The Next Morning , We drove to Valhalla Women's Detention Center...
It wasn't as foreboding as some men's prisons...but prison was prison..
The visitor's room was a lot more people friendly then any men's prison I had been in...
Kathryn Flaherty looked well rested and was in better spirits than I expected..I could see where the swelling in both of her eyes had began to go down...her face was still discolored.. I was nearly sick to my stomach..
"Good Morning , I told you I knew Olivia and Beverly...I brought them here to defend you."said Nina."Hi Kathryn... I'm Olivia Bennett-Alexander
This is my niece, Attorney Beverly West-East..
My Husband, Donnie Ray Alexander, Investigator
Associate Attorney and my niece's husband, Attorney Nelson East
And Associate Attorney, Josie Boyd.
"Just in case you haven't had breakfast." said Nelson.
"They're nice and hot." said Josie.
Then in college...We both majored in Administration of Justice, Pre Law, Trial Advocacy... He barely graduated..
He spent a lot of his time in my room trying to screw me and wanting to spend the night..and when I would duck him so I could study...He found other young ladies who were willing.
He just barely made it into law school...His father pulled a few strings...but he didn't last the first year..He flunked out!!!!
While sI went on to finish, graduating with honors.. he sulked like a big baby.
I passed the bar and worked as a Public defender for awhile and then An Assistant District Attorney before coming to work at the Women's Law Center..
Bill went to the Police Academy...Graduated and was a patrolman...
We hooked up again, We got married.. Everything was fine for awhile..Then the beatings started..
He was smart enough to hit me where the public wouldn't see the bruises , but after awhile..He didn't care...You saw me Nina, I came to work with Sunglasses on, to hide my blackened eyes..Heavy make up to hide my bruised cheekbones.. I left him before..
He hired a Private Investigator to find me. He found me , brought me bouquets of roses...Promised to never strike me again...Then he broke my collarbone...
His new thing was raping me when he got angry, ripping my panties completely off, my bra too and just taking me....He did it at home...He did it at work the ladies lounge..he didn't care who came in...It's as if he resented me because I became a lawyer and he flunked out...and he got cut from the football team in college...He was no longer Mr. Popular." she said.
'He was cheating on me with another woman...I think she was a cop too...I think I saw her once.. I had had all I could take.. He was out..I thought he'd be at I packed two bags and I called an UBER..
I was waiting on my UBER..and he surprised me..He came home early..and he found my suitcases under the bed.. He slapped me!
He took my phone when it rang and answered it..Told my driver not to come...Then he demanded I take my clothes off.. He ripped my blouse open and ripped my bra off forecfully and then ripped my panties off.. I had had enough...I couldn't go on like this..he'd find me whereever I went...I'd never be safe from him.. I took his service revolver and I shot him....Four or five times..I don't remember...He fell backwords and did not move anymore..then I was free...Now I'm free of him once and for all." she said blandly..
Olivia and Nina looked stunned..
''Are any of these beatings documented?" I asked her softly..
"Yes...I called the police on him twice and a neighbor called the police once.. I refused to press charges all three times..
"When he broke my collarbone..He was arrested..but they let him go and I didn't press charges.." said Kathryn..
''Oh My God...You certainly should have."said Beverly..."You should have had him locked up!" said Josie..
"I'm afraid she's right.."said Nelson..
''Yes..we are." I said.
LAter that day after we left the prison , We did a Press Conference some hours later with our friend , B.L. Benz, host of the popular syndicated show HARD BOTTOM getting the scoop...
"If this woman is sent to prison after going through this ,it is a travesty of justice." said Beverly...
"I was nearly moved to tears when I heard her story....We are going to represent the hell out of her." he said...
"I have witnessed her coming to work for years wearing sunglasses and heavy make up and making excuses for her face being swollen, her eyes being blackened.. I knew she was being violently assaulted at home." said Nina...
Other members of the press also questioned us..
At Curley's Bar at that moment... Our newest Associate Attorney, Bresha Williams was having a drink with Kayla Bennett-St. Jacques and watching the broadcast....
''Wowwww, I wish I was part of that case.." said Bresha.
"And I love her too! I love all you guys...I can't wait until Tony and I get married and we move into the neighborhood.." said Bresha..
"We can't wait either..." said Kayla, hugging her...
"Are you trying the case in the bar? What are you, a lawyer now? I told you, I'm not part of the team...I have nothing to do with the case...Please leave me alone." said Bresha again...
"You're interrupting our conversation...would you please go?" asked Kayla, now getting angry...
"FOR THE LAST TIME!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!! I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT!" said Bresha ,now very angry...
"I know my cousin Liv, she's protective like a mother hen....
She wants you to be relaxed for your wedding in a few days..Not concerned about this case..She was the same way with my cousin Bev and Nelson
when they were about to be married...Wouldn't let em take part in a big murder case..Made em sit it out....and they both so wanted in....This just proves she loves you..." assured Kayla..
"We can't wait either..." said Kayla, hugging her...
This whole moment was spoiled by Lt. Tragg ,who walked up on both of them.....
" I don't know what "you guys" you are talking about..I'm Not involved in the case at all.." said Bresha.
''Noooooooooooooooo..I'm getting married in a few days and I'm on a break from work...besides they don't need me anyway...They have ample legal help...Ms. Rios is on the team." said Bresha.
"She just told you that she's not part of the defense team...Now we were having a conversation...Would you please leave our table?" asked Kayla.
as their drinks arrived..
" I don't know what "you guys" you are talking about..I'm Not involved in the case at all.." said Bresha.
It was as if they hadn't said anything...Lt. Tragg continued to stand at their table and stare....
"You're interrupting our conversation...would you please go?" asked Kayla, now getting angry...
It was as if a word hadn't been said..Lt. Tragg continued to whine and protest..
"YES, WOULD YOU GO AWAY?" said getting annoyed...People were beginning to stare at their table.
Until a deep baritone voice was heard....It the voice of an attorney neither one of the young women knew.. A tall handsome man named Deke Richards...
"You heard them Lieutenant...Walk away from their table. NOWWWWWW!.I heard this young lady here tell you several times that she's not involved in the case .What are you , deaf? ...So walk away...." he said.
"Thank you so much Curly and you too Sir...." said Bresha.
"Yes , thank you both!." said Kayla.
"I know your boss...You work for Olivia Bennett-Alexander don't you?
She's a very good friend and colleauge of mine." he said.
and the other women she employs...Olivia keeps gorgeous women around her..." he laughed..Looking Kayla up and down and thinking about Beverly, Josie and this young lady here...Bresha..
"My lord, they 're so young, but so good looking"..he thought...
He dropped a few dollars on the table..
"That should take care of your drinks...Tell Olivia, Deke said Hello."he said, smiling and walked away...
Special Prosecutor-Maureen ''Reeny" Thomas
She also looked at the attorneys she was going up against...Olivia Bennett-Alexander and Beverly West...She had gone up against them once before and lost...It was a few years ago...Now she wanted to know more about them..

Olivia Marissa Bennett-Alexander
Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls
B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law, Trial Advocacy -Temple University..
J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School
Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Texas, California
Founding partner-Alexander & West ,Attorneys at law..
Divorced- Elwood Barnes..,Corporate Attorney
No Children, two miscarriages..
Married-Donnie Ray Alexander
Beverly Cheryl West-East
Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls
B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law-Trial Advocay, Temple University..
J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School
Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Texas, California
Speaks Spanish , French and Russian Fluently...
Worked as Public Defender,
Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls
B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law, Trial Advocacy -Temple University..
J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School
Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Texas, California
Speaks French and Spanish Fluently...
Worked as a Public Defender,
Worked as a Public Defender,
Worked for Bach and Roach LLC, as Associate Attorney
Founding partner-Alexander & West ,Attorneys at law..
Divorced- Elwood Barnes..,Corporate Attorney
No Children, two miscarriages..
Married-Donnie Ray Alexander
Beverly Cheryl West-East
Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls
B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law-Trial Advocay, Temple University..
J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School
Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Texas, California
Speaks French and Spanish Fluently...
Worked as a Public Defender,
Worked as a Public Defender,
Founding Partner-Alexander & West Attorney's at Law.
Daughter of Olivia's Older Half Brother, James West... Olivia's Niece
Married to Nelson East.
Nelson Sean East
Graduated, West Catholic High School-Philadelphia PA.
B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law- St. Johns University, New York City
Psychology Minor...
J.D. -St. Johns Univeristy Law School, New York City..
Passed The Bar , New York, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, Texas, California
Daughter of Olivia's Older Half Brother, James West... Olivia's Niece
Married to Nelson East.
Nelson Sean East
Graduated, West Catholic High School-Philadelphia PA.
B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law- St. Johns University, New York City
Psychology Minor...
J.D. -St. Johns Univeristy Law School, New York City..
Passed The Bar , New York, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, Texas, California
Speaks Spanish , French and Russian Fluently...
Worked as Public Defender,
Associate Attorney at Robert Foxworth and Associates.
Associate Attorney at Alexander and West , Attorneys at law.
Married to Beverly West
Donnie Ray Alexander
Born and Raised in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Educated in New Orleans Public Schools..
Associates Degree- New Orleans Community College-Administration of Justice, Pre Law
Homicide Detective, New Orleans Police Department, Retired.
Principal Investigator, Alexander and West Attorneys at law-Philadelphia PA.
Married to Olivia Bennett
Also a semi-professional musician
Josephine Boyd
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Raised in Red Hook Section of New York City
Bachelors of Science, Architecture from Fisk University
Master in Business Administration- University of Pennsylvania.
Para -Legal -Alexander & West Attorneys at law.
Married to Beverly West
Donnie Ray Alexander
Born and Raised in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Educated in New Orleans Public Schools..
Associates Degree- New Orleans Community College-Administration of Justice, Pre Law
Homicide Detective, New Orleans Police Department, Retired.
Principal Investigator, Alexander and West Attorneys at law-Philadelphia PA.
Married to Olivia Bennett
Also a semi-professional musician
Josephine Boyd
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Raised in Red Hook Section of New York City
Bachelors of Science, Architecture from Fisk University
Master in Business Administration- University of Pennsylvania.
Para -Legal -Alexander & West Attorneys at law.
JD- Drexel University Law School..
Passed the Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware, New York, Texas, California
Associate Attorney-Alexander & West, Attorneys at Law, Philadelphia.
Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls
B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre Law- Lasalle University, Philadelphia PA.
J.D.- Middleton Law School, Bayside ,Pennsylvania.
Passed the bar, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, New York
Speaks Spanish and French Fluently...
Associate Attorney at Alexander and West , Attorneys at law...
"Ummmm Olivia has added three additional attorneys since we last clashed..Nelson East, Josie Boyd and Bresha Williams...Myyyyyy Olivia and Beverly have moved up...." said "Reeny" with a smile.
She thought about her own record..
Maureen Thomas
Graduated from Lower Merion High School
B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre Law, Trial advocacy- Lasalle University, Philadelphia PA.
J.D.- Villanova School Of Law
Passed the Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware, New York, Virginia
Associate Attorney- Luken and Jerguson
Associate Attorney-Milf and Rogan
Associate Attorney- Bang & Bang
Associate Attorney- Reese & Thornton
Assistant U.S. Attorney -Southeastern District of Pennsylvania
Senior Associate Attorney - Dare and Jacobson
She was a pretty damn good attorney herself... She drank a little too much at times...Still, when it came to her job, she was by the book and on top of everything.
At home , everyone was sitting around the conference room table when I returned..
Beverly was sitting in her husband , Nelson's lap...
Nelson looked as pleased as punch..
everyday...She ,Clerow and Owen Todd moved her things into the house ..It was nearly ,fully furnished..She had brought all new furniture for every floor..and had most of her clothing already situated....
All Paris needed to do was move his clothing and his things in, which he hadn't done yet...He was supposed to move his things in tomorrow, from what he said.
"Ummmmmm someone is very, very happy to see me " she whispered in my ear....
I sat down with everybody else..
I did interviews with the employees of the Women's Center who witnessed his outbursts when he would come there.." I said..
"I'm all in , in this case... Paris and I will be all moved in on Friday....We've decided to do like Keith and Bee Bee and Sofia and Kahlil did....We are going to get married when Bresha and Tony come back from their honeymoon...The week after they return...." said Josie.
''Everybody will be booed up by the holidays." said Beverly.
"Yeah . that's great...." laughed Nelson...
I put my arms around Josie and hugged her...Kissed her on the cheek..
''Proud of you and happy for you baby girl.."I said and I really was. I had watched Josie and Beverly grow so much in the short time I had lived here with them.
Josie, Beverly, Nelson and Olivia sifted through everything I had brought back....
"I can't see him doing that...He's tried that twice before and twice he's been shot down.." said Beverly...
"I can't see him doing that...He's tried that twice before and twice he's been shot down.." said Beverly...
"Besides nothing Donnie Ray has brought us is not available to him....In fact it will be easier for him to get access to this stuff." said Nelson.
The next night at Curley's
Lt. Tragg sat with the Special prosecutor, Maureen "Reeny " Thomas whining and complaining about the case.. He usually liked blondes...but this babe had a nice rack and a sexy body...Even if she was a brunette...
At this moment...She could care less about the case...She had been studying it all day today...She was tired and just wanted a drink...She let him talk though...She kept drinking..
At this moment...She could care less about the case...She had been studying it all day today...She was tired and just wanted a drink...She let him talk though...She kept drinking..
She was his kind of gal...She could drink any cop he knew under the table, he mused...Drinking like this..His hands got very loose...He had them up under her skirt..,rubbing her legs, which were trembling and squeezing her buttocks...He was now at the waistband of her panties with his hands almost in them,palming her butt..This was a lot farther than he usually got.. His face was as red as a beet and he had a pleased as punch look on his face..
She had his zipper down and had her soft hands inside his trousers, massaging his erect penis and staring at him daringly...This was the problem she had with drinking and being high sometimes...She tended to get a little too friendly and her panties tended to slip off too easily...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Lieutenant...I think we'd better take this to my place ...Ouuuuuuuu before we get thrown out of here...Ohhhhhhhh my godddd!" she said and removed her hands..she zipped his trousers back up.. She removed his hands... She dropped some money on the table, paying for both of their drinks..and grabbed her roller..
and motioned for him to follow her..
She lived in just the type of condo, he suspected she'd live in...Ultra Modern and walking distance from her center city law firm in rittenhouse square.
They weren't inside good before they were kissing passionately....
"Ouuuuuuuuuuu you like your hands in my panties don't you?" she moaned..
She sat on the side of the bed, moving up and down on him, kissing him as though her life depended on it..
She rode him like a surfer rides the waves...Sending waves of pleasure into both of them...
Both of them climaxing into a crescendo of pleasure and sweat....
We started the morning out in the courthouse..
Olivia and Beverly filed some briefs related to this case... They had hoped that special prosecutor, Maureen Thomas was there, but she was a no show.
Horny Judge Crawford was there, ogling Olivia as usual and whispering to her questions about what color her panties were today...He was staring at Beverly also and wondering the same thing.. The fact that both of their husbands were present didn't seem to deter him... But they successfully filed their briefs and went about their business.. Nelson ,Josie and I met them in the hallway.
''Don't leave your favorite niece hanging Auntay....Dish girl, Dish." said Beverly..
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, WOUUUUUUUUUUUU!" said Beverly...''You notice who is also not here don't you? Our favorite Lieutenant....I was braced for a battle royale with him this morning...I just knew we'd run into him and we didn't..Thank God and knock on wood."said Nelson.
We all piled in and pulled off, relieved at our good fortune..of not seeing with Maureen Thomas or Lt. Tragg this morning...It was still early...Not even 9:00 am..That was an early morning hearing..
We drove to our new favorite place ,Pancake pantry..
"Ouuu I can imagine D.A. Garcetti is going to give her an earful about missing that hearing...this morning." laughed Olivia.
"It was at 8:00 am... We haven't been to a hearing that early since we were Public Defenders.."laughed Beverly...
"I wish I had been a lawyer back when you guys were Public defenders...It sounds like it was a lot of fun."said Josie..
''And with the case loads we had...We were often in court several times in one dayWe had to remember a lot of cases.." said Beverly..
''And it wears on you after awhile...So Many Attorneys get burned out , working there...I nearly did..
Olivia and Beverly were my only reason for getting up in the morning , I loved working with them." said Nelson..
There were pancakes of all kinds..
Hash Browns..Sausage
Fresh squeezed Orange Juice
And Hot coffee....
And in Philadelphia at Maureen Thomas's condo...
"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" came a loud yell from the apartment..
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" came a woman's silent coo!
Lt. Tragg and Special Prosecutor Thomas were still making sweet love ,despite going at it all night..
They had woke up this morning and went right back to it.. It had been FIVE TO SIX HOURS,
She had had five or six very intense orgasms...
The bed was squeaking so loud , the neighbors could hear it...The Headboard began to crack and all four legs snapped as the bed came to a thunderous crash....
"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" moaned Lt., Trash as he came so hard, he felt as if he was dying...both of his legs trembling...
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" said Maureen Thomas...having a monsterous orgasm like she hadn't had in awhile..
She noticed it was 9:45 am...Her phone was ringing..
"OH MY GOD!!! IT's 9:45 am..I was supposed to be at a hearing this morning with Olivia and Beverly and their team...They filed some briefs...OH MY GOD...I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THERE AT 8:00 am..." she said.. She answered her phone..
"Hello!! Good Morning D.A. Garcetti...I am soooo sorry...I totally overslept....Oh My God....I am soooo sorry...I promise you sir, this will NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!!...I AM SOO SORRY...I WILL STOP BY THE COURTHOUSE AND SEE IF I CAN GET THE NOTES FROM THE HEARING!!!
OH MY GOD!!! I DON'T BELIEVE THIS...I AM SOOOOO SORRY SIR!" she said and hung up..
She was mortified and embarrassed..
Her shower was running.. Lt. Tragg had helped himself to her shower with out asking..
He quickly got dressed...He made a call saying he was going to be late today and that was it..
He looked at her demolished bed..and laughed ...
She looked at him and sighed..
"You've got to go." was all she said..
She had had no intention of sleeping with him or anybody for that matter and here she had gotten high and drunk and had gone home with this goofy keystone copper she thought.. She hated herself.. She looked at her demolished bed and began to cry....
She cried profusely the entire time she was in the shower.. In college and in law school it was kinda cool, kinda funny to get stoned, to get drunk and get laid and wake up in bed with a total stranger..but not now..She was an Attorney, a Adult..She had to act like it..This was very embarrasing.
She looked at her broken bed and broke out into tears again as she got dressed.
We were back at the office, working hard on this case..
Beverly and Josie were enclosed in our law library...
Studying and notating like cases, looking for predicates and searching the actual law...trying to figure out what the Special Prosecutor might argue, might object to in this case...
Olivia, Nelson and Nina were sifting through all of the was I..
"There is her ripped panties and bra right there on the floor..She said he liked to rip them off and sexually assault her..There is the proof and here are the xrays of when he broke her collarbone.."I said..
"I'll get on that!" I said.
''My Godddddd, 127 criminal complaints against this one man....How did he remain a cop??? How did he never go to jail?/I mean real jail time.?" said Olivia.
"Because his buddies in the precinct turned a blind eye too many times to him....I found some written reprimands from his personell file...17...yet he was never really disciplined.. No suspensions, No nothing...This man was a monster." said Olivia..
Beverly and Josie returned
"I don't know how you got this Donnie Ray, but we can't use it, because it's a juvenile record , it's sealed. He was arrested when he was 15 for punching a girl and a guy who was with her..He did a month in Juvenile Hall, then was released.. he didn't get into anymore trouble after that.." said Beverly...
''Look at this..His Father was arrested twice for domestic abuse against his mother." said Josie.
"We can use that!" said Nelson...
"Violence against women was a constant in his life from day one." said Nina..Across town in her lawyers office...Special Prosecutor , Maureen Thomas was looking over the same things..
"My God, this man was a monster... 127 domestic complaints against him...17 written reprimands in his jacket...but no suspensions, no real disciplinary action ever taken against him...It's going to be hard to make this guy seem sympathetic..It's almost like she didn't have a choice...and if I have this information...I know Olivia and Beverly have it too!...Damn, how did I get such a loser of a case...??" she thought.
She sent Lt. Tragg a text asking him to look in Patrolmen Flaherty's file see if there was anything good about him...Any citations, any awards...anything...
She also sent him a bill for her broken bed.
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