Angie took him by the hand...
"You weren't on my radar then, butttttttt sometimes the best things are the things we don't expect....You're my husband now...And I haven't regretted a day of being your wife." said Angie..
"Now let's go upstairs...and go into one of those rooms and make love..." she said.\
We had rooms on the top floors of this building for detectives,officers and Federal agents that rivaled the best hotel rooms..They were used when we were working over time on a case.There were no major cases looming and we had just been relaxing...We hadn't had any visits from Lt. Tragg either.. Sissy, Sharon, Hazel, Tyriq ,Hop and Duke were in the cafeteria
enjoying hot steaming cups of coffee.
''Who are you telling? Hey, I'm thinking of having a dinner at my house this weekend...You all are invited.. It's nice to be able to go home every night after work too."said Sharon..
"Yessss and not have to see Lt. Tragg." said Hazel.
"Don't bring him up...He's fit to be tied that we cracked 49 murder cases, broke up a gun smuggling ring and ended the Bennie Gold case." said Sirena.
"Yeah...Nice that we didn't have to charge anybody with an actual murder."said Tyriq.
"Hey...where is Junior, Angie and Top>" asked Duke..Carlotta and I walked in and sat down with them...
"Boss Lady, I hate to bring this up...but you should hear this." she said.
"Hey Guys." I said.
''What's on your mind chica?" asked Sissy using her pet name for Carlotta.
"I was filing away the Bennie Gold papers and I did a routine check on his credit cards.....He's been dead for two weeks, funeralized and buried..There are recent charges on his Platinum Card, as recent as YESTERDAY!!! "said Carlotta.
"I thought that and so...I called her yesterday....she accounted for all but one of his credit cards...The Platinum card...and the charges she made are not the kinds of charges a man would make...$300.00 worth of lingerie from Lady Chatterlies Lover, Panties and Bras for the discriminating woman." said Carlotta.
"Don't be too sure of that Top!" said Tyriq..Duke and I and Hop busted out laughing...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu you have the softest lips Chocolate Cupcake."said Jimmy, going into near delirium kissing her..
She rode him like a surfer rides the waves...Jimmy was going out of his mind...After all this time , he couldn't believe he had Angie...He couldn't believe Angie was his wife!
"Ummmmmmmmmmmm.ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Jimmy..." she moaned..
"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he moaned...gasping for air..
"You are really excited..." she noted..
"It's been a few days for me and you.." he said..
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, let's not let it be sooo long...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuu!"she moaned..
He stretched her out and entered her doggy style...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ..Ohhhhhhhhh my godddd!!" she moaned...
"Yesss baby yes...." Jimmy moaned..
The living room couch was squeaking pretty loud ,almost as loud as the bed....
This couch was far noisier this afternoon than it had been before....... Angie was feeling so good,she slapped Jimmy across the face...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu JAMESSS! ...OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" she cried out....
The couch squeaked even louder..
Yess...Yessssssssssssssssssss...YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Ouuuuuuuu YESSSSS!" Angie screamed....
Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ...oh my god...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"Jimmy moaned..."Ummmmmmmmm OUUUUUUUUU JAMES! OH MY GODDDDD !!!!!" she screamed...
They eventually made it to the bed...and began making sweet sweet love...Neither one was interested in the fact that they were both technically on the clock...
They eventually made it to the bed...and began making sweet sweet love...Neither one was interested in the fact that they were both technically on the clock...
They were just enraptured with each other...
NINE TO TEN HOURS Slowly drifted by...... Angie had had four orgasms.....She was going crazy herself..
"Angie, I love you too..." he said without hesitation..as she moved up and down on him and he finally came and came with wild abandon.....
Sirena , Hop and Carlotta entered the cafeteria
"We did a little digging into Marsha Fenton...."said Sirena.. "It appears her loft has been a swinging door both before and since Bennie Gold.. She's a top Financial Analyst..She comes highly reccomended in the area...She has done the finances for several of the city's top young , recently wealthy young men...These young men have also shared her bed according to what I've found and rewarded her with all kinds of party favors...Two yeaars ago...She was involved with two young men, who had been lifelong friends..When her indescretion was discovered...One of the men murdered the other and the murderer committed suicide.. Since then her loft has had a revolving door of the who's who of young movers and shakers.."said Sirena."She was born in Philadelphia PA. , Raised on the Mainline..Attended the best private schools her daddy could pay for...Then enrolled in Vassar....Somewhere along the line, she got pregnant! Her daddy paid for the abortion and the paid the young man off...She began partying hard with the young and rich...her Heroin and Cocaine abuse began around this time..She graduated and Entered the Wharton School of Business at Penn and graduated with honors..Becoming a top Financial Analyst in the city.."said Hop.
"She was introduced to Benjamin Gold, Wealthy, successful and married by a mutual friend...Ben's supervisor and her former lover...and ..I'll let you say it Sirena."said Carlotta."Here is where it gets cute...She's been dating Musician, Daryl Gillespie the entire time....Their trysts have overlapped her and Bennie Gold..." said Sirena.''All that is great...but she still hasn't broken any laws...she's just a hard partying girl." said Tyriq.
Crime Scene Investigators and Forensic Specialists were looking at the nude body of musician Daryl Gillespie..
"No signs of struggle...No broken bones..No gun shot wounds or knife piercing.."said one man..
She sniffed..
"This is Cyanide...Pure Cyanide was injected into his blood stream...This is definitely murder.."she said..
She Hoped and prayed that Lt. Tragg didn't come through the door..
"What have we got Honey Bun?" asked Duke..
"Place is as clean as a whistle...No prints, No DNA.. and no condoms in the trash can..but look what I did find in the bedroom on the floor."said Duke.
"Bet you we can get some DNA off this."said Duke..
"This is Definitely Murder, puncture wound in the neck...Cyanide..."said Hazel..
"This place smells like Bleach..." said Sissy..
"Minus the Cyanide...Where have we seen this before?" I asked...
"Place is as clean as a whistle...No prints, No DNA.. and no condoms in the trash can..but look what I did find in the bedroom on the floor."said Duke.
Sissy laughed
So Did I..
Tyriq, Carlotta and Jimmy had the loft surounded..
"Let's make this quick, before she can slip out.."said Carlotta..
"Let's do it." said Jimmy..
Armed with the tactical squad.. Tyriq, Carlotta and Jimmy entered the building rapidly from the front..
Just in time to see Marsha Fenton with an overnight bag ,preparing to slip down the back stairwell.. Her car was parked in the driveway...
Marsha sat quietly in the interrogation room..
"You know Marsha..the first time we brought you in here..We thought maybe you were just a party girl who panicked when the guy she was with got sick and went into cardiac arrest...We didn't see a motive for murder..Until we found out that you were recently fired from you six figure a year job...because of your substance abuse problems and a lot of your old boyfriends were distancing themselves from you.."said Angie.
"But, there is always a sucker or two around...Bennie Gold was one...You stole his credit card and you had access to his bank account, where you took a lot of cash out before his wife and lawyer shut the account down...Soooo you went to rising musician Daryl Gillespie for a quick payday didn't you?"said Duke.
"You're crazy...How do you even know I was with Daryl Gillespie?" snarled Marsha."Well we have video of you and Daryl at Josie's...We have video taken from his apartment complex of the two of you entering and just you leaving...and even though just like before you bleached down the apartment and erased all fingerprints and DNA..You left something behind."said Sissy,Showing her , her bra..
"Your DNA is all over it..So is his...You were there..You injected him with Cyanide...Just like you injected Bennie Gold with Heroin....We got you Marsha.. Murder one, two counts." said Sissy.
"I'm Sick....I need help." was all she would say..
EPILOUGE-Marsha Fenton confessed to murdering both Bennie Gold and Daryl Gillespie..She was sentenced to 25 years to Life..
As she promised, Sharon and Hop hosted a dinner, get together at her house..
They were gracious hosts...
Duke and Eddie C. came by and helped with the cooking..

Candied Yams
and plenty of Beer
There were more people at this dinner... Olivia Bennett Alexander and her crew...her niece, Beverly, Her husband Donnie Ray, Beverly's husband, Nelson East and Josie Boyd and her boyfriend, Paris.

and that uh Yvette Jones and her associates. Bee Bee Evans, Keith Jones,Sofia Garcia,,Kahlil Ahmed,Jade Lee, Danny Ho and Gary Lockwood.
"We gotta stay and help our girl Sharon clean up after this is over.."said Sirena.
"Oh But of course." said Hazel..''We got all weekend..We all live right down the street.."I joked..
"Anything to get out of work.."laughed Carlotta...
Naturally , several cards broke out during the dinner as everybody chowed down, laughed, talked and ate..
A Beautiful fall weekend...Good Food, Good Music, Good Fellowship and Good Friends!