Friday, September 27, 2024

A Suspicious Alliance

 The Courtroom waiting area was crowded this morning.....We were waiting to begin our case and our friends Olivia Bennett-Alexander, Beverly West and team were awaiting a verdict in their case. 

 "Well this is it Darren, showtime....We've got a very good defense planned for you." said Yvette.

"If it's anything like the defense you guys dropped on me...I know it's good and aggressive."said a smiling and confident Darren Gillian.

"Oh yeah...the state's case is weak..Weak as hell." I assured him..
"And we are prepared to poke holes in everything they bring forward."said Bee Bee.
"Who is the ADA?" asked Sofia.
"Bruce Greene" said Kahlil.

"Oh my God ,Him...Look for suit jackets to be tossed in the air and tables to be kicked." said Jade.


Olivia laughed out loud... "I'm so glad we don't have him or anyone like him." she said.

"Actually, I could use a good laugh." said Donnie Ray.
"I've always found him entertaining if nothing else.." said Beverly.
"Anybody want to bet his suit jacket goes up in the air before the trial is over?" asked Nelson...

"That's a sucker bet."laughed Josie..

"Oh For Sure."laughed Bresha.

In the Judges Chambers- Judge Kelly Ann Mercer, not the Judge we would be facing and Lt. Tragg were kissing.

"My trial is ending today..." she whispered...
"Mine is just beginning..." whispered Lt. Tragg.

"I wish we were working the same trial." he moaned..

"You wouldn't be able to concentrate..."she said.

"You're right , all I'd be thinking about would be you.." he said.

"You sound like a man in love." she giggled.

"I am in love...with you." he said..

"Ouuuuuuuu hooo hoo hoo hooo.." she laughed.

He loved her laugh.

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Kelly Ann..." he moaned.

"Arthurrrrrr.." she cried out....

"Come on, let's not get too carried away....We both have to head into court soon.." she moaned in between more kisses.

We all were enjoying hot steaming tumblers of coffee.... 

"This coffee is so good, I've got to check on line and see if they deliver." said Olivia.
"Yeah we could use it at our office meetings." said Donnie Ray.

"Hey we going to Sam Mother's Today after trial?" asked Beverly..
"Yeahhh why not...It's right here." said Nelson.

"I'm down for it..Nice we don't have to worry about harassment from Lt. Tragg anymore."said Josie.

"Yeah that's true...Kelly Ann has him locked up!" said Bresha, smiling.

Their client was at the Men's Correctional Facility and was being brought there in a Sherrif's Van...
Unlike our client , who was with us.

 "You nervous?" asked Yvette in between sips of coffee..

"I have to be honest...I am...but I trust you guys immensely...You've been nothing but transparent the entire time." said Darren Gillian.

"We aim to please." I said.
"You are such a huckster." said Bee Bee to me, laughing and playfully swatting my shoulder.
"Publicity from this case alone will get us more business."said Sofia.
"Yeah, Higher paying clients."said Kahlil.

"Liv, here comes your bailiff." said Jade. 

 "And I just saw the Sherrif's bus drive up with the prisoners....Hey Good Luck guys..." said Olivia.
"Thanks Liv...Good Luck to you guys too!" said Ms. Yvette, hugging her good friend..

"Yeah Good Luck!"said her husband, Donnie Ray.

"Let's go guys...this is it." said Beverly.
"Seems like our two groups are always intertwined...Either running a case the same time or us ending one and them beginning one."said Nelson.

"Yeah it does seem like that over the years." said Josie.

"Showtime guys..."said Bresha as they hurried to Courtroom C.  We were next door in Courtroom D.

Assistant District Attorney Bruce Greene walked in just then...He Peered at all of us and just smiled.

Our client's father in law , Wealthy Attorney Harold Snyder angrilly walked into court.. We had subpoened him....

He was with his Attorney H.Stanley Stanlison...

It had been a week since Charlie Noon's untimely death in the Airport...

A search of his apartment had turned up a three dimensional printer...just the type that could duplicate a key, plus the actual duplicate to the key that opened the door of Darren's suite!!!

A check of his financials showed a payment of 100K to his off shore account from an account owned by Harold Snyder...

He was going to have to explain in court the meaning of this......

Darrin glared angrily at his father in law,, who he was convinced, along with us , had masterminded and engineered the entire thing.



We all headed into the courtroom.. It was Trial time!



said the Bailiff.

"Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning Attorneys and Potential Jurors...I am Judge Michael King.. A lot of you Attorneys know me.....This is beginning to sound like a broken record but Welcome to my courtroom....Due to courtroom crowding of cases , we are going to bypass a preliminary hearing...We know that a crime, a henious crime has been committed..A  murder of a young woman, so we are going to go straight to trial.. We will have Jury selection today...I'll be out tomorrow..So Wednesday  we will begin with trial." said Judge King.. "We will start today with introductions.." he said.

"Representing the people of the Commonwealth, Assistant District Attorney Bruce Greene, your honor." said Bruce. 

Lt. Tragg sat quietly beside Bruce with his arms folded..  We knew that both men, Bruce Greene and Lt. Tragg had a violent dislike of our client, Darren Gillian for different reasons...but Lt. Tragg as usual had let his emotions get the best of him and had overlooked major things in this case that pointed to our client's innocence.

"Mrs. Yvette Jones-Lockwood -Lead Defense Attorney your honor."said Ms. Yvette.

"Keith Jones , Attorney for the Defense your honor." I said.
"Mrs. Beatrice Evans-Jones, Attorney for the Defense your honor." said Bee Bee.
"Sofia Garcia -Ahmed, Attorney for the Defense your honor." said Sofia.
"Kahlil Ahmed, Attorney for the defense your honor." said Kahlil.

Jade and Darren sat quietly as we all took our seats..

''Alright, now that we are done with the introductions let's begin with Voir Dire.."said Judge King..

Bruce Greene had a series of good questions that we could tell were well researched...

But so did I 

and with Sofia aiding me with her laptop...and notes...I worked my Magic...

The same thing could be said for Kahlil...

Bee Bee was aiding him the exact same way...

In a sense we had a slight advantage... Which was why we got a 7-5 split in selecting the jury, including the jury foreman.....

Bruce Greene didn't like any kind of loss, even a simple one such as that and he insolently kicked the table....

"Looks like ole boy is rattled a bit." smirked Darren.....

"Maybe, but this means nothing....We've got a whole trial to go through." said Ms. Yvette.

She was right...

"Alright...outstanding...We have a jury.....I'll see you all back in here on Wednesday Morning at 8:00 sharp, Attorneys, Jurors be on time and ready for trial...Get lots of rest tonight." said Judge Michael King.

"8:00 Am....Aye Mios dios!" exclaimed Sofia.
"What is it with these Judges and these super early appearences?" said Bee Bee.

"We won't have time for breakfast." said Kahlil.

"They want us hungry and aggressive." I joked.

"Take tomorrow off....You too Jade." said Yvette.

"Thanks Boss Lady." said Jade..

"Looks like I'll catch up on some sleep myself." said Darren who looked surprisingly cool and collect.

At Ms. Yvette's house that night....

"Good News for you Husband.... I'm off tomorrow....So that means you can have as much of me as you can stand tonight and maybe just maybe some tomorrow morning too!" cooed Yvette.

"Oh my god Vettie..." said Gary, delighted..

He took her in his arms and kissed her passionately...

"Ouuuuu somebody is happy tonight." she laughed..

"I'm happy every night I'm with you..." said Gary....

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" she cooed..

As they continued to kiss passionately......

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he moaned as they continued to kiss passionately...

and he slipped her panties down slowly.....

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmm.." he moaned..


"VETTIE GIRRRRRRRL!" he moaned loudly as she quietly rode him on top of the bed..


Elsewhere that same night..

We had all come home after a long day..We were all settled down with our significant others.. What better way to spend a warm fall night than to be making love.?
Bee Bee was wearing another sheer see through Baby doll.....She had just taken a hot shower and walked into our bedroom..

My eyes popped out of my head..She had on a new bra and matching panties that I hadn't seen before.

She giggled..

"Ummmmmmmm you like these  huh? I like that ...wowwwww!" she said and put her hands over her mouth..She was staring at my huge erection....

"I'm gonna start watching you when you get dressed in the morning."I said.

"I'm going to start watching you...Ouuuuuuuuu!" she said.
I pulled her towards me...Is this something you bought at Bridget's store the other day?" I asked.

"Yes, the bra, the panties and the baby doll...I knew you'd like it." she giggled..

"I like everything on you.." I said.

"Awwwwwwwwwwww" she giggled.

I undressed and  unhooked her bra  and slipped her panties down and off  and took her into my arms and kissed her softly....

Who could ask for anything more?

"Ohhhhh my godddd, Bee Bee..."I moaned...

"Ummmmmm, ouuuuuuuuuuuu you are so hard....Ouuuuuu, look at youuuu! and SO DAMN BIG!!!" she exclaimed as she stroked me lightly...


We lie across the bed, kissing and practically slobbering over each other....

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Bee Bee..." I moaned..





Soon we were making love passionately on top of the bed..

The next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS, all we were thinking about was each other..

The same was next door at Kahlil and Sofia's house..

Sofia and Kahlil were lying across the bed..

Kissing ,fondling and laughing..

He unhooked her bra and  slipped her panties down and off...

"OHHHHHHHH MAMASITA!!!" he moaned...

"OH MY GOD, MAMASITA!" he moaned as he slipped her panties down...

"Oh hush up!" Sofia laughed.

"OUUUUUUUUUUU PAPI...AYE MIOS DIOS! You are sooo damn hard! OUUUUU! AND BIG! AYE MIOS DIOS" Sofia moaned  as she rode him on the side of the bed until neither one of them could take anymore...

"You've always gotten me hard mamasita." said Kahlil.


before they too were making sweet love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS!

Gary and Ms. Yvette were also making love 
They  made love early into the morning hours....
Enjoying  their massive and new smart bed.. 

Yvette smiled..

The bed was sturdy and very very comfortable...It moved with their every move and was very comfortable and warm..It actually enhanced their lovemaking..

EIGHT TO NINE HOURS had passed by.

 Bee Bee and I were fast asleep in each others arms..

Sofia and Kahlil were in each others arms and still kissing, almost asleep.
And Gary and Ms. Yvette were sound asleep in each other's arms.....
Snoozing quietly and peacefully!

A nice stress buster for a stressful day.

And At Ms. Jade's House...

"I'm so glad you finally came home." said Danny...

"I'm glad to be home with you too." said Jade.

"Come here..." said Danny, pulling her towards him..

They kissed passionately..
Standing in the middle of their bedroom kissing passionately.

Danny slipped her panties down....

She eased herself down on Danny slowly.....



They began making love. 

Enjoying a nice warm early fall afternoon and night.

At Ms. Virginia's House, a few doors down...

"Jetty!! stop staring at me like a hungry wolf."said Ms. Virginia., giggling.
"Hey I can't help it. Hey by the way have your breasts gotten larger?" he asked..

"No Smarty, they haven't! You asked me that before!" laughed Virginia..
"Well uh let me uh see....Unzip that dress, let me take a look." he asked slyly and unzipped her dress  and began kissing her..

"Ummmmmmmmmm are you sureeee?" he asked..
"I'm positive...but I think your penis got bigger...Ouuuuu lawddd!" said Ms. Virginia..

"I'm certain it has...especially in the last few seconds...Heh Heh Heh!" he laughed.

"You are so nasty....You Horny old mannnnnnnn!" she cooed..

"I can't help it... You're sexy as hell." he said.

"Well you seem to think so..." she said..

"YES I  DO, So do a lot of guys... I see how they look at you in the cafeteria and at Curley's Bar and other places..!!!." he whispered.

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU YEAH! AND I SEE HOW HARD AND BIG YOU'VE GOTTEN!" she said and they both giggled in between smouldering hot kisses.

He unhooked her bra...

He slipped her panties down...
and humped her over the bed....


Jetty was on top of her and didn't know if he was coming or going... She always smelled so good, Her skin was so soft...and her voice was so entrancing, he couldn't control himself..


"YOU LIKE IT DADDY?" she asked him..\


"YOU LIKE IT DADDY?" she asked him..\



"LAWD!!" he mumbled as they made sweet love..for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS. He was deeply in love in a way he had never been before...Virginia loved that a man loved her this much....


"They've got the Three Dimensional Copy Machine he used to make the key and the gaddamn key from Darren's love nest.... and they've got a huge payment made to his off shore account ." said H.Stanley Stanlison.

"My name is not on that account.."said Harold Synder...
"I'm sure their investigator has already ascertained that that account is one of yours by now , which is why you got subpoened, but they don't know what that payment was for and they can't prove it was for nefarious purposes...What I need to know is ,is there anything else about this Charlie Noon that can hurt you?" asked H.Stanley Stanlison.

Harold Snyder sat and pondered.



The Murder trial of Darren Gillian began to a packed courthouse....It was the trial of the year or so it appeared to be.. It had everything you want in a trial, murder, sex, celebrity.....

A Flashy Assistant District Attorney who had won a string of 100 cases on his way up, married to the well to do Attorney and Daughter of one of the city's wealthiest attorney's accused of murdering his mistress...being defended by the lawyers who bested him in his last case and ended his streak..

It was a case that had tongues wagging..



Bruce Greene had a brilliant opening statement..... His case went down the toilet after that!

He presented 19 witnesses.....and while they stated they had seen Darren Gillian and Jennifer Barnes in the apartment before...on the night of the murder , THEY HAD NOT SEEN EITHER OF THEM!

Sofia, Yvette and Bee Bee on cross got all 19 of these witnesses to admit that on the day and night of the murder they had not seen either Jennifer Barnes or Darren Gillian...and if fact, before the murder and the sensational trial, none of them knew who either of them was....

A Frustrated Bruce Greene objected to all of their questions furiously, but they had law and cases on their side..Something that frustrated him even more...They had out prepared him...

Judge Michael King was forced to agree and uphold their questions and motions.

A frustrated Bruce Greene kicked the table furiously...So furiously...

That even Lt. Tragg was startled and told him to simmer down!

Bruce Greene showed the jury huge 78 inch television screen photos of the crime scene and had employees from the Medical Examiner's Office and police who were at the scene testify...

Kahlil cross examined every one of them...He asked them except for the obvious, was there any forensic evidence that pointed to Darren Gillian.

To a man, they all said no.
I brought up the fact that since it was his apartment and we know he was there with Jennifer Barnes, of course his DNA was in the apartment...but I brought up the fact that the gun..

His gun , had been reported stolen, weeks before.....had not one fingerprint on it or any DNA of anyone, not even the owner.

"Why go to the trouble to clean the gun off and then drop it in a waste basket , two blocks away in clear view for the cops to find?" I asked.

I showed them wax shavings from the floor found around the door and the three dimensional copier..that could make wax duplicates of keys, among other things...

and the actual key to Darren's love nest found in the apartment of the late Charlie Noon... This being the first time his name is mentioned.

"I should point out that my client did not know Mr. Noon....Ask yourself, what is a key, his key doing in this man's apartment?" I said, closing.

Yvette showed the jury street cam footage of Darren Gillian leaving the building and of another man...a shadowy figure dressed in all black and smart enough to keep his face from being seen on the camera entering the building, a good 7 minutes after Darren Gillian left and exiting, walking down the street and dropping what turned out to be the murder weapon into the trash....

We even had footage of  the car this man departed in with the license plate... The car had been parked two blocks away...and the license plate belonged to Charlie Noon. Again his name comes up.

Bruce Greene, frustrated and angry and watching his entire case go down the toilet...gave his closing remarks, which lasted two and a half hours...

Half of the jury was dozing off during his closing argument....

It had been a long week...

Now it was our turn...

Ms. Yvette gave her opening statement....It was quick and crisp and she promised not to keep the jury any longer than she had to...

She called Harold Snyder to the stand..

He reluctantly took the stand...

His Attorney, H. Stanley Stanlison immediately objected....

Judge Michael King stated...

"He hasn't even testified yet....what are you objecting to?  He's a defense witness, I am allowing him to testify." he said.

"Mr. Snyder do you know Charles R. Noon?"asked Yvette.

"Can't say that I do..." he said...

Bee Bee and Jade produced photos of the two of them, Harold Snyder and Charlie Noon having dinner just hours before Charlie Noon collapsed and died two weeks ago in the Philadelphia Airport.

"He had $1500.00 in cash on him and a round trip ticket to Honolulu ,Hawaii bought for him by one of the employees of your law firm...." said Sofia.

''So you DO know the late Mr. Charlie Noon,Don't you?." said Yvette.

"Yes, I knew him..." he admitted...

"This Charlie Noon....Interesting person...Served Eight years in the U.S. Marine Corps....He at one time worked for the Intelligence Community...He was arrested and convicted of attempting to sell classified secrets to the Russians... He served 3-5 years in the federal pennitentary in Lompoc, California.  When released he returned to Philadelphia and was employed by ,
you sir....He has done a number of jobs for you...Electronic Surveillance.."Private"Investigations, et al... He's not on your official payroll from what I can gather and he has been paid from a dummy account that would be hard to trace to you ...our investigator did in fact trace them to you. He apparently did all kinds of things for you."I said.

"If you say so." said Harold Snyder..

"If you say so? If you say so?   If you say so sounds like chinese food...We have documents here showing he was paid by accounts, dummy accounts that lead back to you...My question is what did you pay him for? $100k made to his off shore account a day after Ms. Barnes was murdered...A three dimensional copier found in his apartment with the duplicate key to Mr. Gillian's secret love nest... What was the key doing in his apartment? And how was he even affording this apartment? He appears to have no means of support listed?" asked Kahlil.

"I don't know." said Harold Snyder.

"I have 6 witnesses who saw him at the D.A.'s office on the day the murder weapon vanished from Mr. Gillian's office...We have the duplicate key to Mr. Gillian's apartment...found in his apartment... and I should add that Mr. Gillian and Mr. Noon never met personally....I'll tell you what I believe...I believe Mr. Noon murdered Mrs. Barnes after he stole his gun and used it to frame him on orders from you...
We may never prove it now that Mr. Noon is unfortunately deceased, but this is what I believe is true.." said Yvette.


"Objection...Speculation, No Foundation!" screamed Attorney H. Stanley Stanlison.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Jones-Lockwood... I'll  have to strike that!" said the Judge..

It didn't matter, the jury had already heard it and had seen Snyder caught in several lies...

Yvette gave her closing argument... Our Defense had only taken two days. The jury was ready to go home...We had shattered much of Bruce Greene's prosecution.

''Relax Bruce...I think you got this...They had nothing. A two day defense, hmmph!" said Lt. Tragg..

but Bruce knew better, he knew the damage we had done during his prosecution....He worried about this jury...




"Has the jury come to a decision?" asked Judge Michael King.

"We have your honor."said the Jury Foreman..

He passed the verdict to the bailiff , who passed it to Judge King.. Judge King read it and appeared to frown a bit...

He sighed -"Read it." he said.


"YES!" said Darren, pumping his fist...

"Let's get the hell out of here."said Harold Snyder.
"Yes, I do believe now would be an excellent time to remove ourselves." agreed his attorney, H.Stanly Stanlison.

Harold Snyder and his attorney H. Stanley Stanlison rushed out of the courthouse.....

Bruce Greene tossed his suit jacket in the air and violently kicked the table...

"STUPID JURY....STUPID JURY!!!" he yelled like a four year old....


 "I told you we had an aggressive defense!" said Ms. Yvette, receiving a hug from Darren.

"Thank you....Thank you all, Keith, Beatrice, Sofia, Kahlil and Jade..  Where are you drinking tonight? The first round is on me..." said Darren.

"It's Thursday....Curleys." I said Jubilantly...
"Yayyyyyyyyy Curleys." said Bee Bee.
"Olivia and Beverly got an acquittal last week too...So We'll both be celebrating..." said Sofia.
"Man this is a good feeling."said Kahlil.

"I can't wait.."said Jade.

We all smiled and joyously left the courthouse.


Harold Snyder was never accused of masterminding the murder of Jennifer Barnes... There just wasn't enough evidence... The Public believed that the murder of Jennifer Barnes was carried out by Charlie Noon and Charlie Noon alone, even though that made no sense... Neither Jennifer or Darren knew Charlie Noon.

His daughter, Emily Gillian divorced Darren and cut him off financially....He was forced to sell  their home to buy her out and two of his three cars as well....

He is still an Assistant District Attorney 

and he lives in the apartment complex that was once a secret love nest. He tries hard to live down the shame of his past indiscretions.


We had a whole section roped off just for us...and we had sandwich meats and cheeses and condiments and hard rolls, mayo and mustard for sandwiches, sodas and drinks for us....

"It's a celebration!  Drink up!" said Darren Gillian... he was drunk already...We were taking him home, his new home in the apartment complex where we used to live tonight on the bus..Someone would bring him back to his car in the morning.

This was a step down, a big step down from the Chestnut Hill Mansion he once shared with his wife and his three expensive cars...

Tonight he was drinking to forget... There was a certain melancholy about him. 


 "Thank you Darren!" said Yvette, enjoying her drinks.

"I'm glad we are all going back on the buses." said Gary..

"Olivia knows how to throw a party...These are really good meats and cheeses."I said.
"I love it.."said Bee Bee.
"These sandwiches are delicious."said Sofia.
"Nice soft bread too..." said Kahlil.

"We deserve it...both of our teams won big cases in the past two weeks." said Jade.
"I love this.."said her husband, Danny.

"Ummmmmmm what a celebration!" said Virginia.

"Feels nice when you win doesn't it Liv?" said Jetty.

"Always....Always.."said Olivia.
"This is a great night." said Donnie Ray.

Beverly was sitting on her husband's lap sipping a martini...
Nelson was eating several sandwiches...

"Don't choke yourself baby!" Josie laughed, looking at Nelson.
Her husband, Paris laughed. "Nelson doesn't play when it comes to food or Beverly for that matter." said Paris.

"He sure  doesn't." laughed Bresha.
Tony laughed as he made several sandwiches..

"I don't think any of us will be drunk....Not with all of these sandwiches." said Alfreda.

"No we won't..but it doesn't matter anyway..." said Rockland.

"This is the nicest of nights....I wish we had food every night in here."said Jazzy...

"It would be something wouldn't it?" said her husband, Dabnis.

''What a nice outflowing..."said Kayla.
"Bennett Girls turn it out again!"laughed Ray...

"Tomorrow will be a light day.." said Jessica.
"It just ought to be.." said her husband, Chip.

"I feel like taking tomorrow off...but I'm coming to work."said Karen.

"I have to film a show tomorrow." said B.L.

''We got an easy day tomorrow."said Natalie.
David agreed...Like Nelson he was making several sandwiches..
"Great night huh?" said Brooke.
"The Best." said Sean.

"And nobody to ruin it for us."said Zoey..

"We hope." said Lem knocking on wood.

Renee was sitting on her husband's lap, laughing..

Her husband Tyrell was sipping a beer..

"Olivia and Yvette know how to throw a party."said Nina.
"Don't they?" agreed her boyfriend, Carlos.

In their corner, Judge Kelly Ann and Lt. Tragg were kissing passionately, oblivious to us.
Thank goodness.

"Ohhhhhhhhh Arthur." Kelly Ann moaned..

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmm Kelly Ann!" he moaned..

They were kissing and he was oblivious to us and how much we were drinking and eating...

He purely wasn't bothered by any of us at all, despite losing a case to us...

A Great Night!