"Mabel, Daddy is doing just great...He sent some of his Peach Cobbler up here with me and he said you need to call him more." Said an Excited Corabeth as she greeted her older sister ,Mabel
and her younger sister Anita at the Airport...Her husband Clerow held their daughter in his arms. He avoided eye contact with Mabel and she with him. He felt more and more remorseful now than he had a week before when he and Mable had been making passionate love on her living room couch and then in her bad...He had fantasized about it, had been close a time before ,but now he had gone...they had gone and done the deed and he was wracked with guilt.
Corabeth looked great..she was tanned, had a new hairdue and had a new dress on that hit every curve just right...He hadn't looked at her with such lust in a long while..but now, he didn't feel as though he was even worthy of her after what he had gone and done just days before. Mable was a mixture of emotions...For one, she felt guilty about feeling a slight twinge of revenge for doing to her sister what her sister had done to her...lure Clerow out of her bed and into hers...and on the other hand, she realized that she had long forgave her sister that and had actually admired Clerow for being a man and marrying her sister after he discovered she was pregnant by him.
Corabeth for her part was no fool...She knew that Clerow still had the hots for her sister..She often noticed the longing looks he gave her when she would come by their house...She knew that that day she tempted Clerow, she had done wrong and that had she never gotten pregnant,Clerow surely would have married Mabel instead of her....but she grew to love Clerow..
She loved how gallant and gentlemenly he treated Mabel when they had been together and she
had always wanted a man to be that way with her..She never meant for things to get this far out of whack..but they were..and there was no turning back. It was, what it was.
Anita was just getting to know both of her sisters and was oblivious to most of what was going on, but even she could feel the electricity in the air when Corrie as she called her,Clerow and Mable were in the same room. One day she would ask them just what happened.
"Fish eyed nigguh, Ah don't trust him." said their father, Willie "Sweet Dick" Jenkins, about Clerow ,who himself had chased his share of women in his day. Of his four children, Only Mabel
and Corabeth's mother had ever called herself his wife. He had abondoned Victoria and her mothers. He was a rolling stone.
"Neet, would you watch the baby tonight...I need to get reaquainted wit mah wife...you understand dont'cha?" said Clerow...
Anita smiled and winked at her brother in law...
"Sure Clerow...I understand..Carlton and I will take her out for ice cream..would you like that baby girl?" she cooed at the baby.
Mabel looked at Clerow and Corabeth and hung her head...She wished more than anything that
"88" was coming home.
That night...once home..Clerow pulled Corabeth to him...and kissed her passionately, oblivious to the fact that she dropped most of her packages on the floor...
"mmmmmmph...ohhhh, Clerow...wait a minute...let me get in the house good..." she said.
Clerow closed the door and practically hemmed Corabeth up against the wall.. He deep throated her with his tongue...kissing her like he did that first time in the parlor back in Louisiana...
Corabeth felt herself getting moist....
'Oh Clerow..let's go upstairs...Not here, not down here in the living room" she said... How different she was from her sister...Clerow thought to himself as he followed Corabeth up the stairs and into their bedroom...Pants and socks came off as he ran up the steps...Corabeth just giggled like a school girl...she so loved feeling desired....wanted...she had begun to wonder if her husband still felt that way about her...always running the streets with Kevin ,helping out with his capers and all.
Within minutes she was in Bra and panties only and Clerow was completely nude...He pinned his wife against the wall and kissed her even more passionately than when they had been downstairs...He turned and looked over his shoulder and there was Mabel...Standing there looking at them!!! He blinked and she was gone!
"Something wrong Clerow? You stopped." said Corabeth.
"Nah...Nah...everything is alright." said Clerow as he slipped her panties down and she stepped out of them and she un hooked her bra...He lifted her up and lowered her down on his massive
erection...She breathed deeply and then seemed as if she was out of breath as he entered her...
"OH MY GODDDDDD.....Clerow, you really missed me didn't you? ahhhhhhh...ohhhhhhhhhhh.."
she moaned....
He carried her over to the bed and layed her on top of the covers.....He entered her again and
began moving inside of her smoothly and with purpose.....
'Ohhhh godddd Corrie, don't you leave me like this ever again...." he said as he continued his gentle and slow stroking.....
"Never baby...never...ohhhhhh my goddddddd...Clerow....." she said, enjoying every inch of her
Later as they lay under the covers, completely satisfied an exhausted..Corabeth tapped Clerow on the shoulders...
"Clerow honey."
"Yeah baby..."
" I know you still have a thing for my sister."
"What? Huh? What you talkin bout Corrie?" asked a now frightened Clerow.
"I know that you think about her sometimes...and I just want you to know that I'm giving you my permission...if she's good with it....for you to scratch that itch...for you and her to get what ever you have out of your system once and for all....All I ask is that you wear some protection and that I not know about it.." she said.
Clerow was silent for a minute, then he quietly said to his wife.
"That's not going to ever happen Corrie....I don't want Mabel like that anymore....I mean,I did
for a long time...but I've gotten her out of my system....all I want is you." he said.
"Are you just sayin that so you can get some more?" she laughed....
"No, I'm saying that cause it's true." he said...knowing that it was more true than she'd ever know.
"Oh baby, that's what I like about you." said Corabeth....
"That's what I like about you too girl." said Clerow, as he held Corabeth in the crook of his chest
and they both silently entered a peaceful sleep.
(For Carlene....)