Wednesday, July 25, 2012

p.s. I Love You

I watch you every morning as you go
walking down the street..
Standing out from the crowd...
looking so good..
walking so proud..

The excitement rises up in me
at the thought that our eyes might meet...
pretty girl..
The things I might say to you..
My grandmother always told me that if heaven calls
make sure your line isn't busy baby...
So if our eyes should ever meet...
I'll make it real short...
but yet so sweet.../

p.s. I love you...
p.s. I love you baby../

I sit across from you on the bus..
as we both head home from work...
Me, I'm like a falling leaf
on a breezy spring day...
and girl....
you're like the wind..
that gently sweeps me away.../

The excitement again rises in me ...
at the thought that if we ever speak...
pretty girl I might just get the notion...
get the notion to tell you about my secret devotion...
So if by chance our eyes should ever meet..
and my lips might even speak..
I'll make it real short and real sweet.../

p.s. I love you...
p.s. I love you baby...

So if by chance our eyes should ever meet..
and my lips might even speak..
I'll make it real short and real sweet.../

p.s. I love you...
p.s. I love you baby...

Is that short and sweet enough for you baby?

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Me Likey!