We all stood in the hallway of the courthouse... Ms. Yvette addressed us.
"I'm ready Ms. Yvette." I said.
"I am too!"said Bee Bee.
''I think we can win this case in the preliminaries." said Sofia.
"That would be super." said Samantha.
"I do too! Lt. Tragg doesn't even try to bring in a good case lately...They're getting weaker and weaker."said Kahlil.
"Hello Mrs. Copeland." said Yvette.
"That's Ms. Copeland...Victor died in a car accident about seven years ago...I'm a widower now!" she said.
''AWWWWWWWW So Sorry to hear that....I hear you have a successful practice of your own now...Do you still teach?" asked Yvette.
"I do too! Lt. Tragg doesn't even try to bring in a good case lately...They're getting weaker and weaker."said Kahlil.
"That's because of his insane desire to be on Television with a quick arrest that makes him look like a hero." said Jade.
"Heyyyy guys...Sorry I'm a little late."said our client, Attorney Emma Stephens..
who brought us all coffees to make up for it..
"I don't know how you take it...So I brought Creamers and Sugars in seperate bags." she said and passed them to us...
"Welllll hello Yvette... I haven't seen you since you graduated...but I've kept up with you...You've done well for yourself.. Made Partner, Got married, bought a home...Good Job." she said and hugged Yvette..
"That's Ms. Copeland...Victor died in a car accident about seven years ago...I'm a widower now!" she said.
Tate Stephens was waiting for her to go...He walked up to us...He was not pleased.
"I don't appreciate you subpoenaing me..." he said coldly...
''Are you threatening me? I know people too! "said Yvette again without any sense of fear or intimidation.
"I wasn't disgusting all those nights you woke me up at midnight and after with your calls ,begging me to let you come over and spend the night was I?" said Emma.
"Looks like somebody is a little hot under the collar." I said.
"He obviously didn't get what he wanted from either woman."said Bee Bee.
"He thrives off of fear and intimidation...He always has."said Samantha.
"Well that's not gonna happen here."said Kahlil.
"Aye Mios Dios, look who's coming."said Sofia.
"One Pest after another."said Jade.
"I'm not doing this this morning...Come on guys, into the courtroom."said Yvette.
We had all finished our coffee's..We tossed our cups in the waste basket and went inside the courtroom and sat at our tables..
As it turns out, the Judge was late...
Judge Newton Cowley...
"I remember that old horn dog.."said Emma Stephens...
"It could work in our favor Ma, Between Ms. Yvette and me with our cleavage and you with that Micro-Mini skirt showing all those legs...and Bee Bee and Sofia here with short skirts and cleavage, we may keep his mind off of the actual case and his libido high."said Samantha.
''She's learning the game huh?" laughed Bee Bee.
''Yes indeed!"laughed Sofia.
We did exude a lot of lusciousness at our table. Me and Kahlil were the only males. We noticed how beautiful and sexy our client and all of our associates were.. I simply smiled and shook my head.
So did Kahlil.
''What are you guys smiling about so?" asked Ms. Jade, smiling.
We may have been the only ones smiling..
Bert Vandenberg ,who prided himself on being as secret and behind the scenes as possible was once again exposed...He had started not to take Tate Stephens on as a client...
Lt. Tragg was not happy.... Special Prosecutor Christine Copeland had complained bitterly about his police work and made no secret that she was less than enthusiastic about the case he had given her...A case he thought was a slam dunk.
Special Prosecutor Christine Copeland was certainly not happy..She had complained bitterly about Lt. Tragg about his unco-operativeness, about his police work in general to anyone who would listen in the D.A.'s office. They knew all too well . She made no secret that she was less than enthusiastic about the case he had given her. She had told him to find some more witnesses and new evidence...He did find a few more witnesses, but they were inconsequential and the little bit of new evidence he did scrape up was basically useless. She had dealt with inept detectives before , but none as inept as Lt. Tragg.
This was going to be quite a case.
Ms. Yvette once told us that Trials are like Chess Matches...with both sides only releasing so much information at a time , testing the other side to see what moves they are going to make..
Christine Copeland was brilliant and considering what she was saddled with ,she did exceptionally well.. She was no walk in the park...She anticipated a lot of our moves...Showing us what a brilliant and well prepared attorney can do with a mess. A messy case like she had.
Sofia and I questioned a lot of her witnesses on cross with telling questions...Questions that made one doubt they had really witnessed or heard anything. This hurt the Prosecution's case a lot.
Bee Bee and Kahlil checkmated her often, citing laws and predicates and like cases....Again hurting the prosecution's case and frustrating her...
Judge Cowley was forced to rule in our favor a lot... He also was forced to keep his eyes on Bee Bee and Sofia's shapely legs, hips and bodacious bodies...Both women smiled as much as possible and were ultra polite..
which titillated the Judge.
Kahlil and I continued to hammer away at witnesses, who were the least bit shaky or whose testimony veered the slightest bit from their signed affadavits or deposition statements...We had read them well.
"They had a good teacher." said Jade.
I stared at her....

"I was out to dinner with some colleagues.....We were at The Mermaid Crab Tavern for dinner and drinks..Then we went to Josie's to hear some cool jazz....Then I stopped by a friend's apartment, Attorney Emma Stephens, but she wasn't in...and then I stopped by another young lady's apartment and she wasn't in either and so I came home and found my brother lying in the middle of the floor and the door ajar... Oh and there is something missing...I own a .40 caliber pistol. It's missing." said Blake.
"Your Brother obviously knew his killer, he let this person in...I'm guessing it was an attractive female, she found the gun and shot him and then left."surmised Lt. Tragg.
"How did you come to that conclusion? His brother wasn't from here anymore, Hadn't lived here in years.....He didn't know anybody here...Who would he have just let in like that and if it was a woman???...Why would she be allowed to roam the house like that and how would she know he had a gun here?" asked Jade... All good questions.
Yvette cautioned Jade, not to say anymore.
Hazel smiled wryly....Good for Jade, she thought... Things between her and Lt. Tragg were as Frosty as could be...She said nothing to him at all..
Yvette's husband, Gary, now an investigator for the D.A.'s Office, once a Homicide Detective himself showed Lt. Tragg some wax shavings found by the door.
They quickly did what Gary said. Lt. Tragg was furious and knocked the bag of shavings on the floor out of the man's hand.
Tate Stephens was livid...He kicked the metal waste basket until it dented. He had met somebody he couldn't intimidate or bully or seduce with a sly promise of a career boost and money. He jumped up and down like a child! "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he screamed angrily.
"I feel good ..I feel like we can win this trial tomorrow." said Bee Bee.
"We all have been winning a lot of trials in the prelims lately....Ms. Olivia and her team too!" I said.
"That's because Lt. Traggs cases are weaker and weaker.."said Sofia.
"He's dangerous..He'll arrest anybody without thinking..won't check alibi's..."said Kahlil.
"Well in all fairness...My Mom doesn't have a good one..She was in her apartment all night with no witnesses.."said Samantha, "But she's no killer." she added..
"Yeah, I could see him doing that." laughed Chip as we all went to the bar after dancing to order more drinks.
Tonight , even the "Old heads" were here...Our Client, Emma., who hadn't been out drinking and dancing in a minute....She had been keeping a low profile,like we had asked.. Tonight however ,she was with us..and safe.. Ms. Yvette, Gary, Ms. Jade, Danny, Ms. Virginia, Jetty,Ms. Olivia, Donnie Ray, and Ms. Alfreda and Rockland had staked out some booths in the back and were drinking and talking and watching us all dance.. From Line Dancing to individual dancing... It was a great night.. we all felt loose and happy.
"Ohhhhhh this feels so good Vettie, I haven't been out dancing or drinking in a minute ..Since before this mess started."said Emma.
"You're with us tonight..You're safe." said Yvette...
"And you're staying in our extra room...I'll take you back to your hotel after the hearing tomorrow." said Gary.
"I think we can wrap this up tomorrow."said Jade.
"I was in court yesterday...I think you can too!" said Danny...
''Ohhh this is soo nice, It's been a minute since we were in here husband.." said Olivia.
''Yeah it has..."said Donnie Ray..
''Artie I bugged that guy Blake Davis's house....I bugged Emma Stephens house and under the direction of my client....I sent photos to both Emma Stephens and her daughter Samantha Stephens.... Blake Davis was banging both of them.. My client figured it would drive his ex-wife nuts and in a rage she'd blow Blake Davis away...only it went sideways...and his twin brother, who nobody knew was there at the time was shot and killed....I believe my client manipulated the situation...My client is Tate Stephens..He was also subpoenaed." said Bert.
"Artie, I'm not a lawyer...It's not the same..." said Bert Vandenberg, who looked sick. He dropped a few dollars on the table and got up...
He was sworn in....
Before Yvette could question him Chris Copeland Objected, stating an Old Law from the 1940's that protected Private Investigators..
Samantha sited a new law from 1990 that overturned that law...right here in Pennsylvania.
Bee Bee cited a law that said a Private Investigator could be questioned if he or his client is believed to have been involved in a Capital Crime, in this case, Murder.
Christine was beyond livid at this point...These little shits were besting her at her own game..They had prepared and anticipated her every move and executed well. She thought.
"You are a Private Investigator and before that you were an FBI Special Agent correct?" asked Yvette.
"Yes." he answered.
''Have you ever been in the residences of Emma Stephens, Attorney at law and Blake Davis. Attorney at law? On behalf of a client?" Yvette asked.
"I'm going to exercise my uh 5th amendment right against self incrimination..." he stated.
Kahlil poured a bag of 28 Micro Listening devices on the table...
"We traced the serial numbers on these and cross referenced them with your company credit card....It shows you ordered all of these devices personally..." He said..
"These are photos of our investigator, Jade Lee-Ho at both residences, finding these devices..
"Mr. Vandenberg, you own a Three Dimensional Printer don't you? In fact ,you don't have to answer..We know you do...My Investigator was by your office and snapped a photo of it with a micro camera of her own."I said.
Showing him the printer and the wax keys....
"These Keys gave you access to both residences and allowed you to enter and place these devices..We found these wax shavings at both residences outside the door... It's a dead giveaway.... Here is a photo of the dead, Blanton Davis... Now I'm not saying it was you, but I think your client had access to these residences too....Who is your client?" asked Ms. Yvette.
Chris Copeland Objected stating that Private Investigators had the same Client privilege that Attorneys enjoyed..
Bee Bee argued, not when a Capital Crime may have been committed...
Judge Newton Cowley agreed...
This wasn't lost on Chris Copeland. This left her frustrated and at times a little perturbed, but at the end of the fourth day she had to smile and bow to Ms. Yvette, her student..
"She has taught these young ones quite well." she found herself admitting...
Ms. Yvette had sat back, Not arguing at all, but letting the four of us carry the weight... A tear formed in her eyes...
"I'm so proud of them....The four of them were just raw law school graduates who had just passed the bar when I first met them and look at them now...They are just fantastic." she whispered to Jade.
"Those four kids of yours are the truth...They are more than holding their own with Christine and she's been practicing before these kids graduated from grade school....They should make you very proud Yvette...I hope my daughter is learning from them." said Emma , who seemed so relaxed with us...You'd never think she was on trial for her life.
his identical twin brother, thinking it was Blake Davis... She cringed when she made this argument..On this final day of the prosecution's preliminary hearing....Christine Copeland repeated Lt. Tragg's pornographic fever dream of a story that...Emma Stephens, enraged when she discovered her daughter was sleeping with the same man she had been sleeping with went to the Davis condo with a gun she had stolen a few days earlier, charmed and seduced and gunned down Blanton Davis,
She didn't believe that....but it was all she had....
"Your Honor...I close my preliminary argument and ask that Ms. Stephens be held over for trial on a charge of first degree murder."said Christine Copeland.
What's more she knew that we knew it....We had subpoenaed two witnesses..She now knew we had another move to make and she couldn't anticipate it...She looked at Lt. Tragg and wanted to slap him silly...
All of us ,Ms. Yvette, Samantha, Kahlil, Bee Bee, Myself, Jade and Emma all sat there smiling...We knew Christine could not sell it...and we knew that even she thought this whole theory was Ludicrous.
He sat there looking so sure of himself...smiling confidently.
We thought back to the crime scene itself-

Lt. Tragg looked at the body...
"WOW!! You guys are dead ringers......Nothing was stolen...Nothing disrupted...This was a hit and I think the target was you Mr. Davis..." said Lt. Tragg." Where were you last night?" asked Lt. Tragg.
"The victim was killed by two shots from a .40 caliber...we found the spent slugs Lieutenant." said a crime scene investigator.
"How did you come to that conclusion? His brother wasn't from here anymore, Hadn't lived here in years.....He didn't know anybody here...Who would he have just let in like that and if it was a woman???...Why would she be allowed to roam the house like that and how would she know he had a gun here?" asked Jade... All good questions.
Yvette cautioned Jade, not to say anymore.
Hazel smiled wryly....Good for Jade, she thought... Things between her and Lt. Tragg were as Frosty as could be...She said nothing to him at all..
"See this? Wax shavings...I've seen it before..I think the killer duplicated the keys with a three dimensional printer.somehow .. They let themselves in and from the angle of the shooting and where the body fell..They already had the gun...They didn't root around for it They came in and shot and left... Not likely they would have left 2 Large on the dresser if they had been rooting around." said Gary.
"You guys should bag this and tag it." he said to the CSI men.
Talking to Lt. Tragg was like speaking to a brick wall...
"You don't want to hear what I have to say."said Hazel ,turning away from him...Her hatred for the man now reaching a critical point.
"Can we release the body?"asked Dr. Marcy Martin..
"Excellent Idea...I'll see everyone tomorrow at 10:00 Am sharp...be on time and be ready for trial, court dismissed." he said and banged his gavel.
Christine Copeland was exhausted...She had never been so unsure, so tested in her life. She had always out prepared and surprised whatever attorney she was up against...It had been a long time since she had actually lost a case or even had a hung jury... Yet these four young attorneys, who were probably in elementary school when she was passing the bar had out prepared her, had not been rattled by anything and had battled her to a standstill like an attorney who had been practicing for decades...and she hadn't even faced her prize student yet... She needed a drink. She left the courtroom not saying a word...
Ms. Yvette ran right into an angry and imposing Tate Stephens..
"Your young bucs handled themselves well enough....I expected the Prosecution to do a lot better considering her wealth of experience...Look, maybe uh you and me, we could work something out...I find you extremely attractive...How about dinner, some drinks, a quiet civil conversation...huh? To hell with this case...Yvette, I think if we talked, you and I and you really got to understand me, we could have a really nice friendship, huh, how about it??.. Neither you nor I have a dog in this fight... I could do a lot for you....I know you've made partner...but I could turn you on to much bigger things...and I'm not just talking about my penis.HEH HEH HEH!!!" he asked her softly, putting his arm around her..."Despite all of this...I like you Yvette....." he said.
Hazel sighed and walked away..... He really was the absolute dumbest cop in the city she thought to herself.
"Can we release the body?"asked Dr. Marcy Martin..
"Yeah, yeah, get those Autopsy Reports to me, ASAP!" he said.
The Body of Blanton Davis, Actor, Identical twin brother of Blake Davis was put in a white body bag and toted out...
"Mrs. Jones-Lockwood... Do you have a defense to put on or would you rather just go to trial?" asked Judge Newton Cowley, who couldn't help himself from staring at her cleavage..
"I do have a defense your honor....Due to the lateness of the hour...I would like to begin my defense tomorrow morning." said Ms. Yvette.
Christine Copeland was exhausted...She had never been so unsure, so tested in her life. She had always out prepared and surprised whatever attorney she was up against...It had been a long time since she had actually lost a case or even had a hung jury... Yet these four young attorneys, who were probably in elementary school when she was passing the bar had out prepared her, had not been rattled by anything and had battled her to a standstill like an attorney who had been practicing for decades...and she hadn't even faced her prize student yet... She needed a drink. She left the courtroom not saying a word...
me, Bee Bee, Samantha, our client, Emma, Sofia, Kahlil and Ms. Jade all walked out of the courtroom...
"Your young bucs handled themselves well enough....I expected the Prosecution to do a lot better considering her wealth of experience...Look, maybe uh you and me, we could work something out...I find you extremely attractive...How about dinner, some drinks, a quiet civil conversation...huh? To hell with this case...Yvette, I think if we talked, you and I and you really got to understand me, we could have a really nice friendship, huh, how about it??.. Neither you nor I have a dog in this fight... I could do a lot for you....I know you've made partner...but I could turn you on to much bigger things...and I'm not just talking about my penis.HEH HEH HEH!!!" he asked her softly, putting his arm around her..."Despite all of this...I like you Yvette....." he said.
His trousers were standing out like a circus tent....He wasn't trying to hide that she had him very aroused.
AQUA BAR was jumping tonight.....Everybody was in here tonight...We all felt like dancing and having a cold one..
They had two D.J.'s...
Bee Bee, Me, Sofia, Kahlil, Samantha, Beverly, Nelson, Josie, Paris, Bresha, Tony, Jazzy,Dabnis, Kayla, Ray ,Jessica and Chip were all here..
"We all have been winning a lot of trials in the prelims lately....Ms. Olivia and her team too!" I said.
"That's because Lt. Traggs cases are weaker and weaker.."said Sofia.
"He's dangerous..He'll arrest anybody without thinking..won't check alibi's..."said Kahlil.
"Well in all fairness...My Mom doesn't have a good one..She was in her apartment all night with no witnesses.."said Samantha, "But she's no killer." she added..
We all laughed.
"She could have been with Lt. Tragg and he still would have charged her."said Beverly...
"He's dangerous.. I hope I'm never around anybody even remotely involved in a murder."said Nelson..
"Same here. You remember, he did arrest me once...."said Josie..
"I remember..."said Paris.,
"I'm with Nelson...I don't even want to remotely know anybody involved with a murder with him around.. He'd love to arrest and charge any one of us." said Bresha.
"I know that's the truth as much as Olivia and Ms. Yvette's team embarrasses the hell out of him. Picking his cases apart and all."said Tony...
''He's so unhinged lately.. You can't go anywhere he is and enjoy yourself...He's got to come around and try to trigger you into some type of argument."said Jazzy...
"Even when you ignore him, he still hangs around..He's a pest."said Dabnis..
"He was asked if he might like transferring to auto theft..."laughed Kayla.
"Sheeeeeeeet, they don't want him!" said Ray...
"He might make a good Traffic Cop!"said Jessica.
"She could have been with Lt. Tragg and he still would have charged her."said Beverly...
"He's dangerous.. I hope I'm never around anybody even remotely involved in a murder."said Nelson..
"Same here. You remember, he did arrest me once...."said Josie..
"I remember..."said Paris.,
"I'm with Nelson...I don't even want to remotely know anybody involved with a murder with him around.. He'd love to arrest and charge any one of us." said Bresha.
"I know that's the truth as much as Olivia and Ms. Yvette's team embarrasses the hell out of him. Picking his cases apart and all."said Tony...
''He's so unhinged lately.. You can't go anywhere he is and enjoy yourself...He's got to come around and try to trigger you into some type of argument."said Jazzy...
"Even when you ignore him, he still hangs around..He's a pest."said Dabnis..
"He was asked if he might like transferring to auto theft..."laughed Kayla.
"Sheeeeeeeet, they don't want him!" said Ray...
"He might make a good Traffic Cop!"said Jessica.
"Yeah, I could see him doing that." laughed Chip as we all went to the bar after dancing to order more drinks.
Tonight , even the "Old heads" were here...Our Client, Emma., who hadn't been out drinking and dancing in a minute....She had been keeping a low profile,like we had asked.. Tonight however ,she was with us..and safe.. Ms. Yvette, Gary, Ms. Jade, Danny, Ms. Virginia, Jetty,Ms. Olivia, Donnie Ray, and Ms. Alfreda and Rockland had staked out some booths in the back and were drinking and talking and watching us all dance.. From Line Dancing to individual dancing... It was a great night.. we all felt loose and happy.
"Ohhhhhh this feels so good Vettie, I haven't been out dancing or drinking in a minute ..Since before this mess started."said Emma.
"You're with us tonight..You're safe." said Yvette...
"And you're staying in our extra room...I'll take you back to your hotel after the hearing tomorrow." said Gary.
"I think we can wrap this up tomorrow."said Jade.
"I was in court yesterday...I think you can too!" said Danny...
Virginia and Jetty were kissing passionately, oblivious to the conversations swirling around them...
''Ohhh this is soo nice, It's been a minute since we were in here husband.." said Olivia.
''Yeah it has..."said Donnie Ray..
Rockland and Alfreda, newlyweds, were kissing passionately...
We were all seated in the same general area and had plenty of Tacos, Beers and Martinis..
Across town at CURLEYS BAR- Lt. Tragg was certain that we'd all be in tonight...It was Couples Night with drink specials...We started to go there...but decided on Aqua Bar....We didn't need to spar with him...
"Bert...What did they subpoena you for?" asked Lt. Tragg.''Artie I bugged that guy Blake Davis's house....I bugged Emma Stephens house and under the direction of my client....I sent photos to both Emma Stephens and her daughter Samantha Stephens.... Blake Davis was banging both of them.. My client figured it would drive his ex-wife nuts and in a rage she'd blow Blake Davis away...only it went sideways...and his twin brother, who nobody knew was there at the time was shot and killed....I believe my client manipulated the situation...My client is Tate Stephens..He was also subpoenaed." said Bert.
"Well whether he manipulated the situation or not...SHE PULLED THE TRIGGER AND SHE ALONE IS GUILTY!!" said Lt. Tragg.... "Relax...you got nothin to worry about...This prosecutor is good...She's won 245 cases...Hasn't lost in years....She might not even let Yvette question you,. You bein a Private Dick and all , you have certain protections."said Lt. Tragg.
"See ya Around Artie...I guess, tomorrow in court." he said.
"Hmmmmmmmmm , this is coming a little late, but good work Lieutenant....See what you can do when you try?" said Chris Copeland...
Lt. Tragg sat down next to her...
"I've got some news for you....Those lurid photos that were anonymously delivered to Emma Stephens and Samantha Stephens and myself of each of them making love with Blake Davis was taken by a P.I.,
just like you suspected...Bert Vandenberg....Somehow or other, Yvette and her team have discovered that and they subpoenaed him...His client was Tate Stephens, her ex husband... He hired him to shadow both of them...When he discovered that they were both sleeping with the same man...He sent photos to both women, knowing that one of them, his wife would go ballistic, go nuts...and blow Blake Davis away....Only she shot his twin brother, who nobody knew was staying there... Stephens manipulated the situation..Maybe I can charge him with something later...but she and she alone murdered Davis."said Lt. Tragg.
We all looked refreshed and rejuvenated....
Yvette called Bert Vandenberg, the Private Investigator...
Before Yvette could question him Chris Copeland Objected, stating an Old Law from the 1940's that protected Private Investigators..
Samantha sited a new law from 1990 that overturned that law...right here in Pennsylvania.
"You are a Private Investigator and before that you were an FBI Special Agent correct?" asked Yvette.
"Yes." he answered.
Kahlil poured a bag of 28 Micro Listening devices on the table...
"We traced the serial numbers on these and cross referenced them with your company credit card....It shows you ordered all of these devices personally..." He said..
Your client had you snap photos of Ms. Stephens being intimate with Blake Davis, brother of the deceased and Ms. Stephens daughter also being intimate with Mr. Davis... You also mailed these to Emma Stephens, Samantha Stephens and Lt. Tragg as instructed. A DNA sample of your saliva was taken off of two of the three envelopes ,so we know as a fact it was you."said Sofia.
Showing him the printer and the wax keys....
"These Keys gave you access to both residences and allowed you to enter and place these devices..We found these wax shavings at both residences outside the door... It's a dead giveaway.... Here is a photo of the dead, Blanton Davis... Now I'm not saying it was you, but I think your client had access to these residences too....Who is your client?" asked Ms. Yvette.
"No further questions, I now call Mr. Tate Stephens.." said Yvette.
He made no secret of his total disdain now for Ms. Yvette and Bert Vandenberg as well, ....Ms. Yvette had subpoenaed him and had turned down his sexual advances and Bert had folded like a tent under questioning.
He laughed.. "You're Bat shit crazy....I've never been in Blake Davis's condo..." he said.,
"Yes Counselor, this sounds like Speculation....How do you know this?" asked Chris Copeland.
Ms. Yvette smiled and produced a glass , taken from Sam Mother's diner.
"Recognize this glass Mr. Stephens? It's one of three you were swigging orange juice from in Sam Mother's Diner last week..."said Ms. Yvette.
"We know this because we got your DNA and prints off of all three of the three glasses of Orange Juice , you were drinking in Sam Mother's restaurant.....They match your prints and DNA from this carton, taken from Blake Davis's condo. Your DNA and prints have no business being in Blake Davis's condo at all... You were there, you stole his gun and you came back and shot who you thought was him, isn't that right Mr. Stephens?" asked Yvette.
The entire courtroom gasped.
''The People move to drop all charges against Emma Stephens."said Christine Copeland, shaking her head in disbelief...
"Thank You guys for saving my mommy!"said Samantha Stephens...
"You helped...You did good in there." said Sofia.
"Not Bad, Not Bad at all for a newly minted attorney."I said...
''We wish you much success. "said Bee Bee.
''Who knows..Maybe one day we'll see each other in a litigation."said Kahlil.
Jade had done an excellent investigation...She simply smiled and bowed...
"YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! YOUUUUUUUUUUU IMBECILE!!!.....Your half baked Pornographic fever dream of a theory was all wrong...I knew it all along and they proved it..You could definitely learn a thing or two from Yvette's investigator.,Jade!"said Chris Copeland to Lt. Tragg. She hadn't exactly lost, but she hadn't won either....
Tate Stephens was handcuffed immediately and walked out of the courtroom....
''All in a day or in this case, a week's work."said Ms. Yvette. We had won in the preliminary hearing. She wouldn't have to face a trial. She hugged Emma.
"You helped...You did good in there." said Sofia.
"Not Bad, Not Bad at all for a newly minted attorney."I said...
''We wish you much success. "said Bee Bee.
''Who knows..Maybe one day we'll see each other in a litigation."said Kahlil.
Jade had done an excellent investigation...She simply smiled and bowed...
"YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! YOUUUUUUUUUUU IMBECILE!!!.....Your half baked Pornographic fever dream of a theory was all wrong...I knew it all along and they proved it..You could definitely learn a thing or two from Yvette's investigator.,Jade!"said Chris Copeland to Lt. Tragg. She hadn't exactly lost, but she hadn't won either....
"MAYBE YOU COULD LEARN A THING OR TWO FROM YVETTE'S SNOT NOSED KIDS...THEY SURE OWNED YOU IN COURT DIDN'T THEY?" snarled Lt. Tragg, angrilly stomping his foot and exiting the courthouse...
'''Yvette, wonderfully executed....Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I'd be bested by one of my students and HER STUDENTS!...Good Job.... I think I've had enough trial work...I'm going to stick with teaching and out of courtroom litigation like I'd been doing."said Christine, hugging Yvette.
'''Yvette, wonderfully executed....Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I'd be bested by one of my students and HER STUDENTS!...Good Job.... I think I've had enough trial work...I'm going to stick with teaching and out of courtroom litigation like I'd been doing."said Christine, hugging Yvette.
"Oh Noooooo, you just had a poorly investigated case that's all...Not your fault..All that I am, All that I teach these kids is what you taught me and Olivia so many years ago Ms. Copeland." said Yvette.
"You should...She'd love to see you!" said Yvette.
"Me too!"said Bee Bee ,hugging me.
"I'm glad for Lt. Tragg...His sloppy investigations make it easier for us to defend people."said Sofia, laughing.
"You do have a point."said Kahlil.
Jade threw me the keys..."You can drive...Grab Ms. Yvette, Let's go home." said Jade.
Samantha Stephens went on to pass the Bar in New York/New Jersey/Deleware and Maryland...She became an Associate Attorney at her mother's firm..She began a relationship with another young attorney she met during a litigation.
Samantha's hiring,brought her mother's total staff to 3 Attorneys and one Para-Legal....
Despite some misgivings....Emma Stephens and Blake Davis got married a few months later... Stranger love stories have been written.
As a result...He was assigned to the Police Marine Unit for the next 90 Days.
.If you used a telescope and looked out the window of the building where we worked.. You could actually see him sitting on the boat, swigging his favorite Irish Whiskey..
Revenge was indeed sweet and a relief for all of us...
Ms. Yvette was at home..
She sat on the side of the bed in her red baby doll..
Gary smiled..
"Look at my girl, Defeated her teacher in court. My sexy boss lady.." he said.
She slipped off her Pink and Blue Panties....Gary was delirious by this point.
She rode him slow and softly....
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!: squealed Yvette as she had an intense orgasm.....