Thursday, March 20, 2025

Eating Crow



Olivia Marissa Bennett-Alexander

Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law, Trial Advocacy -Temple University..

J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School

Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Louisiana, Texas, California

 Speaks French and Spanish Fluently...

Worked as a Public Defender, -Philadelphia PA.

Worked for Bach and Roach LLC, as Associate Attorney

Founding partner-Alexander & West , Attorneys at law..

Divorced- Elwood Barnes..,Corporate Attorney 

No Children, two miscarriages..

Married-Donnie Ray Alexander

Beverly Cheryl West-East

Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law-Trial Advocacy, Temple University..

J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School

Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Louisiana, Texas, California

 Speaks French and Spanish Fluently...

Worked as a Public Defender,-Philadelphia PA.

 Founding Partner-Alexander & West Attorney's at Law.

Daughter of Olivia's Older Half Brother, James West... Olivia's Niece

Married to Nelson East.

Nelson Sean East

Graduated, West Catholic High School-Philadelphia PA.

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law- St. Johns University, New York City
Psychology Minor...

J.D. -St. Johns University Law School, New York City..

Passed The Bar , New York, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, Texas, California 

Speaks Spanish , French and Russian Fluently...

Worked as
Public Defender, -Philadelphia PA.

 Associate Attorney at Robert Foxworth and Associates.

Associate Attorney at Alexander and West , Attorneys at law.

Married to Beverly West

Donnie Ray Alexander

Born and Raised in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Educated in New Orleans Public Schools..

Associates Degree- New Orleans Community College-Administration of Justice, Pre Law

Homicide Detective, New Orleans Police Department, Retired.

Principal Investigator, Alexander and West Attorneys at law-Philadelphia PA.

Married to Olivia Bennett

Also a semi-professional musician

Josephine Boyd

Born in Philadelphia PA.

Raised in Red Hook Section of New York City 

Bachelors of Science, Architecture from Fisk University

Master in Business Administration- University of Pennsylvania.

Para -Legal -Alexander & West Attorneys at law.

JD- Drexel  University -The Thomas Kline Law School..

Passed the Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware, New York, Texas, California

Associate Attorney-Alexander & West, Attorneys at Law, Philadelphia.

Married to Paris Boyd

Bresha Billips

Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls

B.A. Administration of Justice,/ Trial advocacy /Pre Law- Lasalle University, Philadelphia PA.

J.D.- Middleton Law School, Bayside ,Pennsylvania.

Passed the bar, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, New York, California.

Speaks Spanish and French Fluently...

Associate Attorney at Alexander and West , Attorneys at law...

Married to Attorney Tony Billips

A Week Later-

Federal Prosecutor, Jessica Tarkington stared at the laptop in front of her...She had looked up all six of us on it...

"More coffee?" said Alfreda ,pouring her another cup...

"Yes...Thank you....You're Beverly's mother....You uh had Beverly with Olivia's much older brother." she said.

"That's right...Her brother lives out in San-Francisco now....He's married and I'm married to an Assistant District Attorney..but you know that.....You 've been looking us all up on that laptop haven't you?"said Alfreda.

"I just like to know who I'm working with...I worked with Olivia at Bach and Roach years ago...We weren't very close..just co-workers...I met her niece, your daughter only once...When she came to visit Olivia for lunch...She said she was an attorney and was getting ready to take a job in Washington as an Immigration Attorney....I guess she didn't...She stayed here in Philly and co founded this law practice with her aunt...Smart move.."said Jessica.

We had given her the complete tour.... Our law library....
Our media room
Beverly and Nelson's domicile
And Olivia and mine...

She refused to check herself into an apartment....

But we gave her a portal to keep in touch with us..

and a burner phone to contact us for security....She was impressed..

"Very sophisticated operation you got here...I am impressed."said Jessica.

''We are glad it meets your approval!" said Olivia dryly. She agreed to take this case only because it gave her a chance to gloat...She had beaten Jessica in court and now Jessica needed her help..It gave eating crow a whole new meaning.
"I'm impressed that you got yourself arrested and managed to get yourself arraigned and released on your own recognizance." said Donnie Ray.
''We usually take the night court avenue...Apparently you knew about it too!" said Beverly..

"Yes and I got me a Public Defender I know...She interned with me named Mary Mack, who kind of acted as my attorney." said Jessica.
"That was a smart move...a good move."said Nelson.

"Which brings us to your present case... Police have your DNA and Fingerprints at Mr. Zuckerman's hotel suite...and the panties you were wearing were brand new...They still had the sales sticker on them..They were traced to a department store that you purchased them from...They were found in the victims mouth." said Josie.

Nelson and I looked at each other and smiled without saying anything.

"Credit card receipts ,photos from the P.I. Mrs. Zuckerman hired and film footage from the restaurant show that you two had dinner together..a late night dinner and then you returned to the Marriot afterwards and that was the last time Mr. Zuckerman was seen alive."said Bresha.

"That's all very circumstantial..As I'm sure you know."said Olivia.

"I've known James Zuckerman since law school...We are old friends...We worked together in New York for awhile after I left Bach and Roach...I left there not long after you did Olivia. I know he's married, but he's been trying to get in my panties for years ...both before he got married and after...We met , he offered me a job in D.C.  A Senior Associate  position at his firm that paid quite well...We had a good meal and a lot of drinks and oh well...We wound up at the Marriot.. I spent the night.. Yes , we had sex...but I showered and was gone before he woke up...He was quite alive when I left him...He was snoring.  I didn't kill him...I had no reason whatsoever."said Jessica.

"Especially not after he offered you a tony job.right? "said Beverly. She still hadn't warmed to Jessica.

"Uh Yes..." said Jessica, a little uncomfortable.

Olivia smiled snarkily...

"There is one thing...He got a phone call from a blocked 8:00 am.. He apparently was up by then... He left his room, he left the door unlocked and he must have slipped down the back steps, since no one in the lobby remembers seeing him...and that was the last he was heard from." I said.

"Wow!  A Real Who done it huh?" said Jessica.

"Yes...What we have to do is establish where YOU were after you left his room and build up a suitable alibi." said Olivia.


At the Bridge Building In Yvette's Conference Room-

Yvette was holding court with our former client, Kahlid Muhhamad...
"Kahlid...We are going to use the same playbook we used with Matthew get him his citizenship... Since we don't have to defend you from murder charges this should be a piece of cake."said Yvette.

"How Fortunate I am to have such great lawyers ." he said.

"Like Ms. Yvette said, we are operating from the same playbook." said Bee Bee.

"This is giving me a sense of Deja Vu." said Para-legal ,soon to be law school graduate Lee Phillips , who was the only holdover from his previous legal team working on this case.

"We'll be able to run this up and through much quicker than with his case since we aren't starting from scratch." said Sofia.

"I just got a court date on the phone...It's a few days from now....We'll be at this one." said Kahlil.

"Keep yourself out of trouble...Don't murder anyone."said Keith Jones.

"Oh My Godddd!" said Ms. Virginia,laughing....

"I'll try my best not to." said Kahlid.,laughing...He had a great sense of humnor....

Ms. Virginia, Kahlid, Ms. Yvette and Ms. Jade all busted out laughing, as did the entire room....

Meanwhile back at our house-
In our law library, Beverly, Josie and Bresha were working just as dillingently on Jessica's case....

"They are researching laws from previous cases like yours, laws generally pertaining to this particular case, Predicates as well as the autopsy report, any witness statements and the crime scene report and police report as well as film footage the P.I. took, film footage from the restaurant and the GPS from your phone." said Olivia.

"My God, you guys leave no stone unturned....You are very thorough...No wonder you have such success in court...You leave very little room for any surprises."said Jessica.

Next door in our media room, she saw Nelson and I deep at work..

"Nelson is looking at the potential jury pool... He knows their voting record, general education, where they live, where they work...All things pertinent in order to pick the perfect juror for you...While my husband is studying video footage of your night at the restaurant and footage from the Marriot, both of the street and in the lobby."said Olivia.

"My I said, you have a sophisticated operation going on here...I am super impressed and confident, you guys can get me off."said Jessica.

"We are going to try....Though nothing is a given...Juries can be funny."cautioned Olivia.

"Olivia!  All of those years at Bang, We spent competing against each other for clients, for position and what not....We might have been , FRIENDS!" said Jessica, with tears welling in her eyes...

"I wouldn't mind...Uh...I'd like to be your friend Jessica." said Olivia.

"You are...You are my friend Olivia." said Jessica, with tears in her eyes, hugging Olivia.The full effect of eating crow.


It had been a very busy day...

"This was some day wasn't it Donnie Ray?" asked Olivia...

"Yeah..and  it's about to get better...At least mine is.." said Donnie Ray.
"Ouuuuuu you are so horny...." said Olivia,laughing.

"We are just about ready to go on Jessica's case." I said.

"Yeah....and once she's done and once Vettie is done with Kahlid...Both of our teams are going to take a break."said Olivia.

"I think we all need to take a break." I said.

"Yes." said Olivia.

Continuing to kiss me with her butter soft lips.

We continued to kiss, she helped me undress.....

"Oh My godddd look at youuuuuu...OUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" she exclaimed...and stroked me gently..

I slowly slipped her panties down...

"Myyyyyyyy wordd...young lady, what you wear under your clothes is simply scandalous.." I said in a fake English accent..

"You are so crazy Donny Ray."laughed Olivia.

I lifted her up and entered her slowly...


"I love to hear you moan.." she whispered in my ear.. "I love that I make you moan." she added..

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" was all I could get out..

She moved up and down on me....driving me to near delirium...
And rode me cowgirl girl style on top of the bed..


"I AMMMMM!" I roared.
"UMMMMM I'm enjoying this moment!" I moaned...

For the next NINE TO TEN HOURS....Olivia and I were in total bliss.
We rested peacefully under a nice harvest moon...It was the calm before the storm...
Like wise downstairs..Beverly and Nelson were making a night of it..

"Come here my Knight in shining armour.. Take me, I'm yours" whispered Beverly, softly to Nelson..

They kissed slowly , softly....

Eventually they began devouring each others lips..

Beverly helped Nelson to undress...

Nelson slowly slipped her panties down and off..

He lifted her petite body up and entered her slowly and gently... bringing her to a quick orgasm...She wrapped her arms around him and spread her legs even wider..Nelson was losing his mind....

Once more, he placed her on the bathroom sink, spread her legs and entered her again, slowly and softly...She held him for dear life , while her body trembled.. and sweat and tears ran down the side of her face,,she couldn't believe she was having another orgasm..
They finally made it to the bed, For the next NINE TO TEN HOURS....Beverly  and Nelson were in total bliss.

a nice night and a nice ending to a good day.

In her highrise apartment building...

Jaessica Tarkington opened up her last bottle of Tequilla.

And poured herself three fingers of Tequila...She would much rather have someone to drink with...but 
tonight she was drinking alone....



We all showed up to watch Yvette's crew argue Kahlid's application for citizenship..

They had the same unsympathetic Judge they had had in their very first case, the one who wouldn't give them a continuance, the one who told them to have all of their ducks in a row... He was exasperated seeing them again and with another person.

This time the three attorneys came back with their boss , a para-legal and an investigator...And they had ALL OF THEIR DUCKS IN A ROW AND THEN SOME!


The Judge had to eat crow and rule in their favor..

And we all were there when Kahlid took his citizenship exam and was sworn in as an American Citizen...  Out of the clutches of Ice...Out of the clutches of the police.. A Free man an American Citizen at last.

"All Praises due to Allah, Thank you all..Thank you all" said newly minted American Citizen, Kahlid Muhammad.. 

 "You are quite welcome."said Ms. Yvette...

"It's like De Ja Vu...I was just here a few weeks ago with my boyfriend." said Lee...

"We are gettin quite good at this."said Keith Jones.
"Yeah...we are." said Bee Bee.
"I wonder how many more of these cases we'll have?" asked Sofia.
"None for awhile." said her husband, Kahlil.
"I hear ya..."laughed Jade.

"And Olivia, Donnie Ray, Beverly, Nelson, Josie and Bresha , thank you for defending me against bogus charges and ending one part of my long nightmare." said Kahlid.

"You are quite welcome..Keep speaking up..Keep fighting the good fight."said Olivia.
"We are proud of you man." I said.

"If you need any of us..We are just a phone call away." said Beverly...
"But just don't call us too soon... I'm just kidding." said Nelson as we all laughed.

"Congratulations Kahlid." said Josie.

"Yes Congratulations." said Bresha.

"How fortunate I was to have such great attorneys and investigators volunteer to take up my case.."said Kahlid.

Jessica hugged him...

"Congratulations!" she said.. She had first approached him and she had put together all of us to help with his defense and his citizenship battle.
"Congratulations Kahlid." said Jessica's husband, Charles "Chip" Burrows/.

"Congratulations Kahlid." said Sean, who had also helped out.

"Olivia, I heard that that prosecutor, Jessica Tarkington has been brought up on Murder charges herself and came to you for help...I guess after losing to you in court, she figured you guys would be the best ones to defend her huh?" he laughed.

"I suppose...." laughed Olivia.

"Tell Me Liv, How did she like her crow served?" he laughed.

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUU, You're Bad!" said Olivia, laughing too!


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