Prologue : Harlem....
Ralph Mole and Roscoe sat in a Black 2011 Cadillac SUV outside of a Dunkin Donuts in New York City....
"You think he'll show?" asked Roscoe.
"He'll be here...When Larry Boy calls a sit down, everybody shows." said Ralph Mole.
"Larry Boy" was Lawrence "Larry Boy" Butler, one of Harlem's most respected players...He had been retired for some years now...but he still commanded big respect and sometimes acted as a mediator in disputes... Fathead Newton of Philadelphia had reached out to him and asked for a sit down in Panama Brown's behalf.....He had sent his represenative Ralph Mole in his place and his chief enforcer, Roscoe.
Within Twenty Minutes....Larry Boy and his bodyguard, Ace showed up...They looked around and entered Dunkin Donuts....
"They're here..Lets go in." said Roscoe.
"In a minute....Tell me Roscoe....What is your beef with Geechie Dan? I mean...given, he's a real bastard...everybody knows that...but what's your deal with him?" asked Ralph Mole.
"As you know Ralph...I'm from New York....Years ago...I was just startin out...Geechie Dan had an older brother...you remember?" said Roscoe.
"Yeah, "No Pants Darryl" I heard of him." said Ralph.
''Yeah...Well apparently he got that nickname because he was real smittened with this stripper. He took her to a room thinking he was gonna score...Only she had her boyfriend up there in that room and they robbed him..Took his expensive watch, his rings and his money clip.......Then the boyfriend tore his pants off so that he couldn't follow them...He chased them down the streets of Harlem in his boxer shorts.....Everybody that heard about it was laughing and thus he got the name-"No pants Darryl" and it stuck.""Well...I was in a little club with my friend, Ray Gitlow....Ray was tellin me the story over by the bar and we were drinkin, laughin and talking, you know...not bothering anyone....Unfortunately..someone overheard our convo and sent word to Geechie Dan that we were laughing about his brother's misfortune....""A few days later...I got cornered by Geechie Dan himself and three of his goons...They beat me up pretty bad...broke my jaw, broke my hand and fractured my skull slightly...left me for dead. I got the light end of it...They killed my boy Ray Gitlow.....I'll never forget how his mother cried at his funeral......I moved out of New York and settled into Philly after that.....I've hated that rotten Geechie Dan ever since." said Roscoe."Okayyyyyyy...just wanted to know." said Ralph Mole...Let's go in." he said.
They walked in, exchanged pleasentries with Larry Boy and Ace....and then waited for Geechie Dan to arrive. He did...With his six foot six, heavily muscled driver/bodyguard Leo...an imposing
looking man if ever there was one...He looked at Roscoe and bowed his head...Roscoe bowed his
head as well.
"Leo...don't just stand there looking stupid...Get Larry Boy and Ace some Coffee and some donuts...." snapped Geechie Dan.
"What about Panama and the Philly Boys?" asked Leo.
''Let em buy their own...Did I tell you to get them some? You're just as stupid as the day is long...
Go over there and get the stuff." said Geechie Dan.
''Do you want something boss?" asked Leo.
You could see the pent up anger in Leo's face as he did what he was told...Panama Brown, Ace, Ralph Mole and Roscoe had already ordered their coffee and donuts fortunately. Once everybody was situated the meeting began.
"Okay guys..We are here to talk...Let's talk" said Larry Boy.
"Geechie....This is one last chance , one last effort to get you to reconsider...You're costing me and the people I represent a lot of loss revenue with what you been doin ." said Panama Brown.
"That's your problem...I have no plans to change my askin price." he said.
"We are here to negotiate...Let's negotiate." said Ralph Mole.
'What's your stake in this?" asked Geechie Dan.
"Fathead Newton, who I have full authority to speak for is in business with Allejandro and Panama Brown...Your decision affects us in Philadelphia." said Ralph Mole.
"You know...Larry Boy calls a sit down and Fathead doesn't have the decency to show his lazy fat ass...instead he sends Morrocco Mole here." smirked Geechie Dan.
Ralph Mole ignored his insult and continued...
''Look, Fathead is also asking a favor... You've had an open air contract on a guy from our town for awhile now named Basil Robinson...He's a friend of a friend...He's a good guy...No threat to you...we would like the contract called off." asked Ralph Mole.
"That's my business, it has nothin to do with you......If Fathead cared so much he would have come here himself...Not that it mattered...." smirked Geechie Dan.
"Nah , senseless murder aint never mattered to you." smirked Roscoe.
"Ohhhhhh look who it is? I remember you...laughin boy...Hey how's your hand doin?" laughed Geechie Dan.
Roscoe lunged at him, but the always cool Ralph Mole grabbed him........
"Unlike everybody else in the world Geechie Dan, I'm not afraid of you." said Roscoe.
"Awwwwwww, is that right? You need to watch your mouth errand boy...You could wind up like that kid Basil." he laughed.
"He's fine...Seems like you can't find good help now of days ." laughed Roscoe.
"Oh..I'll have someone on it soon..." said Geechie.
"Geechie...you're wasting a lot of money that we have in common on this nonsense and meanwhile my people can't earn." said Panama Brown.
"Again, not my problem." he said.
"So...I'm assuming that we don't have any kind of compromise here at all?" said Panama Brown.
"Nope....I could've told you that from the door and saved you the trip...but I did enjoy the coffee
and donuts....and Panama...I'm really surprised at you, goin to Philly and recruiting Fathead Newton to go in with you...Like that was going to make a difference...You're pathetic..All of you."
he laughed as he got up from his seat.
"Leo...you big dummy..Go get my damn car ready." he snapped.
Leo looked at Roscoe and nodded, Roscoe nodded back...And then the big man did as he was told.
As they left...Ralph Mole looked at Larry Boy and Ace...Larry Boy just shrugged-
"I'm sorry Ralph..You know how he is...He just doesn't know the meaning of compromise." he said.
"That's okay Larry Boy...We didn't think he would...but we wanted to give him one last chance to see things our way." said Ralph.
"Yeah...I can't say I'm gonna miss him...He's been a real pain for years." sighed Larry Boy.
Leo drove slowly and began talking-
"You know Geech...Panama had a point....you could ease up on your askin prices...You are squeezin them out and they are our biggest buyers." he said.
"You know jackass...If I wanted your opinion...I'd give you one." he snapped.
"Oh and another thing...Basil Robinson...That cat was always square, always on time ...He's out of the game...He's caused you no trouble...Why waste time and money on him...Leave him be." said Leo.
"Heyyyy, what's with all of this conversation??....You of all people don't tell me how to run my business....I was in this game when you was suckin on your mamas left tit, now all of a sudden a
big dummy like you has an opinion?? I could go on any street corner and find six or seven cats just like you and
smarter too." said Geechie Dan.
"That's another thing Geech...I'm tired of the way you talk to me.....I don't like it." he said.
"You know Leo..That's it...you're fired....Only reason I hired you in the first place is because I was bangin your mom at one time and I kind of felt like I owed it to her...She was pretty good in bed." said Geechie Dan.
Leo pulled the car to a stop....Geechie noticed that they were far from Manhattan....In fact they were out near a deserted air strip.....
"Heyyyy, what are we doin way out here?? You get lost or something?? Drive me home and then
get your crap and get to steppin." he said...
Another car...A Black 2011 Caddilac SUV with Pennsylvania Tags drove up beside them. The windows were tinted.
"Get out this car Geech!" said Leo coldly.
"What?" said Geechie Dan exasperatedly.
"Get out this car...I aint askin you...I'm tellin you." said Leo.
"Are you nuts? Do you realize I can have you killed?? " said Geechie Dan "Do You know who I am?" he said.
Roscoe, Ralph Mole and Panama Brown were standing outside the car now. Geechie Dan looked around in horror.
"You guys are crazy...I got all of New York behind me....I got pull with the Russians...Pull with the Italians....You'll all be dead." he screamed.
Leo pushed him out of the car...
"Look Leo...How long you worked for me?? I don't mean nothin when I say things...Panama...Anything you want..anything I'll drop my askin price, just like you wanted....I'll reconsider..We New Yorkers baby...why we sidin wit these Philly guys???HUH??? COME ONNNNN! Look, I aint got nothin against Philly....I root for the Eagles all the time..I love Mike Vick..COME ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! " he screamed. He was now as afraid as anyone had ever seen him.
"Ralph...Ralph Mole!! You're a reasonable guy...I always thought you was...I said just the other day, Ralph Mole is the real brains in Philadelphia....Come on...Talk to your people..Let's work it outtttttttttttttttt..huh? Ralphie Boy...what do ya say huh? COME ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!"
he screamed. He was now shaking like a leaf.
Ralph Mole walked back to the Caddillac and closed the door. He looked at Geechie Dan, smiled and shook his head.
"Okay guys...don't shoot me in the face...I want to have a nice funeral...a lot of honeys will be comin through and I want to look my best...okay? Okay? ...come onnnnnnnnn...." he wimpered.
Roscoe, Panama Brown and Leo pulled out their guns and fired a fusilade of shots into the torso of Geechie Dan...His body jerked like a drunk man doing the cabbage patch and finally he fell up against the tree...blood was pouring from him like a sieve.
to the ground, dead.
In the trunk of Leo's car was another corpse....It was wrapped in a body bag.
"This is the hitter that was supposed to go to Philly to kill that kid on his wedding day...I tried to talk sense to him, but he wouldn't listen...So , I uh had to
convince him with my .357 mag." said Leo.
"Good Job Leo." said Panama Brown.
They lifted Geechie Dan's body into a body bag and weighted it down....along with the body of the would be contract killer.....Both bodies were later deposited into the Hudson Bay by Leo and Roscoe.
Leo looked at Roscoe-
"Ray Gitlow was my friend too Roscoe....When you told me it was this scum bag who killed him...I couldn't wait for you guys to get here....I been workin for this piece of crap for three years and he been callin me every name under the sun....I was just waitin for the right time to take him out..."
"Me too Champ...I'm glad we got to do it together" said Roscoe as he shook Leos hand.
At the car, Panama Brown shook Ralph Mole's hand....
"Ralph...you tell Fathead that a lot of love will be comin his way from New York City...Allejandro is ecstatic.....So is everybody else...Playas was clappin when they got the news that Geechie Dan got popped...Shame aint nobody gonna ever find his body."
"That's okay...Who would come to his funeral?" laughed Ralph Mole.
"That's right.Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..." laughed Panama Brown.
EPILOUGE:Ralph Mole was driving back to Philadelphia....Roscoe sat at his side, looking out the window...
"That kid Basil's wedding is tomorrow Roscoe." said Ralph.
"Yup" he said.
"You going?" asked Ralph.
''Yeah,I'm going...I think I gave that kid the best wedding gift I could give anybody." said Roscoe.
"Oh yeah? What?" asked Ralph.
''His life."said Roscoe as he drifted off to sleep.
"You did at that." thought Ralph Mole as he continued to drive.
(Conclusion Next)