Attorney Kathryn Flaherty packed her bags....She was leaving Bill this time for good..She couldn't take any more beatings and certainly no more verbal was taking it's toll on her..
She checked her watch....Her Uber should be coming soon....
Suddenly...She heard his key in the door!!!! He wasn't supposed to be back so soon!!!! NOOOO!! Not now!!
She shoved both of her bags under the bed hastily...
Bill walked in... He was there all six feet five of him...All imposing six foot five of him...
He had been so different in high school...A football hero...Mr. Popular...Then in college...They both majored in Administration of Justice, Pre Law, Trial Advocacy... He barely graduated..He spent a lot of his time in her room trying to make love to her...and when she would duck him to study...He found other young ladies who were willing.
He just barely made it into law school...His father pulled a few strings...but he didn't last the first year..He flunked out!!!! While she went on to finish, graduating with honors..
She passed the bar and worked as a Public defender for awhile and then An Assistant District Attorney
before coming to work at the Women's Law Center..
Bill went to the Police Academy...Graduated and was a patrolman... They hooked up, they got married..
Everything was fine for awhile..Then the beatings started.. He was smart enough to hit her where the public wouldn't see the bruises , but after awhile..He didn't care...She came to work with Sunglasses on, to hide her blackened eyes..Heavy make up to hide her bruised cheekbones..
She left him before..He hired a Private Investigator to find her... He found her , brought her bouquets of
roses...Promised to never strike her again...Then he broke her collarbone...
There was Bill...
"Kathryn...What are you doin Home, You didn't work today?? That's right...You're a never really work... I'm a cop...I'm out there workin baby." he said.
"WHOOAAAAAA!! What is this? Packed Luggage??? You goin somewhere Kathy? You wasn't plannin on running again were you?? Cause I found you before...and I'll find you again..." he said..
Her phone rang....It was her Uber Driver..
He picked it up and answered..
"No , she changed her mind...She aint goin nowhere this afternoon..." he said.
While his back was turned.. She picked up his service revolver and fired one shot into his side.
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" he moaned... "Gotdamnit...You shot me!" he said, spinning around..
She fired four more shots into his chest...He tossed the phone up in the air and fell backwards on the floor...Dead!!! His eyes wide open, staring lifelessly at the ceiling...
We weren't there yet...Our Office manager and her boyfriend, our one time adversary, Assistant District Attorney, Rockland Cambridge were in the kitchen, kissing like two horny teenagers..
''Rockland honey, stoppppppppppppp, you're going to make me spill this hot chocolate...Liv just called me, she and Bev and Donnie Ray are on their way from their litigation...They should be here in a minute now...Don't you have some work to do?" asked Alfreda in between hot, slow and soulful kisses...
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….no..I've got no upcoming court cases or I wouldn't be here...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…" moaned Rockland..
continuing to kiss Alfreda...
''Well cool it lover boy....Save some of that energy for tonight...I'm spending the night with you remember?" said Alfreda..
''Ummmmmm how can I forget...Ohhhhh lord!" he moaned as Alfreda slipped out of his embrace...
"Go over there and sit down...I think you need a moment.." she chided him...She secretly giggled....She couldn't believe she had this much younger man so enthralled with her...He couldn't keep his hands off of her...
Olivia, Beverly and I entered just as Rockland was sitting down at our conference table..
''Heyyyy, we are back....Hey Rockland.." said a smiling Olivia..
"Heyyy Ma...Hi Rockland.."said a cheerful Beverly...
"Hello Ms. Jay.....Hey there Rockland." I said.
"Hello! From the looks on your faces...I take it you guys won your case.."said ADA Rockland Cambridge , who had lost to us about three times and only bested us once...He was relieved that he hadn't had to face us in court again in years....Especially since he was dating Beverly's mother, Alfreda Johnson, who was now our office manager..
"We sure did...they ruled in favor of our client...Our client is very happy and much richer, which makes us, much richer.."said a happy Olivia..
"Where's my hubby? He had a serious litigation downtown too...Him and Josie..They were a few blocks from us..I hope they were successful....It's weird...Robert Foxworth and associates hiring Nelson and Josie as "Consulting Attorneys." I remember when we used to hire Nelson out as a consulting attorney" said Beverly...
"Really/" laughed Bresha, who had stayed behind...She was getting married next week..Olivia didn't want her caught up in any trials whatsoever..
''Yes, really... All these years we hired him and paid them as a consulting attorney...It's nice to be getting those consulting fees from Robert."laughed Olivia..
''What'cha got there Alfreda?" I asked.
"I ordered some Mocha Latte's for everybody...I knew you'd be coming in soon.." she said..
Josie Boyd, our newly engaged Associate Attorney walked in just then..She seemed to be happier than ever now of days..She was closing in on her new home, which was going to be across the street from us...She and Paris were engaged..She couldn't be happier..
"Hi guys, Hi Ms. Alfreda, Hi Rockland. Nelson is on his way.. We had a great litigation...They ruled favorably for our client.. It was sooo nice, not being in court, and being in a nice comfortable conference room downtown for a change." she said..
"Hi Josie."said Rockland...''Myyyy you're glowing now of days.." he remarked.
"Here baby...I bought some Mocha Latte's for you guys.."said Alfreda.
Who passed all of us tumblers of Mocha Latte's...
Nelson walked in just then...He was checking his messages on his phone...He was in a good mood..
He hugged Alfreda and kissed her on the cheek...
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm Hello Ms. Jay. Hey Rockland!" he said..
"Ummmm aren't we in a good mood today!" laughed Alfreda..
"I'm always in a good mood when I win...It was nice stopping by the old office, seeing the guys again.." he said. Nelson next grabbed Beverly...
"Ummmmmm how's my honey bun?" he asked her...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu stop goofball before you make me spill this hot latte. !" Beverly giggled..
Then cooed..."Your honey bun is just fineee…" she said.
He kissed her passionately.....She put her cup down and returned his passion...
"Now he's really in a good mood..."said Olivia... "They settled in your favor huh?" added Olivia..
''Did they? We got more than we originally asked for...The client is very, very pleased with the both of us.."said Nelson...
"As pleased as I am right now?" whispered Beverly , who was hugging him.....
"You hand him a business card?" I joked..
"I sure did."said Nelson laughing...
"Ummmmm, my baby is good for love and business." cooed Beverly....
in between more kisses...
''We've had a good run lately...Won the Clements Murder trial and winning these litigations, perhaps we can relax for awhile.. Maybe get away.. said Olivia.
"Here...Let my daughter go just a minute and try one of these Mocha Latte's..Then you can kiss her all you want!"said Alfreda, smiling.. She had never seen her daughter so deliriously happy.. She Loved Nelson for making Beverly feel that way.
Nelson and Beverly dreamily came up for air....They were still staring in each other's eyes as if in a trance...
''We figured you guys would like this."said Josie.
"Ohhh my god , they smell so good." said Alfreda....
"YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!" said Rockland..
''Yes, really... All these years we hired him and paid them as a consulting attorney...It's nice to be getting those consulting fees from Robert."laughed Olivia..
''What'cha got there Alfreda?" I asked.
"I ordered some Mocha Latte's for everybody...I knew you'd be coming in soon.." she said..
Josie Boyd, our newly engaged Associate Attorney walked in just then..She seemed to be happier than ever now of days..She was closing in on her new home, which was going to be across the street from us...She and Paris were engaged..She couldn't be happier..
"Hi guys, Hi Ms. Alfreda, Hi Rockland. Nelson is on his way.. We had a great litigation...They ruled favorably for our client.. It was sooo nice, not being in court, and being in a nice comfortable conference room downtown for a change." she said..
"Hi Josie."said Rockland...''Myyyy you're glowing now of days.." he remarked.
"Here baby...I bought some Mocha Latte's for you guys.."said Alfreda.
Who passed all of us tumblers of Mocha Latte's...
Nelson walked in just then...He was checking his messages on his phone...He was in a good mood..
He hugged Alfreda and kissed her on the cheek...
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm Hello Ms. Jay. Hey Rockland!" he said..
"Ummmm aren't we in a good mood today!" laughed Alfreda..
"I'm always in a good mood when I win...It was nice stopping by the old office, seeing the guys again.." he said. Nelson next grabbed Beverly...
"Ummmmmm how's my honey bun?" he asked her...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu stop goofball before you make me spill this hot latte. !" Beverly giggled..
Then cooed..."Your honey bun is just fineee…" she said.
He kissed her passionately.....She put her cup down and returned his passion...
"Now he's really in a good mood..."said Olivia... "They settled in your favor huh?" added Olivia..
''Did they? We got more than we originally asked for...The client is very, very pleased with the both of us.."said Nelson...
"As pleased as I am right now?" whispered Beverly , who was hugging him.....
"You hand him a business card?" I joked..
"I sure did."said Nelson laughing...
"Ummmmm, my baby is good for love and business." cooed Beverly....
in between more kisses...
''We've had a good run lately...Won the Clements Murder trial and winning these litigations, perhaps we can relax for awhile.. Maybe get away.. said Olivia.
"Here...Let my daughter go just a minute and try one of these Mocha Latte's..Then you can kiss her all you want!"said Alfreda, smiling.. She had never seen her daughter so deliriously happy.. She Loved Nelson for making Beverly feel that way.
Nelson and Beverly dreamily came up for air....They were still staring in each other's eyes as if in a trance...
"You have something for us? asked Olivia, laughing....
"Fresh out the oven from Cakeman Raven's..It'll go with those Mocha Latte's." said Nelson...
He brought us two boxes of hot doughnuts....The smell wafted all over the room..
"Dig in, everybody!" said Nelson....
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!" squealed Olivia.
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU THANK YOU BABYYYYYY!" squealed Beverly.''We figured you guys would like this."said Josie.
''You figured right."said Bresha..
''Mmmmmmm" I moaned..."Ohhh my god , they smell so good." said Alfreda....
"YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!" said Rockland..
"Five gunshot wounds...Four to the chest and one in the back....They appear to be from his service revolver."
said a Crime Scene Investigator...
"Looks like he bled out....all of the shots were through and through....Bag those shells and tag them boys.." she commanded..
Lieutenant Tragg walked in...
"Oh My Godddd ..Bill... Bill Flaherty...!!!!! Oh My godd....Bill Flaherty...I know this guy...Damn good cop! What was it..B and E?" he asked, kneeling down and looking at the body...
"It appears to have been a domestic dispute Lieutenant...The shooter was his wife, she's over there.."said a Crime Scene Investigator.. "He was shot with his own glock!" he added..
pointing to his service revolver....
Kathryn Flaherty sat in a corner, shell shocked in a night gown.. Her ripped panties and bra were still on the floor by their bed..
''Read her, her rights, cuff her!" Lt. Tragg demanded a uniformed officer to do..
''Don't you care to hear her side of the story? You don't know what happened here."said Dr. Marcy Martin.
Dr. Marcy Martin sighed...Lt. Tragg softened a little bit..
''Did you get married Marcy?" he asked her..
"Yupper...I'm Dr. Marcy Martin now!" she said..
The Body of Patrolman William Flaherty was lifted and put in a white body bag and strapped to a gurney and wheeled out...
We were all in the conference room this morning...
"Thank you all sooo much for the surprise Bridal shower.." gushed Bresha... They had surprised her with a bridal shower... Ms. Yvette,Jessica,, Jazzy, Kayla, Bee Bee, Sofia , Jade and of course , Beverly, Josie and Olivia had surprised her after work with a bridal shower..
Complete with a catered buffett..
Supplied by Alfreda and her caterer.
Chip, Ray,Dabnis,Keith, Kahlil,Gary, Danny Ho, Nelson,Paris and Donnie Ray...
Somebody had to help them eat all of this food.. Only her fiance, Tony Billips wasn't present..
It had been six days since she had seen her fiance, Tony...
She had been staying with Beverly and Nelson in the spare room usually reserved for Josie and Paris when they slept over.....
Tony was blocks away at his apartment..They had made her six days wonderful...She had kept busy and not worried about Tony too much..Except at night...when sometimes she heard Beverly and Nelson, making love late at night...
and wished that was she and Tony...
Beverly and Nelson were the perfect hosts...They sat up watching television or listening to music or just talking until they were tired and then they turned in...It was like a week long slumber party..
Josie had retrieved most of her clothing and had transferred it to her new house across the street...
Paris had put up a substantial amount of cash and had met with Sepia and Bonita to tell them of his intention to marry Josie soon, before settlement was made and
to have his name placed on the morgtage and deed...
A lot of business had transpired in a short period of time...
But life and law goes on... Our doorbell rang that morning...
"Hello Olivia, Beverly...Long time no see." she said.
''Wellll I'll be...Nina!!!....My goodness...How are you?" said Olivia, hugging her old friend and sometimes adversary.
"Hiiiii Nina." said Beverly, hugging her..
"Good Morning ADA Rios." said Nelson...
" Josie was a para-legal the last time I saw you guys...She's now an Attorney.
.and you've added a new attorney.." she said ,pointing to Bresha."Yessss...and both of my girls here are going through major life changes... Josie here is buying a house across the street and she recently got engaged...and Bresha here and her fiance are buying a house on the street caty corned of us and she's getting married next week..." said Olivia, gushing like a proud mama...
We sat around the conference room table..
Olivia and I, Beverly and Nelson sat on one side of the table..
Josie and Bresha sat across the table from us and listened intently as Nina Rios spoke..
"Kathryn Flaherty is a colleague of mine at the Women's law Center..She was there when I started..She showed me the ropes when I first landed there last year....She's been nothing but a friend.. From the beginning I noticed things about her...She could never go out with the girls for drinks after work...and when she did, she couldn't stay long...Her husband, a cop was very anti-social and dismissive of the work we do...He had flunked out of law school and was very dismissive of lawyers in general..When he was around, he made dismissive remarks and turned everybody off.I noticed bruises on her legs and her back once ...I didn't ask her about them, but when she started wearing heavy make the summer and aviator sunglasses that were tinted....I did notice..She had blacked eyes...swollen eyes, swollen lips..swollen and bruised cheeks...She was being beaten and bruised..
She wouldn't talk about it... She vanished for a few days....Her husband came down to the office, screaming and hollering so much that we had to have security remove him. He hired a private investigator to find her... He found her and he broke her collarbone..
All of this is documented, including one call where police had to seperate them...
The night before last, their turbulent marriage ended... She took his service revolver and shot him four times ,killing him!!!....She's in the women's detention center charged with Capital Murder..." said Nina..
Her story triggered something inside of me...I got a sick feeling to my stomach.. I had to get up and walk outside...
Olivia, Beverly and Nelson all looked at me with concern...They could see I was concerned..
''She told me-
"He had been so different in high school...A football hero...Mr. Popular...
Then in college...We both majored in Administration of Justice, Pre Law, Trial Advocacy... He barely graduated..
He spent a lot of his time in my room trying to screw me and wanting to spend the night..and when I would duck him so I could study...He found other young ladies who were willing.
He just barely made it into law school...His father pulled a few strings...but he didn't last the first year..He flunked out!!!!
While sI went on to finish, graduating with honors.. he sulked like a big baby.
I passed the bar and worked as a Public defender for awhile and then An Assistant District Attorney
before coming to work at the Women's Law Center..
Bill went to the Police Academy...Graduated and was a patrolman...
We hooked up again, We got married..
Everything was fine for awhile..Then the beatings started..
He was smart enough to hit me where the public wouldn't see the bruises , but after awhile..He didn't care...You saw me Nina, I came to work with Sunglasses on, to hide my blackened eyes..Heavy make up to hide my bruised cheekbones.. I left him before..
He hired a Private Investigator to find me. He found me , brought me bouquets of
roses...Promised to never strike me again...Then he broke my collarbone...
His new thing was raping me when he got angry, ripping my panties completely off, my bra too and just taking me....He did it at home...He did it at work the ladies lounge..he didn't care who came in...It's as if he resented me because I became a lawyer and he flunked out...and he got cut from the football team in college...He was no longer Mr. Popular." she said.
"THAT IS UNBELIEVABLE!" said Nelson, who appeared angry...
''What do you need Nina?? Just Ask!" said Olivia.
"OHHHHH MY GODDDD!" said Josie..
"AND HE WAS A COP???" said Bresha....
''YEAH!!! He sounds like a clown that was on the New Orleans Police Department when I was there.. I put his ass in jail...Unfortunately....Your friend gave this guy justice, before I could get to him." I said, not realizing how angry I sounded or that my hands were shaking..
Olivia and Beverly both rubbed my back and hugged me..
I went down to central booking.. and there was Lt. Tragg screaming at her....
Kathy was a wreck...She had her hands over her ears and she was shaking..crying profusely...
Kathy was a wreck...She had her hands over her ears and she was shaking..crying profusely...
Lt. Tragg in addition to being a butthead, is a bully....
I came in....I put my arms around her...and I looked at Lt. Tragg and said.
I came in....I put my arms around her...and I looked at Lt. Tragg and said.
"Nina, what are you doing here? You prosecuting this case?" asked Lt. Tragg...
He stormed out of the office and slammed the door so hard...he cracked the glass...
"I got her arraigned by Judge Crawford...Your boyfriend Liv... He kept asking me what color were my panties and what kind did I have on...Bikini or thong...I was outraged he would ask me a question like that...I completely ignored him.
"You shouldn't have to do that! I'm surprised no one has reported him" said Olivia sternly..
"No you shouldn't."said Beverly...
"I might have slapped his face." said Bresha..
I brought in six charactor witnesses...All I could bring forth on such short notice.. I argued that she was an attorney and a victim of spousal abuse... and that she has no police record whatsoever and should be granted reasonable bail..
Judge Crawford Denied her bail and now she's at the Women's detention center...Valhalla." said Nina.
''Don't worry about that...We can work that out later...Tomorrow...Tomorrow..
"Are you kidding? It's Thursday....You're getting married Saturday.. You can't be involved in this ." said Olivia.
"I've been a prosecutor my entire career as an Assistant District Attorney....This is a little over my head Liv..I need your help....I can pay you..."said a desperate Nina.
Beverly, Donnie Ray, Nelson , Josie and I will go to see her.." said Olivia..
"Heyyyyyyyy I want in on this." said Bresha..with a fake pout!
I watched out the window as the leaves began to fall off the trees...
I was quiet until it got dark...
I hadn't even noticed that Olivia had gotten undressed and was wearing my favorite lace baby doll..
She wrapped her arms around me and whispered..
''What's wrong with my baby?"
I smiled...
"Olivia, about a year before I even met you..I had a partner...She was a lot like you...Black, sexy, smart...vivacious...So full of life...We cracked a lot of cases...We complimented each other...We were a ahhh a Black version of Benson and Stabler on Law and Order ....She was my partner for three years...She was with me through the heartbreak of both times I got left at the alter..She was there for me..
Shame I couldn't be there for her...When Nina was talking it brought back memories.. It was the same thing...she married a guy, A Patrolman just like this clown..
She always made excuses...She fell down the steps...She ran into a wall...I knew it was bullshit...I wanted to go clean this guy's clock for him, but he was her husband and she protected him....made excuses for him...
One night, he beat her...kicked her a little too hard..her spleen ruptured and she died on the way to the hospital..
I went looking for him....I found him...I was this close to pulling the trigger...but in the end....I didn't...I took him in...ALIVE! and unharmed...He confessed..
He's on Louisiana's Death Row....for executing my partner...
I never had another partner the rest of the time I was on the New Orleans Police Department..." I said solemnly...
Olivia hugged me..
''Did you love her Donnie Ray? she whispered softly...
"Not like I love you....but the way you love a member of the family...She was my friend.." I said quietly...

Olivia held me tightly for a little while while we both stared out the window..
She turned and I stared at her..She did look good tonight...''You do the same for me.." she whispered...
I eagerly unhooked her bra , and slid her panties down...
"You are sooo silly." she laughed. "I bought these from Panties Galore!" she said.
I pulled her to me and dropped my trousers...Hiked her babydoll up and bent her over the sink..
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!" she moaned as I entered her..
"I've been needing you to do this all day " she said.
"I'm at your damn service baby!" I moaned as we went at it hard for about AN HOUR!
"YESSSSSSSSSSSS! , you're about to get it" I moaned..
I was near delerium!
"YES.....YES....YESSSSSSS..OHHH YESSSSSS! GIVE IT TO ME!!! YESSSSS , GIVE IT TO ME STRONG!! UMMMMMM GIVE IT TO ME!" Olivia demanded as we wound up on the living room floor for TWO HOURS....really going at it...I did my best to oblige her..
I lifted her petite body up and began long stroking her..
We fell on to our huge couch , where we made love feverishly....
Another TWO HOURS passed by..This was the ride of my life...I didn't know if I was coming or going..She was still so soft, so wet, smelled so good...Kissed me soooo softly....
She took me by the hand and led me into our bedroom where we undressed..
''Let me take care of you!" she said softly
"Ummmmmmmmmm you feel so gooood!" she exclaimed in between butter soft kisses..
"OOOOOOHHHHHHH, SO DO YOUU!" I moaned. she was riding me slowly , softly like a surfer rides the waves.,.
and then for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS, we were in bed ,making slow, sweet love..
Downstairs, Nelson and Beverly
were on the couch kissing until they couldn't stand it anymore...
and then for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS, we were in bed ,making slow, sweet love..
Downstairs, Nelson and Beverly
were on the couch kissing until they couldn't stand it anymore...
Bresha wasn't with them tonight...She was in West Philly at her Aunt's house..
Clothing came off, Boxers, Panties and Bras came off.
and Nelson lifted her petite body up and long stroked her in the corner...Beverly's loud howls of pleasure resonated outside the window.. She admired Nelson's stamina.. He held her up like that for THREE HOURS!
and Nelson lifted her petite body up and long stroked her in the corner...Beverly's loud howls of pleasure resonated outside the window.. She admired Nelson's stamina.. He held her up like that for THREE HOURS!
Beverly was soft and wet and smelled good....She kissed him slowly with butter soft kisses...He was close to exploding..
Their soft sweet moans could be heard if you stood close to the window..So could Olivia and I.
Nelson was going to town...He had Beverly on the living room floor..
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" cooed Beverly loudly...ANOTHER TWO HOURS passed by,,
Beverly had Nelson hollering too!
She was riding him! slowly, softly like a surfer rides the waves on their couch...
While at Vahalla...The women's detention center....Kathryn Flaherty, beaten down and abused...laid down in her cell for the night..
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