Thursday, August 8, 2024

Lost Weekend



Olivia Marissa Bennett-Alexander

Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law, Trial Advocacy -Temple University..

J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School

Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Louisiana, Texas, California

 Speaks French and Spanish Fluently...

Worked as a Public Defender, -Philadelphia PA.

Worked for Bach and Roach LLC, as Associate Attorney

Founding partner-Alexander & West , Attorneys at law..

Divorced- Elwood Barnes..,Corporate Attorney 

No Children, two miscarriages..

Married-Donnie Ray Alexander

Beverly Cheryl West-East

Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law-Trial Advocacy, Temple University..

J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School

Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Louisiana, Texas, California

 Speaks French and Spanish Fluently...

Worked as a Public Defender,-Philadelphia PA.

 Founding Partner-Alexander & West Attorney's at Law.

Daughter of Olivia's Older Half Brother, James West... Olivia's Niece

Married to Nelson East.

Nelson Sean East

Graduated, West Catholic High School-Philadelphia PA.

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law- St. Johns University, New York City
Psychology Minor...

J.D. -St. Johns University Law School, New York City..

Passed The Bar , New York, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, Texas, California 

Speaks Spanish , French and Russian Fluently...

Worked as
Public Defender, -Philadelphia PA.

 Associate Attorney at Robert Foxworth and Associates.

Associate Attorney at Alexander and West , Attorneys at law.

Married to Beverly West

Donnie Ray Alexander

Born and Raised in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Educated in New Orleans Public Schools..

Associates Degree- New Orleans Community College-Administration of Justice, Pre Law

Homicide Detective, New Orleans Police Department, Retired.

Principal Investigator, Alexander and West Attorneys at law-Philadelphia PA.

Married to Olivia Bennett

Also a semi-professional musician

Josephine Boyd

Born in Philadelphia PA.

Raised in Red Hook Section of New York City 

Bachelors of Science, Architecture from Fisk University

Master in Business Administration- University of Pennsylvania.

Para -Legal -Alexander & West Attorneys at law.

JD- Drexel  University -The Thomas Kline Law School..

Passed the Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware, New York, Texas, California

Associate Attorney-Alexander & West, Attorneys at Law, Philadelphia.

Married to Paris Boyd

Bresha Billips

Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls

B.A. Administration of Justice,/ Trial advocacy /Pre Law- Lasalle University, Philadelphia PA.

J.D.- Middleton Law School, Bayside ,Pennsylvania.

Passed the bar, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, New York, California.

Speaks Spanish and French Fluently...

Associate Attorney at Alexander and West , Attorneys at law...

Married to Attorney Tony Billips

Friday Afternoon!


"They're all very astute young people." said Ennis look over our backgrounds.

ADA Hunter looked at the photos and background information on us on his laptop and studied his case files on the Joyce Grace case...

He was tired...It was the end of the week. He wanted some cold drinks... He couldn't think of any bars to go to except that hipster bar a few blocks from his condo....


It was a warm Summer Friday Night....

The Drinks were plentiful and flowing...

There were Shrimp Baskets
And Fried Chicken...

"Glad to see you out Ennis...I heard you've won your first five cases...Good for you...Haven't seen you out socially until tonight ." said our friend, Nina Rios , who lived in the same condo with him..he knew that she was once an ADA and that she was close friends with Olivia , Beverly and their crew...He didn't mention he'd be going up against them.

Nina's boyfriend Carlos was quiet...He secretly wished Ennis would sit somewhere else instead of with them. he felt very uncomfortable around him.

"Yeah, this is the first time I've been out in awhile..I figured I'd uh visit the hipster bar...I kinda like this place."He said...

Then he noticed the woman who he would be prosecuting as well as her attorneys of record and their network of friends walked in...Now he felt a little uncomfortable.

Joyce looked over...She saw the man that would be prosecuting her.. 

 "Don't worry about him baby...We aren't here to discuss your case...We are all out to have a good time tonight."said Olivia.
"Yeah, let's just relax." I said.

"We've met him before..he seemed pretty cool."said Beverly.

"Yeah, he did." said Nelson..
"I'm not worried about him....I'm gettin my drink on." said Josie.
"Here here." agreed her husband, Paris.

"Me too Josie Girl." said Bresha.
Her husband, Tony passed her a Beer and a plate with both Shrimps and Fried Chicken..

Alfreda did the same thing...She made a plate for her and her husband, Rockland...She had Shrimp and Fried Chicken..She herself had a martini...her husband had a beer.

"Man, after a week like this...It's nice to sit back and relax and have a nice cold beer, among other things." said Rockland.

 "This is soooo  nice." said Yvette.

"It is..Less tension than even Curley's." said Gary.

"Because there is no chance of seeing Lt. Tragg in here." said Keith Jones.
"He doesn't cause any trouble, even when he does show up now of days...We've had a number of good Curleys." said Bee Bee.
"Yes we have...but we always have a good night in this spot."said Sofia..
"Sure do!"  We could watch sports or the news if we chose to do so." said Kahlil.

"But we are always busy talking to each other." said Jade.

"That's good fellowship...Good Conversation, Plentiful drinks and good food."said Danny Ho., her husband.
"That's what makes this an excellent room."laughed Virginia. "I remember the old Park Club...It was kind of like this..minus the monitors..." said Virginia.

"I remember that club...I used to frequent that place." said Jetty.

"Yeah, you and I used to go there, remember Dabnis?" asked Jazzy..
"I do remember that place." said Dabnis.

"I came up to visit from Atlanta and you took me and Beverly there Jazzy..."said Kayla.
"I was with you....I was just meeting you."said Ray.

"I remember when you took me and Kayla there..." said Beverly...
"Yeah, I was with Dabnis...but we weren't a couple yet...You were with Nelson, but yall was just "friends" you said..and Kayla and Ray were together...That was a good time..." said Jazzy.

"I didn't know you guys, but I used to go there quite a bit before they closed too!..." said Jessica.
"Jazzy and I used to go there when we were a couple...I was sorry when that place closed up." said Chip.

"It's been closed a few years now.." said Karen Page.

"I never went there...but I remember the place." said B.L.

"I went there with Jazzy and Beverly when I came home for Christmas one year...My one and only time there." said Natalie.
"I never even heard of this place...I've missed so much." said David.
"Don't feel bad...the one and only time I was ever there was the night they announced they were closing for good and thanked everybody for patronizing the place." said Brooke.
Her husband Sean laughed and hugged his wife, 

"Poor Baby!" he said.

"I remember a couple of bars like this one in New York..." said Zoey...

"That's right , you did work there for awhile." said Lem.

"All of us have roots in New York, Atlanta and D.C."laughed Renee..
"And we all wound up back here, Home!   I'm glad."said Tyrell.

Ennis sat a distance away just staring at all of us ,laughing and talking together... He didn't get the feeling he belonged here for a number of reasons..One ..He was probably going to be facing a lot of these attorneys in court cases...and two, they were all straight, all couples.

One thing was for sure,There was no chance he would run into Kelly Ann or Arthur Tragg here...This wasn't their kind of place.

He had two more drinks, said goodnight... and walked his condo , a few blocks away...



We were again here at the NO ID BAR for Saturday Morning Brunch...It was becoming a thing with us now.. We loved it..

 "This is sooooo cool, you guys hang out at all of the cool places...I had no idea this place had a brunch...." said our client, Joyce Grace...

"Yes ,we meet here every Saturday Morning for their excellent Brunch...After Breakfast we ,including you are all headed to Cambridge, Maryland on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.." said Olivia.
"We booked twenty rooms, which means you get the extra room...The 20th room was for Nina and Carlos, but they aren't going...So you get a room to yourself.." I said.
"Oh my god this is soooo cool." said Joyce.
"Nice way to relax and wind down before your trial begins...We are certainly ready." said Beverly.
"Yeah..... this will be a nice mini vacay for everybody...."said Nelson.

"We are going down for the afternoon and we'll be back tomorrow around 6:00 pm.... Giving us enough time to get some sleep before Monday." said Josie...
"This Spot has Free Breakfast and there is an excellent Seafood Restautant down there." said Paris.

"It's going to be sooooo cool." said Bresha.

"You'll love it!" said Tony...
"So after we leave here...We are going home and pack...Some of us have packed already and head straight there.." said Alfreda.

"It's a two hour drive..."said Rockland, smiling.. 
"This is great....Wow I love yall..."said Joyce.

"We are driving down...but unless we find lodging elsewhere..We are coming  back that night." said Nina.

"Yes, It will be a good time." said Carlos..


 "I can't wait to get at that seafood.." said Ms. Yvette.

"Me neither." said her husband, Gary...

"Olivia said this was six months in the planning..Trying to get us rooms together."said Keith Jones.
"Trying to get us rooms period..She needed a block of 19-20 rooms.."said Bee Bee.
"That's hard to get together at any time." said Sofia.
"Especially in a nice hotel." said Kahlil.

"We are already packed... We just have to run right in and get our things." said Jade.

"Yes." said Danny.

"Same here." said Virginia.

Her husband, Jetty smiled.. He loved this group...They stayed on the move, never a dull moment.

"Shame I don't have a boyfriend at the time...but this is better than being locked up and better than being in the city alone this weekend pondering my trial." said Joyce , who realized hat if she was convicted..This might be the last good time she had.

"Don't think about your trial...Just relax and enjoy this trip.." said Jazzy.
"Yeah Make the best of it.." said Dabnis.

"My cousins are good attorneys....They won't let you see the inside of a jail." said Kayla.
"They won't.... have faith..."said her husband, Ray...

"Plus they got all of us to pitch in if need be." said Jessica.
"We've done it before...We'll do it again if need be." said Chip.

"You can make book on that." said Karen...

"Well, let's pay our bills and get on with this."said B.L. , who was excited to be going on the road with the group again..

"Ummmmmmmmmmm I can taste that cracked crab right now." said Natalie....
"Yessssssssssssssssss." said her husband, David.
"Cambridge....I don't think I've ever been  there before." said Brooke.
"Me neither." said Sean.

"What a great weekend this is going to be." said Zoey....

"Yes." agreed Lem...

"I'm so excited." said Renee...

"I am too!" said her husband...Tyrell.

We paid our bills and loaded up on the two Buses and headed to Cambridge , Maryland....

It was like a school trip , a lot of us sang songs on the way down.....With me driving one bus and Gary driving the other bus... 

We arrived at the Holiday Inn in Cambridge, Maryland... We were able to get all 19 rooms on the second floor.... Nina and Carlos drove down behind our buses.and as luck would have it...There was another vacancy on the third floor...So they took it. We were so happy they would be staying overnight..
We would all be drunk and tired at the end of the night and no one wanted to think of them driving back.

The Hotel had Free Breakfast and a Bar and Restaurant....It also had a pool... Shame we were only staying for an afternoon and a night....

After we got settled ,we all ventured out to a beautiful Seafood Restaurant near the waterfront.


It was a beautiful night..

"This place is beautiful.....Oh thank you sooo much for inviting me on this trip Ms. Olivia."said Joyce.

"You're welcome...We don't do this for all of our clients...Just the lucky ones and ones we especially like, like you." said Olivia with a smile.   She was using one of her hands to remove my hands from up under her dress... She looked at me devilishly and smiled.

I smiled back at her...

"I'm so glad we followed you guys down here and were able to get a room." said Nina Rios.

"Yes..I am too...I didn't relish that drive back." said her boyfriend, Carlos.

"Yeah you can relax, eat and drink to your hearts content and go back to a nice comfortable room and relax." said Beverly.

"Wake up in the morning and enjoy a nice hot breakfast, served right there at the hotel..." said Nelson.

"I know you and my husband will be racing downstairs for that." joked Josie.

"Maybe...Maybe not...." said Paris, winking at Josie and pinching her butt..

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuu! Stop it!" laughed Josie, jerking.

"At any rate, this food is delish!" said Bresha...sitting in her husband's lap....and whispering..
"You're hard! "

"Look at you...How can I not be?" said her husband, Tony....
"Thank you, I guess...I'm gonna sit in my seat, so you can calm down." she whispered. Loving the fact that she turned him on so.

"Judging by how you're chowing down I can see you are enjoying yourself."laughed Alfreda.

"Ummm hmmmmm...I was down here with some colleagues for a seminar a few years back...That food was delicious."said Rockland.

"Sharp again Ms. Yvette...Enjoying yourself?" asked Joyce..

"Thank Youuuuu....Oh immensely...The food is good..." said Ms. Yvette, who was laughing and removing her husband Gary's hands from under her skirt..  "Cool it Handsy Hank." she laughed.

Gary laughed too!

"Jetttttttty, my goodness, eat your food and stop squeezing my buns....."laughed Virginia.

"I'll try but I'm mighty tempted by both." he laughed..

" first time here...this place is great." said Keith Jones.

"Yes it is.. This was our dream be big time lawyers and to be eating at places like this."said Bee Bee.

"Yes and we are living the dream."said Sofia.

"We are all a long way from Fishtown and Northern Liberties."said Kahlil.

Jade smiled..She was a long way from Tokyo, where she grew up....She was in America now, an American Citizen with a husband and a job she loved and good friends, who were like family.

Danny put his arms around her....It was almost as if he knew what she was thinking.

The food was everything it was billed to be.. Along with an assortment of international brews...Had to love Maryland.

"Dabnis , you haven't been able to keep your hands off of me since we got here.....I'm amazed at the self control you must have had all those years we were just friends..." laughed Jazzy, who was enjoying her food and removing her husband's wandering hands from up under her skirt,....

"I'm amazed myself, but once you gave me some , the floodgates opened." said Dabnis, moaning....
"I knowww...and you know what? I love it!"said Jazzy......

she finally kissed him.....

"I love you."she said.

"I love you too Jazzy!" he said as their kissing got hotter...

"Everything is just delish."said Kayla.

"It is." said her husband, Ray.

Jessica and her husband ordered a Porterhouse Steak, A Baked Potato and Shrimps...

"Ummmmmm this is delicious."said Jessica.

"Yes it is..." said her husband, Chip.

"That looks good..I think I'll order that."said David ,looking at his plate.

"I will too!" said Natalie, following his lead....

"Not a bad choice.."said her bestie Brooke..

"Not at all." said her husband, Sean.

"Ouuuuuuuu afte we eat ,let's go out on the pier.."said Karen Page to her husband, B.L.
"Yeah ,it's a nice breeze tonight." said B.L.

"There  is a nice breeze tonight."said Renee as she enjoyed her food..
"Yeah after we eat, let's take a walk on the pier..." said her husband...Tyrell. He stared deep in Renee's eyes...

Soon they were kissing passionately....

very passionately..It was a night for romance.

"They've got live music." said Zoey as a band began playing smooth jazz music.

"This makes this a perfect night." said her husband...Lem.

The Band played softly as we enjoyed our food and drinks.

After Dinner, most of us went our seperate ways...Some taking a walk on the pier, some walking to the shops on the boardwalk.....

Olivia and I found a very quiet deserted area of the pier, away from everything...
"This is a nice quiet place...." Olivia whispered...

"Yes, away from everything..." I laughed....

We began kissing.....Her lips were as soft as melting butter.....I always enjoyed kissing her..

We really began kissing each other...

We stood on the beach and kissed passionately......She softly stroked the bulge in my trousers ,which was getting harder...She opened my trousers...She looked around..Wewere on a part of the pier that was literally empty....No one was around...We continued to kiss and she continued to stroke until I almost came , ...She continued to kiss me as my body trembled...

I slipped her panties down.....


"You've always known that" I said as I unzippered my trousers...

I lifted her up and entered her...... "UMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" I moaned.....

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! You've been on me ever since dinner.... You horny dog you....OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" she moaned as I slowly thrusted inside of her....


"OH MY GOD!" she cried out, her head turning from side to side...her body trembling....


I don't know how long we were out there...All I know is by the time we returned to the hotel...Everyone else was in their rooms and fast asleep..


At Kelly Ann's loft... A nice balmy Saturday Afternoon.....

she and Lt. Tragg were embraced in a soft sweet kiss...

''Arthur I've met lots of horny men before..lots of them and I've usually run from them....All trying desperately to get me in the bed...some succeeded, some did not...but never one as horny as you , who makes me feeel so damn goooood...ouuuuuuuuuu!" she said.


They continued to kiss...

and slowly undress each other.....





"ANYTHING YOU WANT BABY!" he moaned... His body shaking with anticipation....

He unhooked her bra... and slipped her panties down and off.....

She lie across the bed and stared into his eyes as he slowly entered her....Her legs shaking with anticipation.....her body moist and warm..... her head slowly began turning from side to side and her body trembling..... He not knowing if he was coming or going....

and their bed began to shake and rattle as they began once again to make sweet love....





"OHHH MY GODDDD!"he said...He didn't know if he was coming or going....


"OHHHHH ARTHURRRRRRR!!! OUUUUUUUUU! NOT YET....NOT YET....HOLD ON!!!"she said...her head turning from side to side, her body trembling and tears and sweat just streaming down her face...she was having another intense orgasm...

"AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he moaned as he came so hard, he felt as if he were dying.. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he moaned....

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WE DIDN'T GO OUT ANYWHERE....BUT YOU TOOK ME TO THE MOON AND BACK BABY!" he said as they stood in the window kissing passionately...


The condo he lived in with Nina and Carlos, his only friends in the city so far had a bar in it... He couldn't find them tonight...They had gone out and he had ventured to the NO ID BAR...They weren't there nor was the other lawyers they hung out with. It was a lonely balmy Saturday Afternoon.
He went back to his condo and got his laptop and his case files..

Again he looked at the dossiers on us... 


Olivia Marissa Bennett-Alexander

Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law, Trial Advocacy -Temple University..

J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School

Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Louisiana, Texas, California

 Speaks French and Spanish Fluently...

Worked as a Public Defender, -Philadelphia PA.

Worked for Bach and Roach LLC, as Associate Attorney

Founding partner-Alexander & West , Attorneys at law..

Divorced- Elwood Barnes..,Corporate Attorney 

No Children, two miscarriages..

Married-Donnie Ray Alexander

Beverly Cheryl West-East

Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law-Trial Advocacy, Temple University..

J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School

Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Louisiana, Texas, California

 Speaks French and Spanish Fluently...

Worked as a Public Defender,-Philadelphia PA.

 Founding Partner-Alexander & West Attorney's at Law.

Daughter of Olivia's Older Half Brother, James West... Olivia's Niece

Married to Nelson East.

Nelson Sean East

Graduated, West Catholic High School-Philadelphia PA.

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law- St. Johns University, New York City
Psychology Minor...

J.D. -St. Johns University Law School, New York City..

Passed The Bar , New York, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, Texas, California 

Speaks Spanish , French and Russian Fluently...

Worked as
Public Defender, -Philadelphia PA.

 Associate Attorney at Robert Foxworth and Associates.

Associate Attorney at Alexander and West , Attorneys at law.

Married to Beverly West

Donnie Ray Alexander

Born and Raised in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Educated in New Orleans Public Schools..

Associates Degree- New Orleans Community College-Administration of Justice, Pre Law

Homicide Detective, New Orleans Police Department, Retired.

Principal Investigator, Alexander and West Attorneys at law-Philadelphia PA.

Married to Olivia Bennett

Also a semi-professional musician

Josephine Boyd

Born in Philadelphia PA.

Raised in Red Hook Section of New York City 

Bachelors of Science, Architecture from Fisk University

Master in Business Administration- University of Pennsylvania.

Para -Legal -Alexander & West Attorneys at law.

JD- Drexel  University -The Thomas Kline Law School..

Passed the Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware, New York, Texas, California

Associate Attorney-Alexander & West, Attorneys at Law, Philadelphia.

Married to Paris Boyd

Bresha Billips

Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls

B.A. Administration of Justice,/ Trial advocacy /Pre Law- Lasalle University, Philadelphia PA.

J.D.- Middleton Law School, Bayside ,Pennsylvania.

Passed the bar, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, New York, California.

Speaks Spanish and French Fluently...

Associate Attorney at Alexander and West , Attorneys at law...

Married to Attorney Tony Billips

A Handsome young man in glasses sat down at his table uninvited.

"Well I see like me, you too must be an Attorney...Only difference between you and me is , I'm not working on a Saturday Afternoon in the summer."laughed the man..".Hi my name is Mark at law."he said.

"Yes, I am an Attorney...I'm new here..I'm an Assistant District Attorney, my name is Ennis Hunter, I'm from New York....I live upstairs..." he said.

"I've seen you with Nina Rios and Carlos Ortiz from the Women's Law Center... I worked with them for awhile.. I'm with a group that represents LGBTQ issues and concerns...We have an office in their building, which is not far from here." he said.

"Oh really?   I'm recovering from my uh husbands death....Are there any more you know exciting bars around here?" asked Ennis.

''Well not around here...but I have a car...I've been cruising since me and my boyfriend broke up...Having found much....but there are a few nice bars around....Take that stuff upstairs. I'll wait for you down here."said Mark.

Ennis Smiled...His Third weekend in Philly was not going to be a lost weekend after all.!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was ho hot,,,Olivia and Donnie Ray on the pier, Lt. Tragg and Kelly Ann...It had me throwing my panties to the rafters!