Friday, October 18, 2013

The One That Got Away

For the second day in a row I entered the squad room only to find next to no one there...

Sissy was there though...Sitting in her office with FBI Special Agent Sharon Ferrell.

"Good Morning Ladies"..I said.

"Morning Keith...Before you ask...Carlotta and Tyriq are out on another case...Jimmy and Duke are in court on an unrelated case and Sirena and Hop are out on another case.." said Sissy looking at me and laughing...

"That's wonderful...You and your guys did extroidinary work on the Snider case...Now if only we can locate him before he kills again." I said.

With Big Cheese dead and Lolly and China White in custody, the streets had grown eerily quiet...But everyone was still afraid...Everyone was still waiting for the next shoe to drop.

"Did you miss me for a few days?" asked FBI Agent Sharon Ferrell.

"As a matter of fact, I did...Wher have you been?" I asked.

"I was in D.C.  Calling in a marker from a friend....It seems our shooter has a sister that lives here in Philly...I took some agents and paid her a visit...She told me that her brother has been around to do his laundry and get food...but that he was very secretive about where he was staying...She did give me a cell phone number...She's very afraid and had no idea he has been doing the things he's been accused of...I have some agents staking out the sister's house." she said.

"Wow, that's great...Our two suspects gave Miguel Sanchez a pager number that he didn't bother to share with us...He's running down a lead...He's supposed to call us when he gets something solid." I said.

Sissy and Sharon looked at each other...

"Something else you should know counselor." said Sissy.

"What?" I asked.

"While I was in D.C.  I found out from the local FBI that Agent Sanchez was not assigned to this case...In fact...He's not on any case...He's been relieved of duty, pending a hearing...He got married for the second time about two years ago...There was some domestic disturbances and complaints and the marriage has apparently broke up...The break up affected his work greatly at the Bureau...He was ordered to get a full psych evaluation and be cleared for duty before he can come back to work...He's kind of on disability..." said Sharon.

"So what's he doing up here?" I asked.

"Chances are...He used the excuse that Snider escaped and had ties to Philadelphia as an excuse to come up here...But that wasn't his real reason...I suspect you know his real reason don't you Keith???...." said Sissy..

"Carlotta!" I said.

''Yup"said Sharon..."He's got it bad for her...Sitting at her desk when she's not here, poring over the photos on her desk...He probably didn't know she had gotten married..That is probably tearing him up inside.....Don't expect to hear from him." said Sharon.

I just sighed....People are never what you expect them to be....

Sissy rubbed my back...

''You got nothing to worry about...Chica loves you to death...He's just wasting his time...and in fact she told me that his bragging and fake swag is kinda turning her off and getting on her nerves." said Sissy.

"Yeah Keith...You got Carlotta 's heart...Don't even sweat it." said Sharon..

I just smiled.


Drug Kingpin , Pete Moss sat in a diner eating....He noticed Carlotta and Sirena eating by themselves talking...

He had no idea who they were or that this was all orchestrated...He fancied himself a ladies man and walked over to their table...

"My...My My...Look at this...Two fine honeys....How bout I pay for your meals?" he said pulling out an impressive knot and peeling off a few crisp twenties...This probably worked with a number of women under the age of 22...

"Oh thank you papi" said Carlotta..

"Thank You Pete" said Sirena..

He looked surprised...

"You know me?" he said smiling..

"Everybody knows you big papi...You run everything around here.."said Carlotta, batting her eyes at him...

"Yeah, talk is...You're the mannnnn." said Sirena...

"I sure am..." he laughed...

Tyriq walked toward him, smiling and grabbed him and put his arm behind his back...

He whispered to him...

"Nice and easy Pete or you're not going to have a finger to dig in your nose with." he said.

"Owwwwwwwwwwww, you're hurting me." he said...

His bodyguard went to make a move and Duke hit him with a football block that knocked the wind out of him...

"Ugh, Ugh, Ughhh...Stay put dude." said Duke.

Tyriq shoved him through the bathroom door where Jimmy and I were waiting for him!

"Heyyyyyyy it's Pete!!!...Pete Moss....The new king in town..." said Jimmy laughing...

"You guys are cops!" he said.

"And he's smart too!" laughed Jimmy.

I looked at him...

"Pete...Here's how it is...I got Lolly in custody and I got China White in custody...If anybody else dies , I'm charging you with murder....Now I want that shooter..I want his location now and if you choose to play dumb...I'm going to lock you up so long you're going to forget what daylight seemed like." I said.

It took him less than a minute to talk...

"Look...He's supposed to hit somebody tonight...One of China White's lieutenants...I can tell you where he's setting up at...If I do, you'll let me walk right?" he said.

"I'll think about it...But just so you don't get the bright idea to call him and warn him...I'm locking you up anyway..." I said.

"Awww come on mannn.." he said.

''Life's a bitch aint it Pete?" laughed Jimmy.

Hop walked into the bathroom with two uniformed policemen...

"Hook Him up Hop." I said. Hop handcuffed him, read him his rights...He was being charged with conspiracy to commit murder.

I called Sissy...

"We got Pete Moss...With him ,China White and Lolly off the street, we've got a clear shot at Snider.." I said.

"Great, I'm calling Lt. Cantrell...This calls for the Tactical Unit... I don't want my detectives in the line of fire." she said.

"It's your call Lieutenant."I said.


Charles "Bread" Basket ,China White's number two man and enforcer had just made his collection for the night and was heading back towards his car...Duke walked behind him slowly...He had on a trenchcoat and under it a Kevlar vest and a trauma plate...His Fedora was lined with kevlar...
"Yo man...step away from that car right now...Do it." said Duke...

His bodyguard pulled a gun out and stepped out of his Car...Tyriq slipped behind him and stuck his glock in his back...
"Duck down quickly...we are cops....Somebody has a bead on you..get down now.." he said and they both hit the dust...Duke and Charles "Bread" Basket ducked into a small bodega just as two well placed shots hit the windshield of Basket's car....

The windshield exploded!!! People spun around....

Basket Looked at Duke and Tyriq...

"You guys saved my life!" he exclaimed...

"Yeah, you owe us one." said Tyriq...

Duke cracked up.

"Both of you...Get out of here." he said.

Didn't have to tell either of them twice...They took off running.

Jimmy and Hop pointed towards a building  at least three blocks away...
"He's got to be down that way...Come on, let's go.." they said as they led a group of twenty Tactical squad cops towards the building...They moved fast and efficiently....

Lt. Cantrell and Lt. Sissy Van Buren were on the roof with three sharp shooters calling the action....

"We've located him...He's on the 17th floor of the Flomar building"said Cantrell..

On the street, I sat in my SUV with Carlotta, Sirena,Hazel and FBI Special Agent, Sharon Ferrell...

I floored it and headed in the direction, Duke,Tyriq,Hop and Jimmy were running...

Once at the building...Lt. Cantrell walked out....He looked at my detectives...

''Stand down guys...Yall did a great job....but this guy is our baby...We'll get him..."he said...He wasn't grandstanding , He was looking out for them....I hope they knew that...

Just then we heard a loud shot...then a scream!

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you son of a bitch....ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeee..."

Then we heard another shot...

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...I don't believe it...I've been shot!"

Then another shot from the roof across the street from where we were.....

Then silence!!!

"All clear Lieutenant...The sniper is dead" came the voice of a Tactical squad officer...

"All clear...Okay Detectives...Let's go."said Lt. Cantrell...

Sissy,Carlotta,Jimmy,Tyriq,Duke,Sirena,Hazel ,Hop,Sharon and I entered a small room and there we saw lying in a pool of blood on the floor...Barry "Bullseye " Snider. he had been shot at close range with a glock and from a distance by a sniper from Tactical...He was dead...He'd kill no more...

Lying on the floor and moaning in the corner was FBI Special Agent ,Miguel Sanchez...The bullet from Snider's pistol had grazed his head...He was bleeding, but basically alright..He'd live...

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....." he moaned...

"Miguel!!" said Carlotta who ran over to him...

"It's okay Carlotta....I tracked him here..I got the drop on him." he said...

What a load of crap, I thought...

Carlotta smiled...

"You mean you tracked us here..." she said...

He looked surprised...then embarrassed!!! His little ruse and attempt at heroics had failed.

"Well uh lead didn't uh, pan out..." he smiled wincing...

"Didn't it?" she said...The sarcasm in my wife's voice was surprising...

She walked away and back over to where I was standing and hugged me...He looked a little agitated..She gave me a wet ,sloppy kiss and he turned his head away.

Hazel and some EMT workers  attended to his head wound...

I smiled ruefully....

FBI Special Agent Sharon Ferrell walked over to me...

"You didn't tell her did you?" she asked.

"No.." I said.

"Well I did..She's my closest girlfriend...Since High school...I wasn't going to let him play her like that or you."she said.

''Careful Sharon,People might actually think that you like me." I joked...

"I do...Thought you knew that." she said and we shared a laugh...

Lt. Sissy Van Buren walked over to us..."Wow! I'm Happy..We cleared 20 murders tonight....We have a perfect record for the month guys...Give yourselves a pat on the back." she said...

Duke, Tyriq, Carlotta,Jimmy, Sirena and Hop raised their glocks up in the air as did the Tactical squad officers...

"Good Job guys." said Lt. Cantrell....

Sissy walked over to him ,hugged him and kissed him on the cheek..

"That's for always having my back." she said...He smiled widely....

"Don't kill the moment by saying something nasty and stop looking at me like you want to undress me.."she said..."Okay, you can look, just don't say anything nasty." said Sissy.

Lt.Cantrell blushed something crazy and then collapsed!

"Oh My God" said Carlotta.

"Relax Chica.."said Sissy and I in unison....''He'll be alright."


With the sniper, Barry "Bullseye"Snider dead and twenty murders cleared...I had to prosecute William "Lolly" Drollinger and Frank "China" White on conspiracy charges...They were both convicted and given ten years each ,which was far less than either of them deserved for the carnage they had created...

Surprisingly...I didn't charge Pete Moss with anything...I had to release him from custody....before he left I told him...

"As of now Pete you are officially retired....You feel me? If I get wind that you're still in the game...I'll reopen this case and try you on conspiracy charges just like China White and Lolly." I said.

He smiled..."Then I'm retired boss man..." he said and walked out of the courthouse...

A rainy Autumn day found my wife, Carlotta and I walking hand and hand down a wet street towards our house... A black Firebird drove past us and beeped the horn... It was Agent Miguel Sanchez...

"Hey Carlotta, Counselor..."he said.

Carlotta smiled, but said nothing...

"Well, with the case all wrapped up...I guess this is goodbye for now.." he said...

"You're not coming up for Sharon's wedding?" I asked already knowing the answer..
"Nah...Weddings aint my thing now of days.....I'll send her something..." he said...

He looked at Carlotta one last time...

"Damn man...You are such a lucky guy.....Well, take care and take care of my girl" he said and drove off...

Carlotta held my arm tight and said...

"My Girl?...Ughhhh, I don't know what I ever saw in him...He was a little different then..a lot different....I don't know who that guy is now." she mused..

''Sharon told you about his deal didn't she?" I said.

"That he is on leave or something and that he was never assigned to this case...and that he was a big fat liar!!!...Yes..she did." said Carlotta.

I smiled...

" I wasn't going to say anything.." I said.

"I'm surprised...I would have thought that you would have wanted to expose him.." she said.

"At first I did....but then for some reason...I felt sorry for him...I don't know...What does that make me?" I asked.

Carlotta kissed me...

"It makes you the man I love." she said.

"Makes me Lucky." I said.

She smiled and she took my hand and we continued to walk together in the rain.

1 comment:

Toni said...

Don't know how I missed this...This was a great story!