Olivia had already told me that these were white ultra-conservative Judges and being from Philadelphia was one strike against her...Being Black Females was two and three strikes against them and trying to save a Black man accused of killing his white, blonde and blue eyed wife was a fourth strike against them..
She and Beverly gave a spirited argument that was nearly a fillibuster....But by the end of the day ,it was a waste of time....Their petition was denied...
Kayla ,who didn't actually argue before the court, but had helped them with their research was distraught...
"Oh My God...He is doomed!!!....They should have contacted me sooner.." she sobbed...
''When would that of been Kayla? This happened three years ago...You were in Atlanta and Auntay was working at her firm downtown and I was a Public defender..."said Beverly...
"He might have done better with a Public Defender." said Olivia... "I was looking at the trial history...He ran out of funds and his original trial lawyer quit on him....He had to actually get a Public defender to help him....The guy he got was fresh out of law school...I mean he had just passed the bar a month before and this was only his second trial.."she continued....
''What? Oh My Goodness." said Kayla...
"Can you imagine...Fresh out of law school...Just passed the bar and somebody drops a Capital Murder case in your lap?" asked Beverly...."It's just not fair.." she said.
"This poor Lawyer was overwhelmed...Thus Billy Harris wasn't properly represented...Do you girls see where I'm going with this? Look at all of the potential witnesses that were called and never testified..and look at the ones who did and the questions they were asked..with no objection...Oh My god...This my little niece and my sweet sweet cousin will be the basis for our second appeal." said Olivia with a smile..
"Yeah...He didn't get proper representation." said Beverly with a smile..
"Another all nighter tonight huh?" asked Kayla..
"It'll be fun..And plus you're good company...I'm lonely with Nelson in Atlanta and you're lonely with Ryan in New Orleans...Pack a bag aand come hang out with me..We haven't hung out in a long time.."said Beverly...
''It's a date...Thanks for letting me stay...I'll bring some Wine..."said Kayla..
"Good we'll meet in your place Bev tonight.." said Olivia..
Meanwhile...I was doing what I do...putting together an investigation into who our client was and what lead him to his current state...Death Row...
When William Harris Jr. was born no one saw him ending up on Death Row just days from execution for murder...No One..
First off, he was a Preacher's son...An only child...His mother was a school teacher...He was doted upon and spoiled and given everything he could possibly want..
He excelled in Philadelphia Public Schools both academically and athletically...A tall brown skinned athletically built young man, he was all Public and All State in both Football and Basketball....Very popular in school with both guys and girls...Girls wanted to have him and guys wanted to be him! Somewhat of a ladies man...
He graduated with a scholarship and attended Howard University where he majored in business and minored in the ladies...He got a young girl pregnant in his junior year....It was said that his father paid for and arranged the abortion....He transferred to Morehouse in Atlanta , where he graduated with honors...Another woman and another pregnancy!! The woman had a miscarriage and he matriculated north to New York City where he lived and worked at a very good job,making six figures and living in Manhattan. He got his Masters from Columbia...
He got married to a young Black woman who was an Educator...They bought a condo in Manhattan and lived quite happily for about three years....They suddenly divorced...She accused him of numerous infidelities..He didn't contest the divorce...He returned back to the Philadelphia area...
He got a job at the Stock Market in Philadelphia and there he met wife number two...Emily Grayson..She was Blonde, Pretty, Petite and Blue eyed...He met her at the gym where they both worked out...Soon they were working out and making out in the pool, in the Sauna...In the bathroom, Anywhere they could sneak off..
After a whirlwind courtship....They got married and bought a tony little townhouse...It turns out Emily was loaded...She was a trust fund honey.. They had a pre nup in which he could walk away with three million dollars...
They went on incredible vacations....He drove incredible cars...They spent and ate like there was no tomorrow.
Problem was...There was...and no more money!
One or both of them had gone through a great deal of the money and there was problems in the marriage...
She hired a private investigator who discovered that he was seeing another woman...Ironically , another white woman he had met at the same gym they had both been members of...
To add to the mess...Emily had been married before ...To a man twenty years her senior,Austin Cauliflower who wanted her back..She had considered it in the days leading up to her death...
On the day of her death...Several neighbors recalled hearing a loud argument between the two of them..Billy and her!
She was discovered bludgeoned to death hours later....And he was accused of the murder...He swore that he hadn't been present when the murder occurred...but had never said exactly where he was...
Well, when we went to see him he was going to have to tell us.
It had been quite a busy few days...Me out in the street all day investigating and Olivia, Beverly and Kayla down in Beverly's place doing research and preparing another appeal to save Billy Harris's life...
Nelson Face timed Beverly and they talked for at least an hour every night..
And Ryan Face timed Kayla and they talked even longer..
Olivia finished up the basic research...and waited for them to finish their calls and then allowed them to work on their arguments and presentations..
Olivia told me she so was proud of both of them, how professional they both were...Their work ethic and their attention to detail...That's why she was confident to let them prepare the argument and presentation...
The three of them slept in Beverly's place a few nights...Olivia in her old room and Beverly and Kayla in Bev's room...
Three sexy women...I would have killed to be a fly on the wall in that suite...
The next night I came home Olivia was lying in bed with the covers down...She was wearing a Black lace Panty and Bra set...
''What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I Live here!!....WITH YOU!! "she exclaimed and laughed out loud!!!!"We are finished , We argue our second appeal tomorrow..State Appellate court...I missed you...Didn't you miss me?" she asked.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes...Yesss....I sure did." I said and began taking my clothes off...
Olivia laughed at how fast I was getting out of my clothing...
"Take it easy Donnie Ray...I'm not going anywhere...and besides...The girls went out...I told them to take a break tonight...We've all worked so hard on that second appeal... Look at youuuuuu, ouuuuuuu, you have been missin mama.." she said..
I was fully erect and hard...It had been a few nights...
She smelled like a new born baby and had skin as soft as one...She kissed me slowly,softly.....
''Calm down..Calm down...It's all good.."she said..
"Yes..Yes it is.."I said.
My boxers stood out like a tent and she smiled...
"Oh my goodness...Look at youuuuu!....Should I be worried?" asked Olivia jokingly..
"I guess you can uh tell huh?" I said.
"Most definitely.....Wowzers..wouuuuuu, look at you.Ohhh myyyy" she said holding her hand over her mouth and laughing.....
I had a raging erection that I had successfully hidden up until now...She smiled at me...I pulled her to me and began kissing her passionately... She stroked it gently and smiled at me...
"Ummmmm come here." she said softly.....
Olivia looked at me...I looked at her...Within minutes we were kissing each other passionately again...in the middle of the floor.
She fondled me softly and gently,which was driving me crazy...I licked and sucked her breasts...Which was doing the same to her...But she didn't say a word...She opened her mouth a little, but no sounds came out..
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mister Alexanderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..............ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my goodnesss.........ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."she moaned....
"Damn girl...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I moaned myself..
I straddled Olivia on the bed... , We continued kissing...laughing ,silently....She kissed my neck, my chest, my cheeks and finally my lips...I kissed her breasts and her neck...finally, I was entering her luscious body....
"Oh My God....Oh my goddddddddddddd.."I moaned....
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mister Alexanderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..............ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my goodnesss.........ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."she moaned....
Moving in and out slowly....Olivia moved up and down slowly....We both wanted to cry out..but we couldn't...
"Oh My God....Oh my goddddddddddddd.."I moaned....
Olivia laughed......
The bed squeaked a little bit , we smiled at each other......She began licking my neck and sucking on it,which made me begin moving deeper and deeper into her warm and wet lusciousness.......
"Baby, I did miss you....It's all I could think about." I said.
"I can tell...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh my goodness.."she moaned..continuing to laugh..
" This is driving me crazy...." I moaned silently...
''Me too..ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.." she moaned...
She kept moving up and down and then from side to side...The bed was rocking and slamming against the wall...We slowed down a bit...She looked like she was climaxing...I slowed down immensely and moved in a little harder.....She let out a soft whisper...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...Yesssss..Mister Alexander....Ohhhhh"she moaned...
''Yes...yessssssssssssssss...ouuu, Bev is not here...Kayla neither...we can make as much noise as we want to" I moaned..
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .....ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu."she cried out!
The bed squeaked a little bit more ,but nowhere near like our old one...
"Mrs. Alexander...You are one naughty girl...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.."I moaned..
"Naughty is sexy!"said Olivia.
"No argument there Mrs. Alexander....ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." I said.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mr. Alexander...ouuuuuuuu that was soooo nice." said Olivia in between wet sloppy kisses...
"Yes lord....Yesss lord Mrs. Alexander...."I said.
She giggled and ran her index finger across my lips...
"Oh My God Donnie Ray, that was awesome..Whoooooo."whispered Olivia..Her legs were shaking...She was climaxing hard....
"Ohhhhh my lord!" she moaned....
I listened...I heard nothing....I smiled... We started kissing again...She fondled me softly some more...I was going bananas.....I not surprisingly felt myself getting hard again...and began to move slowly inside and out of her....once again!!! An hour and a half went by...more kissing, more sweet lovemaking..another hour...
"Ohhhh my......you are something else Mister Alexander!!!.....Oh My goodness...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"laughed Olivia...
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...."was all I could manage to say...
I entered her and begin to thrust inside of her deeply. I tried to catch my breath, Olivia wrapped her legs around me and her arms around my neck as if I was falling off a cliff.
"Ouuuuu Mister Alexander....ohhh my goodness..wooooooooooo.."she moaned..laughing and turning her head from side to side....
"Awwwwww lawddddd!" I moaned myself....
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Donnie Ray....my lord..ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...." she moaned...
"Girl, what are you doing to me?" I asked...I was losing my mind...
Olivia laughed and kissed me slower,softer....
"Nothin.....Just trying to make you feel goooooooooooooooood as usual...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..I know you've missed this for a few nights..." she cooed.
"Well...you're doing a good job...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..damn good job!!I almost exploded last night just thinking about you..."I moaned...
"Glad you like it baby!I'm glad you didn't explode last night as you say..These are brand new sheets" she said...
It was my turn to laugh as we continued kissing and making sweet love...
"Mrs. Alexander...I love ittttt.."I said...
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu..Yesssssssssssss...I love it tooo..ohhhhhhhh stop showing off....Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.."she cried out..
We quickly got into a nice deliberate rhythm.. I just wanted to go hard and fast, but she slowed us down. I could barely stand it.It felt so good...
"Take your time sweetie...Take your timeeeeeeeee....Mama isn't going anywhereeeee.." she cooed...
"Ohhhhhhhhh.." was all I could mutter...... The sound of her voice got me even more excited.....
I slowed it way down with deep, long strokes that made me feel like I was losing my mind...She kissed me softly and blew into my ears...
Olivia began to shake and gyrate and more tears began to stream down her face....
"Ouuuuuuuuu,Oh my goodness Donnie Ray , you really don't get enough...ouuuuuuuuu weeeeeee" she asked as I began stroking her again....I had not...
I said nothing....I just went about my business...Another two hours and a half went by....
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh goood lawd!" she moaned...
She felt as though she was climaxing several times....then in a huge wave...she whispered in my ear...
''Oh My god...I'm cumming.....ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. You are outdoing yourself..ouuuuuu,ohhhhhh.." she softly cooed... , which made me climax myself..exploding literally and shaking mightily...I put my hand over her mouth...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ...ohhhhhhh my God....ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..I love you so much....." she moaned silently...
"I love you too baby."I moaned and came so hard,it scared me...
I again collapsed on top of Olivia...I lie there on top of her for a moment, then finally ,I pulled out and lie on my back...breathing heavily...She lie still...
"Wow!" she said....

Finally she stopped shaking and had the sweetest and at the same time most devilish look on her face I'd ever seen...
She crawled on top of me and began deep throat kissing me...Wet and sloppily....and eased her self down on my still rock hard and wet penis...
and began moving up and down...up and down....I was going crazy.....I knew now how that crazy old Judge,Joseph Crawford felt...inside of someone so soft, so warm...so moist...and feeling all of these sensations...Within another two hours I came so intensely....so hard...that I practically passed out...and the last thing I remember was Olivia, climaxing and laughing....
I don't know how long I slept, but when I woke up ,Olivia was smiling at me....
"Good Morning sleepy head...I let you sleep a little late today, because...well...you worked so hard in uh more ways than one..." she said smiling sweetly...
"Bridget told me you'd like these panties and matching bra the other day when I was by her new shop...but wow...she didn't know you'd put it on me like that! Myyy lord! Three times!" she exclaimed..
I looked at her and smiled... I pulled her to me and kissed her long and passionately...
"It's not the panties...It's the woman inside them..."I said as we continued kissing..
''Ouuuuuu,I may not make it to court this morning..Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..""she cooed.
That day in court... Olivia looked incredibly happy and hopeful......Upbeat...
Beverly and Kayla noticed how happy and spry Olivia was..compared to them..They were bone tired...They had hung one on at both Josies and Aqua Bar..
"Auntay...You seem so ...So Happy and energetic....Compared to me and Kayla...I gave Josie the morning off...The three of us hung out tough last night at Josies and Aqua Bar."said Beverly...
"Why shouldn't I be happy? The sun is shining...It's warm..The birds are flying...Look how beautiful the sky is?" she proclaimed..
"You're glowing Cousin Liv.....Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu girl....You got some last night didn't you??"said Kayla, who looked at me and blushed... "Uncle Donnie Rayyyyyyyyy ,you devil you..." she said...
Beverly gave me the side eye....
"D.R. You are sooo badddd... It must have been good....I aint mad at you Auntay...I sure wish Nelson was back."said Beverly..
"Girllllll you aint never lied...I miss Ryan....He'd make me smile like that if he had of been here..."laughed Kayla..
I passed them both a hot steaming tumbler of coffee...I ignored their compliments...They both kept looking at me and smiling salaciously at me...It was making me blush...
"Josies and Aqua Bar was jumping last night huh?" I said smiling...trying to change the subject.
Both girls nodded their heads...
"That wasn't all that was uh jumping!" giggled Kayla...not letting me off the hook!
"Ummmmm Hmmm."laughed Beverly...
Now it was my turn to blush...
Beverly and Kayla argued passionately for a stay of execution for Billy Harris and presented the new evidence we had discovered in the District Court.....
These Judges weren't as conservative as the last ones to hear this case...but a surprise was an appearence of the original ADA who prosecuted the case..A very shapely and attractive Blonde woman named Alicia Shapiro...She had a very pretty and attractive Black woman with her acting as her second...
Olivia took over the arguments and argued passionately for a stay of execution and a re-examination of the case...
The arguments of both sides were very compelling...but in the end...The Judges sided with the ADA and her assistant and denied the stay of execution...
I stood out in the hallway afterwords... Kayla was un charactoristically distraught...
"He's doomed...and I know he didn't do this...I know he didn't....I failed him...I did the best I could..."she said..
"We gave it our best shot baby....Maybe if we had more time...We could have put up a better defense.."said Beverly trying to console her cousin...
"Girls!!!..Girls...!!!!Calm down..We have another shot at this...State Supreme Court..... We don't even have to prepare...We refile and in two days....We go right back......We are not going to give up.."said Olivia..
In two days we were right back in court...This time before new Judges....Male and female...
Olivia, Beverly and Kayla were brilliant today...I was impressed with how passionate and sharp their argument was in trying to get a stay of execution...
Once Again, the Original ADA,Alicia Shapiro and her black assistant and a White Male Attorney showed up and once again..it was quite a performance...
I was actually enjoying watching them spar....
I am certain that had this been a jury trial...The girls would have won...but it wasn't a jury trial and we were talking about a Black man accused of killing a White woman, a white monied woman....These folks, like the ones before didn't want to hear it..The stay was denied again!!!....
"We did the best we could...We gave it our best....We just didn't have enough time.."said Kayla as she sat outside the courthouse....
''We have one more state court we could go to.. and if that fails..We might have to go to the U.S.Supreme Court which would cost us some money...We have been doing this pro bono..."said Olivia...
It was then we heard a very familliar voice...
"If you had of called me...I could have gotten you some money."came the voice of Attorney,Larry North...
"LARRY NORTH...WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" asked Olivia , hugging him...
"Hi Larry." said Beverly,smiling sheepishly...
Upon seeing her...He smiled salaciously..
"Lawd...I haven't seen you in months and you..you just get more sexy everytime...good lord Beverly,what are you doing?." he said.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh boy, here we go." sighed Beverly..smiling sheepishly...
"Liv...You know I'm with the Innocence Project...I got promoted...I'm the West Coast Regional Director...I happened to be looking at pending cases and I saw the name Bennett tied to this case...Not Olivia Bennett, but Kayla Bennett...I know that she's your cousin...I figured you all might be involved in this case...So I've been monitoring it...I had to come north to see you guys.
We are willing to offer you some money for what you've already done and for you to launch another appeal...and travel expenses...Stop by our regional office...We may be able to help you with your argument and we'll pay for you to visit him at the prison..." he said.
"Ohhh Larry thank you...Thank you soo much..." said Olivia..
''Don't lose your mind Larry, this is a once and a lifetime thing." said Beverly who gave him a soft kiss in the lips...
"Thank you sooo much Larry." she said..
"Ummmmmmmmmmm,Thank Youuuu!" he said....returning her soft kiss...
He held her and kissed her again, This time, a little longer than Bev would have liked and long enough to make Olivia,Kayla and I blush...
Beverly had confessed to Olivia once that Larry North was a very good kisser and that she did enjoy kissing him.
When they finally came up for air...He smiled and said..
"Lawdddd....Yall need any money for anything else..?" he laughed..
We all laughed...Beverly was blushing like crazy and looked a little embarrassed that it was soo obvious...I looked at her and smiled.
"Hey man, how you been?" I asked.
Larry smiled..
"Better than anyone can imagine." he said.
"I vaguely remember you....I remember you, Cousin Liv and Cousin Bev used to work together in the Public Defender's office....You and my cousin here kind of were seeing each other for a little while"said Kayla..smiling and giving Beverly the side eye..
Beverly looked like a guilty small child...I found it amusing...
"Yes..and we've all moved on to bigger and better things...Your two cousins have their own law practice and are doing some sensational work...They often make the national news...I'm very proud to have worked with and to know both of them... and I'm an Attorney for the Innocence project..Something I'm very passionate about.." he said smiling...
"Look ladies and Donnie Ray....I have to catch a flight back to San-Francisco tomorrow..How bout we go out for drinks? I'll treat....I'll continue to monitor this case...I have to admit..It is not as high profile as some of our others...but the only reason I'm watching it is because my friends are working it...So Liv, Bev and Kayla...If you need anything in the way of money, legal resources...Give me a call or text...and I'll see that this office gets it to you.."he said.
''Will do Larry...we'll drop by the offices Monday. Thank you so much..."said Olivia..
"Heyy Liv, we're buds...You know I got you...As many times as you've come to my rescue in the past." he said.
"So you got any other business here or you just came to check on us?" I joked.
"I just came to check on you guys and this case....Any win is a win for our project and what we try to do..Save people from being unjustly executed and imprisoned..." he said..
"How is Sylvia Glenn doing?" I asked. She was the young lawyer who had worked with us in San-Francisco on another death penalty case.
"She's doing great...Great things...She's my uh assistant now." he said with an almost glow...
"Thank You so much...For everything...I just wish I could have gotten this case sooner, before it got so dire.."said Kayla..
"Yeah ..Uh..I'm sorry about that." said Larry North.
"Gosh Larry,I could almost kiss you again..."said Beverly, gushing...
He smiled..
"But I'm not.." she said quickly...
He laughed and looked at Olivia...
"Your niece...Gotta love her." he said smiling.
"I Sure do." laughed Olivia...who hugged her niece!
That night..Olivia, Beverly, Kayla ,myself and Larry North had beers at the new brewery.....
It was all very cozy...Larry sat in between Beverly and Kayla...He didn't grope Beverly once or make any salacious remarks..She was very surprised...So was Olivia...
He mostly talked about our case and gave Olivia, Beverly and Kayla tips about strategy...He and I talked about how great the beer was and the nice Philadelphia weather...
He seemed pre-occupied with something else...I couldn't put my finger on it...but I could tell..
We drank and hung out until just shortly after midnight...Larry stood up, took a deep breath and said-
"Well Ladies...and Gent...I'm uh turning in early tonight... For me...I'm catching a red eye back to San-Francisco..." he said.
"Wow Larry this isn't like you....but far be it from me to stop you...."said Olivia...
"Maybe next time I come out ,I'll be able to stay longer....Good night folks.. Bev...Take care of yourself..Give my best to Nelson." he said as he waved and tossed a few dollars down on the table..
"Your drinks are on me..." he said, smiled and waved....
''Wow! Who is THAT guy? He didn't try to palm my butt ,not once or squeeze my boobs and no off the wall comments..He's certainly different....And give my best to Nelson?? Wowww! What was that?"laughed Beverly.
"I think that was a guy who has moved on...I think you miss the attention."laughed Kayla...
"Me too Kayla." laughed Olivia...
"Yeah...you two might be right...He still tried to kiss me.." laughed Beverly.
"No...You kissed him!!"laughed Kayla..
Olivia cracked up laughing at Beverly.....
"You know Kayla...There are times when you're funny and adorable....AND THEN THERE IS NOW!"said Beverly, who then laughed and hugged her cousin..."Still Love you girl."she said and kissed Kayla on the cheek..
"Love you too babe" said Kayla ,who hugged Beverly back and laughed...
These Bennett Women!!!.....I mused...
Something was indeed different about Larry North ,but it was all good..He was a godsend...He came at just the right time and with what we needed..Money and encouragement!
Standing and Applauding and throwing my panties to the rafters!
Another good outing...Not used to seeing the girls (Liv and Beverly )take so many losses..
Wow! Three consecutive losses for Olivia and Beverly....Not used to seeing that...Not used to seeing Beverly voluntarily kiss Larry North and allow him a second kiss..What was that all about?
Beverly seemed as if she was a little miffed that Larry North wasn't groping her or talking nasty to her...Do I sense the balance of power in that relationship changing?
Olivia, Beverly and Kayla lose three appeals in a row!!! Larry North comes to the rescue and Beverly kisses him and feels a tinge of jealousy?/ Say it aint So!!!
This one was filled with unlikeliness-
Olivia, Beverly and Kayla losing three consecutive appeals..
Beverly and Larry North Kissing...
Larry North not flirting with or Groping Beverly....
Bev was kind of surprised that Larry North wasn't groping or really flirting with her...I think he's moved on...That Lawyer from San-Francisco might have turned him out...He seemed to be in a rush to get back to the West Coast too...Not like him!
Vanessa you took the words out of my mouth....Larry North did seem to be in a hurry to go back to San Fran...I think he has a girl out there now...Tired of being teased and played with by Beverly.LOL!
On Larry North-No man is going to chase a woman but for so long before he moves on..
As for Liv,Bev and Kayla...They are running out of time..I hope they wrap this up soon or that guy is cooked.
They (Olivia, Beverly and Kayla) did wrap it up....Remember in the first paragraph yesterday...They did win a stay of execution...This is a flashback, showing how they got there..They won their last appeal.
Sylvia Glenn, the attorney from San Francisco done put something on Larry North...He said that she is HIS assistant now in the Regional office and he seemed in a hurry to get back to his life in Cali...I think he was in a hurry to get in her bed..
I'm with Grover...Larry would've been all over Beverly before..No..His mind was on other things!
Even the guys are in agreement!
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