Saturday, September 7, 2024

Dr. Bombay (reposted from 2016)


Dr. Monique Talbert's doorbell rang....It was her day off...She had slept late....She was just waking up....

"Frankie...What are you doing here?" she she checked her phone for messages....

"How Ironic that you are off today and so am I?" he said..
''What a co-incidence.? said Monique..... "I just got out of the shower." she she brushed her teeth with the electric toothbrush....spit in the sink and swallowed a cup of Scope... 'Let me put on my robe.." she said..She was only in her bra and panties...Lt. Cotton didn't mind..He was salivating...She noticed...and smiled a little bit.
"Damn girl, do you always look so damn good and juicy when you just get up?" he asked..
"You act like you've never spent the night with me.." she laughed as she finished up and wiped her mouth off..
"Man.. When we get married..I'll be just like Nate.. Waking up to you every morning.."he said.
"Nate doesn't wake up to me in the morning...He wakes up to my sister..."said Monique..

Lt. Cotton laughed...
"You know what I mean.." said Lt. Cotton..
Monique smiled..
"I know...You sure are excited about this...Us getting married...Most guys fear losing their singeldom.."said Monique
"Girl I can't wait to be married to you..." he said..
''Wow!  I am impressed...." said Monique, laughing...
Lt. Cotton sat and just watched Monique as she moved around the room, gathering up her clothes....and straightening up...
"Sooooooo uh, was there something that you wanted or you just wanted to hang out?" she asked ,knowing why he was here...Which is why she didn't make up the bed...
"Do I want anything? What do you think I want?" he laughed and looked at her slyly...

"My goodness Frankie...You want it all the time.." she said..
"I do, don't I?" he said,smiling..

Soon they were kissing passionately in the middle of the floor...

"That's why I didn't make the bed up.." she said..

Lt. Cotton lifted her up and began kissing her ,while placing her petite little body on the drawer..

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, where is your sister and brother in law...?he asked in between kisses..

Monique smiled and then she said.

"Normally I'd say they were upstairs trying to make a baby...but I didn't hear them this morning and they can't be sleep...They might have gone out somewhere...They're off today too..." she said..
Lt. Cotton's trousers,socks and shoes were off and Monique slowly opened his shirt..

He was sucking on her breasts and kissing her neck...

"Ummmmph damn girl.." he moaned..

"You think about me a lot don't you?" asked Monique, while she softly carressed the huge bulge in his shorts..

"I do baby" he he lifted her up and slipped her panties down....and entered her slowly...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Frankie...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..I mean, you just got over here and already we are..We are doing it...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." she moaned..

"You have that effect on me...I can't explain it.." he said..

Soon they were in bed making sweet love....

Sounds could be heard coming from the first floor window...

''Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...ouuuueeeee..GIVE IT TO ME DADDY...GIVE IT TO ME!""Ohhh ouuuu weeeee  ....ummmmmmph..."

"Ouuuuuuuuuu yessss...yessssssssssssss...."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....Monique...Monique ...ouuuuuuuuuu, more, more... ohhhhhh..."


"LAWDDD girl, what are you doing to meeeee?"

"What am I doing to you? What are you doing to MEEEEEE?"

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gooooddddddd lawdd it's soooo goood...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh I've missed you girl...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...I thought about you every night...Sugar Baby!" "Ohhhh Frankie..I thought about you tooo...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

"Morrre...Morreee....morrre...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. ..ouuuuuu..lawd....OHHHHHHH."
she wailed...

"Ohhhh sugar baby, sugar baby ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..I'm losin my minddddddddd!! "

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...ohhhhhhhhhh...ouuuuuuuuuuuu..ouuuuuu sweet baby!!"


 "Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu baby!" she said....
The bed softly rocked back and forth....The springs squeaking loudly and the headboard slamming softly against the wall....

"Ohhhhh my goodness..ouuuuuuuuu...ooohhhhhh boy ...ouuuuuuuuu." she moaned softly...

"Yeahhh sugar baby yeahhhhhh.YEAHHHHHH BABY YESSSSS!!!" he cried out...

The birds were chirping and a soft  wind blew through the window across his back...It was daybreak..

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwdd.." he moaned....

She laughed to herself....He always seemed to be having the time of his life when he was making love to her...He moaned and carried on worse than a woman when they were making love.. She was having multiple orgasms....and shaking...

Lt. Cotton came so hard....he fell off the bed..

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he hollered..

Monique laughed so hard her sides were hurting...

He crawled back into the bed...

"Damn girl..." he said, breathing heavily....

"You okay Frankie?" she asked..still laughing...

"I'm wrecked .."he said...
They kissed passionately for close to 15 minutes...Then she said..

" gotta get up and take a shower and go home..I have someplace I have to be today.."she said.

"I can't go with you?" he asked..

"No boo.. This is kind of personal..Call me around 6:00 pm this afternoon...If I'm home..  You can come back.. Spend the night.." she said.

"Damn girl...I hate to leave you..."he said.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwww, you are so in love with me...Who would have thought it...?But come on now..Get up...I gotta get dressed and go."said Monique..

"Join me in the shower?" he asked..
She laughed...

"Okay, but then you have to go." she said laughing...She checked her phone one last time.


Monique headed out into the city....Something had been bugging her for a number of years and she had to find out...

Her mother and her sister were both mutants...

She and her father were not..

But what if the doctors were wrong?...What if she did have some kind of powers??
She took the Aqua ferry out to the middle of the sea and then took the long ride beneath the ocean...from the ocean port..
She wasn't going to Octopuss Gardens, the Undersea Hotel and Mall...She was going to see a noted Geneticist...Dr. Caleb Bombay...

They had been been talking for weeks...He was going to test her DNA and decide once and for all if she was a mutant...
The beautiful underwater city of Lemuria was a dark....because it was a half mile under the ocean...and yet so lively...Filled with people...Electronic lights....

She was buzzed into the building that housed Dr. Bombay....
Upon seeing her... he went-
"LAWD!" in his mind...He had never met Monique.. but he had no idea she was so curvy, so sexy....He immediately got an erection upon viewing her...
"Welcome.. Welcome Dr. Talbert... After all this face timing and talking, we uh finally meet." he said.
He was about ten years her senior...A nice looking man, Brown skinned athletic build...Who looked more like an athlete than a Doctor...
''Sit down, Sit down...Have some coffee." he said as he pushed a button and his Kureig made them both tumblers of hot coffee..
"Cream?? Sugar? " he asked..
"Yes.. I'll take extra of both.. Thank you Doctor." she said.
"So you think you're a mutant huh?" he asked..

"I think I might be.."

He was one of the top practicioners of Genetics in the area...Monique had read his two books about Genetic Mutations and his studies on Mutants when she was in med school..She had only recently got in touch with him through social media..
He was still checking her out...
"Lawd...This girl is fine..." he thought...

''Uh What makes you think you might be...Do you have any mutants in your family?" he asked.
"Yes..My identical twin sister and my mother are both mutants..."said Monique..

Doctor Bombay was stunned..
"Really? You have an identical twin?" he asked.

"Ys...I'm three minutes older...This is a photo of her."said Monique, showing her a photo of Monica..

"That's Monica...We call her Mo-Mo"said Monique.
"Oh My God, she's gorgeous too.." he found himself saying...He hadn't meant to say that out loud..
Monique smiled..

"Thank you..."she said..
"My..My Myyy....Both of you practically spitting images of the others...What exactly does she do?" he asked.

"She's a Homicide Detective..."said Monique..

"No.No..No..What kind of powers does she have..?" he asked.

"Oh, she can read minds...She hears thoughts and she can feel emotions if she's close enough to you.."said Monique..

"Ahhhhhh, a number of mutants have that ability..." he said.
"This is our mother..."said Monique..

"Lawd Jesus!" he exclaimed... "Is this a recent photo?" he asked, eyes practically bulging out of his head..

"It was taken last week.."said Monique...
"She still with your dad?" he asked..

Monique laughed..

"What a hound" , she thought....

"Yes..She and my dad...are very happy ". she said. ..Showing him a photo of her father..

''A very lucky guy...Any other siblings?" he asked.

"No just us..." she said....

"Your mother...What powers does she have?" he asked..

"Mom can move things, objects...just by thinking about it..."said Monique...

"Myyyyyyyy Myyy Myyyyyyyyyyyy.." he said...

"And your dad is just a normal human being?" he asked.

"Yeah...Me and him....but I wonder..."asked Monique..


"What if I have powers that I don't know about? Powers that were not detected..."she said.

"Well what kind of powers do you think you have Monique...You don't move objects, you can't read minds or feel emotions like your mother and sister..What is it you think that makes you special?" he asked..

"My Phernomes!" she said...

"Phernomes?" he asked...

"Yes....I think that I secrete a chemical that makes men attracted to me...EXTREMELY attracted and makes them pre-occupied with sex when I'm around.." said Monique.
He did a double take and then busted out laughing...

"This is a joke right?" he said.
"No I'm very serious...My Fiance and the young man I was seeing before him both were cool, collected,  unemotional men...My fiancé was a playa..Until he crossed paths with me and then he just changed.. He became a one woman man overnight...He became very romantic and we are set to be married soon and he's more excited than a child on Christmas Eve.. That's not him..." said Monique....
"And you think he may be being helped along by your phernomes...That you may be a mutant??? I think it's because you're fine as hell..I'm sorry. You're a very attractive woman.. So is your sister...." he said.

"Yes she is...but with her guys are attracted to her for normal reasons...They don't go all gaga over her.. My Fiance for instance....Knew my sister a good five or six years before he ever laid eyes on me...He trained her when she came to Homicide and to my knowledge never looked at her as anymore than just a co-worker...They're relationship is more of a Big Brother/Big Sister relationship...We look exactly alike.. Same measurements.. Same bust size...Only thing different about us is our hair color..Yet he only went GaGA when he met me.." she said.
"This is all perfectly normal,He trained her...He worked closely with her...He viewed her as his little sister..He was at a different place in his life then...But when he met you..It was completely different...And don't think he never looked at your sister lustfully...He may have never told you...but being a man..I'm sure he did...What about your Brother in Law?" he asked.

"Nate??Nate is a sweetheart...He just adores my sister....He worships her..Can't keep his hands off of her..."beamed Monique...
"But we know she is a mutant....You think she has powerful Phernomes too?" he asked.

''She might...We've both hooked a lot of obsessive guys.......And it doesn't make sense.." said Monique..

"It makes perfectly good sense.....You're both beautiful, sexy women...It's not because she's a mutant....If she didn't have a super power in the world..She'd still have guys reacting the way they do....Maybe some guys like your red hair better than they do your sister's dark hair...Maybe they like your breathy voice...If your sister is a Homicide Detective...I'm guessing she has a more aggressive and assertive personality." he said.
"She does...Mo-Mo doesn't suffer fools lightly." laughed Monique..."But she loves my brother in law....more than any guy she's ever dated...She just melts when he's around.."said Monique...
"Hmmm Maybe he's a mutant" laughed Dr. Bombay...
"Don't make fun..."said Monique..
"Monique....Your Father is a normal human being...Your mother is a mutant...It's just one of those things....One of her genes affected your sister and not you...The X gene that creates mutants...It happens....I have seen cases...Where only one person in the family is a mutant and four other siblings are like you, Normal Human beings...Or the reverse...Where every sibling is a mutant...It is incredible." he said.

"Wow" said Monique....
"But if you want to know for sure...We'll take a sample of your blood..and we'll test the DNA..That will tell us for sure.." he said.

"Cool." she said.

Monique gave a pint and a half of blood...

Dr. Bombay tested it.....Two hours went by.....

She was sitting up when he walked in the office...
"I studied your DNA completely and ran three tests....YOU ARE NOT A MUTANT Dr. Talbert...You're a normal human being...And there is nothing wrong with that." he said smiling..
"Wow...So my fiancé is just a horn dog who can't his hands off of me..."she said.

"I'm afraid so....His love and excitement about being married to you is 100 percent genuine Monique..." he said. He thought- "Lucky Bastard,,,I don't blame him..If I was involved with her...I'd screw the panties off of her..." He was so glad she couldn't read his thoughts.
"Wow....I'm kind of relieved to know that....By the way Doc.. Anyway to calm him down just a little?"she asked.
"Yes...Wear a Potato sack." he said and they both busted out laughing....

"You are sooo bad doc....How do you know so much about mutants anyway?" she asked..

He smiled..He extended his arms and he began to fly..Glide actually...

"I'm a mutant myself....I can control the air currents around me...This allows me to fly short distances...for awhile...You see me when I'm on the surface on a windy day...I don't need my car..." he laughed..

"WOWWWWW!" exclaimed Monique.

That afternoon Monique was delightfully surprised when she arrived on the surface....Her sister, Monica was standing there on the peir , as well as her brother in law, Nate...
"Heyy Sis" said Monica...

"Hi Sis."said Nate..

"What are you two doing here?" asked Monique...

"Your husband to be came by and asked where you were....I didn't know...I uh told him,I'd track you down....So I locked in...You're my sister..I was worried about you..Nate locked in too...He's getting good at this...We both trailed you here..

"You went to Octopuss Garden huh?" I asked.

"No...I went to see Lemuria."said Monique..

"Lemuria...I've never been there...Heard about it." said Nate.

"I'll take you there Bae..I've been there before."said Monica.. Dr. Bombay is the Professor of Genetics who studies Mutants...What did you go see him for?" asked Monica.
"I thought I might be a mutant...I thought so for a long time..."said Monique..

"Because me and Mommy are? Oh Girl...I've told you it's no big thing...If's a burden ,keeping what we are secret from a public that doesn't understand us..."said Monica.
"Well...Are you? Are you a mutant?" asked Nate..

"No..He tested me three different ways....I'm a normal human being..."said Monique.
"Heyyy, Me too!" Nate joked..."I just love one.."said Nate ,who pulled Monica to him and kissed her passionately...
Monica giggled...

"He just wanted to kiss me and feel me up girl...That's all." she said and laughed..

"Let's go home...I want to see my man..."said Monique...

"Good Idea...Let's go home ladies." I said.


Monique and Lt. Cotton were kissing passionately at her place , a few hours later...

"You have a bandage on your arm....You okay?" asked Lt. Cotton...

"Yeah,I went to see a doctor, I gave some blood.." said Monique...

"Everything Okay?" he asked..

''Everything is just fine Frankie...Just fine.." she said as they continued kissing.