Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Weekend Revelations


 We were having a good time...We had been for a few hours.

 "Oh.I so needed this." laughed Yvette...She had kicked her heels off and was enjoying her drink., sitting n her husband's lap...

"You had a pretty tame week..No court cases.."laughed her husband, Gary as he sipped his beer.

''We had a few cases...all handled outside of court." I said.I was sipping a beer.
"That's my favorite type.." said my wife Bee Bee, cuddled up to me...she wasn't drinking..She was munching on a fried chicken wing...
Sofia was drinking a Margarita and muching on Shrimp...
as was her husband, Kahlil.

Jade smiled.. She literally had nothing to do all week...We dealt with very simple cases...She munched on both chicken and shrimp and drank Martinis..

"You're enjoying yourself. tonight."laughed her husband, Danny Ho.

Virginia was sitting on her husband, Jetty's lap....she wasn't drinking...

Jetty was hugging her and holding her tight, kissing her on the cheek every few minutes.. 

"Vettie, I'm glad to see you guys so relaxed... We have had a pretty easy couple of weeks too.. Nice easy litigations handled in house..."said Olivia.

"Yes...I love it..but Livy girl, you know this is like the lull before the storm...Watch both us get hit with major cases soon..."said Yvette.

"Girrrrrrrrrl Don't jinx us...Let's just enjoy this peaceful lull while we can." said Olivia..

"Lt. Tragg hasn't even been a problem." said Donnie Ray....

''Don't mention his name."said Beverly.
"Please don't...He wasn't even in here last week..."laughed Nelson...

Josie laughed.....was sitting on her husband, Paris's lap....She wasn't drinking...

Her husband Paris was drinking, while holding her and kissing her on the cheek from time to time..with her giggling..

Bresha was feeding her husband Shrimp....
Tony was enjoying the whole thing and sipping on Beers.

Alfreda was sipping Martinis and quietly removing her husband, Rockland's wandering hands.

Rockland was smiling, but rubbing her legs....

More Shrimp Baskets and  Chicken trays arrived.

Jazzy was sitting on her husband, Dabnis's lap....she was drinking Martinis..

Dabnis was drinking Martinis and Beers too, he was quite drunk.

"Ouuu you're squeezing me too hard baby..Ouuuuuuuuuuuu!"said Kayla.
"I'm sorry you just feel so good."said her husband, Ray.

"Ouu Papiiii, you are making me hot..." said Jessica.Chip was rubbing her legs and her butt...
She was sipping a Martini..
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu that's what I'm trying to do." said Chip, smiling as he quaffed a beer 

Karen had kicked her heels off, she wasn't drinking...She was lying in her husband's arms...

B.L. was holding her tightly and sipping beer.

"I'm sooo buzzed...wait til we get home...I'm going to be your little porn star tonight." Natalie whispered in her husband's ear..
David smiled...
"Chocolate Daddy I love you sooooo much." said Brooke , sitting on Sean's lap and smothering him with kisses...She was drunk..
"I love you too baby girl.." said Sean....

Zoey laughed.....Shewas sitting on her husband, Paris's lap....She was drinking Martinis....

Lem was holding her gently and swilling beer......He was a little toasted too!

"It's so nice none of us has to drive tonight or any night we are all together." said  Renee.

"God Bless Olivia for having those buses transport us here and back to our homes.." said her husband, Tyrell..

as another round of drinks arrived..

Lt. Tragg arrived... This usually meant harrassment of us, but not lately...He walked right by all of us without saying a word and we were all openly drinking and making out and laughing and talking..yet there was no speech from him..No balefull staring, no harrassment.

The Reason was her, Judge Kelly Ann Mercer...a relatively new judge who had caught his fancy...he walked over to her table and sat down...She was wearing a very short skirt and fishnet pantyhose..that showed her great shapely legs and curvaceous figure.

"VA VA VA VOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!" he said, seeing her..

''Arthur my goodness...Do you have to act so crazy every time you see me?" she said, smiling..

"Do you have to be so sexy everytime I see you?" asked Lt. Tragg.


They kissed passionately.........



"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lawwwwwwwwwwwwwwd!" he moaned...

as more drinks arrived..... 

Tonight , there was no speeches or baleful stares from Lt. Tragg. He was busy kissing his new lady love...

and rubbing her legs..


Judge Mercer....She was a nice woman and a pretty alright judge...Nobody knew what she saw in Lt. Tragg..

It was a truly nice and uneventful night for everyone involved..


At the Medical Examiner's Office...Friday Morning!

Dr. Hazel Baylor had finished the autopsy of Attorney Robert Curtis....
"He wasn't taking poppers, Cialis or Viagra...and those pills in the bottle found in car was supposed to be Anxiety Medicine , but it wasn't...It was Cyanide. This was Murder Marcy." said Hazel...
''As much as I hate to do it...I;m going to have to call Homicide and tell Lt. Tragg, he has a murder on his hands."said Dr. Marcy Templeton.

"UMMMMMMMMMM." moaned Jetty..
"Okay...you've got to go...We are about to have a meeting in here." cooed his wife and our office manager, Virginia..

"Okay, one more and then you have to go..." said Virginia..

who gave him one more kiss....

Jetty walked out of our conference room with his trousers standing out like a circus tent and Virginia's lipstick all over his collar and lapel..

Virginia was so embarrassed and so glad none of us saw him.....

We all walked in from our offices right after he left...


 "Well guys in the week since the end of that trial , we have been blessed with clients whose cases we have all litigated within this office or our conference room." said Ms. Yvette.

"We haven't got a call for assistance from the Innocence Project." I said.
"Or from Wrongful Convicition/Conviction Integrity... I'd say this was a good week."said Bee Bee.
"Sometimes I wonder..It's the big cases that keep our juices flowing...That get us up in the morning."said Sofia.
"Annnnd that pay our bills most times." said Kahlil.

"True...but a nice break like this is always good." said Jade.

"Yeah I'm not so alone around here..It's nice having you guys around again." said Jade.

"You're not hardly alone girl and you know I know." whispered Yvette to Virginia, grinning.
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU YOU ARE SO BAD VETTIE!!!!  I knowwww. but I like to work, I don't like to have a man pawing on me all day, trying to take my clothes off...I mean I don't mind sometimes..but uh ruh..well you know." said Virginia, laughing..

"You like it!"laughed Yvette and both women laughed that conspiratorial laugh of theirs....

Yvette's phone rang just then......

"Hello! " she said.. She didn't recognize the number....

"Hello Mrs. Lockwood, This is Gloria Rubenstein...I know you don't remember me...but it's important that I see you, very important." she said.  "We met the other day in the offices if Lemann and Curtis." she explained.

"Yes , I remember you...You say you want to meet with me?" asked Yvette...

"I know it's Friday, but can you meet me at this address in about an hour...I won't take up too much of your time...I promise." she said... 

"I know that place....I suppose I could." said Yvette..
"Okay good, meet me there in an hour and come alone....please." she said.

Yvette told Ms. Jade and Ms. Virginia who had called and where she was going to meet her.. She was no fool.

If anything untoward happened to her, they knew where she last went and who she met with....

45 minutes later....Yvette met with Gloria Rubenstein at a tony rooftop bar and grille that incidentally, we had all been to.....

Once there , the two women ordered drinks....Citris and Mango Martini's.

"Mmmmmmmm these are delish!  Thank you!  Now what is this about and why so cloak and dagger?" asked Ms. Yvette.

"I think I may be in a little trouble and I may need you guys to defend me..." she said.
"Us?  Don't you work for Super Lawyer, William Lemann?" asked Ms. Yvette..
"Please....He's lost his last three cases..He doesn't talk about that and the Lionshare of the work done by our firm was done by Mr. Curtis.."said Gloria...

"What ,Did Mr. Curtis quit?  You say that as if he won't be doing any more case work." said Ms. Yvette.
"He won't!  He's dead!" said Gloria.
"He's Dead? Mr. Curtis???....Robert Curtis, Dead?" asked Yvette.

"Yes...He died yesterday...or er Early this morning....I should explain to you...We've been sleeping together for a few months....He's married I know and I know what I did was wrong..I know it was wrong, but it was something I let happen that I should have nipped in the bud, the moment it started..
The day before yesterday, no sooner than you guys left, he was all over me, kissing me, humping me, sweating all over me.. I stopped him..I told him if he wanted me to take me out...

He did..to the most expensive restaurant around...We had dinner and drinks... He took these pills he had with him for Anxiety , he said... I teased him, I thought it was Cialis or Viagra or a derivative...He swore they weren't....

We drove to a lovers lane after dinner...

In the car , he removed my bra and panties...

He continued kissing me from my mouth down to my breasts, I began giving him french kisses, He moved his lips slowly across my breasts down to my body, he kept kissing my body as he lowered himself to my waist and hips. 

We made sweet love in the back seat for FOUR TO FIVE HOURS.......

"He was insatiable....We later sat in the front seat and made sweet love... He got a strange look in his face...It contorted and a nasty bluish fluid came out of his mouth...He began convulsing..then he went limp...

I got up off of him....I felt his plse , there was none...I slapped his face...No reaction....It was then I realized he was dead... I got up off of him, got fully dressed, grabbed my purse and got out of there...
I should have fixed him up....I left him with his pants down and his boxers and trousers down around his ankles..

Ms. Yvette, he was poisoned...but it wasn't by me...I swear....I think whoever gave him those pills poisoned him or he had a bad reaction to them... He took two at dinner and popped another two with a water while we were on our way to Lovers Lane..

I didn't kill him...I swear..I had no reason to..."she said.

"Give me five dollars!" said Ms. Yvette.

Jessica passed her five dollars...

"Huh?" she said.

"This is my card...I'm not at that address anymore....but my number is the same...You say nothing to no one...about anything, especially about being with him in that car...If you should get picked up by the cops...You call my number...and I'll be your new attorney okay?" said Yvette.

"Oh thank you so much Ms. Yvette." said Gloria.

Sometime later at the No ID BAR...We were all having our Friday Night Get Together...


 "Well...I've got...We've got a new client... Gloria Rubenstein...the law school graduate we met yesterday in the Offices of Lemann and Curtis.." announced Ms. Yvette..

"I meant to call you...They found Richard Curtis dead at lovers lane...in a rather embarrassing position...pants and boxer shorts down to his ankles and erect as a board...I'm just glad his wife wasn't there...I'd hate to be caught like that." said Gary...


"Yeah I bet you would." said Yvette with a devilish grin...

"Don't tell me, Gloria Rubenstein was in the car with him......." I said.

"She was...She said he got sick while they were having sex and he died in her arms...She said she got dressed and got out of there...She's afraid she might be accused in connection with his death..she said he was popping pills the whole time they were at dinner...She thinks he was poisoned..but by someone else." said Ms. Yvette.

"I don't blame her for getting out of there..Imagine trying to explain that to anybody at a time like that."said Bee Bee.
"Do you believe her Ms. Yvette?"asked Sofia.

"I do...She's scared." said Ms. Yvette.

"I'd be scared too!" said Kahlil.

"I'm just glad you got back safely....I was worried." said Jade.

Ms. Yvette hugged her good friend..

"I was in no danger...but thanks for worrying about me." she said.

"You like living dangerously."laughed Danny Ho, Jade's husband..

"She does...I must admit.. I was a bit worried myself." said Virginia.

"Here come more drinks." said Jetty

As more drinks arrived........ 

"I heard Bobby Curtis was found dead in Lovers Lane early this morning..Such a shame..I knew him...We worked a case together once..a few years back! A Nice Guy."said Olivia.
"I heard he was found in his car with his trousers down to his ankles and his boxers too! He must have had a heart attack or something." said Donnie Ray...

"Yeah I'll bet he did.....That place is bad luck...Gee whiz..."said Beverly..
"It wasn't bad luck for us." said Nelson, remembering the great sex he and Beverly had had there..

"It was good wasn't it babe?" said Beverly, remembering the sex they had at Lover's Lane.

"I'm with Bev, bad luck...bones found there twice of the recently departed and the long ago departed." said Josie...
"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh" grunted her husband, Paris.

"Well, I don't want to go there." said Bresha.
"Darn it!" said her husband, Tony,laughing...

"All of you guys have a whole house to yourselves for all the freaky sneaky and hibbity bibbity you want with complete privacy...Why do you all need to go to an outdoor place to make love?" asked Alfreda.

"It's the excitement of almost getting caught.."laughed her husband, Rockland, answering for everybody who had been there or thought of going there as we all grabbed beers and or martinis.

"We had a good time there recently didn't we love?" whispered Jazzy to her husband..
''We sure did...I'm gettig aroused just thinking about it." said Dabnis, who remembered them going there and making sweet love in the backseat of their car until almost daybreak and calling off work the next day and sleeping in until noon...That had been big fun.

"We've had some nice times up there.too .but I don't know if I want to go anytime soon." said Kayla.
"Yeah, me neither." said Ray...Ray remembered he and Jazzy going there and making sweet love in the backseat of their car until almost daybreak and calling off work the next day and sleeping in until noon also.

"I feel the same way now." said Jessica.
Chip remembered the two or three times he and Jessica had been there and had made sweet love and driven home afterwords....

Karen remembered her and B.L. going there too!

B.L. smiled at his memory of their time there..

Natalie and David remembered their last time at the lovers lane, which was about two months ago..They'd had a wonderful time.

Brooke and Sean had never been and now didn't want to go....

Zoey and Lem had never been either and felt the same way , they didn't want to go....

Renee and Tyrell had been multiple times. They looked at each other and smiled devilishly , thinking of the things they did together up at the Lovers Lane..
"I'm sure glad I didn't  get caught with my pants down to my ankles, all alone." he said.

All of us giggled a bit. More drinks arrived.,

It was another mellow night..Two nights in a row.


We all were home after a night out at the NO I.D. BAR...

After we all got home that night..We were all settled down with our significant others.. What better way to spend nice night out than to be making love.?
Bee Bee was wearing another sheer see through Baby doll.....She had just taken a hot shower and walked into our bedroom..

My eyes popped out of my head..She had on a new bra and matching panties that I hadn't seen before.

She giggled..

"You've been pawing all over me in your office and my office all day...We really need a big case....to take your mind off sex so much Hot stuff...WOW!!! That boner is massive." she said and put her hands over her mouth..

"I'm gonna start watching you when you get dressed in the morning."I said.
I pulled her towards me...Is this something you bought at Bridget's store the other day?" I asked.

"Yes, the bra, the panties and the baby doll...I knew you'd like it." she giggled..

"I like everything on you.." I said.

"Awwwwwwwwwwww" she giggled.

I undressed and  unhooked her bra  and slipped her panties down and off  and took her into my arms and kissed her softly....

Who could ask for anything more?

"Ohhhhh my godddd, Bee Bee..."I moaned...

"Ummmmmm, ouuuuuuuuuuuu you are so hard....Ouuuuuu, look at youuuu!" she exclaimed as she stroked me lightly...

We lie across the bed, kissing and practically slobbering over each other....

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Bee Bee..." I moaned..




Soon we were making love passionately on top of the bed..

The next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS, all we were thinking about was each other..

The same was next door at Kahlil and Sofia's house..

Sofia and Kahlil were lying across the bed..

Kissing ,fondling and laughing..

He unhooked her bra and  slipped her panties down and off...

"OHHHHHHHH MAMASITA!!!" he moaned...

"OUUUUUUUUUUU PAPI...AYE MIOS DIOS! You are sooo damn hard! OUUUUU! AND BIG! AYE MIOS DIOS" Sofia moaned  as she rode him on the side of the bed until neither one of them could take anymore...

"You've always gotten me hard mamasita." said Kahlil.




Sofia wrapped her armas around his neck and her legs around his waist...Kahlil was delirious, he didn't know if he was coming or going...

Neither did Sofia.



"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she said..  It wasn't long...

before they too were making sweet love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS!

At Ms. Yvette and Gary's house

"Vettie I just can't get over you.."sighed Gary ,staring at his sexy wife..
"Gary please, just slip my panties down..."whispered Yvette, both of her legs shaking like crazy  and sweating with desire.

"Your wish is my command." he whispered softly..Kissing her and slipping her panties down..
''Awwwwwwww Vettie girl, you're just trying to make me lose my mind." he said.

"Precisely.." she cooed as she straddled him..

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU YOU ARE SO DAMN BIG!  UMMMMMMMM!" she moaned as she rode him softly and slowly like a surfer rides the waves and felt her whole body trembling...her head turning from side to side...and her arms flailing....

They had made love early into the morning hours....
Enjoying  their massive  smart bed.. 

Yvette smiled..

The bed was sturdy and very very comfortable...It moved with their every move and was very comfortable and warm..It actually enhanced their lovemaking..

EIGHT TO NINE HOURS had passed by.

 Bee Bee and I were fast asleep in each others arms..

Sofia and Kahlil were in each others arms and still kissing, almost asleep.
And Gary and Ms. Yvette were sound asleep..

A nice stress buster for a stressful day.

And At Ms. Jade's House...

"I'm so glad you finally came home." said Danny...

"I'm glad to be home with you too." said Jade.

"Come here..." said Danny, pulling her towards him..

They kissed passionately..
Standing in the middle of their bedroom kissing passionately.

Danny slipped her panties down....

She eased herself down on Danny slowly.....



They began making love. 

Enjoying a nice warm spring night.

At Ms. Virginia's House, a few doors down...

"Jetty!! You're staring at me like you want to rip my clothes off."said Ms. Virginia.
"Oh I would never do that...You pay good money for your clothes....Hey by the way have your breasts gotten larger?" he asked..

"No Smarty, they haven't! You asked me that before!" laughed Virginia..
"Well uh let me uh see....Unzip your blouse, let me take a look." he asked slyly and opened her blouse and began kissing her..

"Ummmmmmmmmm are you sureeee?" he asked..
"I'm positive...but I think your penis got bigger...Ouuuuu lawddd!" said Ms. Virginia..

"I'm certain it has...especially in the last few seconds...Heh Heh Heh!" he laughed.

"You are so nasty....You Horny old mannnnnnnn!" she cooed..

"But I'm your horny old man....Nobody elses dollface." he said.

"That's rightttttttttttt you're my horny old husband.." she said..

"YES I AM!!!!." he whispered.

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU YEAH!" she said and they both giggled in between smouldering hot kisses.

He unhooked her bra...unzippered her short skirt

and slipped her panties down...
and humped her over the bed....


Jetty was on top of her and didn't know if he was coming or going... She always smelled so good, Her skin was so soft...and her voice was so entrancing, he couldn't control himself..


"YOU LIKE IT DADDY?" she asked him..\


"YOU LIKE IT DADDY?" she asked him..



"LAWD!!" he mumbled as they made sweet love..for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS. He was deeply in love in a way he had never been before...Virginia loved that a man loved her this much....

Such a nice night! for some of us anyway!


MONDAY MORNING- The Bridge Building..



 ''Well we had a nice weekend....we ready for work this week?" asked Ms. Yvette.

"I'm sure it's coming  to us." I said with a smile.
"I had a great time, didn't you girlfriend?" said Bee Bee.
"I sure did."said Sofia with a smile.
"How Bout you Ms. Jade?" laughed Kahlil.

"Oh My God...I loved every minute of it."said Jade.

''Me and husband had a great night.I even got him to skate at the rink...A first."laughed Virginia.

"I thought I was gonna fall and bust my ass."laughed Jetty.."But it was a good weekend." he admitted.

What a weekend it was.....
The "Girls" Olivia, Ms. Yvette, Ms. Karen, Ms. Zoey, Ms. Virginia, Ms. Alfreda, Beverly, Josie, Bresha,Kayla, Jazzy, Natalie, Brooke, Renee,Jessica, Sofia, Bee Bee and Ms. Jade. all went to the Bayside Shopping Center prepared to "shop until they dropped.."

The Men, Donny Ray, Gary,B.L. , Lem, Jetty, Rockland, Nelson,Paris, Tony, Ray, Dabnis, David, Sean, Tyrell,Chip, Danny Ho Kahlil and myself hung out at our favorite Bar and Restaurant....where we watched Baseball and Basketball games, had a little lunch and waited for our wives to return.

We went to the Roller Skating Rink that night where there was 5 D.J.'s from out of town spinning and we skated all night..

Some of us actually went to church on Sunday..
and after church ventured to Josie's for Super Brunch...

and live music while we ate... It was a great weekend... 

"I need a weekend from the weekend." laughed Jazzy.
"Ha Ha..I know what you mean babes." said Dabnis.
"I had so much fun Friday and Saturday." said Kayla.
"I did too!" said her husband, Ray.

''Wouuuu Papi....I don't know when I've enjoyed myself so much." said Jessica.
"Good Friends and Fellowship wins out everytime." said her husband, Chip.

"Ummmmm it feels so good to be back at work....Nice weekends like we just had makes Monday bearable."said Karen.

"You are so right Karen." said Natalie.
she was sitting in her husband's lap, He was holding her gently.
"What's on your platter honeybun?" asked Brooke.
"I've got two or three cases that I'll be working on...Nothing  earth shattering."said her husband, Sean.

"That's a good way to start a Monday Morning."said Zoey.

"I've got to run to court to file a motion...other than that, nothing much." said Lem.

"My docket is clear for a change."said Renee.

"Yeah Mine is too."said Tyrell.

"Monday, Monday...I'll go over your Bar studies with you." said Tony.

"Thanks man." said Paris.

At the Condos where she lived...Lt. Tragg and a tactical squad walked into the condos

And arrested  Gloria Rubenstein ,charging her with the murder of Richard Curtis.
"Can I make a phone call?" she asked  and pulled out her phone.

"Go ahead....No Lawyer can help you." said Lt. Tragg.

"Yvette, you told me to call you if I was arrested....Well I've been arrested."said Gloria.
"Alright....Say nothing  to anyone.. We'll be down." said Yvette.


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