We sat in the waiting area the next morning..... Beverly and Nelson brought coffees in for all of us from a tony coffee shop they discovered a few blocks from Federal District Court.
"This coffee is as good as the coffee we get near the city coffee house." said Beverly..
"I think it's better ." said Nelson as they passed out coffees to all of us and we sat down at a little table.
"Ouuuuu Beverly, this is good coffee.."said Olivia, smiling.
"Mmmm yes....Vettie told us about this place."I said.
'Everybody get a good night's sleep?" asked Lee Phillips, our Para-legal and law student...
"I did...I'm very relaxed."said our client, Kahlid Muhammad, the young immigrant activist we were representing falsely accused of murder.
"That's good...I tried to sleep, but I couldn't."said Josie.
"Me too!" said Bresha.
"I have a feeling everything is going to be alright..."said Sean...
"I do too" said Jessica who looked rested and relaxed....
"We couldn't have laid our case out any better." said her husband Chip as we all sat and drank our coffee.
Federal Prosecutor, Jessica Tarkington walked into the courthouse...
She was sipping her coffee with one hand
and on her phone with the other hand, calling James Zuckerman, not realizing that he was dead.
"Jessica! The trial is over...Come sit and enjoy your coffee with us..."said Olivia, offering an olive branch.
"Olivia, uh thanks for the offer, but uh I don't think that would be pertinent right now." said Jessica , trying to smile....
She continued on her phone.
"She's so stuck up! "said Beverly..
"She looks like she's carrying a heavy burden Neicey Poo!" said Olivia.
Judge Pinelli walked over to us...
"The Jury has come to a conclusion...Everyone inside the courtroom!" he said.,
"Well this is it...Showtime." said Kahlid.
Nelson put his hand on his shoulder...
"Buck up....this is what we've been waiting for." he said.
"Has the Jury come to a decision?" asked the Judge.
"We have your honor.."said the Jury Forewoman.. One of the four jurors we did not pick.
She passed the envelope to the Bailiff , who passed it to the judge. He read it and without showing any emotion passed it back to the Bailiff..
"Read it!" he said.
Each juror was polled....They all said unanimously...NOT GUILTY!!!
"To Allah be praised!" said Kahlid, leaping for joy....which was uncharacteristic for him. He was usually very stoic. He hugged Olivia and Beverly and Jessica.
"You are quite welcome." said Jessica, almost in tears.
"You're welcome Kahlid and thank you Olivia , Beverly, Donnie Ray, Josie and Bresha, we couldn't have done this without you."said her husband, Chip.
"You are always welcome." said Olivia, also in tears...
"Wow, You all pulled it out..."I said.
"We couldn't have done it without you Donnie Ray." said Beverly..
Beverly and Olivia leaped into the air and high fived each other....
Nelson and Sean congratulated each other..
Josie, Bresha and Lee all joyously congratulated each other....
Our friends came to see the verdict.....They were happy for us.
"I had no doubt my old roommie would get the victory!"said Ms. Yvette...hugging Olivia.
"Awwwwww thank you Vettie girl!" said Olivia ,hugging her.
"I had no doubt they'd pull it out." said Keith Jones.
"Yeah right! You were a little worried."said Bee Bee ,smiling.
"I know I was a little worried, just a little." said Sofia.
"Me too! but they pulled it out...Now next week it's our turn." said Kahlil.
''I'm happy for them. I'm happy for him." said Jade.
"So am I! I feel like it's a victory for all of us."said Virginia.
"It is..."said Jetty.
"We need to celebrate." said Jazzy.
"We are going to Nelson's Beach House next week..
"No we need to do something tonight."said Jazzy.
"I agree...A Special meal or something!"said Kayla.
"You guys are so festive, but I agree."said Ray.
"I imagine Liv just wants to take those expensive heels off and relax, right hun?" said Karen Page.
"You know me so well Karen!" said Olivia, smiling.
"You all put on a masterful defense." said Natalie.
"One of the best."said David.
"I certainly wouldn't have wanted to be in that Prosecutors place." said Brooke.
"Me neither , not up against that crew of attorneys..."laughed Zoey...
"They were like the Dream team and they did it pro bono?"laughed Lem.
"No..His students and people in the community held rallies throughout the trial...They raised 100K..from go fund me's and street rallies.."said Renee.
"And the Innocence Project paid a portion of the legal fees too!" said Tyrell.
"Nice....They got paid for their work..."said Tony...
"Just think...He wouldn't have been able to afford eight Attorneys, an Investigator and a Para-legal..normallyand he might have been on his way to prison."said Paris.
"That's what they were hoping....but it didn't play out like that."said Matthew Akes, who also showed up for the verdict.
"Baby!, You came!" said a very happy Lee Phillips.
"Not as much as I'd like to come." he whispered in her ear and laughed..
"Oh you are so disgustingly Nasty....Come here." said Lee.
and she kissed him slowly and softly...
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" he moaned..
" Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" she cooed.
and eventually passionately...
Jessica Tarkington was not happy about losing this case at all...She watched them all celebrate...She recognized Matthew Akes in the crowd, The Nigerian Immigrant Attorney who had recently been exonerated in a trial and had gotten his citizenship...She realized all these lawyers knew each other and worked together.
She decided she wasn't going to call James Zuckerman any more..She was going to go to a bar and grab a cold one and just go home...It had been a grueling three week trial...She was glad to be done with it.
That Night-
Jessica Tarkington went home, She took a hot soapy shower and sat down .. Poured herself a drink..
When there was a knock on her door..
She cracked the door...She was clad only in her panties and bra..
"Mam, Please put some clothes on...I'm Lt. Tragg of Homicide...We would like to talk to you."said Lt. Tragg.
"What? Wait a minute!" she said and closed the door...
"Alright come in." she said a few minutes later...What do you want?" she asked.
"It was soooo satisfying, winning that case today! On so many levels......The Justice level...We kept an innocent man from being railroaded into prison and possibly deportation...and on a personal level...I got a win over that snooty patooty Jessica Tarkington...I bet she respects me now!"said Olivia.
"Truth is, that's what really made you happy...beating an old rival..." I laughed.
"You know me so well husband....You know me better than anybody with the exception of neicey poo, Beverly." said Olivia.
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" I moaned.
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Donnie Ray." she moaned...
We tried to devour each other's lips......
I unhooked her pretty bra.
and slipped her pretty panties off~!
I spread her legs apart and entered her..she was wet and soft....I was delirious...So was she...Her head turned from side to side...Tears streamed down the side of her face...
Her body trembled something fierce....So did mine!....
She was so wet, smelled so good...skin so soft...I was nearly delirious, not knowing if I was coming or going....My body was trembling so fiercely, it seemed as if Olivia was almost afraid...
Her head was turning from side to side and she was crying like a little girl, she felt so good..
My body was trembling too!
We made sweet love for the next NINE TO TEN HOURS.. thinking of no one and nothing else but each other..
Certainly not concerning ourselves with what was going on at Central Booking. at the moment.
"That's her, that's the floozy that was sleeping with my husband...That's her!" screamed an irate woman, Maxxine Zuckerman....
"Eddie, get her outta here."screamed Lt. Tragg, who sat down next to Jessica Tarkington.
"DO YOU REALIZE I AM A FEDERAL PROSECUTOR?" screamed Jessica Tarkington angrilly...
"I know exactly who you are...You recently prosecuted that Immigrant Agitator accused of murdering an ICE Agent...You lost."said Lt. Tragg.
"WHY AM I HERE?" she demanded to know.
"SUSPICIAN OF MURDER!" said Lt. Tragg.
He showed her photos of the bullet riddled body of Attorney James Zuckerman,
"He was fished out of the river this morning...He'd been missing for four days...Four nights ago, you and he went to dinner at a tony rooftop restaurant and bar, then back to his suite at the Downtown Marriot and then he was never seen or heard from again until this morning. His widow out there hired a P.I. who followed you two ,photographed you two and taped you two in his hotel room....We were there, your fingerprints and DNA were there also and according to film footage..
these were the panties YOU were wearing....Do you deny these are yours?" he asked with a naughty smile on his face...
"I'm am an Attorney you know...and I am exercising my right to remain silent..So either charge me or let me go!"she snarled.
"Alright Ms Federal Prosecutor, Jessica Tarkington, you are under arrest for the murder of James Zuckerman, you have the right to remain silent...Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law...You have the right to an attorney....If you can not afford one, one will be provided for you...Since as you stated you are an attorney, I know you understand these rights as I have read them to you...Take her away boys..." said Lt. Tragg..
"You shameless floozy...sleeping with a married man!"screamed Mrs. Zuckerman as Jessica Tarkington was escorted out by police officers to the upstairs cells known as the cooler.
Our entire crew was off today and we celebrated by having our breakfast in the modern cafeteria in the Bridge Building with our friends. We even brought Alfreda out with us today.
"I have always loved this cafeteria..."said Olivia.
"So many choices...Their staff does a great job." I said as we stood in line filling our plates.
"Everything is so hot and fresh." said Beverly.
"And so many choices....Our friends are lucky to work here."said Nelson.
"Yes they are...I love it here too!"said Lee Phillips , who had been working with us on this last case.
"You'll be here the next teo weeks...Working with Yvette and her team on getting Kahlid his citizenship." said Josie.
"Yeah...You'll have a ball."said Josie's Husband, Paris.
"We are so happy for you...I hope you and Matt come out with us Friday at No I.D. Bar Across the street." said Bresha.
"Yeah and Saturday Morning for Brunch." said her husband Tony.
"Are you kidding...We wouldn't miss it."said a gleeful Lee.
"We are all just glad to have a break from that grueling trial." said Alfreda.
"You'll have a few days off...We don't start working on Kahlid's Immigration case until Monday." said Yvette.
"It's nice to rest after a big case." said Lee.
"Don't I know it." said Keith Jones.
"After you leave here ,go home and get your rest girl." said Bee Bee.
''Yeah, you deserve it." said Sofia.
"Because before you know it...you'll be right back in the thick of it...Lawyers life."said Kahlil.
"That's going to be the title of your book isn't it?" joked Jade.
Virginia laughed...
So did her husband, Jetty.
"After work tonight we need to do a little grocery shopping." said Jazzy.
"Yeah and I need gas for my car."said Dabnis.
"We are gonna chill and watch movies."said Kayla.
"Until the movies watch us."said Ray..
Jessica laughed... "Yes, that's us." she said.
Her husband Chip laughed.
"You did a good job for us young lady.."said Karen.
"Thank you." said Lee.
"No thank you for your help." said Natalie.
"We are going to miss you when you graduate."said David.
''She lives in the neighborhood and she's going to hang out with her...We'll see her."said Brooke.
"We've all really taken a hold of you." said Sean...
"And you've taken a hold of me too." said Lee.
"Awwwwwwwwwwww!" said Zoey as she and Lem took their seats..
"That's how all of us feel about each other." said Lem.
"Yupper." said Renee.
"And the Beat goes on."said Renee's husband, Tyrell.
Ever Resourceful, Attorney Jessica Tarkington called a Public Defender, An Attorney she knew from Law School
named Mary Mack and instructed her to get her an appearence in Night Court On Thursday, which she did.
She instructed her to get ten people who could vouch for her charactor..And so, One day after her arrest,
She found herself being arraigned in Night Court..
In Philadelphia, Night Court only operates two nights a week....Tuesday and Thursday, Tonight was Thursday...and fortunately...Jessica got an arraignment time of 9:00 pm.
The Judge in this case would not be the Judge in the actual case....
Lt. Tragg was not there... He was probably snuggled up with Judge Kelly Ann at her loft...Night court was too low profile for him anyway....No witnesses...No media..and a bunch of Judges and ADA's who were mostly older Judges and ADA's about to retire...It was lightweight. It was in session from 7:00 pm- 10:00 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays...We were quite fortunate to get a date.
The ADA that did show up was not going to be the ADA that tried the case...He had only the basic out line of the case at hand... He basically wanted to go home...So he didn't really put up much of a fight.
Jessica's Public Defender presented 14 charactor witnesses .
Acting as her own Attorney and Co-Counsel, Jessica argued that, She, an Attorney himself , an officer of the court with no prior criminal record was not a flight risk and eagerly wanted her day in court to face these "egregious ridiculous and mistaken charges."
The Judge Agreed and released her on her own recognizance...
"Wow that was easy." said Public Defender, Mary Mack.
"Thank you....I can take it from here."said Jessica.
"You're going to represent yourself on a Capital Murder Charge?" she asked.
"No...I have another attorney who hopefully will do that....The only one I know who CAN get me out of this mess." said Jessica.
Olivia was walking out her front door when the least likely person ran up to her..
"Olivia....Olivia I know this doesn't seem pertinent...BUT I NEED YOUR HELP!" said Jessica.
Ohhh now she need Olivia's help eh?
Myyy how the tables turn!
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