Born in Philadelphia PA.
Mother, Nancy Jones, Court Stenographer
Father, Judge Keith Morrison
Graduated from West Catholic High School
B.A. Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law- Howard University
J.D.- University of Pennsylvania Law School
Fluent in Spanish, French, German
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware ,New York, Texas, California
Associate Attorney- McCluskey/Cozen/Connor/Pratt
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Mother, Nancy Jones, Court Stenographer
Father, Judge Keith Morrison
Graduated from West Catholic High School
B.A. Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law- Howard University
J.D.- University of Pennsylvania Law School
Fluent in Spanish, French, German
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware ,New York, Texas, California
Associate Attorney- McCluskey/Cozen/Connor/Pratt
Senior Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor/Pratt
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Graduated from North Catholic High School
BA-Trial Advocacy, Pre Law, Administration of Justice -Lasalle University
JD -University of Pennsylvania Law School
Fluent in Spanish, French and Russian
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware , New York, Texas, California.
Senior Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt
Married to Beatrice Evans
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls
B.A. -Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy ,Pre Law- Temple University
J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School
Fluent in Spanish and French
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Deleware, Texas, California
Associate Attorney- McCluskey /Cozen/Connor and Pratt
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls
B.A. -Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy ,Pre Law- Temple University
J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School
Fluent in Spanish and French
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Deleware, Texas, California
Associate Attorney- McCluskey /Cozen/Connor and Pratt
Senior Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor/Pratt
Married to Keith Jones
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls
B.A. -Administration Of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law-Temple University
J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School
Fluent in Spanish and French
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware and New York, Texas, California
Associate Attorney -McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls
B.A. -Administration Of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law-Temple University
J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School
Fluent in Spanish and French
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware and New York, Texas, California
Associate Attorney -McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt
Senior Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor/Pratt
Married to Kahlil Ahmed...
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Graduated from Central High School
BA.- Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law- Temple University
JD- University of Pennsylvania Law School
Speaks Arabic languages fluently, fluent in German and Russian.
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware and New York, Texas, California
Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Graduated from Central High School
BA.- Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law- Temple University
JD- University of Pennsylvania Law School
Speaks Arabic languages fluently, fluent in German and Russian.
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware and New York, Texas, California
Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt
Senior Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor/Pratt
Married to Sofia Garcia

Born in Philadelphia PA.
Graduated from North Catholic High School
BA-Trial Advocacy, Pre Law, Administration of Justice -Lasalle University
JD -University of Pennsylvania Law School
Fluent in Spanish, French and Russian
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware , New York, Texas, California.
Senior Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt
Managing Partner- McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt
Married to District Attorney Investigator-Gary Lockwood
"These are the attorneys we are up against...We know them...We know that despite being young, they are still very formidable, very good and have a lot more experience than you would expect.
Also know that Lt. Tragg brought this case in, so it it very weak...It has a lot of holes... So I'm bringing in our own investigator to fill those holes." said Jumpshot Jim.
''Where is Lt. Tragg? He'd usually be here trying to feel me up."laughed ADA Brittany Hanks who was second chair on this case...
''Where is Lt. Tragg? He'd usually be here trying to feel me up."laughed ADA Brittany Hanks who was second chair on this case...
Now the hand up her skirt, feeling her legs and yanking on the waistband of her panties was ADA Chris Garcetti, the D.A.'s son...She had dated him briefly and slept with him once, maybe twice...He was smitten and made no secret that he wanted to resume their relationship... She however was over it and him and politely removed his hands from under her skirt...
"He doesn't hang around a lot....He's uh fallen hard for a new Judge....He spends his free time with her."laughed Chris Garcetti.
"He doesn't hang around a lot....He's uh fallen hard for a new Judge....He spends his free time with her."laughed Chris Garcetti.
"I got in touch with Mark and filled him in on just about everything as far as our trial strategy." I said.
"Sofia and I were at the courthouse...Jumpshot Jim, Chris Garcetti and Brittany Hanks are the prosecutors."said Bee Bee....
''And guess who the Judge is Our old pal, William Brau."said Sofia.
Ms. Virginia walked in with Tumblers of Hot Steaming Coffee's and Churros.
"Take Five" she said, Always cheerful... but deep down inside, I know she missed being an attorney, being on the big case....That's why we always let her sit in with us in our trial strategy meetings and we always asked for and took her advice and wise counsel.
"Gracias Mami!" said a happy Sofia, who loved Churros...
"Thank You Ms. Virginia." said Bee Bee, who because of her lifelong association with Sofia loved Churros also.
"Thanks a lot...This coffee is right on time Ms. Virginia." I said.
"Thank you..." said Kahlil..
"Thank You Ms. Virginia." said Bee Bee, who because of her lifelong association with Sofia loved Churros also.
"Thanks a lot...This coffee is right on time Ms. Virginia." I said.
"Thank you..." said Kahlil..
She soon became bored with her husband and his business.... She became reacquainted with her old law school chum, Cameron Christenson and they began sleeping together.....Her unexplained trips to Miami, alone accounted for much of that....They were sleeping together back in Harvard Law School...She wanted to get married...He didn't. I got this first hand from old law school chums of both of them.
Cameron was not only a successful attorney, but a successful businessman who's company was gobbling up companies like her husband's company and she had been feeding him information behind the scenes for months and was now listening in on Ms. Yvette's strategy sessions and anonymously slipping the information to Cameron and Greg Garland...Only Greg Garland didn't not know she was the mole.
Good thing... He was friends with opposing counsel.
She had told Cameron to get rid of Greg Garland, but he refused, stating that Greg was a good friend and a damn good litigator.
I got this from emails.....Emails taken from his laptop...from her to him...and from texts from his phone...That's how I put the last few pieces together...She was the mole...." said Jade.
"I'm not surprised....There was always Something About her...Something Shysty...Something I didn't trust." said Ms. Yvette.
They dressed and went to breakfast afterwords....Which is backed up by his credit card charges and then she left...
She did a little shopping, backed up by credit card records and gassed up her rental car before returning it...backed by her debit card receipts.
She did not return to the Hotel....Looks like she's cleared..
The two of them worked together on several cases and a relationship developed between them...She was in love with him. I don't believe she knew of Marla Bogel or her relationship with Cameron...
"Marla and Cameron did the Hibbity Bibbity Thursday Night...she can't get away....Sherry arrives by surprise Friday Night and is still with him Saturday Morning. Marla slips in, the door must have been open and she walks in on the two of them in coital bliss...She might have walked in on them in action..."said Kahlil.
"She's enraged, but she doesn't do anything...She comes back later...Much later...Sherry is gone and if I know right...after a session, and man Cameron is exhausted... He plops down across the bed...and she slips in and wham...drops that meat cleaver in his chest, killing him." I said.
Sofia Kahlil, Ms. Yvette and Jade burst into laughter.
"We need to get a sample of her DNA and see if it matches the DNA in the panties to prove if she even was in that room."said Yvette.
And people need to learn to lock their doors in their hotel rooms...That way their business stays private AND they might live longer." said Ms. Virginia..
This was met by raucous laughter......
Lunchtime in our cafeteria found Greg and Shawn our guests today.. He was in town to meet up with us and shore up last minute details in our negotiation, which was off now with Cameron Jesperson's untimely death.
His body had been claimed and shipped back to Florida for funeral and burial days ago.
"Howdy Yvette, just here to meet with you and shore up some details...I thought I'd drop in today....I brought my little shadow with me...She insisted on coming."laughed Greg...
"Hi Ms. Yvette, Guys....I just had to see where you all worked during the week."gushed Shawn, who was just dazed at our cafeteria...
"Hi Ms. Yvette, Guys....I just had to see where you all worked during the week."gushed Shawn, who was just dazed at our cafeteria...
"Glad you like it...We call it home... Greg when you come up we need to talk....We've learned some very important news about Marla Bogel...Our client's wife." said Yvette.
"Can't wait to hear this." said Greg."Well let her go and make a plate of food for herself first." said Bee Bee smiling.
''So now you know that we do work...We don't party all the time." laughed Sofia.
Kahlil laughed....
"If you want something to do while Greg meets with us...There is a gym upstairs and a spa." said Jade.
"WHATTTTTTTTTT? You guys got it made...It's a wonder you all get any work done."laughed Shawn."They've caught everybody during days when nobody is in court.."said Virginia. "After we eat,I'll show you the Gym and the spa..." said Virginia.
"I love your building....your cafeteria....wowww...this is like a five star restaurant." said Shawn.
"That's what everybody says when they first come here." said Dabnis.
"We said it too when we first arrived." said Kayla."There is a Gym and a Spa upstairs...that sold the building for me." said Ray.
"Me too...and this cafeteria." said Jessica..
"This is a great building with a nice sized conference room downstairs." said Chip.
"This is a normal day for us...No partying...just work." said Karen...
"The dull boring but neccesary work that attorneys do when they aren't in court..."said Natalie.
"Reading briefs,Case files.Looking up rulings.." said her husband, David.
"Just boring old law stuff." said Brooke.
"But when the moon comes out...we howl!" joked her husband, Sean...
"You so crazy!"laughed Shawn.
"So you're up here until the trial is over huh? This is like a vacation for you huh?" said Joey.
"Lucky you.....we aren't going anywhere tonight....but we'll be back out come Thursday night." said Lem.
"That trial begins tomorrow." said Renee.
"You might not have much longer to stay, but we will certainly entertain you from then on." said Tyrell.
"Oh I can't wait." said Shawn...
Marla Bogel was eating lunch in our building today too...but not with us....She saw us from a distance...
she got up from the table and left her knife, fork, spoon and coffee cup there...she quickly exited after eating her food.
Jade collected the knives, forks and spoons and the coffee cup into a plastic bag.....The DNA in her saliva could be compared to the DNA in sweat and other bodily fluids found in the panties in Cameron's room...If a match...we knew who the other woman was in that room that night....
''So what's up Vettie?" asked Greg.
"You guys had a mole in our camp....I'm assuming you didn't know about it...Especially since this mole didn't trust you and wanted Cameron to dump you?" said Yvette.
" I did some more digging..Throughout this entire litigation you guys seemed to have had good intelligence...Too good.You guys seemed to be one step ahead of us at all times...You guys anticipated our every move. I suspected that the mole had to be someone in our own camp... I knew it was none of us...So the only person left was Marla Bogel....So I looked into her background and Cameron's background to see if there was a connection...and boy was it..They had known each other in law school....HARVARD!!After graduation and passing the bar, they had gone their seperate ways... He had become a lucrative corporate lawyer in Miami...She had become a tough litigator in New York....A weekend trip to Philly with friends introduced her to Businessman , Mark Bogel...a whirlwind romance followed and they got married and she moved to Philadelphia.
She soon became bored with her husband and his business.... She became reacquainted with her old law school chum, Cameron Christenson and they began sleeping together.....Her unexplained trips to Miami, alone accounted for much of that....They were sleeping together back in Harvard Law School...She wanted to get married...He didn't. I got this first hand from old law school chums of both of them.
Cameron was not only a successful attorney, but a successful businessman who's company was gobbling up companies like her husband's company and she had been feeding him information behind the scenes for months and was now listening in on Ms. Yvette's strategy sessions and anonymously slipping the information to Cameron and You...Only You didn't know she was the mole.
Good thing...
She didn't like the fact that you and Ms. Yvette were close friends, despite being on opposite sides... She didn't trust you..
She had told Cameron to get rid of you, but he refused, stating that you were a good friend and a damn good litigator.
I got this from emails.....Emails taken from his laptop...from her to him...and from texts from his phone...That's how I put the last few pieces together...She was the mole...." said Jade.
"You know....There was always something about her...Something I didn't like..I know she is your client's wife and one of his lawyers...but I always suspected she didn't like me and that it ran deeper than just being on opposing sides of a case. I had no idea Cameron was sleeping with her or even knew her prior to this case...He kept that from even me...Oh My God Vettie....I had no idea..."said a stunned Greg.
"She questioned our experience...How many corporate litigations we had done..."said Bee Bee.
"If we realized how much money was on the line.."said Sofia.
''Even asked us what percentage we finished in in our graduation class at PENN LAW."
"I assured her that they graduated in the top ten percentage of their class and then I asked her what percentage of her class at HARVARD did SHE GRADUATE in? She didn't like that, but she layed off of us the rest of the time we were litigating." said Yvette.
"She would have litigated her husband's company right down the toilet.....That's why she wanted you guys gone and me.... Cameron never told me where he was getting his information...I knew he was shrewd...but come to find out...not that shrewd.." said Greg.
"I know her....She's an Attorney from Miami....Cameron was crazy about her and she was crazy about him...I didn't know she was up here." said Greg,
That night at Olivia and Beverly's Office Duplex-
We along with Greg and Shawn were having dinner with our favorite people..Olivia, Donnie Ray, Beverly,Nelson, Josie ,Paris, Bresha,Tony, Alfreda and Rockland..
"Yes, everything was delicious...Thank all of you for entertaining me the past few weeks...I was bored up here the first few days and then he took me to meet you guys." said Shawn...
"Oh you're quite welcome Shawn. You came at a very nice time for us all...Slow work weeks that enabled us to go to the Beach for a few days and party in the middle of the week, Something we don't do often and even go shopping and roller skating.."said Olivia.
"I don't know what we'll do this weekend, but we'll think of something." said Donnie Ray,laughing..."So when you go home you'll have good memories of Philly."said Nelson.
"Yeah just when we had lean big court cases...." said Paris.
"And time to have fun...."said Bresha.
"In the fall and Winter, we are all back in forth in court or the conference room and doing a lot of research." said Tony...
"It is cool..I hope I get to come up here again and hang with you guys.." said Shawn..
"Well you still have a little time...Our trial begins tomorrow.." said Yvette.
"Yeah, the big one of the summer." said her husband, Gary Lockwood.
"It's sensational, but then again, it isn't....If you come to court, you'll see." said Sofia...
"Yeah, you'll see the work we really do."laughed Kahlil.
"Did you get the DNA samples I gave you?" Jade whispered to her husband...
"I've got the subpoena written up." whispered Yvette.
"I'll place it in her hands in the morning." said Virginia.
At a bar in another part of town.....Marla and the mysterious bearded man she was seen with the week before met in a quiet night spot.
"I've sent you about thirty text messages and I've called you four times and got your voicemail..." said the bearded man...
"You can't take a hint can you? Look what we had was nice that night....but my husband goes on trial tomorrow and then I'm going back to Miami....So what we had is over." said Marla.
"Oh no the hell it's not..... I've paid for two dinners at two very expensive restaurants and drinks at two bars...including this one, that makes three.."said the man...
"So what do you want? Re-imbursement?" she asked.
"You're a dog , you know that..." said Marla..
Still they continued to kiss so she could get into this... She was hoping she could get out of Philly without having to sleep with him...but she ran into him tonight and couldn't avoid it..
he slipped her panties down....
"My My Myyyyyyy Mrs. Bogel.....You have some very expressive panties..." he said..
At least she didn't have to look at him, or smell his funky breath....
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" she cooed. He did have a large, prestigious penis...
Maybe he'd cum quick and she could get away from him she thought...
After TWO HOURS on the living room floor , she realized there was no chance of that.
She was almost enjoying this...
They gave that couch a good work out....They made love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS,
They gave that couch a good work out....They made love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS,
It was as if he didn't want to get up off of her, but he finally came with wild abandon...
He tossed her panties to her...
"Don't forget these like you uh forgot the pair you left in that poor murdered man's hotel room." he laughed.
and a very alluring Asian woman....She said she was a Private Investigator, working for the attorneys who are defending your husband..have been nosing around, asking questions.
They both have been asking a lot of personal questions about you...Your relationship to the dead man and whether you are the mysterious brunette ,who yet unidentified was in his room two nights before he died..
Naturally I told them nothing....but I can't vouch for how talkative other people have been....Don't make it a habit of leaving your panties behind doll." he said.
She slipped her panties on and straightened out her clothes...
"Good Bye and this time, I do mean goodbye...Lose my phone number." she said coldly and walked out the door and into the early South Philadelphia morning. She hailed a cab.
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