I did a background check on Mister Noble Clayton....College graduate...No criminal record whatsoever...not even a juvenile bust...Went into business with Lance Lace and Mike White and was doing quite well for himself. That's all the official paper trail read on him. The "unofficial" trail of the streets read like this...Was a partner with Mike White in a lucrative Ecstacy dealing business.
Their clients were mostly white and from the Main Line and other suburbs of Philadelphia. They made a pile of money on the side. The IRS was investigating their legit contracting company for non-payment of taxes going on three years and totaling close to 3 million dollars.. Lance Lacey vanishes and Noble Clayton becomes a prime suspect until it's revealed through an anonymous tip
that Ola Brown Lacy...His wife has poisoned him and disposed of the body. When his body is found..She goes on trial is convicted of a lesser offense than First degree murder and given 60 years in prison. Nobody ever finds the more than 3 million dollars , she has allegedly stolen from her husband's company.
This same Noble Clayton and Ola's husband's business partner....The man I am working for began selling Ecstacy , soon after the company went into receivership...Not only is the tax money an issue, but other money also seemed to be missing. Another so called "Anonymous " tip lands
Mike White in a Federal prison for a number of years. Noble Clayton starts another contracting business , buys the house that Ola and Lance once lived in and leads a quiet life...Not once does his name come up in any criminal investigation.
On this particular morning...I'm sitting with Kool Kat and having coffee....He gives me his take on my situation-
''The Way I see it Kev.... babe knew she was going to jail.....she didn't have time to stash that dough in a off shore account...So my guess is..the money is right here in Philly." he said.
"Somebody would have had to watch it for her...but who?? Certainly not Noble Clayton??? Her
Brother?? , Her sister?? ,Her Aunt?" I questioned out loud.
"None of em Kev....three million dollars is too much money to trust with anybody....You saw her aunt, her brother, her sister....They poor people...Her in jail and them with all that dough??? No way...It would be gone or they woulda killed each other by now. Kev...They don't even know about the dough....I think baby girl stashed that dough somewhere only she knows and dimes to doughnuts..Old Boy, Noble and her were in this together and now that she's out of jail...He wants his cut...That's why he called." said Kool Kat.
The big man knew the streets and had an uncanny take on human nature..I was betting that he was right. I plumped down a couple of dollars and thanked my friend.
"Call me Kev, if you think you need some heavy lifting." he said.
"I surely will." I said.
An hour later, I was in the van with Peeping Tom and Lockpick Johnson....They had bugged Noble Clayton's house. These two, an Ex-CIA operative and a former career criminal were invaluable to my investigations. We watched a live video feed of Ola Brown Lacy arriving at his home...the home that used to be hers.
"Baby....it's so good to see you." said Noble Clayton as he stretched his arms out and hugged her.
He was wearing only a sheer black bathrobe......Ola was wearing a very stylish and tight mini skirt, some designer black panty hose and a funky pair of boots that if my wife had been privy to
this video, I know she would want.
"Ummmmmmm you smell good Noble...Did you just get out of the shower?" she asked.
"Yes indeed...I put on your favorite cologne.." he said.
"Ummmmm, it smells good." she said.
"I've missed you so much." he said.
"Yeah? well how come you only visited me twice in the 17 years I was in prison?" she asked with an unexplainable laugh."
"Baby...I was busy.....For real....Didn't I get you a good lawyer?? That Robert Foxworth fella??
He got you a 60 year sentence...you coulda got the death penalty.....I knew you'd make parole."he said, pouting.
"Oh you knew huh?" she said , no longer laughing.
"Baby, do you know how many palms I had to grease and how many people , important people I had to reach out to ,just to make sure you got parole???....It took time...but I got you out didn't I?" he laughed.
"I keep thinkin you got me in.....The police seemed to have more information than they shoulda had about Lance's murder." she said.
"What are you gettin at? You think I turned you in?? I'm the one that saved you from a needle."
he protested...
"You were pretty slick...Figuring out that I was cooking the books...." she laughed.
"Yeah..and when your husband kept coming to work gravely ill...I figured you were poisoning him too." he smirked.
"I guess I should thank you for helping me dispose of the body." she said.
"Yeah and I should thank you for not mentioning my part in it." he laughed.
"So we are even." she said.
''No, we aren't." he said.
"Oh really?" she said.
"We'll talk about that later...Come over here and give me some sugar girl...I know it's been a long time since you had some good lovin.." he said.
"Ummmmmm, too long, you just don't know." she cooed.
He opened up his bathrobe....She gasped.....
"Oh my goodness...you've got a horse..." she said as she put both of her hands around his huge erection and worked them back and forth....He moaned and unzippered the back of her skirt, which she slipped out of ....He opened her blouse and unhooked her bra and watched it drop to the floor....He massaged her breasts with his hands and leaaned over and hungrily kissed her...
She returned his kisses...
"Ummmmmmm,ouuuuuuuuuu, it's been so longggggggg...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...."she moaned..
"Ohhhhhhhhh girlllllll, come on with it....give it to meeeeeeeeee..." he said as she continued to work his massive erection with her hands....He now had his hands around her hips...He pushed her onto the couch as she kicked her boots off and slipped her pantyhose off...Now he was on top of her kissing her and she him...They were hungrilly slobbering all over each other...
"I want you inside me now...put that big thing in meeeeeeee.." she practically commanded...
Noble parted her legs and entered her slowly at first....He couldn't believe how wet she was and how easy it was for him to move...
He moved in and out ,in and out at a rapid pace and he pinned her arms to the couch so she couldn't move...She bucked like a wild horse, which seemed to make him pump ever harder and faster. She didn't mind...She matched him stroke for stroke.. Soon She was straddled on top of him moving up and down and howling and sweating... He turned her over and rode her doggie style for a long time..This was probably more than even he could stand..When he finally reached his climax...It was almost as if his entire being was in a state of orgasm......She came also...and her body just shook and they held each other as sweat poured off of the both of them....
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...." she said as she took one last gasp!
"Dammmn that was some good lovin baby...phewwww.." he said..
"I'll say....oh my god..." she moaned...
Watching that made me want to go home and ravish my wife Sepia.....Peeping Tom, the ex CIA man had probably seen his share of this type of thing....but Lockpick Johnson and I were poor and young Black men from the ghetto...We couldn't spy on people like that...Our only frame of reference was sounds we heard of other people making love in the next apartment over.
They took a shower together...We really couldn't see or hear any conversation...When they did appear again...Ola was getting dressed...She was putting on the pantyhose, the skirt,the bra, the blouse and fixing her hair into a ponytail.....
"Why are you leaving? I thought you were going to spend some time with me?" He cooed.
"I did spend some time with you...I'm not staying here." she said.
"Well, there is a little thing about my cut of the money you stole that I need to talk about." he said.
"Your cut?? I stole that money from my husband...You aint have nothin to do with it." she said.
"It was from my company." He protested.
''Wrong...My husband's company...You worked for him." she said.
"It would be a shame if you wound up back in prison." he remarked.
"Back in prison?? Ha! I did my time.." she said.
"Yeah for manslaughter.....Embezzlement is a whole notha thing." he said.
"Yeah...it kinda is....I would hate to go back to prison." she said.
"Alright...now we are talking...I was thinking a 50-50 split....1.5 mill a piece." he said.
"Yeah? I think not." she said.
"What?" he said..
She pulled a .22 pistol out of her purse and to everyone's horror fired one shot....Straight between Noble Clayton's eyes..The force of the bullet blew the back of his head out! He was dead
before he hit the ground....
"Snitch" she said...Then she went in the kitchen...found some bleach and wiped down everything she had touched....When she was finished...She tossed the bleach bottle in the trash can outside.
She put on a scarf and some sunglasses and opened the door.
"Now I'm untouchable." she laughed as she walked to her car and drove off......
She really was a psychopath! But she wasn't untouchable...I was going to prove to her that she wasn't.
(Conclusion Next)
OMG I wasn't expecting that! Damn!
And you left us hanging.
I was ready to throw my panties to the rafters and then there was that violent ending...That knocked me for a loop...It was still very satisfying.
This chick is off the chain!
Taking a FB break, but I'mstill here on the daily.
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