Monday, July 8, 2024

A Most Unkind Cut

Thursday 2:30 PM-The Bridge Building, Our Conference room

We ended a very tempestuous meeting between Attorney and Miami Businessman, Cameron Jergerson 

and Local Businessman, 

Mark Bogel, who was there with his wife, Marla Bogel..

A Corporate Attorney....

We, Ms. Yvette, myself, Keith Jones, my wife Beatrice Evans-Jones, Sofia Garcia-Ahmed and Kahlil Ahmed. were acting as mediators in what appeared to be a hostile business takeover...We were representing Mr. Bogel...

''Well, We are going to table this today.. but we will meet here next Tuesday and try to carve out a decent agreement." said Ms. Yvette.
''Wow there was a lot of talking today...I think I prefer a murder case in a courtroom with a jury." I said.
"I think we all do honey bunny, but this is part of the law too!" said Bee Bee.
"If we can't come to a conclusion next week...We are eventually going to wind up in court."said Sofia.

"We might fare better if we let a jury decide this."said Kahlil.

Representing Mr. Jergenson was our old friend, Greg Garland, in from Miami and 

Back in Philadelphia for this litigation....Greg was happy to see all of us of course and he hated being on the opposite side of us in this litigation....but such was a lawyers life...He understood this as did we all.

Virginia brought in Ice Tea and water for everybody...

Our investigator, Jade came in and sat with us for the first time....

"Yvette thank you for everything you have done....we'll see you back here on Tuesday....Enjoy your weekend..." said our client, Mark Bogel, "Come on Marla.." he said.
"It was nice meeting and working with you all." said Marla Bogel, smiling slyly and leaving with Mark Bogel....

"Yvette, I almost forgot what a great debater you were in law school...It's great seeing you guys again...I hate being against you...heh heh heh." said Greg Garland..
"It's nice seeing you again Gregory." said Yvette.

"You told me you knew her Gregory....You didn't tell me how beautiful she is....You two went to law school together huh? PENN LAW SCHOOL Wowww...I went to HARVARD LAW SCHOOL myself.. 
Even though we are on opposite sides...I hope after this is over , we can all go out for drinks..." said Cameron Jerguson.
"I don't see why we can't." said Yvette.

''Hey do you guys still drink at Curleys on Thursday Nights?" said Greg..
"We do.. Where are you staying? You should join us tonight... Olivia and Karen would love to see you." said Yvette.

"Okay...I will...I want you all to meet my girlfriend....She's up here from Miami with me....Her name is Shawn, she's a model and aspiring actress." said Greg..

"You work fast.....New Girlfriend eh?  Wow...." said Yvette....without mentioning his former girlfriend, State's Attorney Tanya Mosley.

" grass grows under my feet...You know that Vettie.....I have a house in Bayside...that I'm renting...You know I told you that I'm keeping it so I have a place to stay when I come up here..So I'll see you at Curleys okay?" said Greg..

"It's a date...and you Mr. Jerguson? You are welcome to join us" said Yvette.

"Thank you....but I uh have plans for tonight....Hopefully next week if this business is wrapped up, I'll join you guys..." he said.

They both left...

Jade whispered to Yvette...

"Throughout this entire litigation they seemed to have good intelligence...Too good.They seemed to be one step ahead of us at all times...They anticipated our every move." she said.

" was as if someone on our side was funneling information to their side...but I can't imagine who ...It certainly was none of us....and only one other lawyer worked on our side ,besides our guys...who I fully trust." said Yvette.
"Come on let's go get some cold ones...."said Virginia.

The drinks and the beer was flowing as usual. The drinks wee cold and cheap..
"Yvette, Gary, Keith, Bee Bee, Sofia, Kahlil, Jade, Danny, Virginia, Jetty...This is my present lady love, Shawn Richards of Miami..." said Greg Garland..

"Hello's nice to meet you...Greg talks so good about you." said Shawn Richards...

 "Nice to meet you too Shawn." said Yvette, looking at Greg and smiling....

"Yeah nice to meet you too!" said Gary.

"I hear you guys are going to the beach this weekend...That's great because uh I'm staying in a hotel down there...perhaps we can all link up at the beach...Hit a couple of bars down there." said Greg.

"That would be cool...We found a couple of nice bars down there." I said.

"We are leaving after work tomorrow and coming back Monday." said Bee Bee.

"We'll give you the address, stop by....We are having a cookout...It'll be a good time." said Sofia.

"Yeah, the more the merrier."said Kahlil..

"Yeah, this will be fun." said Jade.

"I'll say." said Danny..

"I can't wait to get off work tomorrow and head down to the beach.." said Virginia.
"Me Neither." said more drinks arrived.. and a shrimp basket and fried chicken.

We had five tables close to each other in the middle of the bar.......Attorney Nina Rios and her boyfriend, Attorney Carlos Ortiz were coming out more and they pulled up a table near Olivia, Donnie Ray, Beverly, Nelson, Josie, Paris, Bresha, Tony, Alfreda and Rockland, who were sitting at five tables right across from us in the middle of the bar...We all had a comfortable little section.

"Thank you for inviting us to party with you at the beach Olivia...We are driving down...We are staying in a Beach apartment complex, just a few blocks from Nelson's place." said Nina.

"It sounds like it'll be fun." said Carlos Ortiz, her boyfriend. 

"I'm so glad you guys are coming...We'll be cooking out ..We brought even more food this time and you're invited to stop by for Breakfast......"said Olivia.
"We'll be going out on the beach after that." said Donnie Ray...

"And that night...we've found some great clubs  on the boardwalk.." said Beverly...
"Come on down...It'll be a great time." said Nelson...

"Oh I can't wait.." said Josie..
"Me Neither." said Paris.

"It was our lucky day, the day we hooked up with this crew ,wasn't it husband?" said Bresha.
"It sure was.."laughed her husband, Tony...

"I can't wait to get down to the shore....I'm going to get a lot of relaxation in."said Alfreda.

"You deserve it."said her husband, Rockland.. 

Also sitting with us was Jazzy, her husband, Dabnis, Kayla, her husband, Ray, Jessica , her husband, Chip, Karen , her husband, B.L., Natalie, her husband, David, Brooke, her husband, Sean, Zoey, her husband, Lem and Renee and her husband, Tyrell.

''Such a nice night.."swooned Jazzy, nibbling on a fried shrimp and drinking a beer...

"It is." said her husband, Dabnis, holding her in his lap and quaffing down a beer...

Kayla kicked her heels off and sat in her husband's lap , quaffing a mojito and munching on fried chicken..
"Your lips are all greasy..."laughed her husband, Ray..

Jessica had kicked her heels off and sat in her husband's lap, drinking a Mojito and eating Fried Chicken...
Chip held her tightly and rocked her back and forth, hugging her.....

"I can't wait until tomorrow after work..."said Karen.

"You? Ever since Olivia brought up the subject of going back to the beach I've been jazzed..."said B.L.

"Yeah, I have too!"said Natalie...
"I saw those Bikini's you two bought....I hope you're taking them." said David.
"We will be.."laughed Brooke...
"YESSSSSSSSS!" said her husband, Sean.
Zoey smiled.. "I'm like Alfreda, I plan to get some relaxation this weekend.." she said.

"Yeah me too!" said Lem...

"I bought some new Bikini's....Two ,I can't decide which one to take." said Renee.
"Take em both."said her husband, Tyrell.

Of all the nights for States Attorney Tanya Mosley and her new boyfriend,  to come in...They came in tonight.. They saw us and waved at us...We smiled and waved back... They sat on another side of the bar.  Flanked by Cheryl Williams and her boyfriend, Austin  who also walked in..

"First time in here since your altercation with Lt. Tragg.", she said to her boyfriend, James.

"Yeah...I'm gonna behave myself tonight, regardless of what he says or does." said James.

"He doesn't say or do much at all now of days...I got it on good word that he's in love...He's been keeping time with a Common Pleas Court Judge....They say she's got his nose so wide open you could drive a truck through it...No fighting, no getting arrested, no whining, no nothing.."said Cheryl Williams.
"This I gotta see.." laughed Austin...

And her ace, Alvin and his boyfriend, Charles..also walked in

"Look if she keeps him from bothering any of us, that's good news for me.."said Alvin..

"Ditto that" said his boyfriend, Charles St. Patrick.

They saw Greg Garland and his new girlfriend and he saw them...

This was Tanya's first time seeing him in months....She stared at him and his new girlfriend a little bit.
She didn't like the way things had ended between them, but she saw how they both had recovered...She had a new man and he had a new girlfriend...

Greg didn't look her way....He drank and he and his girlfriend talked to us.

His girlfriend Shawn didn't know who they were ,so she didn't feel any tension...But she liked all of us.
Young people in her age bracket...Not the stuffy stuck up old crumbs she expected!

Lt. Tragg and his girlfriend, Judge Kelly Ann Mercer arrived,,,and as usual they sat in the corner in the back...

quaffing beers
and kissing like two lovesick teenagers. He was running his hands up her skirt and rubbing her legs...

He once again had her dress hiked so far up, you could see her panties...but she was not stopping him tonight.

She looked like she was in a daze....

He had this goofy pleased as punch look on his face...

As they continued to kiss passionately.

There was no problem from him tonight...just like nights before....It was a mellow night..

Curley, the bar's owner...loved it... He was making money tonight....and the bar was peaceful.....


That Same Night-

There was a knock on Cameron Jerguson's door...

"Oh, it's you!" he said..
"Who were you expecting?" asked Marla Bogel ,wife of our client, Mark Bogel....

''We really shouldn't be seen together until I can wrap this thing up...."cautioned Cameron...

"Who knows I'm here? Your lawyer and my husband's lawyers are all across town in a bar called Curleys....Apparently your lawyer went to law school with opposing counsel and he used to have the hots for her...They're all at something called "Couples Night."They don't suspect a thing and my dumb unassuming husband is out playing cards with his friends..." said Marla Bogel...

"And he has no idea that you engineered my company's hostile takeover and you are the mole that's been passing me information from your side of the table.....Incredible."said Cameron Jerguson.

"After you wrap this up next week, I'm asking him for a divorce and then I'm joining you in Miami....We'll appoint a pointman for Philadelphia...My stupid husband will be out and you and I will control everything." said Marla.

"Ambitious aren't you Marla?" he laughed....

"Yes.....and right now...I'm horny as hell, so get your trousers off..." she said.

"Yes mam"he laughed.

He took her into his arms and they began kissing passionately....

The kissing got hotter, steamier.....



He slipped her bra and her panties off..

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH girrrrrrrrrrrrlllll!!" he cried out..

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU sweet lawwwwwd!" she cried out..

He bent her over the bathroom sink and took her doggie style...




Her head turning from side to side...sweat and tears streaming down the sides of her face and her body trembling....She was having an intense orgasm!!!
Soon they were on the floor, still doing it doggie style and still moaning...



"AWWWWW WORK ME....WORK ME WORK ME LIKE A JOB BABY!" she screamed to the top of her lungs...

They had known each other in law school....After graduation and passing the bar, they had gone their seperate ways... He had become a lucrative corporate lawyer in Miami...She had become a tough litigator in New York....A weekend trip to Philly with friends introduced her to Businessman , Mark Bogel...a whirlwind romance followed and they got married and she moved to Philadelphia.
She soon became bored with her husband and his business.... She became reacquainted with her old law school chum, Cameron Christenson and they began sleeping together.....Her unexplained trips to Miami, alone accounted for much of that....

Cameron was not only a successful attorney, but a successful businessman who's company was gobbling up companies like her husband's company and she had been feeding him information behind the scenes for months and was now listening in on Ms. Yvette's strategy sessions and anonymously slipping the information to Cameron and Greg Garland...Only Greg Garland didn't not know she was the mole.
Good thing... He was friends with opposing counsel.
She had told Cameron to get rid of Greg Garland, but he refused, stating that Greg was a good friend and a damn good litigator.
"Ummmmmmmmmm Cameron your lips are so soft...." she cooed..

"OHHHHHHHHHHH...So are yours.." he said as she kissed him slowly, softly and rode him on the side of his bed.....He was near delirium.....He didn't know if he was coming or going..
she rode him slowly ....


He flipped her over and entered her missionary style.

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU WOUUUUUUUUUUUU, Cameron, I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU" she screamed.. Her body was trembling fiercely....her head was turning from side to side... She was having her second intense orgasm....

"I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU!" she screamed for the second time.

He didn't answer.
They made sweet love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS......

After sex they took a nice long, hot soapy shower.......Kissing and slobbering over each other... He exploded in the shower...his body trembling something fierce.



She dressed afterwords, Cameron was still in his bathrobe.......

"I wish I could stay, but I've got to get home....but not for long....Once I'm divorced....I'm yours...I won't have to ever leave you again." she said and smiled.

She kissed him passionately one last time and left....

He collapsed on his bed and slept .....It was Friday morning......He slept until 2:00 PM in the afternoon.
Around that time , not too far away.

 The "Olivia" Caravan as Lt. Tragg called it...pulled off a little after 2:00 pm on Friday...Everybody had worked only a half day and had come home and got ready...

Heading towards the New Jersey Shore.....


"Oh I am so looking forward to this." said Olivia.
"I'm looking forward to this too" said Donnie Ray. He was driving one bus and Gary was driving the other. Rockland was driving the Catering bus with all of the frozen food for the trip.
Beverly was lying on her husband's shoulders.....One of her hands was in his trousers ,softly rubbing his penis, which was rock hard...
Nelson had his hands under her skirt, softly feeling her legs...Nelson was laying back with his eyes heaven.
Soon they were kissing passionately......

Josie was lying on Paris's shoulders...
He like Nelson was softly feeling her legs....She didn't mind..

Seems like they had never stopped kissing since they had sat down on the bus.

Bresha was fast asleep in her husband's lap...
And Tony was knocked out too!

"Those two are knocked out."said Alfreda staring at Bresha and Tony....

"I think we all are going to bed down early tonight.."said Rockland.. 

 ""We've got some Beers and a nice port if anybody wants to sit up and sip." said Yvette.

"Yeah.if I wasn't driving .I'd Join you." said Gary.

''How about that...For the past two months, Couples Night have been pretty nice nights...Nobody trying to trigger us." I said.
"You miss that don't you?" said Bee Bee sarcastically, playfully swatting me..
"That Judge Mercer must be screwing his brains out...No fist fights, no bellowing, whining, staring balefully at us....Thursday Nights in there is pure heaven." said Sofia
"And last night with Tanya and her staff in there and Greg and his girlfriend, that was a powderkeg just waiting to explode and yet it didn't...Everybody and I mean everybody behaved themselves.." said Kahlil, laughing at his own joke.
"I knowwww... Lt. Tragg was there and nothing happened and Tanya and her party and Greg didn't get into nothing...I'm gonna mark last night on my calender."said Jade.

"Well look that's how it's supposed to be...Couples together...Just chillin..." said Danny Ho


"Yes it is a powerful sum."laughed Jetty.

"Yes, I know you know it!" said Virginia.

Jazzy  was lying on her husband's shoulders....One of her hands was in his trousers ,softly rubbing his penis, which was rock hard...
It was all Dabnis could do, to keep from screaming out in pleasure...Jazzy put her hand over his mouth everytime it looked like he was going to moan...

Finally they began kissing passionately...

Kayla and Ray were engulfed in a passionate kiss

As was Jessica and Chip.....

"These Bus rides remind me of High School..All the couples sat in the back so they could make out."said Karen to her husband, B.L.

''Well We are in the middle..and we still can make out.."said B.L.

They soon were engulfed in a kiss..

as was Natalie and her husband, David..

and Brooke and her husband, Sean...

Zoey was lying on her husband's shoulders....One of her hands was in his trousers ,softly rubbing his penis, which was rock hard...
Lem was laying back with his eyes heaven....


Renee and her husband, Tyrell were engulfed in a big kiss...

As we rolled along...This was almost like a school trip. What once was under 20 people had now turned to 36 people...Olivia and Beverly loved it..We loved it too!


We had all unloaded our suitcases and things and got set up in our rooms...

In house one.. was Olivia and ,Donnie Ray Alexander , Beverly and Nelson, Josie and Paris, Bresha and Tony and Alfreda and Rockland.. They were all on the second floor..

"Since we have to leave Sunday Afternoon, it's good we came down early Friday...This is even better"said Olivia.
"Sure is...We have tonight , all day tomorrow , Saturday and Sunday until about 2:00 pm or 3:00." he said.

''Either way, we get back in time to unload and chill out the rest of the afternoon.." said Beverly..

"Come on, Let's get these grills set up." said Nelson..

"It's good we have tents to set up...just in case it rains." said Josie..

"No rain in the forecast....I checked." said Paris.

"Great..because I bought some new bikinis I'm dying to wear this weekend."said Bresha.

"And I'm dying to see you in them" said her husband, Ray.,

"This is so nice..So relaxing..I plan to just relax on the beach or here....This place has central air..I might just stay here inside."said Alfreda.

"Anywhere you go, I will follow baby!" said her husband, Rockland.

We were on the third floor., Ms. Yvette and her husband, Gary,  Me, and my wife, wife, Beatrice "Bee Bee" Jones,  Sofia Garcia- Ahmed, her husband, Kahlil Ahmed, Jade and Danny Ho and Virginia and Jetty..

" I love this place...Central Air...Comfortable beds..."said Yvette.
"Yeah me too!"said her husband, Gary,....
"After breakfast ,.Let's go next door.. That's where the beer is and the card games." I said.

''Right behind you honey bunny.But they'll be bringing food over here too!" said Bee Bee.

"Let's go next door..."said Sofia..

"You go ahead.. I'm helping Nelson ,Gary and Donnie Ray set the grills up and the tents.." said Kahlil.

"Ouuu nice..Tents with both grills...We bought a lot of meat..."said Jade..

"Olivia said she wanted to cook it all off before it expired...She had a lot of it in her deep freezer..She needed space." said Danny Ho.

"What are you going to do? Olivia, Vettie , Zoey, Jade, Karen and me are going to play Spades and drink some beer for starters." said Virginia..

After I help Donnie Ray, Nelson, Danny and Gary get the grills started, I guess I'll be here with you guys...The youngins will all probably be next door..That's where the games are."said Jetty.

Each house had a beautiful kitchen and a downstairs area for lounging and hanging out...

Next door in house two

"This is so nice...Wowww...our fifth time here babes." said Tyrell.

"Ouu Yes...I could sure use this rest....This came right at the nick of time."said Renee.

Tyrell and Renee got their room set up...They were sharing this house with  Jazzy, her husband, Dabnis, Olivia and Beverly's cousin, Kayla, her husband, Ray, Jessica and her husband, Chip, Brooke and Sean, Natalie and David, Our newest neighbors, Karen Page and her husband, B.L. , and Zoey and Lem...  

This was a couple's retreat, for want of a better word.. Tyrell and Renee liked all of us, and loved the little community we lived and worked in...
"WOWWWW...Last night was something else....You outdid yourself..."said Jazzy.

"Just wait until tonight..."said her husband, Dabnis, smiling...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuu I'm just going to relax and make love all weekend. Like last night." said Kayla.

"Is that a promise?."said Ray, laughing....

"Yes Lover, that's a promise." whispered Kayla..

giving her husband, a slow sensual kiss.

"I've got the games set up in the living room and tables and chairs for card games." said Jessica.

"Crank up the music and let the games begin.." said her husband, Chip..

"I could use a cold one right now.."said Brooke.

"Take your pick baby doll." said  Sean

Like times before....There was plenty of Beers and Sodas on Ice....

"I smell the Burgers and the Dogs on the grill...You hungry baby?" asked Natalie..
"Hungry and Thirsty.." said David..

"Well Make yourself a plate... Everything is cooking. "said Karen, who had helped Donnie Ray, Gary, Tony,B.L., Paris, Nelson, Me and Kahlil.. with the preparation of the meats.

"Oh Look, More Food!" said a smiling B.L.

Beverly, Josie and Alfreda brought Bowls of Pork and Beans, Creamy Pasta Salad and Cole Slaw into both houses..

For everyone to eat with their meats..

Everybody was going to chow down today and Saturday.....

"Oh my God, I don't know where to start first.."said Zoey...

"I'm goin for that seafood and the beer." said Lem.

Alexa was set up in both houses with a wide selection of Classic R& B, Neo Soul ,Smooth Jazz and Classic Hip Hop on the play list...

There was Backgammon,

Jessica and Sofia liked a good game of Backgammon...

Rockland liked a good game of Chess... 

So did both Olivia and I.

and cards for those who played Spades, Poker, Bidwhist  and or Pinocle..Something for everyone...

And the food...  Multiple grills were set up with Burgers and Dogs..

Chicken and steaks and Hot Sausages..

and especially the Seafood grill.....

"Wow ,a  nice summer getaway!  Wowwwww!"said Bee Bee.

"I know girl, right?  You guys ever come down here in the Winter? I mean you could...Both of these houses have Central Air..." said Renee.

"We haven't , but that's a thought...We could all sit inside and have Hot Cocoa and Hot Toddies...."said Sofia, laughing..

"Maybe we can run that by Nelson" said Tyrell, smiling..

''Girrrrrl .I've created a monster....My husband can't keep his hands off of me...He wants it constantly, ever since that day we stayed home...but I'm not's soooo good." whispered Jazzy...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu freshie." said Renee ,leaning her head on Tyrell's shoulder.

Tyrell hugged her..

"We had a pretty good night last night too!" he said.

"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMM....we did!" cooed Renee.

"Tomorrow , the beach...and of course our favorite Bikini and Lingerie shop on the boardwalk."said a smiling Beverly.
"They love it when we come down here. We spend money." said Josie.

"Hey Guys....We're here." said Greg, who drove up with his girlfriend and parked in the back where our buses were.

They were staying several miles away in an Oceanfront resort...

"Oh my god!!! This is lit...." said his girlfriend, Shawn, admiring both houses and astounded at all of the food being prepared..."And you guys own both houses? Wowwwwwwww! Nice. I love it!!!!" she said.

She loved that Greg's lawyer friends were mostly Black and Latino, young and hip and loved Hip Hop music like she did. 

She was already grooving to the music that was playing and making plates for her and Greg.

"We brought Wine." she said, taking three bottles out of the trunk of her car..

"Shawn, before I met you, these three girls were the loves of my life...I met em in law school, still friends with em after all these years..." said Greg Garland..hugging Olivia, Ms. Yvette and Karen.
"Shawn don't pay him any mind....We had classes with him...." said Olivia.

"He was always sniffing around us, getting on our nerves."joked Yvette.

''We tolerated him though....He was a nice guy." said Karen.

All three women laughed nervously...(Two of the three, Yvette and Karen had been his lovers in law school.)

"Heyyyyyy, we made it!" said Nina. She and Carlos were staying around the corner in a rooming house.

"This is a nice set up you have here...Food, Music, Games." he said.

"This will be going on all weekend." said Yvette, who had helped Olivia ,Beverly and Alfreda co-ordinate the food and pack it...and helped Renee get the games together.

It began to rain a bit....but that didn't stop the party...We took it inside... Our Grills were covered by the food kept cooking..and there was plenty of it... Everybody really chowed down and there was plenty to do, Music, dancing, games...and good conversation... We all agreed . no shop talk..

This was a couples night all over again...

"Greg, Shawn, If you don't feel like that drive back...There is an extra room in this building and Nina and Carlos...There is an extra room next door." said Olivia.

"You're a doll Liv, but we can make it....I have your number..Tomorrow night we must all hang out at a club on the Boardwalk....You guys come down here..Tell me which one." said Greg.

''We'll call you.." said Yvette.

This was the best of all the times we had been down here.



The rain subsided overnight and Saturday Morning was a nice day...with beautiful balmy weather.

We all went to the Beach with our beach chairs and our umbrellas  and we all got in the water...This time, even Jetty...

Gregory and Shawn joined us...They had gone home around midnight...Tipsy, Tired and full.

Nina Rios and her boyfriend Carlos had gone home too, but joined us for Breakfast in the morning and walked to the beach with us...

We had a great day!..

That night all of us hung out at a new bar we found....Surprisingly, a black owned bar.

"Girrrrrl this is so lit....Since Thursday , hooking up with yall, I've had the best time ever.  I admit, I was kind of bored sitting in that hotel room while Greg was going through that litigation, but when he took me out Thursday Night and I met and hung out with you guys and then yesterday...I've had the best time of my life." said Shawn.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself Shawn."said Olivia.

"We only discovered this bar  the last time we were here in May."I said,

"Yeah, We had a great time.." said Beverly.

"So when we come down now, this is our spot." said Nelson.

"Yeah, this is our mini vacay away from home." said Josie.

"Yeah thanks man for turning us on to the beach houses and this bar." said Paris.

"Hey you're my people...I couldn't enjoy all of this by myself." said Nelson.

Bresha hugged him.... "I'm glad I met and got hooked up with all of you guys." she said.

"I liked you guys from the start...all of youse."said Tony...

"Awwwwwwwwwwwww" said a smiling Alfreda.

Both she and Rockland had never socialized much and never had a real group of friends until she started working for and with Olivia and her daughter...

Rockland was grateful to all of us for including him in our circle.

"I love this place." said Jazzy...

"A Brother and his wife owns it...He gave me some business cards...I'm gonna pass em around to some of our clients when we get back to Philly." said Dabnis.

"This was the best kept secret." said Kayla.
"Not that well kept..There is a lot of people in here tonight." said Ray..
"Guess we just didn't know about it." said Jessica.

"Yeah, but we know now." said Chip.

"I love the atmosphere."said Karen.

''Yeah, I do too." said B.L. , who were those rare whites that alwaus felt comfortable and at home around a lot of Black people. That's why they always fit in with us.

"I'm surprised we missed this the last time we were here."said Natalie.

"We won't miss it the next time we are down here." said David.
"WOuuuuuu the drinks are cheap and they are strong.....I love it." said Brooke.

"Not watered down." said Sean.

"I know right?" said Zoey...
Her husband Lem nodded his approval.

"I hear they have a D.J. tonight...I saw it advertised on the door... Good..I want to dance some of this liquor off.."said Renee.

Her husband, Tyrell just laughed and held her tight on his lap...

"OUUUUUUUUUUUU THESE DRINKS ARE STRONNNNNNG! Stop staring at my breasts" said Yvette, slurring her words.

Her husband, Gary laughed.... "I can't help it...They are just...just there." said Gary.
"I hear they have a D.J. tonight...I saw it advertised on the door... Good..I want to dance some of this liquor off.."I said.
"Me too!  I'm a little tipsy."said Bee Bee.
"Oh Me too!"laughed Sofia.
"It's cool...We don't have to work tomorrow and we are walking back to Nelson's beach houses."laughed Kahlil.
"That's right. No Lt. Arthur Tragg to remind us of that...."laughed Jade.
"Oh don't bring him up."said Danny.
"That's right we are having a nice time."said Virginia..
"Okay, no more for you tonight young lady."laughed her husband, Jetty.

"Come on papi, let's dance." said Nina.

Carlos took her by the hand and led her to the dance floor.


There was a pretty decent DJ there...Just like the last time we were here.

and everybody got their dance on until the wee hours of the morning when the bar closed.

We all walked back to Nelson's Beachfront houses ,laughing loudly and talking...Having had a great day at the beach and a great night at the new bar we had discovered...

That night in both Beachfront houses..Every bed was squeaking loudly...

Couples were making love...

Having passionate sex....

In every way imaginable!

Moaning and groaning.....

And sleeping peacefully until a little after noon Sunday.....

We had eaten all of the food we brought....No one was particularly hungry....Everyone was basking in post coital bliss...We all agreed this had been the best mini-vay cay ever. We left around 2:30 pm.Sunday afternoon. Except for the drivers...Everybody slept most of the way home.

We didn't see Greg and Shawn after last night, But Nina and Carlos joined us for breakfast, checked out of their rooming house and followed our buses and Catering truck back to Philadelphia.


There was another knock on Cameron Jerguson's door...but it wasn't who he expected..Marla ,it was another young woman.

"Sherry what are you doing here?" he asked.

"I was missing youuuuu...So I took a plane from Miami and here I am.....I'm staying across the street at Leows..." she said..

''Well don't just stand there...Come here." he said.

"Ouuuuuuuuuu , from the size of that bulge in your trousers, you've been missing me too!" she laughed.

He took her in his arms and kissed her passionately... He was surprised he still had the energy after all the sex he had had with Marla, Thursday Night and Friday Morning....but it was Sunday Morning. He was up and ready to go.. Marla hadn't been able to get away from her husband and it was just as well.
Sherry, his girlfriend from Miami turned him on in a way no one else did...He couldn't get enough of her.
"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" he moaned  as he relieved her of her clothes..

"OH MY GOD....YOU ARE SOO HORNY!!! ALWAYS HARD!" she cooed and laughed.
She loved that she turned him on  so much..

He slipped her panties down and off...


"Thank you.." she said politely...Her leg still shaking..

He laid her across her bed, spread her legs and slowly entered her...



"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUU IT FEELS GOOD...IT FEELS GOOOD!   IT FEEEELS GOOOOOD!" she cried out...both of her legs were shaking, her whole body was trembling something fierce.....her head turned from side to side and tears were streaming down her face....She was experiencing an intense orgasm.....

"I LOVE YOU TOO CAMERON!" she squealed

They began making sweet sweet love......"OHHHHHHHHHHHH  !!!!  OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU CAMERON!
UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" she the bed rocked and squeaked louder than it had since they'd begun making sweet love... The headboard creaked and sounded like it might split in half...

"OHHHHHHHH SWEEET baby....Oh my goddd this is sooooooooo damn good.." he moaned...


The bed squeaked even louder...

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" she cooed. She had yet another intense orgasm , that had her crying like a school girl, had her head turning from side to side and had her legs trembling...



They made love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS!! She couldn't believe how passionate he was, his stamina.. It was as if he didn't want to get up off of her!!


"IS IT GOOD TO YOU? IS IT GOOD TO YOU BABY?" she yelled to the top of her lungs..


 riding him like a surfer rides the waves.....He didn't know if he was coming or going!!

She had yet another intense orgasm.....She feared she was slowly losing her mind.....





"IS IT GOOD TO YOU? IS IT GOOD TO YOU BABY? LET ME RIDE THAT HORSE!!!WOUUUUUUU! " she yelled to the top of her lungs..

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!" he yelled out....


He came so hard, he felt as if he were dying....

She had her final intense orgasm.......


In hindsight....He should have locked his door.

For outside of his room, Marla, had managed to get away from her husband this morning and had stopped by his hotel and had heard and seen the entire thing....She was heartbroken and enraged.
She simply walked away.

After they showered and dressed..Cameron and Sherry went downstairs and had a delicious brunch

in the hotel dining room.

They kissed one last time and Sherry promised to hook up with him later..

"Maybe we can find a nice club that's open on Sunday...Philly isn't Miami...I know." she said.

"Yeah, if my main man, Greg is back from his weekend at the shore, I'll call him...He'll know some cool places." said Cameron.

But he'd never call Greg and Sherry would never go anywhere with Cameron again..

Three Hours later,

 Mark Bogel was walking down the hallways of the Marriot, looking for Cameron's room. He had long suspected that something was going on between his wife, Marla and he was going to see it for himself he thought..

He found his room! The door was opened... He walked in and to his surprise, Cameron Jergerson was on the floor  in a pool of blood, very, very dead...

with a huge meat cleaver in his chest and blood squirting out!!!

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY GODDDDD!" he screamed, turned and ran for everything he was worth!!



Swaggie said...

Now you know who killed this man...Marla Bogel...she was in love with him, she couldn't take the betrayal.

Toni said...

It must be Monday, Murder ,Mayhem and a new Escapades Story..Love it!

Angie B. said...

Love this set up...Nice to see Greg Garland back again.

Sunflower said...

That was intense...Seeing Greg and Tanya in the same room after all this time...That could have been an explosive situation....Luckily it wasn't.

Judith said...

Yvette and Greg have an interesting relationship...They were lovers in Law School or Friends with Benefits at best....She has pulled his nuts out of the fire a few times since they both passed the bar. They are great friends...I love it!