nice operation...
We all sat in the conference room ...Sissy spoke first...
"How's Skokie doing?" she asked...
"Better than he should be...He's got a television with full cable..A Nice bed...And a refrigerator filled with Beer and soda...and he gets three hot meals a day.." said Hop, who had just come from the basement room where we had John Skokie locked up...
"It's certainly better than he'd have it in County or D.O.C. or Curran-Fromhold." said Sirena..
''That's for damn sure.."said Duke..
"That's better than I had it in the Fed..." said Sissy's husband ,Eddie C. who once did three years in the federal penitentary for drug charges.
"He gave us a name...but he'd better start giving us details before Boaz changes up.." said Tyriq...
"What can he do? He can't bring the drugs in by water...We've busted two big shipments... Brooklyn Decker's and that Russian Mob..." said Jimmy...
"Bringing it in by using State Troopers on the highway was pure genius...Who would suspect.?" I said.
"Somebody else has to be involved...Somebody had to know those cops and pick them out...Somebody close." said Carlotta.
"She's right." said Angie..."Either another cop we don't know about or someone else..." said Angie..
"All of our Intelligence says that he's the man.." said Sharon..
"All of the independent crews...and that's all there is now... buy from him.....but we don't know how.." I said.
"You need eyes on him...I know him...I can be those eyes." said Carlotta.
"How you gonna do that Top? He knows you're a cop I'm sure." said Tyriq..
"Yes...but he doesn't know I'm investigating him or have any idea who or what he is." said Carlotta..
"Is he an old boyfriend?" I asked.
"Yeah, kinda sorta..We dated for awhile...When Mickey Lo Lo and I broke up...He was in law school...We dated for a few months...but I wasn't feeling him like that...I did not want to lead him on...So I told him...It broke his heart...but he never forgot me.."she said.
''Damn...Why do you have to be so damn hot?" I said..
The entire room broke into guffaws of laughter..
The next morning we awoke to the smell of Pancakes, Eggs,Bacon, Sausage, Waffles, French toast...courtesy of Duke, Angie and Eddie C. with a little help from Hazel..
I'm sure the smell wafted down to the basement where we were holding John Skokie...
Sissy,Carlotta,Sirena and I took his breakfast to him...
"Skokie...You're alive right now...because nobody knows where you are...You're not in County, You're not in D.O.C. and you're not in CFC....Boaz and the man he works for can't get to you...but if you don't start talking and I mean right now..When my guys finish breakfast, you're going to county lock up and await trial for murder...You a gamblin man...???You feel lucky??" I asked.
"Alright....Look...The trucks...They come out of New Orleans....They head to Atlanta and then to the Baltimore-Washington D.C. area and then to Philly....Philly supplies South Jersey and Deleware....They knew that you guys have been busting them on the they started bringing them in through the trucks and what better way than to use State Troopers to bring them in..." he said.
"How did you guys get picked?" asked Sissy..
" He represented one of my partners...One of the guys who died yesterday... He got me and the other guy involved...It was extra money....Almost double our salaries...It was too good to turn away...All we had to do was make sure the trucks got through with no problems and arrive safely at the warehouses..."he said.
''We want the locations of the warehouses...Everything.."said Carlotta.
"I give you that and he'll know I talked and my life won't be worth a damn." he said.
"You think it's worth a damn now Skokie? If we transfer you to County Lock up or D.O.C. or CFC the way they stack bodies in those jails...You won't last a week before somebody gets to you...We are the only reason you haven't been killed yet..." said Sirena...
"I'll give you the whole layout...But you better move fast...Boaz will just change up the locations..None of em are in his name...He's got plenty...I'll give you the ones I know about..." he said.
"How long has he been Decker's man?" I asked..
"Who is Decker?" he asked..
I realized that he didn't know Brooklyn Decker...There was no need for someone like him to know..
"Never mind...Just how long has he been the man on the street?" I asked.
"For months....and from what I see...He's been making loads of money..All of the independents buy from him...all over the city...The Blacks, The Latinos, The Asians...The White boys on the main line and from the Northeast and now with the Russians knocked out...Even them...He's the man, period..The number one connect..." said Skokie...
"And he's a lawyer...a public defender at that...Who lives in a normal apartment complex...No flash..No signs of lots of cash...Running a multi million dollar side business..." I snarled..
"He never goes anywhere near the drugs....He has a street boss who handles that...A black guy named "Spook" and a White woman named.. Martha Rose...That's who we dealt with...That's who paid us...Spook lives down in West Philly....I don't know where Martha Rose lives.." he said.
He talked and talked for close to two hours....As we were getting ready to leave , he asked for Sirena...
"Yeah, what is it?" she asked..
"Uh...I want to uh, uh ruh say...I'm sorry to you and your husband...I uh...I uh was uh completely out of line...I mean , you guys are cops just like me...God sure has a sense of humor huh? Here you and your husband and your unit are the only reason I'm alive...Huh...??? I'm grateful to you...I just wanted you to know that."he said.
Sirena was silent for a moment...
"Well.....Thank you....I'll tell my husband." she said and left his room and walked back upstairs.
When we returned upstairs...the others were waiting...
"He give it up?" asked Duke..
"Sure Did...Gave us everything..."said Sissy.
''We can't keep Skokie here forever"said Tyriq.
"I'm going to transfer him to the holding site where we have Curly Nelson and Damon Green...He'll be safe there....I can transfer him today.." said Sharon..
Sissy smiled and looked at Hop...
"Tony accompany your wife on this trip...I'm sure she'll welcome your company and your protection." said Sissy..
Hop was ecstatic...
"Seriously? Thanks Boss Lady!" he said.
"Look at you...All teeth!" said his partner...Sirena..
Sissy smiled....
Carlotta was in our room later on in the day staring out the window...She was once again,clad only in bra and panties and a sheer blue Negligee'...She was on the phone when I entered the room...She caught me staring at her...She turned and smiled at me while she was still talking..
I couldn't get over how hot she still was after four years of marriage and after me lusting over her for close to a decade before I had the nerve to approach her...
She ended her phone call and walked over to me...
"I have to admit...This is one of Boss Lady's wildest plans...but it just might work...Thank you Papi for getting that Judge to authorize the wiretaps..." she said and kissed me passionately...
"You just be careful with this guy....."I said.
''Are you jealous papi?" she asked.
''Well uh frankly...yes.."I said.
She put her hands on her hips and pretended to scowl!
''Why? He is an ex-boyfriend...and it was years ago and only for a season...I am married to you ,almost four years now and standing in the middle of the floor, nearly naked...About to make crazy love to you...What are you jealous for? You have nothing to worry about..." she said and kissed me softly and slowly...
I felt myself getting aroused....and so did she...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."she said smiling...Maybe it is I who should be worried...Aye Yi Yiiiiiiiiii..ouuuu papi..." she moaned and smiled at me devilishly....
I slipped her blue negliee off and pulled her to me and kissed her passionately....
The more we kissed ,the more heavily we breathed....
She slowly took my suit jacket off, untied my tie..., took my shirt and undershirt off and my belt...She unzippered my pants.....
All the while smiling at me...
She looked at my fully unsheathed member and just put both of her hands to her face in amazement.... "Aye Yi yiiiiii....Look at youuuuuuuu." she said.....
"Look at you baby." I said as I unhooked her pretty pink bra and began sucking on her breasts.... "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aye papi...." She moaned , all the while holding my penis with both of her hands and rubbing it....
I kissed her, thrusting my tongue practically down her throat and rubbing her breasts...I could feel Carlotta trembling....and moaning softly....I eased her matching pink and white laced bikini panties off of her and layed her across the bed.... ....Carlotta was trembling something crazy now as if she was coming already.... I smiled warmly at her...Such a tough detective and now, such a vulnerable woman...I loved it...
I opened her legs and I entered her very slowly...Not surprisingly, she was already wet and I begin to maneuver very easily inside of her...
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. Papi...Papi.ouuuuuuu.." she moaned and cums very easily as I begin... She holds me and wraps her legs around my back as I really begin going in and out of her....I pinch myself...I can't believe that I'm actually doing this..with her!!! But it's's no dream ...I feel like I've died and gone to heaven..
"OHHHH MY GOD.....OHHHHHHHHHHHHH.." she screams!
" Carlotta,Oh My godddd!" I say as I begin moving in and out at a much rapider pace than before...She cums again....hard...
ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuweeeeeeeeeeeee...PAPPI..." she howls....
We got into a nice rhythm and began moving together slowly at first , for close to thirty minutes....I was trying to savor every moment, every minute...and then we began moving faster, harder... I stopped for a second...rolled her over and entered her from behind...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu,ayyyyyyyyyyyyyeee mios dios papi...ouuuuuuuuuuuuu.." she screamed..
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.." I hollered....
I could've stayed inside Carlotta like this forever , I just kept pounding and she kept moaning and grabbing a hold to the pillows and tossing them and moaning and howling...and I kept pounding in and out ,in and out for close to an hour...I was sweating was she....I pulled out and turned her over facing me and began kissing her neck and her earlobes and her cheeks
Carlotta was a very loud lover and expressive one too....four hours seemed to just glide by....
"AYE DIOS MIO....OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AYE DIOS MIO....AYE DIOS MIO PAPI...OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU..." she screamed as the bed began rocking furiously , headboard slamming against the wall....
I let out a yell myself....
"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW LAWDDDDDDDDDDDD!" and came furiously.....trembling!!!
Carlotta held me in her arms...
"Are you alright?" she asked.
I looked up at her and smiled...
"Yeah...I'm great....I'm freakin great." I said.
She smiled and kissed me softly again....
"Now don't worry..You're still my big papi....Nobody will ever change that.." she said...
She got up...took a shower and began to get dressed...
I lay in the bed...totally exhausted....Watching her get dressed and style her hair...She slipped on a bright striped yellow dress...It clung to every curve.....
"Okay Papi...I'm off.." she said as she grabbed her pocket book...
" careful." I said.
She kissed me one last time...
"Always Papi...For you!" she said.

Love the moody music you used for this story!
Everything about this story was Noirish...Loved it..Love the way you set the atmosphere...
I read this yesterday...but I was too tired to comment...Good Story!
Love the moodiness of this story and the music afterwords...You're an artist Keith!
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