"I'm telling you Gil, I don't want this case....It's got more holes in it than swiss cheese...It's all circumstantial and that boob, Lt. Arthur Tragg is the detective that brought it in...I don't want it."said Assistant District Attorney Don Diorgio....
"Don...Don...you're up...you've gotten convictions in your last 10 cases...You're up, take this case and you can take a nice vacation...Take a few days off completely...I know you and Tragg had a little busty up awhile back , but isn't that because you're a little more than interested in a certain Judge, who will just happen to be on this case and who just happens to share a bed with Lt. Tragg?" asked Gil, laughing slyly...
"THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!" said ADA Diorgio angrilly...
"Then take the case." laughed D.A. Garcetti
And at this moment in the Judges Chambers.... Judge Kelly Ann and Lt. Tragg were kissing passionately.
"Arthurrrrr...Tomorrow I'll be hearing a case...The Tarkington Murder case..." she cooed.
"You're the arresting officer on this case...The Prosecutor is Dan Diorgio...I want you to behave yourself." she said softly...
"I will ...awwww lawd I will..." he said as they continued kissing passionately...
"Thank you guys." said Olivia, passing coffees around to everybody..."Come here Nelson" she said.
"Yes?" he said.
Olivia took an anti-septic wipe out and wiped the lipstick smudge off of his face and lapel..
"You just can't keep your hands off of my niece can you?"she said,laughing...
"I find her simply irresistable." he said.
Kissing her again...
Beverly giggled..
"Thanks for the coffee Bev, Nelson." said Josie.
"Thanks for the coffee Bev, Nelson." said Bresha.
"Thanks Shortcake." I said.
"Such a great group of young people....How did Olivia put them together?" asked our client, Jessica Tarkington.
"Olivia and her niece, Beverly, who followed her into a career in law and Nelson all worked together at the Public Defenders Office...Olivia mentored them, molded them both into fine attorneys...When she set up her practice and moved into that building we live in, Josie helped them set everything up and literally became their first employee, Working as an Office Manager...She already had a Bachelor's Degree in Architecture and an MBA in business.. When she showed an interest in the law ,she became a para-legal and later, Olivia put her through law school..when she graduated and passed the bar, she came to work for us naturally. Olivia taught law part time,for a short while at Middleton Law School...Bresha was her favorite student...When she graduated and passed the bar, She interned for us. We loved her so much We asked her to join our practice..And me...I'm an ex-Homicide Detective who got lucky and met Olivia, just as she was starting her practice,." I said.
"WOWWW! That's quite a story....It would make a good movie or TV Series."laughed our client.
"Good Morning! Good Morning ,Good Morning Attorneys and Perspective Jurors...I am Judge Kelly Ann Mercer..We are going to seat a jury today and trial will start tomorrow morning... I know all of the attorneys involved...but would you introduce yourselves to the court please?" she said.
"Olivia Bennett-Alexander, Lead Attorney for the Defense your honor." said Olivia.
I sat quietly....
"Mrs. Beverly West -East, Attorney for the Defense your honor." said Beverly....
"Nelson East, Attorney for the Defense."said Nelson.
"Mrs. Josephine Boyd, Attorney for the Defense your honor." said Josie.
"Mrs. Bresha Billips, Attorney for the defense your honor." said Bresha.
''Alright, very well..We will now have Jury Selection..."said Judge Kelly Ann....
"We got the best judge possible for this kind of case." Olivia whispered to Jessica.
Jessica Tarkington bowed her head....She was putting her full trust in Olivia, something she never imagined doing...
ADA Don Giorgio had swagger and confidence we hadn't seen in a lot of ADA's and he had excellent questions for the jurors...He had prepared well..
But not as well prepared as Nelson, Nelson asked his questions with Josie and Bresha assisting him, using the questions he had written down kept on their laptops..
ADA Diorgio didn't do too bad... But Nelson did slightly better...We wound up with a 7-5 split going our way, with the Jury Foreman being one of our picks.
Kelly Ann smiled-
"Outstanding....We have a jury....We will meet here tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM sharp...Jurors, attorneys be on time and be ready for trial...You are dismissed." she said.
"I've prosecuted many...I never thought that I would be in need of a criminal defense myself...I just never imagined it." said Jessica Tarkington.
'' A Few years ago...my entire law firm was put on trial..we were sued by someone...So I know what it's like to be a defendent."said Olivia.
"This is the last round...You get through this and you can have your life back." I said.
"This is a Lt. Tragg case...That means it's weak and full of holes."said Beverly.
"More Holes than swiss cheese...It's already circumstantial." said Nelson.
"He's not getting any better."laughed Josie.
"In fact his cases are getting worse."laughed Bresha.
Sitting in the visitors section was Lee Phillips, the bright young Para-legal who had been working with Yvette and us for the past month or so. She smiled and waved at us....
"Heyyyyy baby, how are you?" asked Olivia, hugging Lee.
"I'm doing well....I came to watch you guys work." said Lee.
"Well, you've seen the beginning..."I said ,smiling at her..
"I suppose you're getting some well deserved rest right now." said Beverly..
"Girll, so much rest....but I miss the action...I miss you all." said Lee.
"You'll be in the action soon enough...enjoy your rest."laughed Nelson, hugging her...
"We'll all be together Friday Night at No I.D. Bar." said Josie.
" Yeah and you and Matthew will be with us when we head to the beach." said Bresha.
Jessica stood to the side watching us talk to Lee.. She never felt more like an outsider than she did at the moment.
ADA Don Diorgio was better prepared than we originally thought and he did a better job of pressing his case than we thought he could.
At least it started out like that...
Olivia, Beverly and Nelson didn't let him get away with it for long...They battled back admirably...
using laws pertaining to this case, predicates and laws from like cases to slow him down....
Jessica Tarkington looked on with awe....She herself had been victims of this same type of arguments by these same lawyers...Only this time they were defending her..She didn't envy ADA Diorgio, whose frustration was showing daily...
Josie and Bresha were tag teaming him, just as they'd tag teamed her weeks before in the Kahlid Muhhamad case and made good points..
Don Diorgio found himself frustrated and embarrassed in front of Judge Kelly Ann , who if she wasn't mistaken , he was trying to impress somehow.
Jessica sat back and just laughed at times during the prosecutions case...
Much to ADA Diorgio's chagrin... He had never wanted to argue this case in the first place..
Olivia asked the jury if having dinner with someone and then going back to their hotel room for sex was a motive for murder..She said , Yes her fingerprints were all over his room..and they would be..She admittedly was there...but she gave no reason for murder and got police and forensic people to admit that there was absolutely no forensic evidence or any other evidence proving that this woman, a respected Federal Prosecutor committed murder...
It was very effective.... Josie and Nelson
took two days to show the jury all of federal prosecutor, Tarkington's Movements...To and from the
Rooftop Steakhouse they dined at...
Back to the Marriot
and after she left to a gas station...
To her apartment building...
They used the GPS Unit from both her smartphone
and her smartwatch to back up their claims...
Beverly and Bresha also used the murder victim's phone.....to prove that he got one last phone call from a blocked number, long after Jessica had left the Marriot.. In fact Beverly called the number..
and a phone rang in the pocketbook of Mrs. Erica Zuckerman, the widow of the slain James Zuckerman.
She was very embarrassed and tried to turn the phone off, but was too late...The Jury had seen and heard it..
They called Private Investigator, Bert Vandenberg, a former FBI Agent turned Private Investigator, who had to testify under oath that he was the Private Investigator hired by Erica Zuckerman to spy on her husband and had footage of him not just with Jessica Tarkington, but at least two other women.
Also showing up on Hotel footage was this man, Harrison Blake, a suspected hitman in the lobby of the Marriot and later vanishing.
Olivia called Mrs. Zuckerman to the stand..
She was very shaken......She took her oath and sat down....
"Mrs Zuckerman, you hired a P.I., Mr. Vandenburg to follow your husband, who you suspected of cheating on you..did you not? And you knew your husband had been cheating on you for some time didn't you?" asked Olivia.
"YES....YESSSS!" she said...her hands shaking and tears flowing down her face....
Beverly showed a cancelled check for 20k to Mr.Harrison Blake.
"He killed your husband didn't he? You went to his room once he was out didn't you? I have a witness here who will testify he saw you....sticking that pair of panties in his mouth...that was you wasn't it?"asked Beverly...
"YESSSSSSS!!! YESSSSSS!!!!!!! " she cried out, embarrassed and hurt.....
"Baillifs escort this woman into custody....Ms. Tarkington, all charges against you have been dropped, You are free to go."said Judge Kelly Ann who struck her gavel.
"Olivia, Beverly....thank you sooooooo much...I've got my life back...I am forever in your debt....We must do lunch." said a very jubilant Jessica Tarkington...
Olivia and Beverly leaped up and high fived each other..
''We pulled it out ladies."said Nelson.
"Didn't even go to the Jury."said Josie.
"I didn't think it would." said Bresha.
"Me Neither." I said.
"You guys are still the greatest.." said Lee.
Josie, Bresha and I and Lee all high each other and smiled..
ADA Danny Diorgio was livid...He turned to Lt. Tragg..
"I hope the next big case I get, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! You're a boob!" he said and he walked off..
Lt. Tragg stomped his foot in anger... Skunked again. It was all he could do not to crack ADA Diorgio in the jaw.. The two men bitterly despised each other.
It was Thursday Night..We weren't going to Curley's for "Couples Night" or Josie's either..We had all been there last night. As far as I knew...This was the rare Thursday Night ,when everybody we knew was at home.
We went home after our courtroom victory...
"It feels good to be home and relaxing with no court cases in our immediate future." said Olivia.,
"I'm Glad we took care of business today!." I said..
Olivia smiled and fumbled with her phone..She put her phone on the charger by the night stand...
"Then you should be over here taking care of THIS BUSINESS OF YOURS!" she whispered with a giggle.. "You know you've been wanting to all day today.." she giggled.
She was right...I had been staring at her and feeling on her booty all day long..
"You don't have to ask me twice....LAWD!" I said, just staring at her..
I wasted no time, no time at all, getting undressed
and I slipped her panties and bra down and off....hurling them across the room...
We dimmed the lights in our bedroom..
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.." I moaned.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Donnie Ray, Give it to me Daddy....Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.." she moaned. "Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu yes baby!" I moaned as she moved up and down on my rock hard penis... "Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu don't stop...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..DON'T STOPPPP!" she moaned....
Olivia straddled me and began to ride me cowgirl style....I was losing my mimnd..
"OHHHH I CAN'T!" I said..
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh, Ohhhhhhhhh baby....Ouuuuu,easy Donnie Ray...ouuuuu" she moaned...
"Damnnnnnnnnnnnn gurlllllll.ohhhhhhhh, you feel so good." I moaned... as I thrusted faster and faster inside of her....She was so round, so soft, so warm....
She wrapped her legs around me so she could take all of me in and I
continued....as she moaned and groaned...We slowed it down some and got
into a slow rhythm...
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...ouuuuuu, you're as hard as an iron pipe..ouuuuuuu..You get so excited over me...OUUUUUUUUU!" she cooed as she moved up and down...up and down...
I spread her legs open and entered her again......flipping her over....
"Ouuuuu,ummmmm, I love you so much Donnie Ray." she moaned.. as I humped her over the bed with wild abandon....
"I love you too Olivia..."I moaned..nearly out of breath as we continued to make sweet love...
EIGHT TO NINE HOURSof sweet and intense lovemaking went by....Neither of us could get enough of the other....
She laughed and then tossed her head back...moaning softly...Her body quivering softly....Her breathing getting heavy...
"Ohhhhh...Ohhh my god Donnie Ray...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."she moaned...
"Ouuuuuuu...Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Olivia....Ohhh my goddd.."I moaned as she moved up and down on
TWO MORE HOURS of sweet lovemaking followed...We were both enjoying ourselves immensely.....
Olivia riding me softly and slowly and me nearly losing my mind....
Olivia was sweating profusely and laughing one minute and crying the
next....She began to climax slowly,intensely...her body shaking and she
smiling the sweetest smile I had ever seen....
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....Donnie Ray baby, .Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu Yessssssssssssss..." she said as she moved up and down and kissed me softly..
"OHHHHHHHHH baby.Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my godd!"I said..
"I'm almost there....I'm almost there." I said...
ANOTHER TWO HOURS slipped by and I began to cum like a river...
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..."I moaned, shaking..... "Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu,That's my guy..ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...That's my guyyyyyyy" she moaned as she herself began to climax...She held me tightly and continued to kiss me as she came and came hard...
Her body was shaking and trembling and tears were flowing like a river down the sides of her face....
She kissed me softly as I continued to cum like a river....
"I am so grateful for you Donnie Ray..." she said, as tears ran down her face....
''I'm grateful for you too, Olivia.OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I said as she lie on top of me and softly drifted off to sleep....
And a floor below us in another room..
"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMM this is the best..Making love after a courtroom victory." Beverly moaned...as she and her husband kissed....
"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH It feels so good that everything turned out well, Everything broke our way.." Nelson moaned...
He was unsnapping her bra and taking it off, while still kissing her.
Beverly and Nelson were standing in the middle of the floor kissing passionately.......Nelson slid her lime green lace panties down...
"You love all of my panties." said Beverly...
" True." said Nelson,laughing raffishly..
"You are so nasty!" Beverly giggled...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuu Nelson......ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu baby, I need you inside of me.....all this kissing has gotten me hot!" she moaned...
"Girl, I can't wait...I NEED TO BE INSIDE OF YOU!" he said as he led her to the bed....They didn't bother to uncover the sheets....
Nelson was gentle with Beverly.....He softly kissed her navel and her breasts and her eyelids and her earlobes and eventually worked his way to her sweet lips...
By the time he did enter her warm and moist center, she was near the point of climax......
Nelson entered her softly and gently and began to stroke her softly and
slowly....She moaned and put her arms around his neck and drew him closer
to her..She wrapped her legs around his waste and they began to move in a
slow, yet deliberate rhythm for quite some time...She held him tight as if she never wanted to let go...She was so
soft...so moist and smelled so good...Nelson was losing his mind slowly....while continuing to stroke her masterfully....
He hugged her...
She laughed...She loved that she turned him on so...
Nelson and Beverly made sweet and slow passionate and intense love for EIGHT TO NINE HOURS straight....
She felt as though she was climaxing several times....then in a huge
wave....Nelson climaxed furiously and hard....not yelling , but shaking
mightily.....then taking a deep breath and collapsing on top of
Beverly....drenched in sweat....She looked up at him and gave him a juicy
and wet kiss....
"AWWWWWWWWWWW LAWWWWWD!" he moaned softly...
"UMMMMMMMMMMM HUSBAND!" Beverly moaned as their kissing got hotter, more passionate..
He surprisingly felt himself getting hard again after a few minutes...and
began to move slowly inside and out of her....
"Ohhhhhhhh My goodness...NELSONNNNNNN! Again?? OHHH MY Godddd!" she yelled out..
"OHHHHHHHHH I LOVE YOUUUU!" she cried out...
"I LOVE YOU TOOO, UMMMM!" he moaned...
"IS IT GOOD TO YOU BABY?" she cooed..
''OUUUUUUUU!" she said ..Then she just laughed..
They made sweet love for at least another TWO HOURS AND A HALF!...Beverly could see how much Nelson was thoroughly enjoying this experience....She was enjoying it too!
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...I'm cumming...I'm cumming..Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" she said and began to shake and gyrate and turn her head from side to side....Crying like a little girl and sweating profusely....She couldn't believe how good she was feeling at the moment..
Nelson was one of maybe two other lovers she had had , who could make her cum like this...
He began cumming like a gusher....and shaking....
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he moaned...
"Oh yes Nelson..Yes....Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...niceeee...ummmmm." she moaned, kissing him as he continued to cum like a gusher...
''OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU THAT WAS NICE! OH MY GODDD!.WOUUUUUUUUUU!" she whispered...one of her legs still shaking!
Nelson agreed , he was breathing heavily....His breathing soon got softer and he drifted off to sleep.
Beverly shook her head...That was okay...He had earned it...He put in some work tonight once again!! she reasoned...
She put his arms around her and rested her head in the crook of his arms...He hugged her tightly...She smiled..
The Next Night was Thursday, Couples Night at Curley's Bar...
"This is sooooooooo sweet both our team and Vettie's team here off of several satisfying victories in court." said Olivia.
"Yes, good we all can celebrate together." I said, hugging Olivia.,
"I can't wait until next week when we all go to your beach houses."said Beverly...
"Our Beach Houses Doll.. They belong to all of us."said Nelson...
Josie leaned on her husband's shoulder...
"I feel good tonight." she said.
"I do too...it's getting warmer out...."said her husband, Paris.
"Can't wait until next Thursday..." said Bresha.
"Me neither." said Tony.
"I'm looking forward to it too!" said Alfreda.
"Yeah, we all could use the rest.."said Rockland.
"Yes...and little lady...There is an Associate Position open for you at the Women's Law Center."said
Nina Rios to Lee Phillips.
"We'd really love to have you."said Carlos.
"Thank you....I look forward to working with you guys." said Lee.
''A few more weeks and you graduate.. Exciting times..."said her boyfriend, Matthew Akes.
The Food arrived... We were seated at three big tables.
There was Shrimp Baskets....
Fried Chicken
And Barbecued Buffalo Wings..
And Martinis....
"Liv ,Gary and I may spend our time in bed just resting." said Yvette.
"That's fine with me..."laughed her husband, Gary...
"It's still too cold to get in the water...but there is a nice club down there that we like."said Keith Jones.
"Yeah and good shopping." said Bee Bee.
"And a nice restaurant... That one Jetty took us to."said Sofia.
"They had a great Brunch and a nice dinner too!"said Kahlil.
"And good Shopping."added Jade.
Her husband, Danny smiled.
"I always love it when we all are together." said Virginia.
"Yeah me too!" said Jetty.
"I feel good tonight." said Jazzy lying her head on her husband's shoulders...
"So do I." said Dabnis.
"It's getting warmer out...We can go out and do things..." said Kayla.
"Yeah.. said her husband, Ray , holding her tight..
Jessica was quietly sitting on her husband's lap, sipping her drink...
Chip was holding her tight and kissing her cheek.....
"You've certainly got a lot of subject matter for your upcoming shows don't you?" said Karen to her husband, B.L.
"Always...I've got Olivia and her crew on my show Monday with Kahlid Muhhamad and then Tuesday I've got him on again with Vettie and her crew...and I've even got Lt. Tragg on Wednesday discussing his latest arrests and why they went south.....Nah I'm kiddding about that." laughed B.L.
"I was getting ready to say...that would have been must see Television."laughed Natalie, who was sitting in her husband's lap , munching on a Buffalo Wing.
Her husband, David was as pleased as punch...having Natalie on his lap...
Likewise, her bestie, Brooke was sitting on her husband's lap snuggling with him....
Sean was holding her tight.... "Freeing Kahlid Muhhamad and getting his citizenship was the best and most satisfying thing for me, next to putting that murdering judge James Wilson behind bars.." said Sean.
"You have been having a banner year." said Zoey..
"Yes you have" said Lem.
Renee was staring deep into her husband's eyes.
He was staring into hers...
Soon they were kissing...
Kissing passionately....
From across the bar, ADA Don Diorgio watched us all in our little area, laughing, drinking talking, kissing....
In a corner at their usual table-
Lt. Tragg and Judge Kelly Ann were at their table
Kissing each other passionionately.....
as though nobody and nothing else mattered but them.
We missed when he used to spend a part of his night harrassing us...He hadn't done that in a long while..
He spent his night kissing Kelly Ann.
It was a beautiful night!
Erica Zukerman was convicted of Conspiracy to Commit Murder and sentenced to 10 years to life
Hitman Harrison Blake was convicted of First Degree Murder and sentenced to life without parole...
ADA Don Diorgio successfully prosecuted both cases.
The Next Thursday after the trial...We all got in the two buses and along with our catering van drove to the Shore...
To the two Beachfront houses that Nelson owned....
It was Matthew and Lee's first time traveling here with us....
"WOW!! This is Amazing....It's out of sight."said Matthew.
"And you guys come down here all the time?" asked Lee..
"Usually in the hot blazing summer , when we can barbecue and go out on the beach, get in the water."said Olivia.
"But these two homes have central air and therefore , we are comfortable, no matter what time we come down here." I said.
"Nelson brought me down here once when we were engaged for the weekend...It felt so creepy, just us two and all of these empty rooms...We both agreed...it would be way more fun if we brought the whole gang down here....And it is...Nice and cozy." said Beverly....
"There is 12 rooms in each house.... There is a room for you two here and we still have one extra room." said Nelson, smiling.
"We are going to have a good time..." said Josie.
"We are just happy to have you here." said Josie's husband, Paris.
"Yes... enjoy!" said Bresha.
"We brought plenty of food..." said Tony.
"Get settled in your rooms and we'll start getting everything set up."said Alfreda.
"Welcome to the family." said Rockland..
"Our two groups have always done things together...We just started pulling the others in." said Yvette.
"You've been around us long enough....Relax." said Gary...
"I've got no problem with that."laughed Matthew...
"Me Neither."laughed Lee..
"Good , we brought cards and games"said Keith Jones.
"And Music." said Bee Bee.
"Food and drink..."said Sofia.
"And let's not discuss work at all...."said Kahlil.
"Amen to that." said Jade.
"Yes." said her husband, Danny.
"Well, let's go unpack and get our rooms settled."said Virginia.
"Yes lets." said her husband, Jetty.
And next door...
"This is so nice...Last time we came down we stayed around the corner at those apartments."said Carlos.
"They were nice, but not as nice as here."said Nina Rios.
"I told you we had room enough for you guys to stay here." said Jazzy...
"Yeah....this is sooo much better..."said her husband Dabnis.
"Our group has just gotten sooo big."said Kayla.
''Yeah we can't afford to get any bigger."laughed her husband ,Ray.
'Well nobody else can move on our block." said Jessica.
"This is true."laughed her husband Chip..
"The weather is pretty mild this week."said Karen...
"Still not nice enough to go swimming."said B.L.
"Yeah but the shopping is pretty cool."said Natalie. "Me ,Brookie,Bev, Jazzy, Renee,Josie and Bree saw a few stores we would like to hit tomorrow." said Natalie.
"You gals love to shop."laughed David.
"You guys are are going to hang around here playing cards and drinking beer."laughed Brooke.
"Yup...If we can."laughed Sean.
"I know a few places, Liv, Vettie, Karen ,Freda and Virginia might check out."said Zoey....
"Have a good time."laughed Lem.
"We always do." laughed Renee..
"Yup, they always do...."laughed her husband, Tyrell.
Within an hour, we all set up grills inside two tents in between both buildings.....
We had Burgers and Dogs on two grills.
Steaks and Hot Sausages on another grill...
Seafood on yet another grill...
And Pork and Beans..
Creamy Pasta
And Cole Slaw served from the kitchen of both homes..
Good Music flowed from both living rooms...
Poker, Spades and Pinocle were played...
and there was Plenty to drink....
"Olivia, this is wonderful....I love it...I love all of you guys, You're so much fun."giggled Lee.
''And we love you...Despite the size of this group...We don't invite everybody into our circle...Consider yourselves special."said Olivia.
Lee felt a warmth she hadn't felt in a long time...Like she was part of a big family....It was a nice feeling.
I love this group....I love these stories!
These stories leave me with a feeling of warmth!
Loved this story....It felt different!
I had to binge read...I loved this story!
I had to binge read too! I missed a few installments, but I'm all caught up...Great story,.
Standing and Applauding and Throwing my panties!
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