Attorney Mary Flowers sat in the cold interrogation room known as the "Fishbowl", the nickname the detectives gave it..She had been charged with the first degree murder of her mentor, Attorney Michael Stevens, who had been found shot to death in the parking lot across from Steak and Seafood Bar and Grill they had enjoyed a meal at the night before..
She was tired and she was hungry... She didn't smoke, so she refused a cigarette..She refused a soda and a coffee.. She just sat and stared blankly..She refused to answer any of Lt. Tragg's questions.. They had sat in here for eight hours..
"Look, You and Mr. Stevens had dinner together at Bottom of the C. several witnesses have already told me that he got a little too handsy with you and that the two of you quarrelled..You apparently had some kind of altercation in the corridor near the restrooms and you were seen running out of the restaurant in tears...Leaving him on the floor , gasping for air.. TWO HOURS LATER-He's found in the parking lot across the street on his back..Shot two times in the head with his own gun...that was wiped clean of prints and DNA.. You tried to make it look like a robbery by rifling his wallet..Not a good job..
Now you wanna tell me what happened? Did you two have a heated argument?/ Did he grope you again?? What?? Help yourself out here!" said Lt. Tragg.
He got stony silence..Lt. Tragg slammed the palms of both of his hands down on the desk, making a loud sound.. Mary was not phased at all.
"LOOK I KNOW YOU KILLED HIM AND TRIED TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE A ROBBERY, JUST TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED??"said Lt. Tragg, beginning to lose his patience.. This interrogation had cost him a night with Assistant District Attorney April Taylor.
She did things to him in the bed..
That were unlike anything he had experienced...She left him breathless and hopelessly longing for more..
Instead , he had spent the night here in this cold room with a suspect he knew was guilty that refused to play ball with him..
Finally Mary spoke-
"You do know I'm a Lawyer right? And the first thing lawyers tell their clients is to shut up and not say anything and to let them do the talking correct? The first thing you policemen tell us is we have the right to remain silent, anything and everything we say can and will be used against us in a court of law...Sooooooo I'm not saying anything, other than, you got it all wrong..I DID NOT KILL MIKE STEVENS! That's all I'm going to say.. I'm through talking." she said and that was it..
Yvette and Jade stood in the doorway clapping their hands...''Bravo, excellent speech..I couldn't have said it better myself.." said Yvette, smiling.
Jade said nothing, she just smiled..She knew how much Lt. Tragg hated her...No need to give him any excuse to start something..
Jade said nothing, she just smiled..She knew how much Lt. Tragg hated her...No need to give him any excuse to start something..
"Welllll if it isn't the Green Hornet and Kato...Where are the rest of your snot nosed youngsters?" he asked.
He always reffered to Me, Bee, Sofia and Kahlil as "Snot Nosed youngsters because we were so young, fresh out of law school when Ms. Yvette took us under her wing..He didn't really have any animosity toward any of us personally..
He got up and quietly left the room..
"Yes, I remember.."said Yvette.
We walked in just then.
"Ms. Yvette, we got a judge and a hearing in two hours."said Kahlil.
"I got us the only Judge available...She's new.. Her name is Margaret Robinson.." said Bee Bee.
''We are in Courtroom D." said Sofia.
"And I think the ADA is Jumpshot Jim Taylor.." I said.
"I got us the only Judge available...She's new.. Her name is Margaret Robinson.." said Bee Bee.
''We are in Courtroom D." said Sofia.
"And I think the ADA is Jumpshot Jim Taylor.." I said.
So did Ms. Yvette..
''Yall did good..brought me more information than I usually have... I don't know this Judge , but I'm going to get to know her...and uh looks like we'll be going up against Lawyer Bae One huh?" she laughed.
We appeared in court with our client..
arguing for reasonable bail..She was an Attorney, a recently minted attorney from our firm with no prior convictions of any kind..and very little proof or evidence that she even committed this crime..We brought up the fact that she didn't know the victim was even dead until she was arrested...She was in the middle of filing a restraining order and a sexual harassment complaint with the firm at the time of her arrest.
had dinner together at Bottom of the C. Several witnesses have already testified that he got a little too handsy with her and that the two of them quarrelled..They apparently had some kind of altercation in the corridor near the restrooms and Ms. Flowers was seen running out of the restaurant in tears...Leaving Mr. Stevens on the floor , gasping for air.. TWO HOURS LATER-He's found in the parking lot across the street on his back..Shot two times in the head with his own gun...that was wiped clean of prints and DNA.. She tried to make it look like a robbery by rifling his wallet..She is a clear and present danger to the community..." he said.
"We can argue the particulars of the case during the preliminary hearings..Right now we are trying to decide if this woman is a clear and present danger to the community..I don't see her as thus..I'm releasing her without any bail, with the stipulation that she wear an electronic monitoring device on her ankle." said the Judge..
She glared angrily at Lt. Tragg...
who suddenly remembered meeting her in Curley's Bars a few weeks ago....She said she was an Attorney...He had no idea , she was a judge..
"I TOLD YOU TO KNOCK IT THE HELL OFF, DIDN'T I?" came the voice of a blonde woman..
It's contents ,spilling on his head...and splashing on the woman's dress....
"I'm so sorry , so sorrry..Look...I'll pay for your dry cleaning and you drink for free the rest of the night.."He said. "Artie...I'm gonna have to ask you to leave tonight."said Curley.
Lt. Tragg's suit was drenched...His hair was full of beer...His face was as red as a beet. He was both embarrassed and furious... He stormed out of the bar. On the street, he kicked another trash can until it dented..
He never saw her again, until today...Only to find out, She's a judge and in this case..
She glared angrilly at him as we all exited the court...
"Curley paid for my dry cleaning, but I should make you pay for my panties..You nearly ripped them off of me."said Judge Robinson.
"I'll gladly go with you to any lingerie outlet you like and help you pick another pair.."said Lt. Tragg, with a pleased as punch look on his face..
"In your dreams Loser!" she said and walked away...
Kahlil had heard the entire exchange... His mouth was wide open... "Lt. Tragg is a freak..He ripped her panties off, wowwwww!" he said to himself, with a new found respect for Lt. Tragg.
James "Jumpshot Jim" Taylor was angry. It was bad enough he was working with the man who was sleeping with his ex-wife..but angrier still that the Judge, who was his ex-girlfriend made a completely biased call.
"Peg, Peg...You know you were wrong..As wrong as two left shoes..You made a completely Biased call!" he snarled.
"But you know me! You did this to get back at me...and you know it!" he said.
"Get over yourself..Everything is not about You! And where I'm concerned...NOTHING, is about you!" she said as she walked away...
Bee Bee and Sofia heard this conversation..
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU GIRLLLLLLL!" said Bee Bee high fiving her best friend.."There is going to be some tea spilled during this trial.." said Sofia, laughing..
Judge Robinson was looking at the files on us brought to her by her investigator..
"Here Peg is the book on those defense attorneys..You uh know the Prosecution." he said.
"Don't be funny Eddie." said Margaret "Peg" Robinson..
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Mother, Nancy Jones, Court Stenographer
Father, Judge Keith Morrison
Graduated from West Catholic High School
B.A. Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law- Howard University
J.D.- University of Pennsylvania Law School
Fluent in Spanish, French, German
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware and New York.
Associate Attorney- McCluskey/Cozen/Connor/Pratt
Married to Beatrice Evans
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls
B.A. -Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy ,Pre Law- Temple University
J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School
Fluent in Spanish and French
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Deleware
Associate Attorney- McCluskey /Cozen/Connor and Pratt
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls
B.A. -Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy ,Pre Law- Temple University
J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School
Fluent in Spanish and French
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Deleware
Associate Attorney- McCluskey /Cozen/Connor and Pratt
Married to Keith Jones
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls
B.A. -Administration Of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law-Temple University
J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School
Fluent in Spanish and French
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware and New York
Associate Attorney -McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls
B.A. -Administration Of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law-Temple University
J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School
Fluent in Spanish and French
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware and New York
Associate Attorney -McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt
Married to Kahlil Ahmed...
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Graduated from Central High School
BA.- Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law- Temple University
JD- University of Pennsylvania Law School
Speaks Arabic languages fluently, fluent in German and Russian.
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware and New York
Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Graduated from Central High School
BA.- Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law- Temple University
JD- University of Pennsylvania Law School
Speaks Arabic languages fluently, fluent in German and Russian.
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware and New York
Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt
Married to Sofia Garcia

Born in Philadelphia PA.
Graduated from North Catholic High School
BA-Trial Advocacy, Pre Law, Administration of Justice -Lasalle University
JD -University of Pennsylvania Law School
Fluent in Spanish, French and Russian
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware and New York
Senior Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt
"My My Myyyyy, every last one of them is a PENN LAW SCHOOL graduate...And for them to come from their humble backgrounds and acheive that is no small feat..I admire them...Glad I'm a judge and not going up against them...I just wanted to know who they were because my ex claims I was biased against him and I told him I didn't know them, which is true.." said Judge Robinson..
"It seems Yvette, their supervisor and I have a lot in common..We both graduated from North Catholic High..Although she was there years before I was...We also attended Lasalle University for undergrad...but that's where it ends.. I went to Columbia Law School in New York...Worked as a Federal Public Defender and an Assistant District Attorney in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York before returning to Philadelphia and working as an Associate Attorney for Bang and Bang and now becoming a Judge..The second youngest and youngest female in Philadelphia history." she said.
She removed his hands..
"I'm not going to sleep with you Eddie.." she said and passed him an envelope with his pay in it.
"Bye Now!" she said with a smile , as he angrilly stuffed the envelope in his suit jacket's inside pocket and stormed off..
She laughed.
"OH MY GOD...HE DID WHAT?"laughed Yvette.."It came out of her own mouth...She said Lt. Tragg ripped her panties off and splashed something on her dress..She said Curley had to pay for her dry cleaning.." said Kahlil..
As our drinks arrived.....
"That's what she told him, She said that everything doesn't revolve around him and to get over himself and she walked off." said Sofia.
"Me neither...That must be hell."said Kahlil.
"You know, because she's so emotionally connected to the ADA and the arresting officer..we have grounds to ask her to recuse herself from this trial."said Bee Bee.."You're right, but do you really want to? The Tea that is going to be spilled in this trial is going to be off the chain.."said Ms. Yvette, laughing..
''Yes indeed..Everyday is going to be fun in this trial..."said Sofia..
"This is what you wanted on the Judge." she said.
Margaret "Peg" Robinson
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Graduated from North Catholic High School-Philadelphia PA.
B.A. -Trial Advocay, Administration of Justice, Pre Law- Lassalle University-Philadelphia PA.
J.D.-Columbia School of Law, Columbia University. New York City
Passed the Bar in New York, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey
"Here is the file on our client." said Jade.
"Yeah, same high school, same college, same law school."said Bee Bee.
"I remember Mike Stevens introducing us and asking if we had known each other at Penn..We didn't..but it was nice having that in common."I said.
''I went to Bottom of the C. Many people remember them being there that night and they said it was quite obvious what Mike Stevens wanted..He was all over her...Had his hands up her skirt..trying to kiss her..Leering at her the entire time they were eating and according to a waitress, saying really fresh and innappropriate things to her.. One patron remembered seeing them in the corridor outside the restroom. He said it looked like they were kissing or making out..He wasn't sure. Anyway..They heard a slap, a loud slap and a loud moan and they found Mr. Stevens on the floor, moaning in pain.. and they saw her running out of the restaurant.. She hailed an Uber...I found the cab driver.. It was at 11:45 pm..Which means she was long gone..
Federal Public Defender -U.S. District Court-New York City..
Assistant District Attorney in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York
Associate Attorney -Bang and Bang-Philadelphia PA.
Youngest Female Judge and Second Youngest Judge in Philadelphia History.
"Well....She and I have a lot in common..We both attended the same High school and College..Imagine that..but she got her law degree from Columbia.." said Ms. Yvette.
Bee Bee, Sofia, Myself and Kahlil all said "BOOOOO!" in unison. Then we laughed.
Mary Ellen Flowers
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Graduated from the Philadelphia High School For Girls.
Associates Degree- Pre Law, Administration of Justice- Philadelphia Community College
Para -Legal -McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt
B.A. -Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy ,Pre Law- Temple University
J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School
Fluent in Spanish and French
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Deleware
J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School
Fluent in Spanish and French
Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Deleware
Associate Attorney- McCluskey /Cozen/Connor & Pratt
''She was starting law school just as we were leaving."said Kahlil.
Mike Stevens got himself together and paid his bill and left the bar.. 11:52 pm..He was not seen alive again..
Police found his body in the parking lot by the side of his car at 2:00 am.....Two gunshots to the head from his own gun and it looks like whoever killed him tried to stage it to look like a robbery..His credit and debit cards were found in the trash can and his wallet was empty of cash..The gun...His, was wiped clean of prints and found on the seat of his car.Mary's fingerprints are in the car." said Jade.
"They would be..She came there on a date with him.."said Bee Bee."Yeah....but she didn't leave with him..." said Sofia.
"And I already have reasonable doubt.." I said.
"Yeah me too! Now all we have to do is make 12 other people feel that reasonable doubt." said Kahlil.
"Exactly."said Ms. Yvette.
As it turned out...None of us drove to work that day...We had all taken the new commuter train, whose station was two blocks from our homes..
"I will too...I've just been enjoying the ride this week."said Jade.
"Yeah, me too!" I said.
"Ditto." said Bee Bee.
"That makes it unanimous."laughed Sofia..
Kahlil had even managed to doze off....
Our other neighbors were on the train also, Kayla, Ray, Jazzy, Dabnis, Jessica and Chip and even Bresha's boyfriend, Attorney Tony Billips had ridden over from Cherry Hill and caught the train back..
We all knew we'd be driving our cars soon, but we were enjoying the train ride as long as possible.
At this Assistant District Attorney April Taylor's house
''Oh My God, are driving me insane.." said Lt. Tragg as April Taylor rode him..She was soft, wet, smelled great and rode him in the bed like a surfer rides the waves.... Lt. Tragg didn't know if he were coming or going..
April didn't know if she was coming or going either..She had already had two very intense orgasms and was in the middle of a third.....
"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ!!!" he yelled to the top of his lungs..
EIGHT TO NINE HOURS slowly drifted by..
The doorbell was ringing...They heard it , but they kept right on going...
'Shhhhhhhhhhh, Arthur, keep it down..Maybe he'll go away...That's my ex-husband." April whispered.
"Jumpshot Jim?" said Lt. Tragg, getting angry..
''Yeah, forget about him, concentrate on all of this." she said..
"Ohhhhhhhhhh, yesssssssss..yessss...ohhhhhhhhhh yessssssss" he said..
She climbed on top of him and continued riding...
as they made love for another THREE HOURS!
The next day we sat with Mary Flowers, our client...
Me, Bee Bee, Kahlil and Sofia..We were not much older than she was..Had all attended the same schools, Same Law School...and were working for the same company...
'Well against everything you told me, I decided to go out with him...Maybe I dressed a little too provacative...I don't know.." she said as she described the night.
That night at Bottom Of The C restaurant...
The Steak was thick and juicy and cooked to perfection by Chef Ralph Scallion...
and the Martini was made to perfection..
''How is that huh? Good Huh?" said Attorney Mike Stevens.
"Yes..It is delicious...Thank You." said Mary, who against her better judgement had decided to go out with him..Dinner was incredible..But a delicious meal and six martinis between them, was still not enough to make me want to go to his place and sleep with him...I had to make that clear tonight.." she said.''Well Dinner was great...And Now , how about dessert baby?" he asked.
"Thank you no...I've had more than enough to eat tonight.." said Mary..
"I'm not talkin about food baby...I'm talkin about me and you!" said Mike Stevens..
He had been running his hands up her dress the entire night and she had politely tried to remove them, but he wouldn't take no for an answer..
He had tugged on the waistband of her panties at one point and seemed like he wanted to pull them down..she had pried his hands away from them and from under her skirt and almost ripped them...
He laughed shyly..
"Take your hands from under my skirt...please." she said.
"That's rather personal and a bit inappropriate." she said. She excused herself and walked down the corridor towards the ladies room..When she came out..He was standing by the door..
He eased her up against the wall.. She noticed his trousers were standing out like a circus tent..Once again his hands were up her dress, rubbing her legs..He tugged on the waistband of her panties, she finally moved his hands from under her skirt.........He attempted to kiss her, but Mary moved her head...He tried to move it back, but she moved away....
"STOP IT PLEASE!" she said sternly..
"Shhhhh keep it down...keep it down...
.He was now grinding Mary up against the wall and breathing heavily...
"You've gotten in to me....I'd like to get INTO YOU!!! I can't stop....Do you really want me to stop Mary OHHHHHHHH?" he moaned...He was now ejaculating in his trousers....and shaking, trembling..."OUUUUUUUU!" he moaned..Mary slapped him so hard...It was heard out in the dining area and then she kneed him as hard as she could in his groin..
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.....UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!" he moaned and fell to the floor... "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he gasped.. The wind had been knocked out of him...He lie there breathing heavily...
"I saw my chance and I ran for all I was worth , out of the restaurant and across the street..
I hailed an UBER and got in and pulled off....I was going to take Ms. Yvette up on her proposal tomorrow.. I was going to file a sexual harrassment charge against him and possible criminal charges of sexual assault." said Mary.
"I've been in your exact same situation...One was with my supervisor when I first started out here..He was a Black man and he and I were the only two Black attorneys with the firm, I didn't want to get him in trouble..But I didn't want to sleep with him either...He quit the company in anger, because I wouldn't sleep with him.. Another time was with a lawyer from another firm who hired me as a consultant on a case..I wouldn't sleep with him and he fired me...a day before our case went into litigation." said Yvette..
"We found your UBER Driver...Usually those parking lots have cameras in them, but the two cameras in that parking lot was on the fritz, so we have to try and find out if anybody else was near by, if they saw anything." said Kahlil.
"When they found his body...His car was the only car in that parking lot." said Jade.
"Take the next few days off..Stay at home..I'll clear it with your section head...You're our client, you're under indictment for murder..They'll understand." Said Ms. Yvette.
"This is a portal we will give you updates on how your case is going up until the preliminary hearings..
This is a burner will do all of your talking on this until further notice..don't give anybody this number ..This is just for you.." said Ms. Yvette.
"Thank you Ms. Yvette, Thanks guys...I won't forget your kindness." said Mary.
The next morning..
2 ordersFried eggs
''Eatin for two Artie?" asked Sam Mother playfully..
"Nah Sam, my little lady friend will be joining us shortly..She's running a little late this morning.. Heh ,heh, heh," laughed Lt. Tragg, sheepishly...
"I gave you a good case...You've got witness statements, you got the autopsy report and a suspect in custody...There is nothing more for me to do or give you?" said Lt. Tragg as he sipped his coffee..
"Have you read the full Autopsy report? Did you know his trousers were soaked with semen? Did you know we have the clothing the young lady was wearing the night of the murder and there is no semen or DNA in her panties?" asked Jumpshot Jim..
''Come on man, I'm eating here." said Lt. Tragg.Just then, April Taylor walked in and sat down..Her breakfast was already there.
"Awwwwww Thank you Arthur." she said, smiling..
"So that's it huh? That's it? Seems like you are paying much too much attention to my ex-wife , instead of doing your job.." snarled Jumpshot Jim.
''Sam , would you top her coffee off a little?" asked Lt. Tragg.
Jumpshot Jim turned and angrilly stormed out of the restaurant.
This wasn't lost on us..We were sitting at a small table, having our breakfast..
''Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu Girlllll, The Tea is already spilling."said Bee Bee.
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Yessss...He still has a thing for his ex-wife."said Sofia.
"That and he doesn't want to imagine her with Lt. Tragg." said Kahlil..
Four platters of Pancakes with Bacon and Potatoes arrived with coffees...
One thing nice about Lt. Tragg dating ADA April Taylor was that we didn't have to contend with him standing over our table brow beating us about our court case...All he cared about was her and that was fine with us.
They ate breakfast and kissed passionately at the counter..His hand was up her skirt..but she didn't seem to mind..
Assistant District Attorney James "Jumpshot Jim" Taylor , the city's most eligible Bachelor looked in the window at them and he jumped up and down like a child having a tantrum....Then he kicked a nearby metal waste basket until it dented..
Ms. Yvette and Gary observed his tantrum
"That's how I'd be if you left me." said Gary..
''Awwww I'd never leave you for Lieutenant Tragg." joked Yvette.Gary laughed.. 'Everybody's a comedian." he said.. as they both laughed.
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