Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Monkey On Her Back



Olivia Marissa Bennett-Alexander

Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law, Trial Advocacy -Temple University..

J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School

Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Louisiana, Texas, California

 Speaks French and Spanish Fluently...

Worked as a Public Defender, -Philadelphia PA.

Worked for Bach and Roach LLC, as Associate Attorney

Founding partner-Alexander & West , Attorneys at law..

Divorced- Elwood Barnes..,Corporate Attorney 

No Children, two miscarriages..

Married-Donnie Ray Alexander

Beverly Cheryl West-East

Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law-Trial Advocacy, Temple University..

J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School

Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Louisiana, Texas, California

 Speaks French and Spanish Fluently...

Worked as a Public Defender,-Philadelphia PA.

 Founding Partner-Alexander & West Attorney's at Law.

Daughter of Olivia's Older Half Brother, James West... Olivia's Niece

Married to Nelson East.

Nelson Sean East

Graduated, West Catholic High School-Philadelphia PA.

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law- St. Johns University, New York City
Psychology Minor...

J.D. -St. Johns University Law School, New York City..

Passed The Bar , New York, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, Texas, California 

Speaks Spanish , French and Russian Fluently...

Worked as
Public Defender, -Philadelphia PA.

 Associate Attorney at Robert Foxworth and Associates.

Associate Attorney at Alexander and West , Attorneys at law.

Married to Beverly West

Donnie Ray Alexander

Born and Raised in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Educated in New Orleans Public Schools..

Associates Degree- New Orleans Community College-Administration of Justice, Pre Law

Homicide Detective, New Orleans Police Department, Retired.

Principal Investigator, Alexander and West Attorneys at law-Philadelphia PA.

Married to Olivia Bennett

Also a semi-professional musician

Josephine Boyd

Born in Philadelphia PA.

Raised in Red Hook Section of New York City 

Bachelors of Science, Architecture from Fisk University

Master in Business Administration- University of Pennsylvania.

Para -Legal -Alexander & West Attorneys at law.

JD- Drexel  University -The Thomas Kline Law School..

Passed the Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware, New York, Texas, California

Associate Attorney-Alexander & West, Attorneys at Law, Philadelphia.

Married to Paris Boyd

Bresha Billips

Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls

B.A. Administration of Justice,/ Trial advocacy /Pre Law- Lasalle University, Philadelphia PA.

J.D.- Middleton Law School, Bayside ,Pennsylvania.

Passed the bar, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, New York, California.

Speaks Spanish and French Fluently...

Associate Attorney at Alexander and West , Attorneys at law...

Married to Attorney Tony Billips


Interim Deputy District Attorney Mellisa Wharton was studying the attorneys she would be up against...She sipped her organic tea as she looked at the dossiers on us.

Though she would never admit it..She admired Olivia...Her niece had followed her into the law and Olivia had put together a team of young and smart lawyers, that included her niece's husband....her own husband,and two other smart young ladies... Together they had stacked up a pile of legal victories...She admired how Olivia had gone from Public Defender to a few years in the private sector and eventually having her own law practice...It was an extraordinary career. Olivia was a boss, like her or not.

That was all coming to an end with this case... She was going to hand them their first defeat and this position of Deputy District Attorney would all but be locked up!..

She was startled to see Olivia sitting in her office quietly, waiting to get her attention....

"Hello DDA Wharton." said Olivia.

''What ? No Doughnuts?" she said snarkily...

"I only bring doughnuts to my friends...and you aren't my friend... I do have questions though..Maybe you can answer them...Like why have you made this a first degree murder case, when you can clearly see that this is a manslaughter case at best? and going for the death penalty? really?"asked Olivia.

"Is THAT what you decided to ask Lester Burke, by plying him with doughnuts? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...I've heard that you are a wiley attorney, but THAT takes the cake?" laughed Melissa.

"You didn't answer my question and you're probably not and you're not going to change the charging document....so let me ask you another question,,,Why is it, you've gone from one D.A.'s office to the next? in so many cities, New Haven, Boston, New York and now here in less than a decade??? Running from something counselor?" Olivia asked.

Olivia had struck a nerve....."I believe our meeting here has concluded counselor..." she said sharply...

"See you in court!" said Olivia, getting up and walking out....

District Attorney Gil Garcetti walked into her office after Olivia left..

He had a Bouquet of roses....

"I uh I hope this isn't inappropriate in your view." he said. He felt like a nervous school boy..

"They're beautiful....Every woman likes roses....Now THIS IS INAPPROPRIATE!" she said..

She took him into her arms and gave him a slow soft kiss...


Their kissing got steamier...





He slipped her dress up...She was wearing a yellow lace thong....His eyes got as large as saucers...




"Well we aren't going to be doing that today....I'm a busy girl....come on now...chill out." she said , still laughing.

"Go back to work you naughty boyyyyyyyyy!" she giggled, pulling her dress down and easing out of his embrace..

His trousers were standing out like a circus tent...

And her lipstick imprint was on his lips, his cheek and his lapel..

She took a disinfectant wipe and cleaned  her lipstick off of his lapel and his face...

"Go back to work you naughty boyyy!" she giggled... Hard to believe he was her boss...She had him completely wrapped around her finger.


The Best thing about having an early morning appointment is that we got to eat and commune with our friends at the Bridge Building.

and enjoy a meal at their great cafeteria...Which was more like a four star restaurant... 

''Does your Auntie really think she'll get anywhere with that new Deputy D.A. as far as changing the charging document?" asked Jazzy..
"I hear she's as rigid and uncompromising as they come." said Dabnis..

"She knows that....She's really trying to get a feel for the woman....It's a psychological game for her."said Beverly.
"Cousin Olivia is the smartest woman I know... I knew she had an angle."laughed Kayla.

Olivia told me that Beverly and Kayla were like the little sisters she never had and other times like the daughters she always wanted... despite the 9 year difference in their ages...
"I hear she's got Gil Garcetti wrapped around her fingers." said Kayla's husband, Ray...

"You think they're sleeping together?" asked Jessica Sanchez-Brown.
"Oh of course...Why else is Lester on leave and she, a new ADA, sitting in his office as "Interim Deputy District Attorney?" asked Jessica's husband, Chip.

"That's exactly what I was thinking..." said Karen Page.

"Talk about inappropriate." said Natalie.
"It's never inapproriate when the big bosses decide to do something." said her husband, David.
"A scandal like this could cost him his job and as sleazy as this is...He's been a good D.A." said Brooke.
"Better to deal with the devil you know right?"said her husband, Sean..
"Exactly.." said Zoey.

"When she was in Boston, there was talk that she was sexually involved with a Judge and The D.A. and that the two men nearly came to blows over her,,,," She left hastily....She was allowed to resign...."said Lem.

''The power of the Pannnnn tays..It makes you men just go crazy..."laughed Renee.
"You make me go crazy.."laughed her husband, Tyrell.

"I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!"whispered Renee to him...

Giving him a slow soft kiss.

Tony and Paris were happy to be reunited with their wives, Bresha and Josie...They were eating quietly in the corner, not involved in our conversat

Nelson and Beverly were seated near them....
"There's Liv Now..." said Nelson...

"Auntay!!!" said Beverly...

"Hey everybody....I'm famished.....Let me get my food." said Olivia, just arriving...


"Looking good girlie." said Yvette.

''Heyyyy Vettie..We are shopping in Bayside Saturday..." said Olivia.

"You know it...It's been a few weeks since we've been out there." said Yvette.    
               "Yeah with the wedding and the beach and the big party at Josie's and all." said Olivia.

"Hi Ms. Olivia." said Keith Jones.
"Heyyy Liv." said Bee Bee.
"Hey Liv."said Sofia.
"Hey Liv." said Kahlil.

"Hey Liv." said Jade...

"Heyyy everybody." said Olivia.,

'Well Hello Ms. Lady." said Virginia.

"Hey Virginia." said Olivia, hugging her and sitting down to eat.

Jetty smiled and reminisced about how he had once lusted over Yvette, Olivia and Virginia in years past....and he got lucky, he got Virginia....but he would have been satisfied with  any one of them.

I walked in just then....
"Hi Hubby." said Olivia.

Giving me slow soft kiss..

Followed by a more passionate one.

"I was out to the correctional center....our guy is holding up well...He was naturally disappointed that we couldn't Night Court him and get him out last week..but he has hope for tomorrow at the arraignment." I said.

"Good...I have a nice argument prepared tomorrow...I hope we have a decent judge." said Olivia.

Some hours later in Chinatown....

''Are you crazy asking me to meet you down here for dinner? In Chinatown?? Eddie Lee could kill me, You know he doesn't allow any drug dealing in this part of the city...This is his real estate."said a man known only as Cabby.

"And he runs illegal gambling though...that the police turn a blind eye to...right?  I'm not afraid of him." said Mellisa Wharton.

"Yeah? Madame Prosecutor, well I am..." said Cabby...

"I've got a big hearing tomorrow....I need a bump...Just to get me through tomorrow." said Mellisa.

"Alright, come out to the car....but after this ...no more meetings in Chinatown." said Cabby.

They finished their meal....Then walked out to his car....She got in..

They got in his car....

She passed him an envelope with cash in it..

He gave her a packet of Heroin and a Clean Needle.

"Thanks Cabby." she said.

She gave him a passionate kiss

right there in the front seat....

He slipped her panties down and off......

She straddled him and began to move up and down on his engorged penis...

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU CABBY DID YOU GET BIGGER? OUUUUUUUUUU!"she gasped as she moved up and down on him..


"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" she moaned....


She pulled her panties back up and stepped out of his car...

"Thank you Cabby." she whispered...

"Thank you baby!" he said...."See ya around." he said.

He pulled off.

She headed toward the parking lot and her car... This is what she had come to, how low she had sunk...A prominent District Attorney in several cities...now an addict...a heroin addict, trading sex and money in a car for heroin...She hated herself.

She went back to her apartment and took a nice hot shower..

and then after she had towled down, she injected the needle into the back of her legs....She nodded off on the bed as the Heroin took effect.

Her phone wasn't on the charger....and her GPS was still on...Her phone rang...

It was Gil!  He wanted to see her tonight, but she couldn't see him like this...She simply ignored the phone.

He would call three more times tonight before giving up.....



To Our Relief, the Judge was The Honorable Julie Wong....She was tough , but fair and a friend of ours...

"Docket 125- Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania vs. Toby Tyler, the charge is first degree murder." said the Judge...

"Your honor..this man is accused of the murder of his fiance ,Freda Townsend because she  called off their wedding...He snuck into her home and drowned her in her hot tub....This man, this animal is a danger to the community at large...and I ask that he be held in custody until the time of the ending of this trial." said Deputy District Attorney Mellisa Wharton.

Olivia rebutted her- "This man has no criminal record whatsoever. We have 57 people here today who will attest to his sterling personality and charactor....It would be a miscarriage of justice to hold this man any longer...He is not a danger to the community and he is looking forward to having his day in court to face these outrageous and egregious charges." she said.

She then argued for 90 minutes that First Degree Murder charges were too harsh and that second degree or manslaughter charges would be more appropriate...

Anticipating Olivia's well researched argument...Mellissa Wharton argued for an hour that the charges were correct and just...and should stand.

Judge Julie Wong agreed in part with Olivia....though not in total.  She took First Degree Murder charges off the table and made this a second degree murder case...Thus taking the death penalty out of the equation...but she agreed with Mellisa that this was much more serious than a manslaughter charge.
It was a partial victory for the defense.

Our client, Toby Tyler ,a recent PENN graduate stood with us.... He was happy.


Beverly, Nelson, Josie and Bresha brought out 57 witnesses...They attested to Toby Tyler's sterling charactor....

Judge Wong set his bail at 200K..  We felt that that was an exorbitant amount..

His Mother's church and two comminity groups raised a third of the bail...
Our Bail Bondsman paid the rest and Toby was released on bail..

"Thank you Ms. Olivia, Ms. Beverly...Thank you all.." he said. 

"You're welcome Toby, but this was just one battle...The war is yet to be waged." said Olivia.
"Go home, get some rest, get a shower and some food and then come see us in the morning...We'll have breakfast for you." I said.

"Pack an overnight bag...You're going to stay with us, for awhile." said Beverly.
"We have a fully furnished apartment in our sub-basement...You'll be fine....It has Cable, streaming, A shower and a comfortable bed.." Said Nelson..

"That's all I need." said Toby.

"Good then it's a deal....Let's get out of here." said Josie.

"Yeah....I could use some food myself and some coffee." said Bresha.

It had been a long day....

Lt. Tragg stood in the courtroom as it cleared out....He wasn't happy that Olivia ,Beverly and crew had gotten the charges lowered to second degree and had gotten him out on bail... He turned to the new Deputy District Attorney and said..

"Just a mild setback honey....You did as good a job as you could...I like you...You're a tough cookie and you're smart.....You'll give Olivia and her niece and that gang what they need...We'll pull this one out. heh heh Heh!" he laughed.

"WE AREN'T PULLING ANYTHING OUT!  Lieutenant your investigation is weak and sloppy....I've heard about you and your casework....This is why I've brought in my own investigator, District Attorney Investigator Ingrid Stevenson to finish up the investigation....and clear up any loose ends...and in looking at the evidence and lack of it in this case there is lots of it...  I won't require you to come to court anymore..." said Mellisa Wharton dismissively...

Despite their many disagreements in the past, Ingrid actually felt sorry for Lt. Tragg.

The smile dropped off of his face.....He said nothing....but the hairs on his neck rose....He was livid.. He didn't like this woman...He hated her with a passion now....He angrilly stomped his foot and stormed out of the courthouse.

Deputy District Attorney Lester Burke pulled me to the side.

"Donnie Ray....I'd like to talk to you tonight....Will you and Liv be home?" he asked...

"Yeah sure...I'll tell Liv to set an extra plate." I said. 

We all met at our Office/Duplex for dinner.

"Nice place you got here Liv, You and Donnie Ray live here and Beverly and Nelson live downstairs..Nice...I am impressed." said DDA Lester Burke.
"And on the first floor is our conference room and in the adjacent building ,which I also own is our law library and media room." said Olivia.


''Wow,I almost wish I could come and work for you." laughed Lester.

"Dinner is ready, Everybody dig in....There are no guests here....If you've made it this far, you're family." said Alfreda...

"Everything looks and smells delicious!" said Lester Burke as he joined us at the dinner table. 

"Glad you like it!" said Olivia.

''As you can see, we love to entertain." I said.
"This is our usual Dinner crew...but we have had everybody you saw in those beach houses here for dinner at one time or other." said Beverly.
"Our house is kind of like the center of our neighborhood." said Nelson.

"Everything is planned and worked out here, 'Laundry day' , 'Game Day', Those Beach trips." said Josie, smiling.
"Yeah, this is where it all goes down first." said Paris, enjoying his food.

"But like Beverly said...Most nights it's just us....but we are always open to company." said Bresha.
"It's pretty cozy." said her husband, Tony.
"Indeed...Alfreda, everything was just delicious...My compliments to the chef." said Lester.

"Thank you, but I didn't fix everything....Olivia and Donnie Ray prepped a lot of this meal , the night before.

''And they all did a good job." said Rockland... "When are you coming back to work?" asked Rockland.

"In a few days....I'm almost tempted not to come back...but I want the pleasure of  tossing her out of my office and fumigating it.  The reason why I am here is that I did some digging into our little District Attorney....When she clerked for Judge Henry McDonald, she was accused of, though it was never proven of giving sensitive information on an upcoming trial to a rival attorney....That effectively ended her clerk ship for him... She clerked for  Judge Charles Brennan....she dated his son...when the relationship went sour , she quickly left and began working for Carter & Holmes, a very prestigious law firm...No one there liked her...Not the attorneys, Not the Para-Legals and not the Administrative Assistants... They all clapped and sighed relief when she left...but it gets wose..

In Boston as an Assistant District Attorney she had an affair with the Judge and the District Attorney, her boss at the same time...Their wives put pressure on them both to get rid of her and she was allowed to resign...

In New Haven, She had a lengthy affair with their Mayor...The Mayor's wife put pressure on him and The District Attorney to sack her....and so she was gone again...This time to New York City....Like the other places she had an affair with her supervisor....He was a heroin addict and after his overdose death, She resigned and headed here to Philadelphia.....I feel she has become a heroin addict too...She does a good job of hiding it..." he said...

He pulled out a glossy... 

"This is Arthur " Cabby" Cabborelli...A New York Heroin dealer, who moved to Philadelphia recently... He's been targeted by the DEA and New York District Attorney's Office... Everytime they were about to arrest this guy, he managed to be one or two steps ahead of the authorities...He is now here in Philadelphia and the two of them have been seen together in Chinatown...I believe he is her dealer..." said Lester.

''Wow, she's got quite a history...You think she and Gil are getting it on?" I asked.

"It follows her pattern....I mean I have no proof...but I wouldn't be surprised..." said Jonathan..

"And they call Diane Baranski "Hot Panties" said Beverly..

Olivia laughed..  "Heroin Addict and a busy body, sleeping her way to the top when she doesn't have to..She's still a very capable attorney as she proved today." said Olivia.

"Olivia, I saw her today...She was devestated that you guys won major victories in court today....You got First degree murder charges dropped and got your client released on bail...She didn't want that...She was livid...She's going to do everything she can to beat you guys in court...so be ready." said Lester.

"Oh we plan to be." said Josie.

''We've studied her too...Her courtroom style and demeaner.."said Nelson.

"If she was mad today...Wait until the trial begins." said Bresha.

Olivia smiled. " My kids huh?  They're fearless." she said..


Back at her apartment...Mellisa and DA Gil Garcetti were in the shower...taking a nice long hot shower..


"Gil, you sound like a mule.." she laughed...

"I've got a mule right here for you.." he moaned..


Out of the shower , he spread her legs and plowed inside of her with reckless abandon...


Her head spun from side to side...her entire body trembled and tears streamed from her eyes down the side of her face...


They sat on the side of her bed, with her going up and down on him, driving him insane...

"I was sooooo horny last night...I needed to see you...OUUUUUUUU, where were you?" he asked.

"I was tired baby, I needed sleep to prepare for the hearing today..." she explained.



He mounted her missionary style...Again, she had an intense orgasm.....


"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Mellisa, OUUUUUUUUU!" he cried out..


Her head spun from side to side...her entire body trembled and tears streamed from her eyes down the side of her face...


They made sweet love for the next NINE TO TEN HOURS!


Night time...Everyone had gone home and we were alone..

"Today was good..We finally got to see who we are up against and how difficult she is going to be... We succeeded in getting the charges downgraded, which was what I wanted and getting our client out on bail....Which was also our goal... I'd say today was a win-win." said Olivia.
I put my index finger over her soft lips...

"SHHHHHHHHH..We are home now...No more interruptions...." I said.

"Okay, no more shop talk." she agreed and giggled.
We kissed passionately....

"You are really turning me on.." I said in between hot smouldering kisses..

"Don't I always?" she asked.

"Yesssssss." I said.

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Donnie Ray...." she moaned as she kissed me like kissing was going out of style...

She was very passionate when she was happy too!

"Time for you to take my panties down!" she moaned.

"YES IT IS!" I said.

We wasted no time, no time at all getting our clothes off....

Me unsnapping her bra

and me getting her panties down and off...


"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM." I moaned silently as I mounted her on the bed..


"YESSSS OH MY GODDDD IS RIGHT!" yelled Olivia with a smile...

She wrapped her arms around my neck and held me for dear life....She wrapped her legs around my waste ....She was almost absorbing me...
Her body trembled something fierce, her head turned from side to side......

As we began making sweet love for the next TEN TO ELEVEN HOURS....

And a floor below us....

"Donnie Ray is really putting it to my auntay..."giggled Beverly as Nelson walked over to her , naked..
"Just like I'm about to put it on you.." he said..

"Promises Promises..." laughed Beverly as he took her in his arms..

"You know I don't make promises that I can't keep.." whispered Nelson as they kissed..

"I know....I just like to tease you..." whispered Beverly.
As the kissing got hotter...

"I know....You've been good at that since the day we met.." he said.

"Awwwwwwwwwww I don't tease you anymore..." she protested...

"Everyday...you do...When you just walk in a room or breathe..." he said.

"Awwwwwwwwwwww, well I have to do something about that don't I?" she said..
As he slipped her panties down.....
and lifted her up and entered her.....


"It's All for you..." he whispered softly...

"I'm so glad." she said..

He put her on the dresser drawer and spread her legs again and entered her...Her loved to gaze into her pretty brown eyes as he made love to her...

Beverly's  body trembled something fierce, her head turned from side to side......

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" she moaned loudly...as tears streamed down her face.....

By the time Nelson spread her legs and was entering her doggie style, she was having another intense orgasm....and again crying like a little girl...

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" she moaned again loudly...as tears streamed down her face.....


They sat on the side of the bed...Beverly rode him like a surfer rides the waves..

And they made love for the next NINE TO TEN HOURS

They ended their night , just as we had...Sleeping soundly in each other's arms...

It was early morning....

Mellissa woke up....Gil was lying on the side of her bed, nude , his tongue sticking out , snoring... She walked into the bathroom...and closed the door.

She took out her "works" Her needle and a teaspoon and injected herself with heroin!!!

She sat on the floor and dozed off slightly as the drug took it's effect... She had a problem...She had a massive monkey on her back and she was going to have to do something about it before it affected her work...but she needed it...she needed it she told herself to take the edge off...


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