Josies was crowded tonight....But at the booth tonight there was the absence of the fellas...Kevin,Clerow, Sean Jackson, Kool Kat ,Owen Todd.....even Chris Thompson, Chess and Donald Smooth were visibly absent....
Paris, Blake, Chance Howard, Cole and their girlfriends were absent tonight too...Perhaps they had all found someplace else to go...
Holding court tonight though was the ladies...Kevin's wife, Sepia, Bernadette, Harry Charles's wife who was nearly nine months pregnant, Bonita Foxworth, wife of Attorney Robert Foxworth, Corrie Hamilton, Clerow's wife, her sisters Anita Jenkins and newlywed ,Mabel Jenkins Moore all sat at a booth with Bernadette.....Also present was Sylvia... a young lady who was new to the group....
"I can't wait until I have this I can get my fly figure back like you girls.." said Bernadette....
''Aww Bern ,don't worry about it...Nobody's judging you." said Mabel.
"That's right...this is your first child." added Bonita.
"Everybody...This is my friend Sylvia....She and I grew up in West Orange together...She moved here a couple of years back " said Sepia as she introduced her friend to the group.
''A couple of years back? You moved here a couple of years back." laughed Bernadette...
''So did we all" said Mabel, talking about herself and her sisters Corabeth and Anita. Even Bonita was from another town....Of the group....Only Bernadette was a native born Philadelphia girl.
''So what made you all stay?"asked Sylvia...
"Sex and Money!" laughed Bernadette.
"You're in rare form tonight girlfriend." laughed Bonita...
"I'm nine months pregnant...I have no form." laughed Bernadette...
"It's true.." said Sepia..."I came here with no job and no man.....I met and married Kevin and then I met Bonita and we started a business together...Bonita moved here for good once she met and married Robert...Mabel started a business here and married "88" and Corrie married Clerow, who had settled here."
said Sepia...
"And Anita is hooked up with a Philly Lawyer." said Bernadette.
"Yeah...well I got a job, a piece of job, but no man yet.Sometimes I think about leaving Philly and going back to West Orange or maybe New York City."laughed Sylvia...who had let her hair down and was wearing contacts instead of her glasses..
''Any job is better than no job in this economy girl. Don't worry .a man will come.." said Bonita knowingly....They all laughed...
Burt Powell walked in Josies at just that moment....He hadn't been out in public for awhile...He was after all the "Naked Witness/Suspect" who had fled a murder scene in the buff...He had been the laughing stock of the nation for awhile....Tonight he was well dressed and smelling great...a fact that was not lost on the ladies...
"Isn't that Burt Powell, the naked man?" asked Sepia...
"He's not naked now...and I wouldn't mind seeing him naked...he is fine." said Anita.....Her older sisters Mabel and Corrie giggled...
"That's Naked Burt...I know him." said Sylvia, but she had never seen him looking this good...Fresh haircut, hint of a beard, nice suit and nice smelling cologne...She was attracted to him...She couldn't believe it..When he had dated her late friend...They both used to laugh at what a geek he was...He certainly didn't look like a geek tonight.
He spotted Sylvia and walked over to her...
"Hi Sylvia." he said.
''Hi Burt" she replied...
Sepia and Bonita nudged each other...Mabel, Corrie and Anita smiled... Bernadette nodded her head..
"Looks like she'll be stayin in Philly Awhile." They all laughed to themselves..
The D.J. played a few hot tunes and Sylvia and Burt danced until they were both sweaty....finally they stopped dancing and wound up by the bar...

"What are you drinking?" he asked.
"Vodka and Cranberry juice on the rocks." she said.
'Hey Gus...Vodka and Cranberry for my friend here and a Corona for me." he said.
"Burt....I see you got your pants on tonight." said Gus....a few people giggled...Burt was used to the ribbing...he wasn't upset..Something else would happen and soon people would forget all about what he did.
"You're not going to laugh Sylvia?" he said..
"'ve been through enough....Margaret treated you bad enough and then she gets murdered by that psychopath Chesly Greer.....No..It's not funny." she said.
"Wow...Coming from you...I am touched...I never thought you liked me much." said Burt.
"I don't dislike you Burt." she said.
''Here's your drinks Burt...Hey, I was just messin with ya..I didn't mean nothin by it." said Gus.
"Oh hey's all good...Believe me...I've heard worse." said Burt...
They drank and they stood by the bar and talked for a good two hours... Sylvia never did return to the table with the girls....They didn't mind..They just looked at the two of them and smiled... A slow record came on...
''You want to dance Sylvia?"he asked.
"Yes...I like this." she said.
His cologne smelled absolutely divine to her, He was soft, gentle and he moved quite well...She felt a hint of an erection as the song got longer...she remembered that Margaret had told her how well endowed he was...
She felt herself getting all kinds of aroused and she didn't want to....but yet she was.....As if by reflex, she began kissing him passionately....He returned her passion as the song wore on...
She discreetly felt his pants....They stood out like a tent...She squeezed it.... She was impressed and amazed...
''We'd better stop all of this kissing...You're getting uh kind of excited.." she said.
Burt was kind of embarrassed...After the song, he walked up to the bar and took a seat...He wanted to calm down...
''Sorry Sylvia....I didn't mean..."he said.
"You don't have to be sorry...I'm excited too if you know what I mean?" she said and winked...
"You are?? I mean, you and me...??? I never thought you liked me at all." he said.
"Tonight, I like you, okay!!!You wanna get out of here and go to my place...I live closer." she said.
"Check please!!!"said Burt.
At Sylvia's apartment, Burt and Sylvia kissed passionately for close to thirty minutes....They were making out like two high school kids... Neither knew where this came from... He was right...the entire time he had dated Margaret...She had thought him a geek, a dork...She had never imagined this....but she was kissing him like he was Adonis....
Sylvia began to run her fingers through Burt's hair, She was immediately turned on by its softness. She was getting moist, scratch that, She was wet, and to be honest, She had been moist since she saw first him tonight in Josies and she was only getting more aroused as Burt's tongue probed her mouth and his hands began their adventure.
They lay across her bed...Burt still had on his boxer shorts, but his erection was so large that it was threatening to rip his shorts off...Sylvia gasped ,then giggled at the sight of his boxers extended like that.. She got on the bed and straddled him. She knew he could feel her moisture through his shorts, just as she could feel his penis growing and squirming, but she wouldn’t let him in until she was ready she reasoned.
"Uggggggggggggggggghhhhh....Oh my gooodness.." she moaned...
With both hands...he slipped her panties down and she slithered out of them.....
''Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my goodness, look at you." Sylvia moaned..
She rose up just a bit, and with each retraction of her arms to his abs, She lowered back on him. With each lowering came a small grind. He tried to reach for her huge breasts...every man did, but Sylvia pushed his hands away. She gradually began speeding up, rubbing harder, landing harder and grinding stronger. It was definitely turning him on. He grabbed the pillows and began moaning, when he tried to move his hips in concert, she stopped him.
Finally , she stopped playing and lowered herself completely on to his massive erection....She thought she would scream as he nearly tore her apart....She moved up and down slowly and he palmed both of her butt cheeks and began to move her faster and faster....
She wanted to scream, but couldn't...
They found a nice rhythm and rocked like this for close to two hours...Sylvia experienced several orgasms in the meanwhile...She wondered when Burt was going to cum....He seemed to be going and going....Finally he came in a powerful eruption and she came again herself, surprisingly....and let out a yell neither of them had heard before....She felt herself trembling several times afterwords....
Burt continued to kiss Sylvia long afterwords...She liked that ...She smiled and finally rolled over on her back and began kissing him too...It wasn't long before she felt his massive erection again...He was pulling her legs apart and entering her again....
My goodness, she thought!! Margaret told her that he really knew how to handle his business...She wasn't lying.....And to think, she treated him like crap....A man that can make a woman feel like this in the bed?? She was crazy!! thought Sylvia as they went at it again...The bed rocking from side to side...The headboard nearly cracking!
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmphhhh.." he grunted as he went about his business of pleasuring her..
She came harder this time than she had the first time!!!!! She found herself exhausted afterwords!
"Burt..." she said.. "Yeah Slyvia?" he answered... "That was...whoooooo,that was incredible....but I'm spent...I ...Can we go to sleep now?" she asked.
"You mean I can spend the night?" he asked.
It was answers like that ,that probably made Margaret treat him badly....Some of his dorkishness was showing...Still, any man who could make her feel like this in the bed deserved some respect.
"Of course sweetie...It's nearly four in the morning...I wouldn't do you like that, especially after how you did me." she said with a smile.
"It's just that Margaret used to...." he said, but she shushed him...Kissed him again slowly....
"Margaret is dead sweetie...This is me ." she said quietly.
"Sylvia?" he asked.
"Would you be my uh.....My girlfriend?" he asked .
" Yes sweetie.....I'm not going to let another woman get what I just got..." she replied...though she hadn't been used to being asked that by a guy so soon...
He lifted her up and she straddled his once again hard and huge erection......
"LAWDDDDD!" she moaned as he began entering her again...
"I'm going to have to get used to this, but I don't think it will be hard AT ALL!...ouuuuuuuuuuuu, all...ohhhhhh MY GODDDD!" she screamed in ecstacy!
Sylvia lie on Burt's chest the next morning....totally satisfied....She would never call him "Naked Burt " or make fun of him again...She was his woman now and he was her far as she was concerned...He had been redeemed in her eyes..and that was all that mattered...and yes...She was definitely staying in Philadelphia now!!!
She said I don't think it will be hard at all.....
Not as long as he is....
Sorry couldn't resist
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