Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Two Wrongs (shouldn't make a murder)

Friday Morning- 11:00 AM.

"White female, nude....three shots to the abdomen , one shot to the head......" said a Crime Scene Investigator, as another man snapped photos of the murder scene..

"Her body is still kind of warm....lividity shows she's been dead about three hours or more. but at any rate, she died this morning..."said Dr. Hazel Baylor.

"She was shot from close range....Death was probably instantaneous" said Dr. Marcy Templeton...

"I know this woman....this is Assistant District Attorney Jennifer Barnes.....Geeez...I just saw her in Curley's last night...she was sucking face with the very married Assistant  District Attorney Darren Gillian....god , I hate that guy..."said Lt. Arthur Tragg.

"She didn't live here lieutenant....There are no clothes in the drawers or closets....and only her clothes lying over there on the chair..."said a homicide detective...

"She was here with somebody....there is a loaded condom in the trash basket...."said another detective..

"This apartment was rented six months ago and paid for in advance by Assistant District Attorney Darren Gillian..."said Sgt. Bryce.

"I happen to know he lives in Chestnut Hill...My guess is he rented this place as a love nest...to bring his women...And it's far enough from his home that no one here knows him...." said Lt. Tragg.

"A Neighbor in the next apartment over heard four pop pop sounds around eight o'clock, but didn't see anybody enter or leave..." said one detective....

"A uniform cop found this in the trash can down the street...It's empty, but it's been recently fired.. The serial number has been partially filed off of it..." said another detective..

"Bag it and tag it...Get a team together, interview everybody in this building, the building across the street and this whole block...Somebody saw or heard something...Put a team on that street cam....Okay girls...you can remove the body....Get the Autopsy report to me as soon as possible." said Lt. Tragg..

"Okay Guys, bag her and tag her.." said Hazel...

"Let's roll!" said Dr. Marcy Templeton...

The lifeless body of ADA Jennifer Barnes was put in a body bag...strapped to a gurney and rolled out.. 

Lt. Tragg looked on as the body was wheeled out..

Friday Night- The No I.D. Bar...

By Friday Night everybody was talking about the shocking murder of Jennifer Barnes...

amidst the drinks... 

 "Oh My Goddd! We just saw her last night!" said Ms. Yvette

"I know and where she got killed is what shocks me...Just six blocks from us." said her husband, Gary.

"In our old apartment complex.." I said.
"What was she doing there?" asked Bee Bee.
"I can only guess that since neither one of them lives around here,one or both of them purchased an apartment in our old building and was using it as a place to meet in private."said Sofia.
"Yeah, a cool out joint, safe from prying eyes and ears... Nobody knew them around there.."said Kahlil.

"People move in and out of those apartments constantly...just like we did...and nobody cares who is living there or what they are doing." said Jade.

''Well it's quite obvious what they were doing!"laughed Danny Ho.

"You think something went horribly wrong? They got in an argument or something?" asked Virginia.

"Or worse , the spouse of one of them got wind of this love nest and went over there and took care of business." said Jetty. 

"I worked with Jennifer Barnes...when I was an Assistant District Attorney...She was always nice to me."said Jazzy.
"I tried a case against her...She was a s ruthless as they come..After the trial was over...She came up to me and said. "I know your wife...She was a friend of mine, come on, I'll buy you a drink."said Dabnis.
"She sounds like she ws alright....but she was screwing another woman's husband." said Kayla.
"Yeah and he was screwing another man's wife."said Ray.

"Clearly two wrongs don't make a right."said Jessica.
"Yeah, two wrongs shouldn't make a murder." said Chip.

"I feel sorry for everyone involved.. I knew both of them..." said Karen...

"Wow! what a story!" said her husband, B.L.

"I knew both of them....She was okay...I didn't care for him."said Natalie.
"I didn't know either of them." said David.
"I knew them both.....He was very flirtatious with me...He was like an octopus when I was around him and he had been drinking. I used to run from him." said Brooke.
"Can't blame the man for having good tastes "laughed her husband, Sean.
"Such a tragedy." said Zoey.

"Yeah it's always a tragedy when someone is murdered."said Lem.

"I know...I only knew her in passing...I didn't know him at all." said Renee.
"Same here." said her husband, Tyrell. 

 "Oh My Goddd! We just saw her last night!" said Olivia.
''Apparently she was with somebody, we don't have to speculate who in that apartment complex, Keith,Bee Bee, Sofia and Kahlil used to live in." said Donnie Ray.

"A love nest...I happen to know that they both live in Chestnut Hill, not far from each other."said Beverly.
''So one of them, probably him rented an apartment in our area, far away from where either of them lived for the purpose of being discreet." said Nelson.

"Well they weren't discreet enough...Somebody knew about them and somebody killed them." said Josie.
"I heard there was no sign of breaking and  entering...Somebody had a key."said Paris.

"Oh My God...it's a wonder they both weren't caught in there in the buff."said Bresha.
"Unless he did it...ADA Darren Gillian."said her husband, Tony...

"The plot thickens eh?" said Alfreda.

"I introduced them about two years ago....and I remembered how touchy feely they were ...Everybody in City Hall knew they were fooling around....I guess we were all waiting for the other shoe to drop."said Rockland.

"I knew them both when I was an Assistant District Attorney...We weren't close...but we knew each other to speak."said Nina Rios...now working for the Women's Law Center.

"I suppose the other shoe has dropped."said her boyfriend,Attorney Carlos Diaz. 



The Fishbowl- The nickname , the detectives gave their The Interrogation room-

"Artie , you KNOW me...You know I didn't kill anybody...Why am I down here?" asked an irate Assistant District Attorney Darren GIllian....

" You rented an apartment you kept secret from your wife, who by the way wants to kill you, her and your father in law...an apartment you used to secretly meet with the very married Jennifer Barnes  for the purpose of having sex...We have a loaded condom ,found in the waste basket with your semen in it...

This gun passes a ballistics check...It's the murder weapon, found discarded in a trash can, about a block away from the apartment complex where the murder took place... No fingerprints on it of course, but despite the fact the serial number was partially filed away...We were able to ascertain that this is your gun.." said Lt. Tragg.

"That gun was stolen out of my office three months ago....I made a police report...I haven't seen that gun...Come on...Why would I kill Jennifer, I loved her.?   Yes I rented that apartment , so we could meet and be intimate....but I didn't kill her...We spent the night together and she was alive when I left in the morning...I swear.."said Darren Gillian.

Lt. Tragg sat back and smiled..he was enjoying this...He really didn't like ADA Darren Gillian..who had past criticized him and had written a scathing report of one of his investigations and passed it on to his superiors ,causing him to be censored and written up..He was relishing putting the screws to him.

"Darren don't say another word....You know talking to him is like talking to a brick wall." said Attorney Joshua Jenkins....Darren's personal attorney.

"Well howdy do to you too Jenkins...I didn't know you practiced criminal law?" laughed Lt. Tragg..

"I don't....Either charge him or let him go." said Joshua Jenkins.

"Darren Gillian, you are under arrest for the murder of  Jessica Barnes, you have the right from this moment on to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you....You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one, which I seriously doubt....one will be supplied to you by the city...
Being an attorney yourself, I know you understand thse rights." said Lt. Tragg.

"Alright now can we have the room so I can confer with my client...?" asked Josh Jenkins..

"Sure" laughed Lt. Tragg.

"Josh, I didn't kill this girl...I am totally innocent...Look...I wrote this address down..Go here and hire these attorneys.....They are the only ones who can get me out of this mess."said Darren.

"You just faced these guys in court...They beat you." said an incredulous Joshua Jenkins.

"That's right ,so you know they are good, damn good.. They are my only hope..Find them, get them...I only pray they'll take my case."said Darren.

"Okay...I'll go see them...Meanwhile you dummy up...Not another word to anybody, got it?" said Joshua.

"Got it!, Thanks Josh!" said Darren.


Yvette's Office-

"Virginia Shaw...well I'll be damned...I'd heard you got paroled...Two years ago huh?" said Joshua Jenkins..

"Yes...I'm the Office Manager here and legal consultant for Partner Yvette Jones-Lockwood and staff." said Virginia proudly..

"and I got married to Judge Jetty Dukes a year ago." she said proudly... She had known Joshua Jenkins years ago when both were young attorneys starting out in Philadelphia.

"I'm here to see your boss...Yvette Jones....Yvette Jones-Lockwood that is..." said Joshua Jenkins.
"I'm right here."said Yvette , who was just coming in.."Joshua Jenkins....You do family law don't you? Divorces, Pre Nup agreements, et al..What can I do for you?" asked Yvette.

"I have a client who is very much in need of a criminal defense attorney..He gave me your name and address...He says money is no object...At least right now it isn't...You know him....His name is Darren
Gillian...He's an Assistant District Attorney...He's been arrested and charged with the murder of  ADA Jessica Barnes....He's innocent...I swear." said Joshua Jenkins..

"Of course he is...Please come into my conference room..." said Yvette..

He followed her into our conference room, where we just happened to be hanging out..
"Nice place you got here Yvette." he said.

''Everybody, this is Attorney Joshua Jenkins.. Joshua this is my staff-Senior Associate Attorney, Keith Jones." said Yvette.

"Hello, pleased to meet you." I said.

"This is his wife, Senior Associate Attorney , Beatrice Evans-Jones." said Yvette.

"Hello,pleased to make your acquaintence." said Bee Bee.

"This is Senior Associate Attorney Sofia Garcia-Ahmed..

"Hola!" said Sofia...

"And this is Senior Associate Attorney and Sofia's husband, Kahlil Ahmed.." said Yvette.

"Hi, how are you doing?" said Kahlil.

"And last but not least our investigator, Jade Lee Ho." said Yvette.

"Hello!" said Jade.

"Wow! you've uh got quite a staff here Vettie....."said Joshua Jenkins..

"Okayyyyyyy pull up a seat...pour yourself a glass of Ice tea and tell us your story." said Yvette.

As we all poured ourselves glasses of Ice Tea.

"My client is someone you all know...You just faced him in court...Assistant District Attorney Darren Gillian...He was arrested earlier today by Lt. Tragg and formally charged with the murder of Jennifer Barnes, another Assistant District Attorney....He didn't kill her, he couldn't have..He loved her, he was crazy about her.. He's been sneaking around with her for close to two years... His wife...also an attorney and well heeled , from a wealthy family knew about it...She had hired a private investigator...She was starting divorce proceedings...She had already put him out and put all of his personal belongings in the street...I handled them being placed in storage until he could find another house..  That apartment he rented across town was paid for in advance...but he 's not going to be able to hold on to it much longer....He's broke or about to be...His wife is  trying to take him to the cleaners...I'm representing him in his divorce...

But I'm not here for that...He needs a good criminal defense team and he told me you guys were the best...He said that any team that could beat him when he was on top of his game had to be good...You guys succeeded where 100 0ther attorneys failed..Consider that high praise." said Joshua.

"We all were in Curley's Bar last Thursday...We saw Darren and Jessica in a corner kissing very passionately....Then they left...." said Yvette.

"They went to another bar near Penns Landing and then they went to that love nest....He swears that the next morning when he left, she was alive... The cops found the murder weapon..a gun traced to him that he reported stolen months ago.  The police found it in a waste basket, a block away...His prints and DNA are all over the apartment because he lived there..He was there...He doesn 't deny it...but he didn't kill her."said Joshua Jenkins..

"You have any idea who might have killed her?"

"I'd start looking at that wife of his....She is furious that he was cheating on her and her father has threatened to kill him on several occassions...Then there was Jennifer's husband, he wasn't too fond of Darren ....He too knew about the affair too!  But I don't think he knew where they were canoodling..."said Joshua.

"You do know that her husband works for this firm...He's over in our main building.. We will be talking to him.."said Yvette.... " We'll visit Darren tomorrow and we will try to get him arraigned Thursday Night...so go home Josh, get some rest...We'll take it from here." said Ms. Yvette.

"Bless you Yvette." said Joshua Jenkins.

And that was how we walked into our next case!


A FEW HOURS LATER- Men's Correctional Center-

It was near the end of the day.... Bull Bailey perked up when he saw Ms. Yvette and us heading his way... He always reffered to her as "Ms. Big Tits" something he'd never say to her face.... He actually got a bit of erection as she approached him.....

"You're kind of late today Mrs. Jones...I-I-I mean Mrs. Lockwood.." he said.

"Sometimes it's just that way..." she said as she was searched by matrons with Bull Bailey watching attentively...

He was salivating watching Bee Bee and Sofia also get searched.

He thought they were equally foxy.....

He was rough with Kahlil and myself, but we expected that....

It was late in the day, so we didn't have time to bring coffee  or soup or anything..

Darren Gillian appeared...He looked disheveled and shaken...He had just been transferred here an hour ago...

"Yvette, you came....Thank you....Listen....you've got to get me out of here...There are guys in here I just recently convicted, awaiting transfers to State Prison....The word is already out that some of them are out to get me....I'm ...I'm scared." he said.

"We figured that might be a possibility.....Beatrice here has filed a motion, already approved by a Judge to have you placed in Segregation, away from the other inmates...Where you'll be safe..."said Yvette.

He looked at Bee Bee. He smiled.

"Thank You!" he said.
"You're welcome." said Bee Bee....

"I thought we'd have to wait until Thursday....But I was able through a few friends I have in the courthouse to get you an arraignment for tomorrow in Night Court." said Kahlil.

"Tomorrow?? Night Court?? Wowww...I've heard of Night Court....Isn't that the court that's held for a few hours on Tuesday and Thursday where old Judges and Prosecutors go to die.? he laughed...

"You may laugh and scoff...but it'll be the easiest way to get you out of here on bail or possibly your own recognizance."said Sofia.

''And that's what important...getting you out of here." I said.

"Yvette! They're good......You don't have to do much do you?" asked Darren, smiling.

"Well....not anymore..."laughed Ms. Yvette.... She had spent a lot of time training the four of us, going to court with us ,allowing us to learn from her trials, lecturing us....to the point where she felt we could stand by ourselves , which we did often....She was proud of our progress and still looked after the four of us like a proud mother. We knew we would always be "Her babies"

"Okay..when we leave, you'll be taken to segregation...away from the general population.. So get some sleep and we'll see you tomorrow night." said Yvette.

"Thank you...Thank you all...I am forever in your debt." said Darren.

"It's quittin time for me... If it wasn't so many of you...I'd give you a ride....I'd uh really like to give you a ride Yvette, if you uh know what I mean.?" he whispered under his breath and laughed slyly.

"I'll just bet you would." said Yvette tersely as we left.

We had taken the bus out to the prison..

It was a long ride back to the city and our building..

And of course by the time we returned....Everyone was gone...Long gone...

I held Bee Bee in my arms on the train ride back...

"Well today was certainly eventful..." I said.

"Rarely a dull moment in this life huh?" she laughed..and hugged me..

Sofia sat on Kahlil's lap...

She kissed him slowly, then softly...

then passionately....

Ms. Yvette was on the phone..

Talking to her husband Gary...

And Ms. Jade.

We got off the train and walked to our block....and our homes...

'See you tomorrow Ms. Yvette." I said.
"Bye Ms. Yvette." said Bee Bee.

"Bye Ms. Yvette." said Sofia

"See you tomorrow Ms. Yvette." said Kahlil.

"Good night guys." said Ms. Yvette as she walked up the steps to her house.

End of a long day!


"Heyyy Husband!" said Yvette.

"Heyyy Sexy!" said Gary... "Anything interesting happen today?" he asked.

"Ohhh I got a new case.....We are representing ADA Darren Gillian...He's being charged with killing his mistress, Jennifer Barnes...I don't think he did it." said Yvette.

"I don't think he did it either....but I'd love to do you..." whispered Gary...

Yvette laughed... " I got hit on by a man older than my father, who whispered he'd like to ride me." she said...

"Ummmmmmm I'd like to ride you too!" whispered Gary , taking her into his arms...

''Would you now?"said Yvette softly as they kissed.

"I sure would." said Gary softly.
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" he moaned.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." she cooed as they kissed softly...

He opened her blouse and looked at her bra...


Yvette imitated him....


They began getting undressed...

He slipped her panties down...

They fell on the bed, kissing passionately....

She began riding him slowly....


"I'm RIDING YOU!" she laughed...

"UMMMMMMMMMMMM!" he moaned..

"Gary!" she said softly...

"Vettie..." he whispered as he entered her slowly.....

She felt so good, was so wet and so soft  that Gary was feeling what she was feeling and practically delirious...

Yvette's body trembled something furious ,her head turned from side to side and the tears just flowed down the side of her face...she was having an intense orgasm...She was surprised it was happening so fast....

Gary was humping her as if his life depended on it......Her legs were wide open and practically wrapped around him...


intense orgasm.......


They made love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS with both climaxing and feeling very satisfied..

"Ouuuuuu Vettie am I gonna get some more?" asked Gary as she lie on top of him, catching her breath...

"Not tonight!  Tomorrow perhaps..." she said softly rubbing his penis, while he rubbed her butt...

but within a few minutes they were kissing passionately again....



and she was riding him on top of the covers cowgirl style..

"I spoil you rotten, you know that?" said Yvette.

"I know....Thank you baby!" said Gary.



Toni said...

Great Title, Great Story too!

Angie B. said...

Love the title of this story ,love the story too!

Sunflower said...

Your comments almost mirror one another. Another great outing..Yvette and Olivia seem to be defending more attorneys here of late. lol!

Anonymous said...

Standing and Applauding and Throwing my panties....The sex in this story was incredible.

James Perkins said...

Oh My Lord! LOL!