Friday, February 21, 2025



Judge Kelly Ann was applying make up in the Judges Chambers...

"You know you're not supposed to be in here right now!" said Judge Kelly Ann..

"I can't resist you....You know that." said Assistant District Attorney Don Giorgio putting his arms around Kelly Ann and  kissed her..

"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...UMMMMMMMMPH, you have soft lips baby!" he said.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BABYYYY!" he moaned.He pulled her to him....Her robe was open, he could see her bra...He kissed her again.....

"Don, take your hands off of me...Please!" she begged.

"Let me go please.." she he continued kissing her.

He was trying to devour her lips....His body was shaking....

"Don,let me go.."she asked him again..


He tried to unsnap her bra..


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" she said.. She moved his hands away..

Kelly Ann finally pulled away from him... She closed her robe....She straightened her clothes.

"Don,please leave!!!...I am the Judge in a case you are trying...This is so inappropriate...Please leave." she said.

He smiled and left the Judges Chambers...

"Nothing inappropriate about that kiss." he said.

 Her lipstick imprint still on his lapel....

In the courthouse waiting area.....

"Coffee anyone?" said Wendell , who appeared with hot steaming tumblers of coffee for Erica, our client and all of us..

"Thank youuuuuuuu!" said Erica.


 "Just be cool Erica...We got this...We are going to get you out of this, trust me."said Yvette.

I sipped my coffee quietly.....
"Kelly Ann is the Judge...She's a big improvement over that horrible Judge Wilson."said Bee Bee.
"He's probably being served his breakfast of Hot Oatmeal on Death Row at Greene Correctional Center right about now."said Sofia.
"Good for him...I wish I could see it." said Kahlil.

Jade laughed... "You guys are mean." she said.

ADA Diorgio walked by us... He had a satisfying smirk on his face...

He still had Judge Kelly Ann's lipstick smudge on his lapel...

We noticed it..

"You see that? That Lipstick smudge on his lapel and that self serving smirk on his face?" I said.

"He wanted somebody to see that." said Bee Bee.

"You think him and Judge Kelly Ann ,you know..are getting it on?" asked Sofia.

"Lt. Tragg has been off the scene for two weeks." said Kahlil.

"I think Judge Kelly Ann has more integrity than that..She knows how inappropriate that would be.
One way to tell is to watch how she rules once the trial starts." said Yvette.

"Maybe he kissed someone else and wants her to be jealous."said Kahlil.

"Yeah that's it...That's the ticket."said Yvette sarcastically...

Bee Bee and I, Sofia and Jade all laughed....



"Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning Attorneys and Jurors...I am Judge Kelly Ann Mercer..
We are going to seat a jury today and trial will start tomorrow morning... I know all of the attorneys involved...but would you introduce yourselves to the court please?" she said.

DONALD GIORGIO.!" said Don Giorgio, smiling snarkily and looking at Judge Kelly Ann, who turned her gaze away..


 "Mrs. Yvette Jones-Lockwood-Lead Attorney for the Defense your honor."said Ms. Yvette.

"Keith Jones, Attorney for the Defense your honor."I said.
"Mrs. Beatrice Evans-Jones, Attorney for the Defense your Honor." said Bee Bee.
"Mrs. Sofia Garcia- Ahmed, Attorney for the Defense , your Honor." said Sofia.
"Kahlil Ahmed, Attorney for the defense your honor." said Kahlil.

Jade and Erica sat quietly.....saying nothing...

"Alright...We will now have jury selection.." said Judge Kelly Ann..

ADA Don Giorgio had swagger and confidence we hadn't seen in a lot of ADA's and he had excellent questions for the jurors...He had prepared well..

But so had Kahlil and I...We knew what jurors we wanted...We knew all about them, which gave us a slight advantage.

Bee Bee and Sofia sat behind us, with their laptops which had notes and additional questions...Which they whispered to us.

We battled him to a 7-5 split, going our way...With the Jury Foreman being one of his picks...

He looked quite pleased with himself..

"Okayyyy we have a jury....Trial will begin tomorrow promptly at 10:00 Am., this courtroom..Attorneys, Jurors, be on time and be ready for trial.." said Kelly Ann.
She quickly dismissed court and slipped out of the side door..She wanted to put as much distance between the courtroom and herself as possible.

In the Judges Chambers, there was serious kissing going on...just moments later. Ms. Yvette's husband, D.A. Investigator, Garty Lockwood had been in court this morning in the visitor's section.

"Ohhhhh Gary this was such a surprise seeing you here this morning."said Ms. Yvette.

"I was thinking about you....I decided to see you since you were so close." said Gary...
They began kissing...


"SO DO YOUUUUU!" she cooed...

"You think about me a lot during the day don't you?" she laughed.

"I sure do.." he said.

They both giggled and continued kissing.


"OUUUU I WISH WE DID TOO!" she said.   "DID YOU LOCK THE DOOR?" she asked.

Apparently not....

ADA Giorgio slipped in, hoping to find Kelly Ann and to his embarrassment and surprise seeing Yvette and her husband, Gary...


"That's okay...We were leaving." said Yvette taking Gary by the hand..

Gary walked out of the Judges Chambers..

Yvette's lipstick smudge on his lapel.....


We all walked over to Sam Mother's Diner for lunch....We all took one big table..

"He was looking for somebody...wasn't he?" asked Gary.

"He was looking for Judge Kelly Ann...He's got the hots for her....I don't think she feels the same ...
She obviously wasn't where he thought she'd be.."said Ms. Yvette.

"Lt. Tragg will kill him!"laughed Gary.

"Oh My God...We haven't seen him in a fight or a brawl with anybody within a year...That would be something."said Yvette.

"That would land him right back on the Marine Boat or in the Cooler."said Gary....
"Or Both." said Yvette.

"Well we did as well as I expected so far." I said to my wife, Bee Bee.
"We've got to be to bring our A game...This is different..I feel it."said Bee Bee.

"I feel it too! He prepares well...We didn't catch him slipping and just barely won on Voir dire this morning."said Kahlil.
"Well we'll see what he's got tomorrow." said Sofia.

"His case is weak, very weak from what I've been able to ascertain." said Jade.

"I hope so...Besides this murder case...There is still this  Wrongful death suit against my company." said Erica, which was why she originally hired us.

"I think it's all bogus...but we'll see." said Wendell.

ADA Don Diorgio walked in..

"Sam was Judge Mercer in here?" he asked.

"You just missed her....She got a Thermos full of Soup and a Thermos full of Hot Coffee and some go..She left in an UBER." said Sam Mother.

Judging by what she purchased...He knew that she was buying lunch for Arthur Tragg.

And At the Marina at this very moment...

"There is Hot Soup in this Thermos, Hot Coffee in this Thermos and some sandwiches in the lunch pail and a slice of Apple Pie." said Kelly Ann passing everything to Lt. Tragg.

Lt. Tragg was nearly in tears....

"You don't know how much I love you." he said..

"And your new uniform is washed and dried and folded....You'll see it when you come by tonight."said Kelly Ann smiling...

"I love you too!" she said softly and smiled.

Since he'd been spending the week with her...He had stopped drinking his favorite, Jameson's Irish Whiskey completely....She always had Hot Soup, Sandwiches and Hot Coffee for him which lightened his mood considerably and made him much easier to live with...This was the first time he was on the boat with someone who outranked him...A Captain, who the first week made his life a living hell.
The Captain was gone this week and now he was top dog again...and much happier.. He had hot Coffee, Hot Soup ,Clean uniforms and was getting laid every night on top of that...He couldn't ask for much more.

"Awwwww Lawwwd! I can't wait." said Lt. Tragg..

As he took her in his arms and kissed her....

"Ummmmmmmmmmmm Arthurrrr!" she moaned as they continued to kiss...



Judge Kelly Ann was Tough, But Fair...but for some reason, in this case, I felt as though she was leaning our way more.. 

ADA Don Diorgio was brilliant and he laid out a brilliant story of how Erica's business was failing and how desperate, she was trying to pressure Mr. Weisman into staying with her...Knowing that if he pulled out, she'd lose her oher investors...Which would result in the total collapse of her business...Their last meeting on the day he died led to a fatal confrontation in which he was shot to death by our client, Erica Taylor.

Nothing was further from the truth...

And Ms. Yvette brilliantly went against that logic...Why? She asked , would Erica kill the investor, who was the glue to keeping what was left of investors who had been slowly jumping ship?

Sofia and Bee Bee took advantage of his every mis-step, his every mistake, brilliantly citing laws and predicates ...

He objected heatedly....

But Judge Kelly Ann who had taken a liking to both Sofia and Bee Bee(they reminded her of herself when she was a young Attorney) ruled in their favor.

Kahlil and I questioned her 21 former investors, who all said they had been threatened by telephone and their family members addresses and work places had been named in the weeks leading up to their decision to drop out of Ms. Taylor's company.

ADA Diorgio tried to have this testimony suppressed and stricken from the record, but
Judge Kelly Ann allowed the testimony....

ADA Diorgio pulled his eyewitness who saw Erica leaving his residence just minutes after the M.E.'s often placed time of Death.

Bee Bee and I questioned him on cross... All he saw was our client leaving and not much else.

Ms. Yvette called Dr. Hazel Baylor and Dr. Marcia Cross to the stand..

They both testified that time of death calls are not an exact science and that Monty Weisman could have died anywhere from when the phone call with Erica Taylor was through until the time she arrived...

Ms. Yvette argued that when her client arrived...The front door was opened already and she found Mr. Weisman already dead and on the living room floor, which was why she exited quickly and called the police when she was safely away...

''Which is what most of you would have done right?" she said to the jury.

ADA Diorgio strongly objected...

Judge Kelly Ann ordered the statement stricken...His only victory...

In the Judges Chambers.Bee Bee and I were kissing after court one day...

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmm someone is extra horny aren't they?" she giggled...
"Yessssssss" I said.

''Well save that energy for tonight when we are home, alone." said Bee Bee.


"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I LOVE YOU TOO KEITH!" she sighed as our kissing got more passionate.

"That's why I call you Hot stuff, you're always so hot." she laughed..
I opened her blouse and peered at her bra...

"Don't get too excited.. We can't do anything in here...." she said.

Suddenly the door swung open..

It was ADA Don Diorgio.

"OHHHH...OHHHHHHHHHHHH , EXCUSE ME! I-I-I was uh looking for someone...  " he said.

"OH MY GOD!" said a shocked Bee Bee, Her blouse open...She closed it quickly and stood behind me..

I was equally embarrassed....

The Trial Continued....

ADA Diorgio finished up his closing arguments while making goo goo eyes at Judge Kelly Ann..

She averted her eyes and refused to make eye contact with him...She at least tried to be professional.

Yvette called Erica to the stand..

My Father was Marine Biologist Dr. Cecil Taylor... I studied Marine Biology at Southern Florida University... I began my business in 2017...I purchased Fresh Water residences and began breeding Tilapia and Swai and selling them to Grocery Outlets, Supermarkets and Fisheries..  Initially I attracted a lot of investors...It allowed me to pay off my student loans and the morgtage on the land I purchased to breed my fish...We were doing good until last year....A large percentage of mercury was found in some of my fish....I don't know how, but I suspect industrial sabotage and two people died after having eaten my fish... I've been sued...I needed you guys to represent me.
Also..One of my largest investors, a Millionaire named Monty Weisman has threatened to pull out.. If that happens...a lot of investors who came with him will leave.,..That will bankrupt me.. But I didn't kill him. We had a twenty minute conversation on the phone in which we had come to an agreement...He asked me to come by so we could talk face to face.  I left my house and drove to his residence.. There I found him in the living room on the floor, deceased..He had been shot in the head." said Erica Taylor. 

With Jade's Help...We tracked down all of  Erica's former investors...They testified to the threats on their lives and their families lives and said minus the threats, none of them would have pulled out.
They knew about the new investors and were thinking about getting back in...

Sofia and Bee Bee using a monitor showed the phone call that lasted twenty minutes and used the GPS to track her movements...

Still neither side... Ours or the prosecution had proved she did or she didn't one way or the other...

The Jury was 6-6.....We needed to step up our defense.

During a break in trial, Kahlil and Sofia slipped into the Judges Chambers...

"OH MY GOD!!! SOFIA...I'M AS HORNY AS HELL!" said Kahlil.

"SO AM I PAPI!" she said..

They began kissing...

"We can't do anything in here....We don't have the time." said Sofia.

Their kissing got more passionate..
He hiked her skirt up and was about to slip her panties down..

"Aye Papi!!...Noooo we don't have time to do that...We only have thirty minutes before we go back to court..."said Sofia, pulling her skirt down..

They continued to kiss..when once again, the door swung open...

ADA Giorgio slipped in, hoping to find Kelly Ann and to his embarrassment and surprise seeing Sofia and her husband, Kahlil...


"Aye Mios Dios!" said a startled Sofia..standing in front of Khalil.

"EXCUSE ME ONCE AGAIN!" he said as he closed the door.

The trial continued...

Ms. Yvette called our final witness..Roderick Rippington.

"Mr. Rippington, you were representing a Swiss Business Concern.. Weren't you?  A Corporation that wanted to buy up some land, the same land that Ms. Taylor's Fresh water fisheries is presently on... You guys made her a generous offer last year to close her Fishery down and move to somewhere else... She turned you down...You made a second offer which she also turned down and a third and final offer which she also turned down..  Your Swiss Business Interest wanted that land to build condos on, am I correct?" she asked.

"Yes, that is correct." he answered.

"You have represented a number of huge conglomerates.....You have a reputation for gobbling up and decimating a lot of businesses going back some twenty years to serve your stockholders...You've put a lot of people out of work am I right?" I asked.

"I wouldn't exactly put it that way...but...but yes." he said.

"You've been quite aggressive in gobbling up these companies.....when people have not accepted your business partners offers...The investors have been threatened...I have 22 people here, representing other businesses you have gobbled up who will testify that they and their investors and their family members were threatened and that what happened with Ms. Taylor was not the first time..." said Kahlil.

"I don't know anything about that!" he said.

"You don't?  When a large amount of Mercury was found in the waters at Ms. Taylor's Fishery...An anonymous phone message was sent to the family of the deceased woman...thus causing a law suite...I suppose you don't know about that either do you?" asked Sofia.

"No I do Not!" he said defiantly....
Wendell testified that he tested the waters at her fisheries and discovered that the Mercury found was higher than normal and was in his opinion an act of sabotage... He said that right after the water was tested... Several Investors dropped out and when he tested the water again...there was no Mercury found.

""Co-incidence? I think not... The Threats to investors and their family members and the lawsuit coming from industrial sabotage is part of the playbook in your dealings with these companies aren't they? Only Ms. Taylor wouldn't knuckle under and your Swiss Backers were getting impatient weren't they.... Mr. Monty Weisman was her friend...He was the glue that kept the other investors in line...So he had to go didn't he?" said Bee Bee.

"If you say so." he said and smiled.

"If you say so sounds like Chinese food... You visited Monty Weisman on the day of his death....didn't you? You don't have to answer..We know you were there...You see , we found your prints and matching DNA at his residence did the police.  They couldn't identify it at first, but they have now..." she said.

She pulled out a monitor..

"I have a real good investigator..." she said pointing to Ms. Jade.

She watched hours of Street Camera tape footage on Mr. Weisman's block and there is YOU...YOU sir entering his house , two hours before his death....You were probably there while he was talking on the phone to Ms. Taylor.. You probably had him at gunpoint and told him to tell her to come over...You killed him and planned to have her walk up on his corpse....leading to this moment right here..Where she is on trial for his murder."said Ms. Yvette.

"You can't prove any of that and I will not answer anymore questions without the counsel of my attorney." said Roderick Rippington.

"That's a good idea Mr. Rippington..A damn good idea.  The Defense rests." said Yvette.

"Alright..I'm going to dismiss the attorneys.....I'm going to explain to the jury how they can rule....."said Judge Kelly Ann...

We sat in the waiting area...


 "I think we created reasonable doubt...I also think the jury will come back quick too!" said Ms. Yvette.

"Yeah, but will they acquit me or send me to the table?" asked Erica.

"No, I looked at that jury...They felt sorry for you. They saw it as the little guy or gal in your case, being pushed around by the big conglomerate..They didn't like that." I said.
"They identified with you...Even the jurors he picked. I'm certain we won them over."said Beatrice.
"Your arch enemy Roderick Rippington was as unsympathetic as could be  and he was so curt and sarcastic...He just turned a number of jurors off...I could look in their faces and see it."said Sofia.
"I read that jury...I'm 90 percent certain we got an acquittal, 10 percent certain, maybe a hung jury...but no conviction..."said Kahlil.

"I'm with you Kahlil." said Jade.

Olivia and her team came down..

"We came down for the verdict Vettie.
"Thanks for the support as always Livy!" said Yvette, hugging her best friend.
"Jade you did an excellent job as far as the investigation." I said.

"Thanks for your help." said Jade.

"I always feel like I'm watching myself when I see you two in court." said Beverly, who just loved Bee Bee and Sofia.  She knew that they copied a lot of her court style and mannerisms.

High Praise indeed...They both admired Beverly...

"I read that jury...I know you guys got it.. That last guy you interviewed turned the jury off completely..
He was so smug." said Nelson.

"That's what we were thinking." I said.

"That's why we saved him for last....We knew he'd come off like that."said Kahlil.

"Your ADA came off like a Bully too!"said Josie.

"Judge Kelly Ann kept him in his place."said Bresha.

"Didn't she though?"said Alfreda.

And in the Judges Chambers...

"I want to put it in you soooooooooo bad." said Wendell.
"Tonight maybe..after this is all over...OUUUUUUUUUUUUU!"said Erica...

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Wendelll!" she whispered...

"I love the sound of your voice when you whisper my name." he said.


"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Wendell!" she cooed as their kissing got more passionate more heated..

The Door swung open and the light came on....

 Once Again ADA Giorgio slipped in, hoping to find Kelly Ann and to his embarrassment and surprise seeing Wendell and the defendent, Erica Taylor.

"OHHHHHH! OHHHHHH EXCUSE ME, I'M SO SORRY! OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" he said, storming out of the Judges Chambers....



The Jury was back with a verdict.... This was rather quick, just like we'd thought....

"Has the Jury come to a decision?" asked Judge Kelly Ann.

"We have your honor ." said the Jury Foreman..

The Bailiff took the envelope and passed it to the Judge.  Her face was expressionless.

ADA Don Giorgio had that confident smirk on his face. 

 Yvette held Erica's hand... She turned to all of us..

"No Matter what happens, you all did a hell of a job...I couldn't be more proud of you, all of you." she said.

It sounded like she was preparing us for a loss.

Erica and I, Bee Bee, Sofia, Kahlil and Jade stood solemnly...

The Bailiff read the verdict-





 "WE DID IT!!!! WE PULLED IT OFF!" said Yvette , who was a bit surprised!

said Erica.

"Did you have any doubt? I told you we were gonna get you off." I said.
"Your long Nightmare is Over!" said Bee Bee.
"You're free to run your company now." said Sofia.
"It's all over...You're off the hook! No Pun Intended.." said Kahlil.

"WOWWWW!" said Jade.

"I'm happy for you baby!" said Wendell.

"Oh Wendell, you helped me get through this......I'm so grateful for you.."said Erica.
They began kissing...

right there in front of all of us...

"Like this wasn't going on in our basement and more for the past three weeks!"laughed Donnie Ray.

"You're right about that Donnie Ray!"laughed Beverly.
"They should rent a hotel room to celebrate tonight..." said Nelson...

"Yeah, that's what I would do." said Josie.

"This is sooooo nice." said Bresha.

"It is.." said Alfreda.

ADA Don Diorgio was disappointed about losing the case... He looked around...Everybody he had walked in on was here in the courtroom...

Judge Kelly Ann was gone..There  was only one place she could be...The Judges Chambers.. He was going to get her this time, he thought.

In the Judges Chambers , there was kissing going on.. 



"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!"moaned Lt. Tragg as he kissed her slowly and softly....

"I've got a boner for you that just won't quit." he said..

"When don't you have one?" she asked as they continued kissing.

She discreetly rubbed his trouser leg....Her eyes got as large as saucers..

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, Look at youuu! OUUUUU You're as hard as a brick!!! Myyy goodness Arthur." she said,laughing.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuu I love you so much..." came Kelly Ann's voice.

"UMMMMMMMM KELLY ANN, I LOVE YOU TOO!! OUUUUUUUU!" he moaned as their kissing got hotter..

"ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh baby!" said Lt. Tragg.

"OUUUUUUUUUU ARTHUR!" she moaned.She was just swooning....

When the door swung open. It was ADA Diorgio..He had forgot that Lt. Tragg's time on the Marine Boat had ended and he was back in his office.

"TRAGG!!! WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" he blurted out...startled....

"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" screamed Lt. Tragg.


Roderick Rippington was arrested and charged with Wire Fraud, Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud,Conspiracy to Commit money laundering, Extortion,Conspiracy to commit securities fraud and securities fraud.

U.S. Attorney Todd Dellums

and a team of FBI Agents arrested him..

He was charged, tried and convicted on all counts and sentenced to 20-30 years in Federal Prison....He was never charged with Monty Weisman's murder.

Two weeks after the trial .We all met at the local seafood restaurant in our neighborhood..

''All of my former investors have come back and my company is more profitable than ever.. I'm bringing in bofo profits. Annnd, that law suit against me has been dropped." said Erica , who joined us one night ,two weeks later.

 "I've gone to work for her as an official efficiency expert. "said Wendell.

"Happy for you man."I said.
"Wow that's great Erica."said Bee Bee.
"I heard the Feds locked up Rippington, charged him with everything under the sun." said Sofia.
"I hope they put him under the damn jail." said Kahlil.
"Me too!"said Jade.

"I'm sorry you guys couldn't have gotten him for the murder of Weisman." said Danny.,

"That's alright...I hear he has enough charges on him to put him away for a lonnnng time." said Virginia.

"Yeah that's what I heard too!"said Jetty.

"They Got him for Wire Fraud, Securities Fraud, Extortion and Conspiracy among other things."said Jazzy.
"He was a real bad guy..His indictment sounds like a text book Rico case."said Dabnis.
"He's gone now...Let's enjoy some good seafood tonight." said Kayla.
"Do you sell to this establishment Erica? asked Ray.

"I do indeed...Swai and Talapia." said Erica.. "Porgies and Whitefish too!" she added.

"Ouuuu, that sounds nice."said Jessica.

"That sounds good!"said Chip.

"I'm Happy for you Erica."said Karen.

"You'll be on my show next week, talking about your case." said B.L.

"Ummmm you ready to order sweetie?" asked Natalie.

"Sure Am."said her husband, David.

"It's so nice being here tonight..This place is so nice and warm." said Brooke.

"It is...Let me see a menu.." said Sean.

"All this talk about Swai.....I think I'll have a Fried Fish sandwich." said Zoey...

"Me too! And I'll have a Coke with that!" said Lem to the waitress.

"Ouuuuu Swai...I'm having Talapia."laughed Renee..

"Good Choice." said Tyrell. 

"I'm happy for you Erica."said Olivia.
"I can't thank you guys enough for your kindness and hospitality... I wish Ms. Yvette was here tonight, so I could thank her again."said Erica.

"Oh I'm sure she knows you are grateful." said Donnie Ray.

"She's at home with her hubby tonight." laughed Beverly...
"I'm happy for her...I think I'll have a Fried Fish sandwich.and a Coke" said Nelson..
"Make that two fried fish sandwiches and two Cokes." said Beverly.

"I'm having Fried Shrimp..."said Josie.
"Not Bad, Not a Bad choice.." said Paris.

"What are we gettin Honey Bunny?" asked Bresha...
"I'll get a Fried Fish sandwich for you, and Fried Shrimp in a Basket for me." said her husband, Tony...

"Sounds like a winner for me.." said Alfreda.

"Yeah me too!" said her husband, Rockland.... 

It was a beautiful night in Late Winter...Amazing we were all out and not snuggled up in our warm homes...

And at Yvette and Gary's house.
Gary stared at his beautiful wife, Yvette.

"We won't be interrupted....All of our friends are out eating dinner tonight with your former client and we are in the peace and quiet of our home."said Gary...

"That's right and our phones are on the charger and off."said Yvette smiling..

They began kissing passionately....



"Your lips are so soft." he said.

"So are yours." she said...
He lifted her up, spread her legs apart...and entered her slowly.... She screamed....Her body trembled...sweat ran down her face...She was having an embarrassingly quick orgasm..

He placed her on the dresser drawer, spread her legs apart again and entered her...They continued deep throat kissing ,while he thrusted wildly inside of her...sweat running down the side of his face.....

He laid her down on their bed..staring straight into her eyes and slowly entering her again...


Yvette wrapped her arms around Gary's neck as he thrusted away mightily inside of her.... Her body trembled, her head turned from side to side. She smiled broadly....She had another quick and intense orgasm.....





The two of them were enjoying each other immensely. Yvette had a third very intense orgasm that brought tears to her eyes..

They were not going to be interrupted tonight!



Anonymous said...

Standing And Applauding and Throwing my panties to the rafters...This was hot!

Toni said...

Loved this title, Loved This Story!

Angie B. said...

This Story had me laughing my ass off... I didn't understand the title at first until I was halfway through it! Loved it!

Sunflower said...

This story had me laughing all the way through it...He must have walked in on every couple in the courtroom..

Swaggie said...

That ADA was a real pain...He was walking in on everybody tryin to get their groove on.