Thursday, May 16, 2024

Clown Show




Born in Philadelphia PA. 

Mother, Nancy Jones, Court Stenographer

Father, Judge Keith Morrison

Graduated from West Catholic High School

B.A. Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law- Howard University

J.D.- University of Pennsylvania Law School

Fluent in Spanish, French, German

Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware ,New York, Texas, California

Associate Attorney- McCluskey/Cozen/Connor/Pratt

Senior Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor/Pratt

Married to Beatrice Evans


Born in Philadelphia PA.

Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls

B.A. -Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy ,Pre Law- Temple University

J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School

Fluent in Spanish and French

Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Deleware, Texas, California

Associate Attorney- McCluskey /Cozen/Connor and Pratt

Senior Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor/Pratt

Married to Keith Jones


Born in Philadelphia PA.

Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls

B.A. -Administration Of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law-Temple University

J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School

Fluent in Spanish and French

Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware and New York, Texas, California

Associate Attorney -McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt

Senior Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor/Pratt

Married to Kahlil Ahmed...


Born in Philadelphia PA.

Graduated from Central High School

BA.- Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law- Temple University

JD- University of Pennsylvania Law School

Speaks Arabic languages fluently, fluent in German and Russian.

Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware and New York, Texas, California

Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt

Senior Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor/Pratt

Married to Sofia Garcia


Born in Philadelphia PA.

Graduated from North Catholic High School

BA-Trial Advocacy, Pre Law, Administration of Justice -Lasalle University

JD -University of Pennsylvania Law School

Fluent in Spanish, French and Russian

Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware , New York, Texas, California.

Senior Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt

Managing Partner- McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt

Married to District Attorney Investigator-Gary Lockwood


Steve Levenson was one of several tough new Assistant District Attorneys that Gil Garcetti hired to take on tough cases...

He was looking over the attorneys he would be facing....

"Hmmm four of these guys look pretty young, pretty green....Their boss, I've met before... "Ms Big Tits", Yvette Jones....Now Lockwood....She's married to one of our investigators huh?  Lucky guy,,,Ummmmmmmph....Married to all of this...ummmmmmmph ummmmmmmm.." he moaned...

Lt. Tragg walked in...

"I'm Lt. Arthur Tragg, I'm the primary on this case." he said.

"I know who you are....This case appears to be strong from the outset , but on the other's weak...You've got no motive....and other than the fact that the dead guy was ballin her in the park, no real proof that he didn't die there and she took a powder,like you and I or anyone else in that predicament would do...Recanvass, get me some more evidence...Talk to the doctor that prescribed the pills....Though I doubt that he prescribed these pills...They're laced with Cyanide...Talk to him anyway." said Steve Levinson....

He then took a disinfectant wipe...

and wiped the lipstick off of Lt. Tragg's collar..

"My god man, don't wear your business on your lapel." he said..

Embarrassed, Lt. Tragg left his office....He already knew he didn't like this man.

Meanwhile at the Bridge Building..
We were all enjoying lunch...

"I talked to the Doctor....The one who prescribed the Anxiety Pills...He said that the pills in that bottle are NOT the pills he prescribed...They don't even look the same..Different colors...Someone obviously switched the pills."said Jade.


 ''Well if the doctor didn't prescribe those pills...Who Did? Where is his wife on all this? Did she know that her husband was fooling around.?" asked Yvette.

''All good questions , but unfortunately...I didn't talk to his wife.. She's in Cancun with her girlfriends...and she's been there since the day before her husband's death." said Jade.

"How convenient !" I said.
"Oh wow! A Girls trip to Cancun....That's something we all have never done..."laughed Bee Bee.
''We do so much with our husbands...I don't think it would feel right without them."laughed Sofia.
"Yeah we want to go back to Cancun too!  Remember when we went with Olivia, Donnie Ray,Bev, Nelson and Josie?" asked Kahlil...

"That was fun..." I said.
"Big fun." said Bee Bee.

''Well anyway...They've been gone this entire time..All we know for sure is that somebody stepped on those pills...and according to Gloria..He was popping those pills the entire night..At Dinner and later at Lovers Lane.  She thought they were either Poppers or Cialis and Viagra. The autopsy says he died of acute cyanide poisoning. He was being killed slowly for days. The Police found the actual Anxiety Pills in his home. If I'm right they'll be looking for the wife too!"

"Then that should put Gloria in the clear and point the finger at the wife!" said Sofia.

''Don't bet on it baby girl.. You forget who is working on this case....Lt. Tragg doesn't like to believe he is ever wrong...He's going to stick with who he arrested first."said Virginia.

''She's right..That imbecile is going to stick to who he arrested first."said Jetty.

"If Lt. Tragg interviews that Doctor and finds out Jade has been there first...He's going to be on the rampage.."said Jazzy.

"Aren't you glad you guys work here and he doesn't know it?" laughed Dabnis.

"He doesn't care about us...but he certainly would be after Vettie and her people if he knew."said Kayla.

"That's what I love about this place, it's a safe haven..."said Ray..

''Oh Yes." said Jessica in agreement

"Amen" said Chip.

"He knows I work down here, but as far as I know , he hasn't visited me..He doesn't like this building."said Karen Page.

"And we don't like him."said Natalie.

Her husband, David laughed....

So did Brooke and Sean.

"Thank God I've never had to deal directly with him." said Zoey.

"Me neither." said her husband ,Lem.

"He's not who I worry about...It's Bruce Greene. So Far, no visit from him."said Renee.

"Lt. Tragg hates me and David with a passion...We both beat him in court.."said Tyrell...

"One of you guys cost him a Podcast and his own TV Talk show."said Paris.

Tony cracked up laughing.....

Another Lunchtime at our building.


A Totally unhinged Lt. Tragg was in our old building searching for us once again.. and once again he found an empty office with the lights turned off and doors locked.. I wondered how long it would take him to realize that we weren't there...

He was furious that Jade had beat him to the punch, interviewing the Doctor who prescribed the pills and finding out that the wife was in Cancun...

She hadn't broken any laws...but he was incensed with the idea of her beating him to the punch.

In our conference room, with help from Ms. Virginia, Sofia, Bee Bee and Kahlil did research on our case, looking up like cases...predicates and laws pertaining to a case like this one. Virginia liked helping us with research...It made her feel like a lawyer again.

They had been working like this everyday...

Ms. Yvette kept Gloria updated by Portal , daily on our progress....

While in our Media Room , Kahlil, Myself, Ms. Yvette and Jade looked at Juror Profiles and determined what type of juror we wanted...

Jade had done all of the research she could possibly do for the time being...

Ms. Virginia sat in on this too...She was learning about trial science...Something she hadn't known about before...She truly loved us and was grateful for the opportunity we gave her to still work closely with the law.

It was painstaking work, the boring but very necessary work that attorneys did that wasn't seen on TV shows or the subject of legal novels...


Judge Kelly Ann Mercer was the judge in this trial...Defense Attorney William Lemann was making her increasingly angry every day,,He was turning her courtroom into a circus, a clown show if you will.

He was late every other day of the trial and he entertained huge press conferences every day after court,.

which she hated....

They hired Brendan Burnside as a Financial advisor and legal consultant as well, but he and the egotistical William Lemann butted heads several times during the trial and William Lemann fired him after two days...

The next day...William Lemann was two hours late for trial...

Judge Kelly Ann Mercer was incensed and warned him....One more lateness and she would declare a mistrial and jail him...

Client, George Barnes was gradually losing faith in his attorney...Who seemed more interested in His Book and His upcoming movie and his fame and celebrity than arguing his case...

ADA Michelle Barnes was having a field day.....She was sooo glad that she was not facing us in court..



We had tied her up time and time again and frustrated her to the point of tears....The Jury had broke 7 to acquit, just 3 to convict and 2 terribly confused and undecided...It was a hung jury and it looked like it broke more our way than hers...

This was not the case now...She was pressing her case, the way she had wanted and her opposing counsel seemed clueless.

She had prepared better than before..but was still glad she wasn't facing us...

George Barnes deeply regretted firing us,.his original lawyers...he now was settled with a man he considered a clown..

We had dinner with our good friends, Olivia and Beverly and company tonight...

''Dinner is served, dig in everybody.." said Alfreda.

"Olivia, everything looks and smells delicious..."said Yvette. 

"Only the best for my best girl." said a smiling Olivia.
"You guys are working on defending Gloria Rubenstin huh?"said Donnie Ray...

"Lt. Tragg arrested the wrong girl...but under the circumstances....No one blames her for how she reacted...She's in a car at Lovers Lane, Naked and with a married man and he dies... I would have run too! "said Beverly.
"Who wants to get caught like that, regardless?" chimed in her husband, Nelson.

"Thank God, Lt. Tragg wasn't there snatching the door open..."said Josie.
"Oh My God, remember the Mayor's niece and her lover?" said Paris.

"Not to mention the Judge and the ADA.." said Bresha.
Tony cracked up laughing...

So Did Alfreda.

"You all can laugh but it's not funny to those it happened to...Speaking of clown shows..Yvette, your former client is in deep trouble..I stopped by his trial..The Judge has threatened to call a nis-trial and jail William Lemann, he's been late ,every other day for trial and when he does come..he brings all of these press people with him....That Judge, Kelly Ann is a pretty good judge, a very sensible woman, she's not one to put up with a lot of shenanigans."said Rockland.

 "She's sleeping with Lt. Tragg, how serious can she be?" said Yvette... The entire room exploded in laughter...

"Oh yeah....They brought Brendan Burnside in....They fired him after two days."said Gary.

"Ohhh noooooooooo, he's so nice and so smart!" said Olivia.

"Their loss, he was really good on explaining the particulars...The Financial Particulars to laymen in the jury.." I said.
"He helped us sooo much.....They're really at a disadvantage without him." said Bee Bee.
"Georgie is going to jail...Face it!"said Sofia.
"He made a big mistake firing us...We were saving his butt..." said Kahlil.

"I personally thought he was guilty..but that is neither here or there..We'll see how this turns out."said Jade.

Her husband, Danny Ho laughed.

"He was at our office literally begging us to take him back last week...I told him sorry...We are already involved with another case." said Virginia.

"Whether we were involved with another case or not...I wouldn't take him back...I don't like the way he fired us and the way he through "Celebrity Attorney" William Lemann up in our faces...Like we weren't worthy...He had been planning to hire him before the jury came back with a verdict ,if it was anything less than an acquittal..."said Yvette.

"Well as my mother used to say, may she rest in peace...Don't worry about the clown, just stop goin to the circus...." said Jetty.

All of us started clapping and laughing.

After Dinner at Olivia's we all retired at our homes..

"I know you couldn't wait you nasty boyyy, you had your hand up under my skirt the whole time we were at Olivia's house....Tee Hee..." laughed Bee Bee
As we kissed passionately....
"We've been working so hard lately I felt as though I'd been neglecting you.." I joked..
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm you just felt like getting freaky and like getting me hot.." she said softly...
"Yesssss that's the ticket." I said. We both laughed as I gingerly slipped her panties down...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....ummmmmmmm I like these.."I said..

"Name me a pair you don't like.." she said..

"You've got a point..." I said.

I rubbed her butt, while we continued kissing in the dark.....

"You like rubbing my butt hot stuff?" she asked..

"I like rubbing anything on you.." I whispered as we both laughed...

"OUUUUU YOU CALLED ME BY MY GOVERNMENT NAME, THAT MEANS IT'S ALREADY FEELING GOOD TO YOU" she giggled as I flipped her over and entered her slowly....My eyes nearly rolling into the back of my head..



"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HOT STUFFF!! OUUUUUUUUU" she said.. "You feel so damn gooood!" she laughed..

We made sweet love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS.....

 while next door -

"AWWWWWW MAMASITA!!!! " moaned Kahlil...
"OUUUUUUUUU PAPI" moaned Sofia..

They lie across their bed kissing like two lovesick teenagers , the way they used to do, Freshmen year at Temple and Sophmore year at Temple... Sofia never told her best friend, Bee Bee about them then....
In Junior Year...She hinted that she was seeing someone...but never revealed his name..
By the time they got to second year law school it was quite obvious that Sofia and Kahlil were "Friends with Benefits"  Both had dated other people briefly, but always came back to each other...
It wasn't until after we graduated law school and passed the bar and were living in our apartment building that the cat was let out of the bag that they were in fact a couple..

Kahlil eased her panties down and off...His eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets ,seeing her in them....

"OH MY GODDDD!!!" he exclaimed...

"You should pay more attention to me when I'm getting dressed in the morning."she said.

"Next time I will...LAWDD!!" he exclaimed..

Sofia cracked up laughing..

Sofia straddled him and rode him like a surfer riding the waves........

He eventually flipped her over and entered her slowly......."OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU....AYE MIOS DIOS! .UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM YOU ARE SO DAMN BIG...
UMMMMMMMMMMM AND SO HARD!" she cried out...

"YOU'RE SO SOFT AND WET!" he cried out,,


They began making sweet love and would continue for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS!

At Ms. Yvette's house

"Come here Gary......Ummmmmmmmmmm I need you." she whispered silently..
She planted a big sloppy wet kiss on his lips...
The kind of kiss that got Gary immediately aroused....

He slowly slipped her panties down.........

Yvette smiled , remembering the first time she ever kissed Gary....

It was in Josie's , years ago, before they started seeing each other..

She was tipsy.....She gave Gary a kiss on a dare...
She didn't want to admit it...but she liked it...
It was obvious Gary liked it..
Her best friend, Olivia noticed it..

"OUUUUUUUUUUU....That man likes you Vettie should have seen how his trousers were standing out like a circus tent after you kissed him..." she said.

''Of course they were...All he's interested in is getting in my panties..."said Yvette.."I know his type."she said.

"You and him are gonna wind up married." laughed Olivia.

"HAAAAA...I'll make partner at my firm before that happens."laughed Yvette.. She didn't see either thing happening in her forseeable future at the time..

She married Gary long before she made partner....but here she was , a partner at her law firm and married to Gary Lockwood ....and in bed with him....



" she screamed. Tears flowed down her cheeks!

Her body trembled and she had a quick almost embarrassing orgasm....



"YOU DID?" she asked.

"YESSSS" he cried out..
Their bed was getting a good work out tonight....

"You are sooo beautiful." Danny Ho said to his wife, Jade. He was A Chinese American... Jade had been born in Tokyo ,Japan to Chinese Parents and raised there and America.. She had come here , gotten her American Citizenship with help from us and chose to live here..
"Thank you Husband..." she cooed.. "Now let's get busy as they say.." she giggled.
"AWWWWWWWWWWWWW YESSSS!" said Danny as they smothered each other with kisses..
Kisses that got hotter by the minute..

and he undressed her , took her bra and panties off..
and eased her into the bed.....
where she gleefully wrapped her legs around his waist and he plunged into her..
"AWWWWWWWWWW ME LOVE YOU LONG TIMMMMMME!" she yelled out and giggled.

He laughed as well....

And down the street at Ms. Virginia's house..

She and Jetty were kissing as soon as they got in the door and closed it..
"Well we are home can get as nasty and freaky as you want.." she laughed..

He opened her blouse and drooled over her bra...

She just laughed....She loved that he loved her so much and was so crazy about her..

He slipped her panties down and off..

They didn't make it upstairs.... They wound up making sweet love on their living room couch..
for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS!!!.... with wild abandon!!

It had been quite a night.



"TONIGHT ON HARD BOTTOM, Our guest tonight is Celebrity Attorney William Lemann, if you recall he won the landmark Blakemore Case in 2016....He wrote a book about it in 2018 and the book is being made into a major motion picture... Mr. Lemann as if you didn't have enough on your plate...You are involved in yet another controversial trial..You are defending George Barnes..a financier accused of Wire Fraud and Money Laundering and Conspiracy to Commit Securities Fraud. "said our friend, B.L. Benz...

"Oh yes...this trial has become a clown show with egos clashing......Not just me and the lawyer I had to unfortunately fire....but the Judge....She is horribly hostile to the defense... It's almost like she's on the defense's side...." 

"I understand there is some controversy surrounding your law firm...Your Partner was murdered and your young para-legal is on trial or about to go on trial for his murder.."said B.L.

"Yes...that is going to be the subject of my second book...A Novel...only I'll be the protagonist...Heh heh heh." said William Lemann

"But of course ."winced B.L.

We were all at the NO I.D. BAR.... They had the show on their TV screens...We were all watching it...


 "Will you listen to that guy? What an egomaniac!" snarled Yvette, still angry at the fact her client had fired them in favor of him..

"He does sound a bit full of himself." said Gary.

"I hear it's been a big clown show at the trial....He coming in two hours late with an entourage of press and the judge threatening to declare a mistrial and jail him." I said.
"I almust feel sorry for Georgie....He's getting the tail end of the process." said Bee Bee.
"I don't feel sorry for hin...He's getting what the hell he deserves." said Sofia.
"He wanted a fancy dan celebrity attorney, well he's got himself one."said Kahlil.

"This guy comes to court late, unprepared....He's asked the judge for a continuance three times and three times she's refused." said Jade.

"He can't afford to go to jail...Unlike you and Olivia, he's got no back up....His partner is dead and his assistant is on trial for his murder...If he's locked up for contempt...George is adrift..."said her husband, Danny Ho.

"Serves him right....He should've never fired us.."said Virginia.

"No he shouldn't have." said Jetty..

As Drinks Arrived and Hot Pizza....
Brenden Burnside was here tonight with us...

"That guy, William Lemann is a real ego-maniac...I hate to say this, but he doesn't know what he's doing..He's in over his head." he said.
"Bobby (Curtis) used to say that about him all the time....He wondered how he graduated from Law school and even more how he passed the bar."said our client, Gloria Rubenstein, who was also out with us tonight.

''Well Actually...He graduated at the top of his class in Columbia Law School and passed the bar with a high score..He was a pretty decent lawyer at one time, but he found he liked being on television more and giving good soundbites..He won that ground breaking Blakemore Case and he hasn't been the same since." said Olivia.

"Yes, I see."said Nina Rios, who was also out with us tonight.

"That trial should be over by now shouldn't it?" asked Donnie Ray.

"They had closing arguments today." said Beverly.
"Monday it goes to the jury." said Nelson.

"Interesting to see how it all turns out."said Josie.
"I think I'll take off Monday and go down to the courthouse." said Paris.

"I'd be interested  in going to the courthouse too on Monday..."said Bresha.
"This has become the most talked about trial in the city."said Tony. 

"That's only because he's involved and had all of those press conferences and made it a cause celebre'." said Alfreda.

"Yeah....I hate showboating attorneys like that." said Rockland. 
as he munched on Hot Wings

More Beers and Martini's arrived..


 "Will you listen to that guy? What an egomaniac!"said Jazzy ,looking at the TV screen while she quaffed her drink and helped herself to a Fried Shrimp....
"Yeah he does sound full of himself.. I just hope he's as good in the courtroom as he is on television." said Dabnis.

"I've seen him more on Television than I have in the courtroom."said Kayla.
"That's gonna work against him... The Judge and him already have an adversarial relationship and you don't want that when you're trying to press a case." said her husband, Ray.

"I wonder how the jurors are taking his latenesses and the huge press conferences everyday after trial let's out?" asked Jessica.
"The Question is...How is the Judge taking it... I've heard she is pissed." said Chip.

"Boyy Husband, you had a winner on your show." said Karen.

"We taped that two days ago....when there was a recess in the trial...He really is an egomaniac." admitted B.L.

"While he was T.V. He should've been preparing for trial...but what do I know? That's just me?" said Natalie.
"You're absolutely right...That's what we would've been doing." said David.
''We sure would...There is time to be on Television after a case is over and after you've won."said Brooke.
"Monday his case goes to the jury....For his sake, let's hope he wins.."laughed Sean.
"I'm sure he'll squeeze another book out of it...Maybe a movie deal too!"

"This one will be bigger and better than the Blakemore case."laughed Lem.

"Sure hope he wins..."laughed Renee.
"Don't know why I feel like he's gonna fall flat on his face.Just like Jumpshot Jim and Lt. Tragg." said Tyrell.

Our entire three tables exploded in laughter at that...As more Shrimp, Fried Chicken and drinks arrived.

It was a nice mellow night.. 

On this rare Friday Night, Lt. Tragg was not on duty, and not on the street, he was in Judge Kelly Ann Mercer's loft..

"OUUUUU HE MAKES ME SO MAD!! HE SAID THAT I"M TURNING THE COURTROOM INTO A CLOWN SHOW...ME?  HE'S THE ONE!!" said Kelly Ann, who with Lt. Tragg was in her bedroom watching HARD BOTTOM on television....

Lt. Tragg leaned over and kissed her passionately...

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Arthur....I'm so glad you're here." she remarked..



"OH MY GOD...LOOK AT YOU....YOU ARE A BIG BOY...OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" she exclaimed, softly rubbing his penis..


As their kissing got hotter, steamier...

She rolled on top of him...continuing to kiss him.

He slipped her panties down...


"IS IT GOOD TO YOU BABY?" she whispered in his ear..


She straddled him and began to ride him slowly like a surfer rides the waves...





UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" she the bed rocked and squeaked louder than it had since they'd begun making sweet love... The headboard creaked and sounded like it might split in half...

"YOUR HONOR, YOUR HONOR  baby....Oh my goddd this is sooooooooo damn good.." he moaned...

The bed squeaked even louder...

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" she cooed. She had yet another intense orgasm , that had her crying like a school girl, had her head turning from side to side and had her legs trembling...



They made love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS!! 

Long after B.L.'s interview with William Lemann was over.



Toni said...

Excellent Storytelling as usual!

Angie B. said...

So Much was covered in this episode and so much revealed. I can't wait until the conclusion.

Sunflower said...

I especially loved this episode...I don't know..maybe because so much was covered in it..Everybody had a part...I loved it!

Anonymous said...

Standing and Applauding and throwing my panties, bra and garters to the sky.

Judith said...

@Anonymous-Somehow I knew you would!

James Pickens said...


Swaggie said...

Throwing my boxers and wristwatch to the ceiling! LMAO!

Toni said...

Now we are just getting silly!