Monday, January 31, 2022

Little Girl Lost

 PRELUDE- A Parking Lot in Bayside, a suburb of Philadelphia. LAST NIGHT!

Private Investigator, Jay Stevens approaches a car in a dimly lit parking lot.

"Okay, called me , told me you had information on the girl.. where is she?" asked Jay.

The driver of the car said nothing..He looked straight ahead..

The man in the passenger seat smiled.

He produced a gun with a silencer and fired two shots, hitting Jay in the chest and killing him instantly..

He was dead before his body hit the asphalt.

The car immediately sped off into the night..


Homicide Detective Barbara Hutton was on the scene...She had on latex gloves...

"He took two slugs to the chest ....There was nobody around...This parking lot was slated to be closed off for construction..." she said.

She rifled through his pockets and found a Drivers License and an I.D.

"He's from Philly and he's a Private Investigator...His name is James Stevens..." she said.

"We found two shell casings Detective,,,.38 smokeless it looks like."said a C.S.I. man...

"The car had it's air conditioner on...See this fluid here?  It was idling, waiting for him...and see the skid marks? Get somebody out here to get a plaster model of those tire tracks and put a team on the street cams around here and the traffic cams." she said.. She looked at the body and shook her head.. "Bag him and tag him." she said.

She watched as the body was put in a body bag and carted off.. Just another homicide in Bayside.


"I'm Kevin Morris.. I own a communications conglomerate..Morris Communications

which operates out of this building.. We have two or three Magazines, Local Newspapers and a Music and Video Streaming service as well as Web Based Radio Stations and Television stations..We own a recording studio and a small studio that films commercials and videos... I employ about 900 people .

In the sub-basement of this building is my agency, Morris Investigations, where I employ 39 administrative people, specially vetted and employ 7 men with backgrounds in the intelligence community as operatives...This is my second career..I'm a Licensed Private Investigator.

I've been thinking about moving my entire operation to this new building...The Bridge.. seems as though I spend a lot of time there..

I'm the go to guy for Attorneys Jasmine "Jazzy" Coley and Kayla Bennett St. Jacques when they need an investigator..

Their recomendations have led to their husbands, Attorney Ray St. Jacques and Dabnis Coley, also Attorneys and new Attorney Tony Billips using my services when they have been in need of an investigator. They also work in this building.

Jessica Sanchez-Burrows and her Husband Charles "Chip"Burrows, Attorneys for the Innocence Project who also worked in this building hired me from time to time too...

The building's newest tenents were also friends and sometimes clients of mine.

Attorney Yvette Jones -Lockwood  had recently been made partner at her firm ,McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt.. She wound up with her own office in this building and was able to bring her staff along.

Attorneys Keith Jones, His wife, Attorney Beatrice "Bee Bee" Evans-Jones,  Sofia Garcia  -Ahmed and her husband, Kahlil Ahmed.
They had a fine investigator, Jade Lee, who I had worked with before.. But sometimes she got a little overwhelmed working on different cases for these guys and I came in and pinch hit for them on several occassions.

Did I mention, my wife, Sepia, a realtor ,sold each one of these people mentioned , their homes.

They all lived on the same block or near each other.. And they all worked in the same building..That was a lot of togetherness..

My wife sold Attorney Olivia Bennett-Alexander her present property..

I did investigative work for her and Beverly and introduced them to Josie when they were just starting out... A lot has changed since then.  Olivia and Beverly have put Josie through law school and added her and Beverly's husband on as attorneys...Olivia has married an ex-homicide detective, Donnie Ray Alexander, who is their principal investigator and added a new attorney, Bresha Billips and an office manager, Alfreda Johnson, Beverly's mother to her staff.

Me and several of my operatives electronically sweep their entire property several times a week...

Due to Lt. Tragg and another Private Investigator named Bert Vandenberg attempting to bug their property at different times.

Yes life was good for me.. My business was booming...and my other line of work was good too.. Working for all of these great attorneys...

I didn't do too much dangerous work that involved me being on the streets much anymore..

This morning when I came to work..I had a pretty visitor..someone I hadn't seen in awhile..

Detective Barbara Hutton, A Homicide Detective from Bayside, a suburb of Philadelphia.

"Hi Kevin.." she said.

"Babs....How are you?" I said and hugged her.

"You know how it is Kevin.. The worst day of someone's life is a day I stay employed." she said.

"That's a rather interesting way to look at it." I said and laughed..

"How is Sepia and your daughter?" she asked.

"So what brings you here?" I asked. I knew it wasn't a social visit.

She put a photo on my desk..

"Know him?" she asked.

"I've met him...Jay Stevens,We used to travel in the same circles.. Him being a Private Investigator, like myself. Why? What's up?" I asked.

"HE'S DEAD! He was murdered last night...In Bayside.. I could use your help..I know that his killer was driving a brown 1966 Bonneville that was reported stolen in Philadelphia a week ago.. We found it.
It had been washed and bleached down, no prints, no DNA." said Barbara.

"That means your killer was a pro..."I said.

''Right! That's all I have to go on right now.."said Barbara Hutton.  "I know whoever killed him was someone he was meeting with.." she added.

''What was he working on?" I asked.

"I can answer that..."came the voice of Bonnie Shay, an attorney and insurance investigator who had worked with me on several cases in the past.

"Oh Hiiiiiiiii Bonnie girrrrrrl!" said Barbara Hutton.
"Hiiiiiiiiii Barbaraaa." said Bonnie as they hugged each other. "He was looking for a girl, A girl named Morgana Sykes...She's heir to a 100 million dollar fortune.. She's the ward of a client of our insurance company..Our client wanted her located..I had two other investigations going and a court date...I farmed out this assignment to Jay...He was getting close.. I last talked to him two days before he was killed...He told me hew was on to something...Now he's dead.. I feel bad..because that was supposed to be MY investigation...I want answers...That's why I came to you Kevin..I thought we might work together."said Bonnie.
"I want to solve my murder...I think the three of us can work together..I'm so glad this murder occurred in Bayside.. They'll be no interference from that butthead Lt. Tragg."said Barbara.

"You wouldn't have to worry about him anyway...He got himself in trouble.. He's been transferred to the Marine Unit..

He won't be around for awhile.." I said.

"I know Sissy and the guys are loving it!"said Barbara,

"EVERYBODY LOVES IT!" I said as we all laughed.


It was nice to meet in Sam Mother's Diner...

We had Burgers and Grill Cheese Sandwiches..

"First Off...I'm going to check his Philadelphia and Bayside Residence...See if he left any notes on what he was working on and who he was  talking to..."I said.

''I'm going to hit my sources..See who in the area is involved with stolen cars...Try to run down who was in the market for one..It might get me closer to the shooter.."said Babs..

"Kevin, I think you and I should check out the woman who this girl was the legal ward to..Our client." said Bonnie.

"See how easy this was? I hate to bring him up...but old butthead never wanted to work with anyone else..In my early days as a P.I. ,I tried to give him information on criminals...he wouldn't take it..He'd blow me off..That's how I met and began working with Sissy." I said.

We looked around..the place was packed like it never was before.

All of my attorney friends and their significant others were spread out all over the place.. It was like a couples afternoon get together.. Jazzy and Dabnis, Kayla and Ray, Jessica and Chip , New Attorney Tony Billips ,husband of Olivia and Beverly's newest attorney ,Bresha Billips, My girl, Josie and her husband, Paris, Beverly and Nelson, Olivia and Donnie Ray, Yvette and Gary, who didn't often get to eat together because he worked at City Hall and now she and her guys were down near Penns Landing, same thing with Jade Lee and her new husband, Lt. Danny Ho, Keith and Bee Bee, Sofia and Kahlil, they all were spread out and loving it..No Lt. Tragg to brow beat them and whine and complain about a case they might be working on and how they were wrong to be defending a certain person or wanting to know what if anything new they knew.  No one wanted to be bothered with that when they were trying to eat.

Even Sissy and her guys came by and stopped by our table to say hi. Sissy was with her husband, Eddie C, ADA Keith wallace was with his wife, Carlotta, Sirena and her husband Rico, Jimmy Barlow and his wife, and my childhood friend, Angie were here, Hop and Sharon, and Duke Baylor and his wife, Hazel rounded out the crowd...They never ate here anymore either.. It felt good seeing them...I hadn't worked a case with them in awhile.

These people hadn't been in here in months..Sam Mother loved it..

Even my wife Sepia and her partner Bonita walked in...

"Heyyy Hubby!  Bonnie girl... Barbara, how are you...."said Sepia.

"Hey Guys, Mind if we join you?" asked Bonita.

"Noooooo..Nooo, pull up a seat.." said Barbara Hutton..

''Join us.."said Bonnie.

Wasn't I the lucky man, Lunch with all of these fine women.. Lt. Tragg should go out on that boat more often..

Sam Mother thought so too!


Bonnie and I found Jay's  Bayside neighborhood and we entered his apartment..  It was a good thing we got on this fast...

We found his appointment book. It had several names of people he had called. Among other things..

"This can help us..It's got a world of information.." I said tossing Bonnie the notebook.

She slipped it in her pocketbook..

"Here are two quarters...Go down to your car and pay the meter." I said.

"Okay Kevin.." she said.  She slipped down the back stairs..She had left just in the knick of time..

Two men slipped into the room..One had a gun with a silencer..He put the nozzle right behind my head.

"Open that drawer..let me see what you found ace." he said.

I slowly opened it..

He looked around.. We had already hit pay dirt.. We had the book, which I suspected he was looking for..

"You see..Nothing..." I said.

"Somebody was here with you..Where are they.?" he asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about.." I said..

He cocked the gun..I knew I was about to get shot., I ducked down and turned the dresser drawer into him, blocking him and I slammed his hand with the gun down hard, causing him excrutiating pain and causing him to drop it..

I kicked the second man in his chest so hard he fell through the door and out into the hall.

"OOOOOF!" he moaned..

The other man, the gun man was angry and he was strong too.
He was  a big hulking figure in a dark suit .He placed  a garrotte around my neck and was squeezing hard....

He was my  age, but strong as hell..He was squeezing the breath out of me and practically lifting me off of the ground...I took what strength I had left and kicked him in his groin as hard as I could...He grunted, but he loosened up his hold just enough for me to elbow him in his jaw, snapping his head back and sending him flying...

I didn't have the time to catch my breath before he was heading toward me....He, was silent, didn't waste a lot of time talking..I liked that.

I landed some good lefts and rights to his body, but he was equally good with his hands...he landed some good lefts and rights to mine...I countered and landed some lefts and rights to his face, but he equaled me with some well placed lefts and rights to mine...

What I had in my favor was that he was out of shape and I could feel him getting winded...I cracked him hard in his jaw and saw blood trickle from his mouth...I cracked him again and saw the sweat fly off of his face...I hit him in his stomach and he bent down in obvious pain..I landed some more lefts and rights to his jaw which sent him into the wall...and down on the  floor..He lay there for a minute...still conscious and  breathing heavy...I was holding my neck and still gasping for air...

 I was trying to catch my breath when he got ahold of his  gun, a .38 smokeless with a home made silencer, he had it drawn and aimed it at me...I pulled my .38 smokeless out and spun around..I got down on one knee and aimed...and fired about five times...

He pitched forward and fell out of the window ,into the street...

His buddy had got himself together and was pulling out a knife and about to throw it, when he was hit in the back with two gunshots!!

Bonnie Shay also had a .38 smokeless and was as deadly a shot as me..

"Kevin, you alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, but whoever our assailants are aren't going to be able to tell us anything." I said.

Part of me was glad we weren't Philadelphia and extremely glad we were working with Homicide Detective, Barbara Hutton ,who was on the scene.

"This gun might be a match for my homicide..I'll know for sure in a few hours.."she said.

Bonnie passed Barbara the notebook we confiscated..

"Our two playmates were looking for this apparently." said Bonnie.

"Yeah...and were willing to kill for it."I said.

The Police bagged the Knife and the gun used by the two dead killers...

We watched as the bodies of both would be killers were wheeled off..

"Thanks for your help tonight guys...Go home to your spouses.. Get some rest...Let's meet tomorrow in Sam Mothers and we'll talk." said Barbara.

I looked up at the moon...
"It is late..Alright..I'll see you both in the morning., Come on Bon Bon."I said.
"Good Night Babs."said Bonnie.


I arrived at home a little after one...Sepia was still up... It was rare now of days she had to sit up late and wait for me.. I was usually home at no later than 5:00 pm on most nights.
"New Case huh? seeing Barbara Hutton and Bonnie sitting with you at lunch, I kinda figured as much.."said Sepia.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Oh yeah...I'm fine.. but not as fine as you are in that damn dress.. I'm glad you still have it on.."I said.

"Ouuu you like it huh?" she laughed..

We had two hot heaping cuts of tea...

I couldn't keep my eyes off of Sepia , who seemed to get sexier with each day.. I followed her hungrilly up the stairs to our room.

We kissed om the hallway outside of our room for a long while..Sepia took me by the hand and led me inside...

".Here , help me with my zipper." she said. As I unzippered her dress and watched as she stepped out of it.

"I bought some new panties and this matching bra yesterday.You like?" she asked..

My eyes were bulging out of their sockets...

"I take it that's a yes." she giggled.


"Ohhhhhhhh stoppppp!" she giggled.

I ran my hands down into her panties and kissed her butter soft lips..

 I  gently unhooked Sepia's bra and slipped her panties down....

"You are sooooo silly....and so horny....Look at you....OUUUUUUUU!" she laughed.. 

We stood in the doorway, kissing passionately...

"Ohhhhh my god Sepia." I moaned..

"How long we've known each other Kevin???, You act like we are doing it for the first time, like you're seeing my body for the first time.. Look at you, all hard and big...OUUUUUUU!" she cooed.

"Your body seems as if it's getting sexier every coming day" I said..

''Awwwwwwwwwwww, thank you."
she said.

"WOW!" I  said...

"Oh My lord, you are HUGE! ....." marveled Sepia as I sat her on our dresser drawer ,opened her legs and got up under her like a mechanic.


''How long have you been knowing me, and getting this?" I asked.

"I know right?....Wouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Look at you....What am I going to do with all that?" she exclaimed, putting her hands over her mouth...and giggling with excitement...

This got Me very excited..

I  tossed her on the bed...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  Kevin" she gasped... 

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph."I groaned in my low baritone as the bed began to squeak and the headboard began to rattle..

''Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!  baby!" she squealed..

  I  lifted her up!


"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU TALK TO ME DADDDDDDYYYYYY!!!!OHHHH MYYYYY" cooed Sepia . I was nearly to her stomach, she gasped..

We were back in the bed now, going at each other strongly.....



The bed was squeaking loud now and the headboard was slamming hard against the wall...

THREE TO FOUR HOURS slowly drifted by..

"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!  OHHHH  Kevin!!!, you aren't making any


"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu say my name baby...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she cooed deliriously....

"JOANNE....OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I  moaned..saying her actual name!


THREE TO FOUR MORE HOURS PASSED  before I came and came hard....and Sepia's  legs began to quiver and then shake...her head turned from side to side and tears streamed down the side of her face..She was crying like a little girl....She was having ,she believed her fourth intense orgasm and just crying like a baby...

Sepia continued kissing Me and rubbing my penis until it hardened again....

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu there it is! OUUUU Look at that!!!" she said..





I  was engaged and on her again....



"YES!!! YES...OH YESSSSS!"I moaned.. I didn't know if I  was coming or going...

"UMMMMMMMMMMM HUSBAND! "she cooed...She was having her fifth and sixth intense orgasms...




THREE TO FOUR  MORE HOURS drifted by....Sepia was sitting on me, riding me hard.....

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW LAWWWWWWWWWWWD!" I moaned as I began to cum like a gusher...


I  lie in between her legs....exhausted...

Sepia wouldn't let me sleep , She continued kissing me , rubbing my still erect penis...keeping it hard..

''Another ride?" she cooed..



We were at it again...The Bed was squeaking out of control...….The headboard was slamming against the wall...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu HUSBANDDDD!!!!!!!, It it feels so good!" she cooed..




We were standing in the middle of the floor now, I was long stroking her..


"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HOOOO HOOO HOOO HOOO HOOOOOO, Aye...Ayeeeeeeee, Ayeeeee, Ay yi yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii….OH MY GOD ...OUUUUU!  ayyyee, aye yi yiiiiii" she screamed.

We were back in bed...going at it slower..



"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu lover...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu this is soooooooo
nice...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..YOU LIKE IT DADDY?" she cooed softly..

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" I moaned as I came again like a gusher...

I  lie in between Sepia's legs, exhausted....too exhausted to move...Sepia was  totally satisfied...She had never had this many orgasms and such strong ones at that...She held my head head in her arms..She smiled serenely....


Both Bonnie and I looked like we had a night of great sex....

Detective Hutton smiled when she saw us.. It was near noon!

''Woww, look at you two. I wish I was married...Hell, I wish I had a boyfriend..." she laughed as our breakfasts arrived. 

She was a very sexy and attractive woman. I was surprised she didn't have a boyfriend.

We all ordered Pancakes, Hash Browns, Bacon , Orange Juice and Coffee.

"The gun your assailant was using is a match for Jay Stevens murder.. Your assailant is a killer for hire out of Detroit...and more than likely, Jay's murderer...So my murder is down. The other killer with the knife was the driver, a local Philly hood."said Barbara.

"But I know you Babs, you're like me, You like Games and you like to see how games are being played and who is playing those games...You want to know who this girl is he was looking for and why someone killed him when he got too close and went back to his apartment to find out who he was talking to about the girl don't you?" I said, smiling.

"You're right. For me this isn't over." said Barbara.

"Me neither." said Bonnie.

"Then the hunt is still on." I said.

Indeed it was.!