Tuesday, February 11, 2025

"Two Guns"

 The Notorious "Fishbowl"-The Nickname the Detectives gave to their interrogation room...

"PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!  This place smells like hell...You guys ever empty the trash cans?...ever air this place out? My goddddd! " said Sweet Dick Jenkins.

"That's the least of your worries Jenkins....

.We tested the gun on you...It was clean.

but the gun we found in the backseat...Bingo...That was the murder weapon...Nearly emptied on those two...So were they shaking you down? Were you into them for a fat roll?...I heard you won big at the crap table..Was it self defense??  Nah ,it couldn't have been...They were shot in the back of the head...This was a straight up ambush...That makes it pre-meditated murder buddy...and I got you, I got you cold." said Lt. Tragg.

"Look man...I told you...I don't know these guys." said Sweet Dick, looking at the photos of the murder scene.  I never saw em before in my life...I was playing cards....and after I finished ,I went across town to a diner and had breakfast..Then I went to my friends house and crashed..I aint killed nobody, I swear." pleaded Sweet Dick... 

"Don't say another word Willie..We are here now." said Olivia.
"I told you I'd bring some help." I said.

"We are here now..."said Beverly...
"Just be quiet..don't answer anymore questions, Don't talk to anybody, not cops, not guards and especially not anybody you are locked up with." said Nelson.

"That's right...Just be quiet and we'll try to get you arraigned as soon as possible."said Josie.

"Yes." said Bresha.

"Who is this guy? You seem to know him."asked Lt. Tragg.

"His name is Willie Jenkins, He's a friend of mine from New Orleans, Louisiana..Trust me Lieutenant..He's no killer." I said.

"Old Two Guns here is indeed a killer...A Double Murderer."said Lt. Tragg.

"Are you going to charge my client?" asked Olivia.

"I already have... Ole Two Guns here is charged with two counts of first degree murder...a capital offense." snarled Lt. Tragg.
"Don't Worry Willie..We'll try to get you arraigned as fast as possible." said Olivia.

"Willie! Remember what I told you...Just be quiet..be cool...ldon't answer anymore questions, Don't talk to anybody, not cops, not guards and especially not anybody you are locked up with." said Nelson.

"I will...I will."said Sweet Dick"

"Take Care Willie" said Beverly...

"Take Care...we'll be back." said Josie.

"Let's go guys.Peeeeeeeee YOUUUUUUUUU! This place smells worse than usual, if that's possible.
How do you stand it Lieutenant?" asked Olivia.

Lt. Tragg winced, but said nothing as we left.

"I'm telling you, he's no killer." I said to Lt. Tragg for the last time as we left..

"It's a waste of time Donnie Ray, talking to him is like talking to a brick wall." said Bresha.
She was right of course.



We were all in Night Court with our client, Willie "Sweet Dick " Jenkins.



Lt. Tragg was not here tonight... Night court was too low profile for him...No witnesses...No media..and a bunch of  Judges  and ADA's who were mostly older Judges and ADA's about to retire...It was lightweight. It was in session from 7:00 pm- 10:00 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays...We were quite fortunate to get a date.

He had no idea Sweet Dick  was being arraigned tonight...He expected him to be arraigned tomorrow or the day after in open court.

The ADA that did show up was not going to be the ADA that tried the case...He had only the basic out line of the case at hand... He basically wanted to go home...So he didn't really put up much of a fight.
Well not much!

First off, Willie "Sweet Dick" Jenkins was not from Philadelphia....

The Only charactor witnesses we could get for him was his three daughters, Mabel ,Corabeth and 
Anita Jenkins, Area Business women who owned two soul food restaurants and a sucessful catering business.

It wasn't enough...Add to that...Willie had two criminal convictions on his record and was deemed a flight risk...Him not being from Philadelphia....

He was charged with a double homicide, a capital crime...  Night Court wasn't completely lax....They couldn't release him....They denied bail and remanded him to the Men's Correctional Center until further notice....

It was the first time we had lost in Night Court.....

"Oh Mabel, Corabeth , Anita ,I am so sorry...but we aren't finished..." said Olivia.

"That's okay Liv, we know you tried..." said Mabel.

"Pop never made it easy for himself." said Corabeth...

"Those two criminal convictions did him in."said Anita,.

Anita was right...Being from out of town and having two convictions on his record certainly didn't help him...and being charged with not one, but two homicides didn't help either.. I doubt any judge would have given him bail.

One of those criminal convictions was years ago...before I was born...He and my father went up for something...My Father did a year in County and Willie did Two years in Louisiana State Prison..When he came home...The two of them hooked up and ate crabs and drank beer.... The second conviction was when I was in High School.. Willie did three years in the Louisiana State Prison... He had Mabel and Corabeth by then and Anita by another woman... This time when he was released he walked the straight and narrow...and to my knowledge,never had anymore trouble with the law...

Still...It did not matter...

We watched sadly as he was handcuffed and marched off to a bus with other inmates headed to the men's correctional center.

His three daughters were in tears.. 

Olivia assured them that we would do everything possible to free their daddy.

I had to start investigating this as soon as possible... It wasn't going to be easy.
"Let's get out of here..."said Beverly.
"Wow! Two prior criminal convictions, The only charactor witnesses were his daughters, him being from out of town, that immediately says flight risk..even Night Court as lenient as it is...Isn't that lenient."sighed Nelson.

"Yeah you're right...After so many sucesses, we had to figure we'd come up short sooner or later."said Josie.

"Yeah....the important thing is we don't come up short during his trial..."said Bresha.

"And what a mess he's gotten himself in." said Olivia.

Tender was the night...
We returned home.... It was not a victorious night like many Night Court appearances had been for us.
Tonight we returned home in defeat...Everybody was in a sour mood.

"Tomorrow we start working on this case." said Olivia, who was already dressed for bed..

"I'm going to get street cam photos of the crime scene .and get crime scene photos from the police." I said.

"Don't know if anything we get can help us...but we gotta try...This may be our toughest case yet" she said.....

"Maybe....Maybe not.. Everything isn't as it seems." I said.

"You're right." said  Olivia.

Olivia untied my tie...Took my suit jacket off and my shirt...

"Take your trousers off." said Olivia.

I took my trousers, shoes and socks off....

I rubbed her legs and ran my hands up under her babydoll and rubbed her butt a little..

"Olivia, I should tell you that I'm horny.." I whispered and laughed.

"Every time you're alone with me you are..What else is new?." Olivia laughed.

Olivia is a very sensual woman....Her prim,prissy and professional appearence aside...behind closed doors, she was a completely different woman...

We lay on the side of our bed just staring at each other....

I couldn't take my eyes off of her...

She smiled..

Olivia's bra and panties slipped off within seconds..

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.." I moaned.

Olivia spread her legs open wide and eased herself down on me....She was wet and warm and felt very good..

I stared into her pretty face and ran my hands through her hair as she rode me slowly like a surfer rides the waves..driving me completely insane..

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Donnie Ray, Give it to me Daddy....Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.." she moaned.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu yes baby!" I moaned as she moved up and down on my rock hard penis...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu don't stop...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.." she moaned....

 "Ohhhhhhhhhhh, Ohhhhhhhhh baby....Ouuuuu,easy Donnie Ray...ouuuuu" she moaned...

"Damnnnnnnnnnnnn gurlllllll.ohhhhhhhh, you feel so good." I moaned... as I thrusted faster and faster inside of her....She was so round, so soft, so warm....

She wrapped her legs around me so she could take all of me in and I continued....as she moaned and groaned...We slowed it down some and got into a slow rhythm...

 "Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...ouuuuuu, you're as hard as an iron pipe..ouuuuuuu.." she cooed as she moved up and down...up and down...

I spread her legs open and entered her again......

"Ouuuuu,ummmmm, I love you so much Donnie Ray." she moaned.. as I humped her over the bed...

"I love you too Olivia..."I moaned..nearly out of breath as we continued to make sweet love...

  EIGHT TO NINE HOURS of sweet and intense lovemaking went by....

She laughed and then tossed her head back...moaning softly...Her body quivering softly....Her breathing getting heavy...

"Ohhhhh...Ohhh my god Donnie Ray...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."she moaned...

"Ouuuuuuu...Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Olivia....Ohhh my goddd.."I moaned as she moved up and down on me...

TWO MORE HOURS of sweet lovemaking followed...We were both enjoying ourselves immensely.....


Olivia riding me softly and slowly and me nearly losing my mind....

 Olivia was sweating profusely and laughing one minute and crying the next....She began to climax slowly,intensely...her body shaking and she smiling the sweetest smile I had ever seen....

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....Donnie Ray baby, we have  to get some sleep, We still have work to do..Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu Yessssssssssssss..." she said as she moved up and down and kissed me softly..

"I know baby.Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my godd!"I said..

"So we need to get to sleep soon..." she said..

ANOTHER HOUR slipped by and I began to cum like a river...

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..."I moaned, shaking.....

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu,That's my guy..ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...That's my guyyyyyyy ummmmmmmmm" she moaned as she herself began to climax...She held me tightly and continued to kiss me as she came and came hard...

 She kissed me softly as I continued to cum like a river....

"I am so grateful for you Donnie Ray..." she said, as tears ran down her face....

''I'm grateful for you too, Olivia." I said as she lie on top of me and softly drifted off to sleep....

And a floor below us in another room....
Beverly and Nelson were standing in the middle of the floor kissing passionately.......



Beverly's Bra and Panties were already off and hanging on the wicker chair in the hallway....

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuu Nelson......ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu baby, I need you inside of me....." she moaned...

"Girl, I can't wait..." he said as he led her to the bed....They didn't bother to uncover the sheets....

Nelson was gentle with Beverly.....He softly kissed her navel and her breasts and her eyelids and her earlobes and eventually worked his way to her sweet lips...

By the time he did enter her warm and moist center, she was near the point of climax......

Nelson entered her softly and gently and began to stroke her softly and slowly....She moaned and put her arms around his neck and drew him closer to her..She wrapped her legs around his waste and they began to move in a slow, yet deliberate rhythm for quite some time...She held him tight as if she never wanted to let go...She was so soft...so moist and smelled so good...Nelson was losing his mind slowly....while continuing to stroke her masterfully....


He hugged her... 

"I AM SOOO ENJOYING YOUUUU!" he moaned softly...

She laughed...

"I'M ENJOYING YOU TOO!" she said softly and smiled at him..

  Nelson and Beverly made sweet and slow passionate and intense love for EIGHT TO NINE HOURS straight.... She felt as though she was climaxing several times....then in a huge wave....Nelson climaxed furiously and hard....not yelling , but shaking mightily.....then taking a deep breath and collapsing on top of Beverly....drenched in sweat....She looked up at him and gave him a juicy and wet kiss....He surprisingly felt himself getting hard again...and began to move slowly inside and out of her....

"Ohhhhhhhh My goodness...NELSONNNNNNN!  Again?? OHHH MY Godddd! YOU ARE MAKING MY LEGS SHAKE!! OUUUUUUUU" she yelled out.



''Baby, sweetie..We gotta get some sleep..We won't be any good tomorrow." she said ..Then she just laughed..Nelson was too into this to even listen to what she was saying..


  They made sweet love for at least another TWO HOURS AND A HALF!...Beverly could see how much Nelson was thoroughly enjoying this experience....

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...I'm cumming...I'm cumming..Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" she said and began to shake and gyrate and turn her head from side to side....Crying like a little girl and sweating profusely....She couldn't believe how good she was feeling at the moment..

Nelson was one of maybe two other lovers she had had , who could make her cum like this...

He began cumming like a gusher....and shaking....

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he moaned...

"Oh yes Nelson..Yes....Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...niceeee...ummmmm."
she moaned, kissing him as he continued to cum like a gusher...

''We gotta get some sleep baby...we  have a lot of work to do." she whispered...

Nelson agreed , he was breathing heavily....His breathing soon got softer and he drifted off to sleep.

Beverly shook her head...That was okay...He had earned it...He put in some work tonight! she reasoned...

She put his arms around her and rested her head in the crook of his arms...He hugged her tightly...She smiled..

It was the first time she'd smiled all day.... 


Today Josie, Olivia and Bresha were in the law library, Studying laws pertaining to this particular case, predicates and General Law..

"I can't wait until we get the Crime scene photos and reports and the autopsy photos and reports." said Josie.

"Beverly picked all of that up this morning...She's with Donnie Ray at the actual scene of the crime..." said Olivia.

"I need to know if there was any witnesses."said Bresha.

"Hopefully we'll know all of that at the end of the day..."said Olivia.

Next Door in the Media Room, Nelson was looking at the jury pool...

....And in our kitchen, Rockland and Alfreda were also kissing passionately...


"Rockland, stop moaning so loud.." said Alfreda.

"I can't help it....you smell so good, your skin is so soft...I'm just soooo turned on." said Alfreda.

''Rockland Honey, as aroused as you've got me...there are just too many people in here today...."cautioned Alfreda.
"Donnie Ray and Beverly are gone..and Olivia, Josie, Bresha are in the Law Library and Nelson is in the media room." said Rockland..

''And any one of them could walk in here at any moment...Save all that energy for tonight when we are home and alone.."pleaded Alfreda..

Their kissing got more passionate and hotter....

"OUUUUUUUUUUU What am I gonna do with you?" Alfreda moaned....

"I don't know if I can wait until tonight." he said.

"You're going to have to....now let's cool it.." she said..
They continued kissing...

Rockland attempted to slip her panties down , when the doorbell rang!!

"WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  Cool it...Somebody is at the door." said Alfreda.

"AWWWWWWWWWW WHO THE HELL IS THAT?" bellowed an angry Rockland..

Alfreda pulled her panties back up and fixed her clothing and her hair and headed to the door..

"Hello... I am Lani Jenkins....The Wife of Willie Jenkins who I understand you guys are representing...Can I see Olivia?" she asked.


"According to the crime scene photos....This is where the car was with the two dead men." said Beverly...

"The Shooter came out of this dark alley with gun drawn....The two victims were in the car....One of them was already at the drivers part...The other was getting into the car..He was hit first...killed instantly..He slumped over the back seat and before the driver could make a move, he was shot in the head twice and also killed instantly....Sweet Dick's car was parked two cars behind...He said his back window was open and the killer tossed the gun into the back seat and walked right back down this dark alley and into the night.." I said.

"These guys were scoped out....This was well planned...Which is why both witnesses heard the gunshots, but didn't see anyone....." said Beverly.

"Let's go talk to somebody who might know all of the players." I said.

Beverly and I walked up to the top floor of Eddie Lee's Asian Cuisine restaurant to the casino floor where several floating card games was going on.

"I figured someone like you would eventually make their way up here....Lt. Tragg was here for an hour earlier today and I told him what I'll tell you...Carlo Ruffin and Vic Delong were scum...They'd come in here...wouldn't buy a drink, wouldn't get involved in a game, but sit around and terrorize my players, Many who owed them money.....They were shake down artists and I tossed them out of here last night.
Mr. Jenkins came ,played in one of the games, won 100 large and wisely quit while he was ahead..He didn't have anything to drink and was mannerable and sober when he left. I don't believe his path even crossed Vic and Carlo..."said Eddie Lee.

''Do you think those two tried to rob him?" asked Beverly.

"Nah, that wasn't their style...They weren't stick up artists...Vic was a Loan shark...He lent people money and when they didn't pay...Carlo broke bones, smashed heads....I don't recall Mr. Jenkins even crossing paths with them...but a number of my players owed those two money...I'll give you a list." said Eddie Lee.

"Thanks Eddie."I said.

"Good Luck to your wife...I hope she can get him off...I don't think Mr. Jenkins had anything to do with this." said Eddie Lee.


Curleys was jumping as usual and the drinks were flowing...


 "Girrrrrl I heard you guys have a dilly of a case...Couldn't even night court your client." said Yvette.

"It's a Capital Case...A Double Homicide and My client has two prior Felony convictions...Even though one is from years ago, before we were born and the other one is from when we were in ninth or tenth grade....He hasn't been in any trouble since then." said Olivia.

"Yeah, but still. that's some heavy baggage...and he's from out of town too? even Night Court couldn't save him."said Yvette's husband, Gary..

"Wow,I hope we never get a client with that kind of baggage."said Keith Jones.
"Anything is possible."said his wife, Bee Bee.
"I had an immigration case where the client had one conviction...Night Court let him go...but with an ankle bracelet."said Sofia.
"I remember that case..We worked it with the Innocence Project, Jessica and Chip."said Kahlil.

"I remember it too...I'd sure hate to be in Olivia and Beverly's shoes.."said Jade.

"They found the Murder Weapon in the backseat of his car...Lt. Tragg thinks this is a slam dunk."said Danny Ho.

"He always thinks he has a slam dunk until he doesn't." said Virginia.

"Yeah remember all those brawls he used to get in with reporters after one of his slam dunks went sour?"laughed Jetty.

"Yeah I kinda miss those days.... Here Girl, have another drink..." said Olivia to Sweet Dick Jenkins wife, Lani...

"Thank you girl and thank you for defending my husband and inviting me out with you...."said Lani Jenkins.

"You're quite welcome...We are going to do everything we can do to get him off too!" I said.

"We are going to visit him tomorrow up at the Prison...You are welcome to join us." said Beverly.

"Oh Thank you....Yes, I want to see him." said Lani.

"He'll be glad to see you." said Nelson.

"He will...He came up here to find you." said Josie.
"Only to get jammed up in this mess." said Paris.

"One thing is for sure..The two people he's accused of killing won't be missed. They left a trail of hurt around the city I heard."said Bresha.
"They were owed a lot of money by a lot people.." said Tony.

"People who are probably relieved because now they are off the hook." said Alfreda.

"I'm betting the killer is someone who owed them a lot of money and just couldn't make the deadline."said Rockland.



A Shrimp basket was brought out..

along with Barbecued Wings... 

"Yeah this will keep us from getting drunk." said her husband, Dabnis..
"As if that were a concern." said Kayla.

"Pass me some Shrimp and some wings." said her husband, Ray...
"Ouuuuuu I've been saying they should serve some food in here with the drinks."said Jessica..
"I guess they heard you."laughed her husband, Chip.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm just what the doctor ordered ."said Karen ,munching on a barbecued chicken wing.

"Yesssssss." said her husband, B.L.

"Nice Night huh?" said Natalie.
"Yes indeed." agreed her husband, David, passing her a shrimp basket...
"Mmmmmmm this is so good."said Brooke, quaffing down a Martini and sucking on a shrimp..
"You are turning me on watching you eat." said her husband, Sean.

"What don't I do that turns you on?" laughed his wife, Brooke.

"Pass me some Shrimp and some wings." said Zpoey, whop was quaffing a beer.

"Here you go." said her Husband Lem, who was devouring Barbecue Chicken wings....

"It doesn't get any better than this."said a smiling Renee.

"No, it sure doesn't." said her husband, Tyrell.

Lt. Tragg walked in just then..He couldn't help but walk up to Olivia and gloat.....''So Liv, even you guys couldn't get ole TWO GUNS out on bail huh?" he laughed/.

"You lose some battles Lieutenant...but what's important is who wins the war." said Olivia.

Lt. Tragg smirked and walked away over to the table where his girlfriend , Judge Kelly Ann awaited him..

with beers, Shrimp and Barbecued chicken...

This was going to be a Mellow Night.

The Calm before the storm that was coming!



Grover Tha Playboy said...

Wow,Mabel Jenkins, Anita Jenkins, Corabeth Jenkins, Willie "Sweet Dick" Jenkins.. You brought a lot of original Escapades charactors back for this story!

Toni said...

Nice, bringing back Mabel, Anita and Corabeth...I'm here for this.

Angie B. said...

You gotta bring Chris and Chess back too!

Sunflower said...

I'm Loving this whole storyline!

Anonymous said...

Standing and Applaudingand throwing my panties high!