Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Judge's Briefs

I arrived in Philadelphia, via London, via Amsterdam where I was arrested by the police there. The FBI agent, Stanton..who picked me up was very stoic...Not much of a conversationalist....He handcuffed me and put me on the plane and that was that.

Me? My name is Ray Kind, former safe cracker, former heist guy, former drug user....Now I'm a federal prisoner.

I thought I had gotten out of it!  I had made a deal with the locals in Copenhagen. Gave them a drug operation for my freedom and had caught a train and exited the country....I wasn't in Amsterdam a half an hour before about twenty armed policemen swooped down on me and arrested me!  Next thing I know...FBI agent Stanton and three other agents arrive and spirit me to London...The rest is as they say ...History!

Once in Philadelphia, Special agent in charge, Frank Cotton...a brother!  and the lawman who busted me years ago smiled upon seeing me...

"Well , well ,well...Welcome home Ray...We missed you." he said sarcastically..

I smiled.... "Yeah, I missed Philly too." I said.

It wasn't long before I was hauled into a Federal courthouse and made aware of my charges. ..Unlawful flight to avoid prosecution for conspiracy in the robbery of Jake's Jewelry Palace.  I was just going to be tried for the one jewelry store heist!!!....There had been several...but the strongest evidence was in this one case...That was good...and I wasn't going to be held responsible for the deaths of the three people who were shot during the robbery...The men responsible for that had been killed themselves...

Still, I faced close to ten years in federal prison if convicted and I didn't want that either... I had a court appointed attorney, but I was already about to hire my own lawyer...a guy named Ralph "Pretty" Penny...a good lawyer who had represented a number of players.....

Then I looked up and saw the judge!!!  I couldn't believe it...It was her!!!! Laura Como.....I hadn't seen her in years!!! She was the judge??  I She and I had history...We were once engaged to be married!


She was the one that got away...The good girl!  Always got good grades in school, always about something...Not like all of the others....Not looking for a playa with a fine car..Just a good wholesome girl.
My friends thought she was square, but I always dug her and I always knew she was going to be somebody special...Here she'd gone through law school, been an attorney and was now a sitting judge in federal court...
Wow...My lucky day!!

Our eyes met!!! She was astounded...I motioned for her to be cool...she was...

"Your honor, my client has only one prior conviction and it was years ago....he's a businessman...and he's been away from home for a long time...I make a motion that bail be made available for him..." said Richard "Pretty" Penny.

Special Agent Cotton and the Assistant District Attorney both protested-

""Businessman?? Businessman?? This guy is a felon, this guy conspired with others to rob a jewelry store in which three people lost their lives....This man is a flight risk....We had to go all the way to Europe to capture him!" they both yelled...

But Judge Como... Judge Laura Como would hear none of that......She smiled...With those big pretty white teeth of hers and that flawless brown skin of hers and practically ignored them...

"I don't think Mr. Kind  will jump bail again....He appears to be non-violent and he is a well respected businessman...Therefor...Bail is set at $25,000.00 dollars." she said.

Damn...that hit my pockets a little deep...but I had enough in an off shore account to cover it....  I was once again a free man, within a few hours...

Seemed like my luck was just runnin a tab or somethin!


After I showered, shaved and put on some clean clothes...I stopped by Josies...I had hoped that Kevin Morris was there...I wanted to laugh in his face...After all he done to corral me...I was a free man again..At least for the time being.

He nor Kool Kat , nor any of his other little partners were in Josie's tonight, but Gus was...Gus was the owner and head bartender in this joint and I know that if he saw me...Kevin would soon know that I was free and clear once again.

"You mean to tell me they let YOU out?" said Gus as soon as he saw me..

'There's no jail that can hold me..." I laughed.

"Don't be too sure of that." said Gus..."What are you having?" he asked.

''He's having Jack Daniels on Ice" came a soft sultry voice.

It was Laura Como, the judge!!!!

''You remembered" I said.

"How could I forget?" she said.

"Hey don't I know you?" asked Gus...

"Uhhh..No....I don't think you do.." she said.

I quickly paid Gus for my drink and hers...a Margarita and quickly hustled her to a private booth...

"Heyy what's the idea?" she said.

"You're a judge...a federal judge, you granted me bail...It's not a real good idea for the two of us to be seen together." I said.

She kissed me in the lips long and hard...

"I've missed you sooo much Ray." she said.

"I didn't know what became of you Laura...I knew you were a big time lawyer...never knew you were a judge." I said.

"I just became a Judge...a little while ago....I was a U.S. Attorney with the Justice Department for a couple of years." she said.

"Yeah?  No kiddin..?" I said.

"I couldn't believe it was you today ...In my courtroom." she said.

"Yeah...that was me alright." I said.

"Thought you gave up puttin down scores Ray." she said.

"I did...For awhile anyway...I stopped ...then I started puttin people together to do em and you know takin a cut....I guess I got in with the wrong know how that goes sugar." I said.

"Ray, you've got more money than you'll ever spend...Why didn't you just give the whole game up? " she asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"You can't, can you?  That's how you get your kicks' isn't it?" she said.

"I used to get my kicks another way..." I said ,giving her the side eye."


"Ohhhhhhhhhhh godddddddddddddddd, RAyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" she moaned as she wrapped those big legs around my waist and I sunk every inch of me into her hot wet vagina....

We left Josie's together and rented a hotel room in town....We couldn't wait to tear into each other's hungry bodies....

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu babbby....give it tooo meeeeeeeeeeeee... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
goooood lord...sweeeeeeeeeet lord....OHHHHHHHHHHHHH RAYYYYYYYYYYY..." she screamed as I tore into her more...

At one point I had her on the floor on all fours with her hands gripping the sheets and me thrusting from behind with a steady thrusts...deeper and deeper. "Oh Ray, baby it feels good... oh so good." she moans.. I am transported to another realm of existance.

The pleasure from this encounter makes me go crazy. She was panting, trying to slow my pace. Me, I'm Trying to hold onto this incredible feeling. I am so close to the edge of any sanity.

I feel her passion is building. I can feel something racing up through my throat. I can feel my heart racing faster faster faster. I manage to get her back in the bed...I'm pumping her harder and faster. She's screaming -"Oh Ray slam into me with everything you got...give it to me baby."

Now her back is arched, Her rear end is in the air and I am losing all sense of reason....

"Ohhh darling..."


"Ouuuuuuuu jesussssssssssss..." she moans...

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..." I moan and I come with a feirceness ,,,,,

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." she coos...

"Ohhh Ray that was sooo good." said Laura...

""ohhh you aint never lied.." I said.

"I miss this...I miss you." she said.

"Yeah.." was all I could muster.... I was cracking safes and putting down scores back then...I hadn't been caught yet...but the whole neighborhood knew what I was into...I had a nice apartment, a nice car...nice clothes and a lot of cash...a lot more than I should have....I wasn't selling drugs like the other neighborhood guys...Basil Robinson, Chris Thompson, Fathead Newton, but I had as much money as all of them at the time...

Laura was a good girl...She went to school...she got good grades....She was a church goer..She sang in the choir... Not the type of girl that should have been hanging with me....but ..alas..she did for some reason...She used to sneak and see me.... Her Father hated me... and for good reason.....

Basil found God...Gave up his lucrative drug trade around the train station, got married and is now a Deacon.
Who would have thought that?

Chris Thompson gave up his West Philly empire and followed his running buddy Chess into many lucrative businesses. Today ,he's a very wealthy man...

Neither Basil nor Chris show any signs of ever going back to the old life they once lived... Only Fathead Newton remains a gangster....Though largely behind the scenes.... He lives in a Condo.... Sees only his right hand man, Roscoe and Ralph Mole..his driver....He has other people who run his street empire for him...

Me?  I stopped putting down scores a long time ago..Stopped cracking safes..  but I couldn't keep my hands completely clean... I started scoping out scores, heists, what have you and hiring  other people to actually do the jobs while collecting a finder's fee if you will....I started socking my money away in off shore accounts and investments... I bought a Bike shop as a front...and I lived quietly.....all the while being the mastermind behind
my little empire....I'm not going to stop...I'm just a stone cold gangster I suppose.

"What can I do to help you Ray?" she said.

"I don't want you to jeopordize your job baby...So we can't be seen in public." I said.

"I love you Ray.." she said.

"I love you too...That's why I didn't marry you...I would've just held you back." I said.

"Oh Ray that was crazy." she said.

"No,It's not..Look at you now...You're a Judge on the Federal Bench...." I said.

''Well ,What Can I do to help you?" she asked  again...

"I just need information.....Anything you can get me...Witnesses...where they live, their testimony....Prosecution strategy...whatever...that's all you have to do... I'll give you the number of a clean cell phone..It's not in my name...You call me with whatever you have on that okay baby?" I said.

"Okay Ray..Anything for you baby." she said.

"Good Girl" I said.

Yeah..she was a good girl...too good to be in love with somebody like me.


Anonymous said...

I'm about to throw my panties !

Brenda said...

No surprise there!

Sunflower said...

This is an eye opening story....I see that you are setting it up for Kevin and Ray to tangle with neach other again... It's obvious that Kevin and Ray are evenly matched...This looks like it's going to be good..I can't wait!

Grover Tha Playboy said...

Good Story...I can see Kevin and Ray are going to meet up again...I had a feeling that we weren't seeing the end of Ray during the last time they tangled..

Wonder why Gus thought he knew that girl Ray was with? Hmmm!

Swaggie said...

Good Story...I hope it doesn't just end here....I'd love to see Ray and Kev go at each other again...