Ola Brown Lacey had murdered Noble Clayton....The only person who could shine the spotlight on her embezzlement and possibly her first degree murder , not manslaughter of her husband nearly twenty years before. I collected the Bleach bottle out of Noble's Trash Can...Complete with her fingerprints...It was the one thing she hadn't wiped down. We sent the video of her killing Noble Clayton and the Bleach bottle with her prints to the Wilminton, Deleware Police Department. I even sent them her name and address in Philadelphia.
By the time they got a warrant and started looking for her , she'd be long gone from the state..but at least the wheels of justice were turning. I followed her. It turned out..Kool Kat was right. She had stashed that money in a safe deposit box. A few days before, We had intercepted a phone conversation with the bank where she kept her money. She had several certificates of deposit and a money market account that had just sat for the entire time she had been in prison. This was no where near the three million that was missing..But it was a princely sum.
I followed her to where I thought she had stashed the money... A safe deposit box. With Robert Foxworth's help we located a box under the name of "Mildred Young" (Her Aunt) Ola was too clever to put it in her name! A few intercepted text messages and cell phone calls via the triggerfish device that Peeping Tom used and it wasn't hard to locate the bank and the safe deposit box where one "Mildred Young" had an account. I wonder what Ola's Aunt would have thought, had she of known that she was sitting on three million dollars all of those years.
That night, Lockpick Johnson and I broke into her Safe deposit box and sure enough...There was the three million dollars...In two brief cases... We took the money out and replaced it with Monopoly money and returned the breif cases..
"We hit the jackpot Kevin." said Lockpick Johnson.
"That we did......Holy mackeral......" I said as we stashed the money in a mailsack.
"Man, that broad is gonna pitch a fit when she come here and find this play money."laughed Lockpick Johnson.
"She sure is...but she's got bigger problems....The cops might snatch her before she even finds out." I mused. By now they must have gotten our anonymous video and the bleach bottle with the fingerprints on it, I thought.
I then called Mike White and turned over the three million to him!
"Mister Kevin....You are the best in the business....You not only got my money, but you saved me an unnecessary and possibly nasty confrontation...You are really good. " he said and he gave me a huge envelope with the balance of my agreed payment.
"Thank you Mister White...It was a pleasure doing business with you." I said as we shook hands.
"This Mister Kevin represents my retirement money...I've spent my life on both sides of the law.
Now...I'm going to the Caymen Islands, set up an offshore account and live the good life...I can't thank you enough." He said... Then he pulled out some extra cash.....
"Take this...buy that stone fox of a wife of yours somethin nice..." he said.
"I certainly will and thanks again." I said as Mike White took his money and got in an already waiting cab bound for ......Who knows?
There was still the matter of Ola Brown Lacy... I drove back to where her safe deposit box was and waited.. I made a phone call while I waited. Just like clockwork , she showed up and produced a key....She opened up the safe deposit box....I was hoping she would open her briefcase up....Hoping...Praying.....
I heard a woman's shriek that would've awakened the dead!!!
"I DON'T BELIEVE IT! I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!!! I'VE BEEN ROBBBED!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed as she tossed the two brief cases against the wall and jumped up and down and just threw a tantrum.....People were stunned as they walked by....I know I was wrong...but I giggled my behind off as I walked by her, got in my car and pulled off.
Ola Brown Lacey was arrested by Delaware State Police with the Help of the Philadelphia Police.
She was extradited to Delaware ,where she was tried for the First Degree Murder of Noble Clayton. She was convicted and sentenced to death! A fitting end for one so evil.
"Oh Kevin, it's beautiful!!" exclaimed my wife Sepia as she opened the box from Tiffany's..
"I'm glad you like it." I said.
"This must have cost you a mint." she said...
"It did." I said.
"How could you afford this?" she asked.
"Sepia...you gotta ask?" I said ,giving her the side eye.
"Ohhhh...that business with Mike White eh?" she said.
"Yeah..That "business" as you say left me with my biggest payday ever...After I paid Lockpick Johnson, Peeping Tom and Robert Foxworth for their help..I still
had a healthy check...That little bracelet you're wearing didn't even put a dent in what he paid me." I boasted.
"Wow...that is something." she said.
"You think he was into something dirty?" asked Sepia.
"I'm almost certain he was...I don't even think he really needed the money..For him it was the principal of the thing." I said.
"Yeah" said Sepia...She was from North Jersey...Like me, she understood the streets and men like Mike White.
"Now...Why don't you put on that broach and model it for me." I said.
"I have it on." she said.
"I was hoping you would model it with a little less clothing." I said with a wink.
"You are such a dog." she laughed....and I laughed too!
1 comment:
Great ending to a good story...I was hoping you'd show Kevin and Sepia making love..I wanted something to toss my panties in the air for!
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