Friday, December 19, 2014

Have Mercy

The trial began very differently from any case I had been on with Olivia and Bev...There were reporters, Television cameras,Bloggers...You name it at the courthouse and a throng of people...Fans of Betty Mercy's show..They had posters that had some uncomplimentary things to say about both Celeste and Olivia...Not to mention me.....Only Beverly was spared...

Some of the people were outright rude.....Giving credence to the saying that nothing is more frightening than pure stupidity and ignorance in action....Didn't these people have jobs to go to.? I mused...

Olivia and Beverly carried themselves with poise and professionalism that I don't think even I could have managed under the circumstances....
The Judge they were trying the case under was an elderly white man who was unimpressed with the crowds and the press and the general foolishness...He was even less impressed with the celebrity that was Betty Mercy....

The first few days of the trial...were pretty general...The basic case was presented....but as it wore on..Things went from the dull to the ridiculous...

Betty Mercy had been out of practice for some years and her ring rust showed...

It was also apparent that she didn't have much of a credible defense...Scorned Referee, Frankie Giovanni testified about how she badgered him,humiliated him and made statements about him during his trial that she knew was false...

Betty Mercy countered with the fact that he did indeed bet on at least one game and was guilty of it and served 15 months in a federal prison...She brought up the fact that he was in a "book making" racket now...He countered that he had a legal sports betting company..Which was true...but that the jury didn't believe...

Olivia brought Beatrice Priestley to the stand.....

She seemed like a nice girl and Olivia questioned her and spoke to her as gently and tenderly as she might have spoke to her own niece, Beverly..

She asked her about her life....Her upbringing and then gently asked her about what got her thrown out of school in the 11th grade...

Naturally Betty Mercy objected...but the Judge allowed the question...Beatrice talked about having oral sex with her principal....The jury was shocked..

She talked about her pregnancy, her abortion and her second pregnancy..Much to Betty Mercy's chagrin...This is not the innocent school girl that was portrayed on Hard Bottom..

Olivia had documents and photos and Facebook,Twitter and Instagram photos of Beatrice...all in her panties and bras....The four male jurors eyes nearly popped out of their heads...The two women smirked....especially the Black woman...The lone Black juror...

Betty Mercy was next ..She said that this "misguided young woman had been sexually harrassed most of her young life ..She brought up the charges Beatrice had levied against her professor and a male Dartmouth...
Beverly presented the professor and the male student and police reports that said the charges were unfounded..and the fact that she refused to take a rape kit test...

It was about to get worse....Beverly ,who was not nearly as gentle as her aunt asked her about her relationship with Charles "Chucky" Thomas...a married man...while she in fact was still married to her husband...A fact never brought to light on Hard Bottom.

She tearfully admitted to it... Beverly showed the jury huge photos of their text messages and emails to each other..during and after the courtship and an enlarged photo of the supposed "selfie" sent to her phone...

It was quite obvious...that the photo of Thomas was taken in a different house and not in her house...

Beatrice tearfully admitted that she knowingly made a false statement to the police...

Once she sat down...I saw a bailif pass her a glass of water...She took a pill out of her pocketbook and took it and a swig of water...

After awhile , a crescent moon smile appeared on her face and she looked almost as if she were drifting off into another world....

Was my eyes deceiving me...Did this woman just get high in court?

ADA Keith Wallace was the next witness...He testified that he personally paid Betty Mercy a visit and told her to stop running the story about the "Selfie" Stalker because it just wasn't true...and that he turned on his Television two days later and there it was...Still being run...

The Detective who worked the case had this to say-
"Hey look...At first I wanted to lock this guy up...I thought he was a perv...but the evidence cleared him..We couldn't find one neighbor,one store owner that put him in that neighborhood...We checked the ATM Cams, the crime stopper cams, everything..nothin...No fingerprints or DNA...and to make matters worse...His debit and credit cards put him halfway across town at the time she claims he was in her house...All that and the fact that the photo was taken somewhere else..It just wasn't this guy...That's why we never arrested him or charged him with anything..The guy was innocent...We told Betty Mercy that...She wasn't interested in the facts...She didn't care...She kept airing the story...Even after ADA Keith Wallace and a judge told her to knock it off..." he said.

At this...You could see the shift in the jury and the public in general....after this...

In the hallway,I could see a shift in Beatrice....She took two pills out of her purse and got a bottle of water from the vending machine and  downed the pills and the water...

I walked over to her...She sat down dreamily and smiled at me...

"What did you just take?" I asked..

"Ludes..." she said...

"You do know you're in court?" I asked..

"You a cop?" she asked..

"Lucky for you I'm  not anymore." I said and walked away from her .


"Donnie Ray ,I'm afraid." said Olivia, looking at me with those pretty brown eyes of hers...

"Afraid of what? Losing the case? Livy, this isn't a sporting event....I know the press has turned this into one...This is about right and wrong...This is about people's lives babe."I said.

She leaned on my chest...

"I know...I know..."she said.

"You did the best you could..You brought up cold hard factual evidence...Now unless that jury is just plain stupid or so star struck by Nancy Mercy that she can nullify them...I think you and your little niece have this one in the bag." I said.

She stopped me ,mid sentence and kissed me hungrily and slowly for about three minutes...

"Wowww...What was that for?" I asked...

"For being so wise and smart...How did you get to be so wise Mister?" she said..

"Because I know you need me to be." I said...

She kissed me some more......

"Ummmmmm...wait until after this trial is over...." she cooed...

"I can't wait." I said in between kisses...Have Mercy! I thought to myself.


Betty Mercy didn't get to where she was by being a slouch.....She argued that while it is unfortunate that Ms Beatrice Priestley turned out to be a liar...

She was not aware of it at the time and that by the time Keith Wallace met with her...It was out of her hands and in the network's hands...The shows had already been recorded...

Olivia and Bev had done their homework and they produced two network executives who disputed this claim...They claimed that she had almost total autonomy as far as the show went and that she made the final decision on what shows ran....She stared at the two men with an icy glare that intimidated even me...

Betty Mercy then produced a Psychiatric "Expert" Who said that this man , Charles "Chucky" Thomas had had several breakdowns and was suicidal anyway and may have taken his life whether Betty had badgered him on television or not!

Beverly ripped him to shreds and got him to admit that he was not ,nor had he ever been a licensced practitioner...there for making his analysis null and void...She asked him had he personally talked to Thomas's therapist....He had not...

Betty Mercy stomped her foot and slammed one of her files on the table...

This trick, which she had used effectively on her Television show was clearly not working today...

Olivia finally pulled out the big guns....The next few days she showed the jury where Betty Mercy had made false statements before and had played fast and loose with the truth...

She produced documents from a 2002 Arson and Homicide Which the Late State Supreme court Judge, Calvin Corley had to admonish her during an appeal...
"ADA Mercy...Your deplorable behavior today demonstrates to me your total disregard of the notion of due process and fairness...This is inexcusable.." he said and tossed the conviction out and overturned the conviction...

Seeing what was happening..Betty Mercy fought to have the second time she was admonished tossed out...But the Judge over-ruled her and allowed it...

This time..It was Judge Juanita Corley who admonished Betty Mercy some years later in another appealed case...a 2005 Triple Murder Case..

"ADA Mercy...You played fast and loose with the truth several instances in this case...and you knowingly withheld evidence ,evidence that might have freed this man in your zeal to get a conviction...You allowed a Detective to testify falsely while under oath and you allowed evidence that we had already discussed could not be admissable to be seen by the jury....I'm going to have to throw this case out..Don't you ever come in my courtroom and display this kind of unprofessional behavior again..."she said.

Once again...The conviction was overturned and a man ,who very well might have been guilty walked out of court a free man....

By now...Betty Mercy realized she was losing and losing badly....but the worst was yet to come...

Beverly who was becoming quite the actress told the jury a heartfelt story about a young girl her age who committed suicide after being badgered by Betty Mercy on her show...She asked them to wonder what this girl might be doing now if she were still alive...She might have married ,had more children...had a career...

You would have thought that Beverly personally knew Whitney Jenkins...Which is exactly what she wanted the jurors to think....She played to the two women jurors hard..It was working..Both women shed a tear or two....It was a performance worthy of Betty Mercy herself.

Her act was so good,I just shook my head and laughed...So did her Aunt...Olivia just shook her head...

"I know that's my niece, and you know I love her dearly... but right now I'm both ashamed and proud of her ."whispered Olivia to me ...I laughed...Olivia laughed too and buried her head in my shoulder....

Beverly ,thanks to me had found the actual Television broadcast of Young Whitney Jenkins...Who if she was still alive would be about Beverly's age....

Her small child was abducted and for awhile it looked as if she might have done it herself to get attention...She had already been described as mentally unstable by the baby's father...Who had broken up with her and was fighting her for custody...

The Police could find no credible evidence that she had anything to do with it...Yet she was hung out to dry on television...


"I-I-I can't remember exactly where I was at that time." said Whitney Jenkins...


"I-I-I just don't rmember...I might have been taking a nap.."


"Please...Please...Stop screaming at me.."


Whitney Jenkins shot and killed herself two days later....Two weeks later...FBI agents located her baby ,safe and sound in New Jersey....The baby had been abducted by a casual acquaintence of Whitney and her Boyfriend....Neither Whitney or her boyfriend had anything to do with the abduction....but this fact was lost on Betty Mercy...Even after Whitney's death....Betty Mercy was slyly saying that the boyfriend may or may not have been part of the conspiracy!

He testified tearfully about how his life had been ruined to the point that he had to move and grow a beard in order to not be recognized and get a job....It had taken me some time to finally locate him and a desperate argument from both Olivia and Bev to finally get him to testify...He wanted no part of Betty Mercy...

Olivia and Beverly rested their case....They had successfully, At least to me proven that Betty Mercy had driven at least two people to their deaths and that her high handed tactics and recklessness had more than one time jeopordized a big case...

Betty Mercy in her defense brought up the many guilty people she had put behind bars both in court and on her show, arguing that anybody can err in judgement a few times but that someone should be judged for the body of their work....Not a few mis-steps

It was a good argument....Now it was up to the jury...

While the jury went into deliberation...The three of us went to Sam Mother's Diner to eat lunch...

Olivia just had tea...

"Well...I did the best I could...I just hope people listen to the facts and aren't swayed by her fame.." said Olivia..

"Auntay....Win or lose...We've exposed her to the public....She'll never have that sheen of sainthood ever again."said Beverly...

"Your niece is right Liv, One thing this trial has taught me is how gullible and stupid the public is..." I said.

Just then...Nelson and Josie entered Sam Mothers...

"Sorry I'm late...I had a court appointment...How did everything go?" asked Nelson..

"The jury is still deliberating.." said Beverly...

"I was in court....I think you guys knocked it out of the park Mrs. A." said Josie...

Betty Mercy, the mysterious man with her, who we discovered was a lawyer and legal advisor and her driver walked into Sam Mother's Diner...

She looked around ,then stared at Olivia imperiously...

"I haven't eaten in this dump in years...Since I worked for the city....Considering you're so high profile...I hear you average six figures a case...I'd think you would have upgraded your cuisine." she said smiling snidely.
"It's comfort food...and it's close to court." said Olivia...

Betty Mercy smiled..

"I just want to tell you..I think you and your niece are fabulous...The very best attorneys I have ever faced.....No...I mean it...You guys really know your stuff...But you won't win this...Regardless of your facts and your emotional presentation...The public loves me..I have their ear...I'll prevail....But I don't take this personal...It's  just business...Here is my card....My offer still stands for you to come on my show Olivia..You are a very classy lady...and so is your niece? I was very impressed...That offer stands for you too little missy..." she said.

Just then Olivia's phone vibrated...

"I don't believe it...The jury has come back with a verdict!" she said.

"That was too quick...It's only been an hour.." said Beverly...

"Hmmmm...That means...It was in my favor..See you ladies in court..."she said and they left...

Celeste met us at the door of the courtoom...We all piled in..The Reporters and the massive crowd were held back by the police as we entered...
"This is too fast girl....I'm kind of worried...but I know you did the best you could Livy...I saw you...I couldn't of done it better, so no matter what happens..I'm good with it." she said.

The six members of the jury walked in...Five white, one Black...Four females, two males.. Only one woman was Black...She looked at Olivia and Bev and smiled...The other jurors were stone faced..

I had been at many trials as a detective...I couldn't read this one....

The Judge was as colorless and emotionless  as any I'd seen...

"Jurors have you come to a verdict?" he asked..

The lone Black juror...A woman about Olivia and my age stood up...

"Yes sir your honor we have" she said and she passed the verdict to a Bailiff..An attractive female who's uniform fit her curvaceous figure  perfectly...

"Read the verdict please." he said.

"We the jury rule in favor of the plaintiff, Ms. Celeste Tate...and award her 1.5 million in damages..." she said...

It wasn't the three million we'd asked for...It was half...but it was still a win for Olivia..

"Whoooooeeeeeeeeeeee Donnie Ray...We WON!!!" she screamed and pulled me to her and kissed me so softly,so sensually that I got aroused in spite of myself..

Josie and Nelson hugged Beverly....

"I  told you you had this on lock girlfriend!!!" screamed Josie..
"Come here Babes..Give your man some sugar..."said Nelson ,pulling Beverly away and kissing her passionately....She giggled and planted a wet sloppy kiss on his lips.
Celeste screamed with Joy and kissed Olivia on the cheek...

"You did it girl!!!...I knew you and Bev could do it.....Thank you, Thank you..Thank you ,Thank you so much....I love you all...Thank you too Donnie Ray..."she said.

Betty Mercy slammed her files down on the table..She stomped her foot...and then she turned around and slapped the man standing beside her...Her legal advisor...He turned and slapped her back....She slapped him again ...then he slapped her again...Bailiffs came in between the two...



"OHHH SHUT UP!" said Betty Mercy who then slapped Beatrice Priestley...


"BAILLIF's REMOVE MS. MERCY FROM MY COURT!" screamed the judge!

"THIS SILLY LITTLE LYING BITCH HAS COST ME ONE and a half million dollars..ONE AND A HALF MILLION DAMN DOLLARS!!!!I DON'T BELEIVE IT!!!!"  !!!!I DON'T BELEIVE IT!!!!" !!!!I DON'T BELEIVE IT!!!!" she screamed and stomped her foot they grabbed her and dragged her out of the courtroom...

All of this was caught on tape and broadcast on television and on the web....

BETTY MERCY LOSES IT AFTER COURT CASE LOSS! screamed the tabloids and talk show hosts around the region!

Within minutes...Betty Mercy became the subject of ridicule and public scorn....Such was the power of the internet....

 "Hey Auntay...I wonder if that offer to appear on her show still stands?" laughed Beverly...

"I don't know baby...But I don't think now is the time to ask her." said Olivia...Laughing and hugging Beverly..

Celeste and I laughed so hard, our sides were hurting....What a way to end a trial...

As we all left the courthouse...a soft downpour of rain greeted us..How fitting.

Beatrice Priestly sat out side the courtroom...She had two different colored pills this time..Again she popped them and took a swig of cold  bottled water...

I looked at her...

" A new drug eh?" I said...

Her eyes were glazed...

" did you know?" she asked sarcastically...

"I took a wild guess ." I said.

She busted out laughing...

So did I.


Betty Mercy's network paid out the 1.5 million to Celeste ,just as Crime Stoppers Inc.had also paid her one million dollars...

Celeste paid the three of us handsomely.......

Betty Mercy's ratings dropped incredibly after the case...And sponsers dropped out and distanced themselves from her.And within months...Her Television show was cancelled....The network began running old episodes of Law and Order in it's place..

She attempted to move her show to another network..but no one wanted to touch her...Not in Philadelphia, New York City or Atlanta...How fast the public turns on you I mused...Just a week ago ,Betty Mercy was America's Darling, defender of the victim...Now she was like an Ebola patient...People were running from her as fast as they could.

She wound up working at a law firm in D.C. ,where she moved quietly and now keeps a very low profile...No longer a television celebrity and no longer asked to consult on any big cases...


Olivia and I walked hand and hand into downtown Philadelphia...looking at the huge Christmas Tree...

"This is called "Love Park" she said.

"Are you serious?" I asked smiling..
She pointed to the red sculpture that read simply "Love"....I felt kind of foolish for asking and smiled...

"Oh..I suppose it is.." I said.

"I came here with Reggie and believe it or not with Elwood....Though I don't know why I came here with him..I didn't really love him even when I was on the verge of marrying him..He had cheated on me during our courtship....I just thought that he was the type of guy I should have been marrying..An up and coming corporate lawyer...I thought we complimented each other and therefor we should be married..." she said and grew quiet..

"So you're here with me now...Huh?" I said and smiled..

"Yeah..You're real love....I don't have to question how I feel about you..or how you feel about me.." she said and looked up at me..

"I remember how hard I had to fight with you to get you to admit that.." I said.

"I know and I'm sorry..but I had to be sure you were a keeper." she said and hugged me.

"So I guess I'm a keeper huh?" I said.

"Oh yes..definitely..." she said.

"Good..because I never had any doubt in my mind that I loved you , from the first night I met you in New Orleans til right now...I knew I couldn't live without you.." I said.

''Awwww ..that is so sweet." said Olivia, smiling from ear to ear...She pulled me to her and kissed me passionately for about five minutes as passerbys stared at us and smiled sheepishly...

She smiled and leaned her head into my chest as a cool wind blew past us, bringing a chill to both of our legs...I held her tightly...

"Damnnn..I gotta get used to these Philadelphia's cold." I said.

"You'll be alright....Mama will keep you warm...." she said and slyly eased her hands down along the crotch area of my pants...

I smiled at her sheepishly....

"Ummmmmmm.." she cooed.

"Damn girl..Lawd have mercy...I'm starting to warm up already..." I said...smiling sheepishly at her..

Olivia smiled at me...

"See?" she said and we both laughed and watched as the crowds of Christmas shoppers scurried by.


Turned up said...

All that slapping got me kind of warm!

Anonymous said...

That very last scene kind of made me want to throw my panties!

Grover Tha Playboy said...

Looks like the freaks do come out at night!

Brenda said...

LMBAO! Grover Tha Playboy..You took the words out of my mouth...LOL!

Great story Keith, Great ending!

Toni said...

Great Ending to a very good story Keith...What do you do for an encore?

Angie B. said...

Loved this entire story..I thought the ending with Donnie Ray and Liv in "Love" Park was so romantic and sweet!

Sunflower said...

The ending was sweet...I loved this entire story!

Lisa said...

Loved it..Loved it..Loved it..Especially the sweet ending..

Vanessa said...

This was very good..That courtroom scene with the meltdown was hillarious...Very satisfying ending...

Halo said...

Donnie Ray and Olivia are such a cute couple...One of Escapades cutest couples..

Cheryl said...

Very Good ,Very Satisfying installment.

Rita said...

Very Good Story...The stories have been getting better lately..No exploitative or unsoliticed sex...I applaud you...But I have been having the sex of my life lately....So I hope you write a couple of sex scenes just to get me going a little bit.

Tate 2 said...

Gotta agree with you there Swaggie.