Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Health And Wellness

 Yvette and her crew didn't eat in Sam Mother's Diner much anymore.. but it was close to work and Gary Lockwood

Yvette's husband did eat there...

This morning, he was enjoying a New York Strip Steak, eggs ,hash browns and hot coffee.

Lt. Tragg walked in and naturally, Gary being the only person he knew..He sat down next to him..

"That looks good Lockwood.." he said, admiring him eating his food.

Gary knew he had come to ask him about his wife.. He had wished he had finished his food and got out of here sooner.. Most people who knew Lt. Tragg felt that way when he was around. Those few weeks he had been on that Marine Boat had been heaven, pure heaven.

He knew Lt. Tragg wanted information on Yvette and her latest case.. He seemed to remember a conversation in this very diner.. a year ago,, It was day just like today..

Gary was having himself a big breakfast and eating alone as it were.

He was chowing down..

Pancakes, Sausage, Hash Browns, Orange Juice and Hot Coffee....Just as he was starting to eat, Lt. Tragg sat down across from him..Just like today., It was almost Deja Vu except for the meal.

"Gary...Garrrrrrrry Lockwood, Lt. Gary Lockwooooood!" he said.

Gary ignored him and chowed down on his pancakes and sausages...and sipped his coffee..
"How is married life?   After chasing her for years you finally got Vettie huh? And she's very pretty and very persuasive..

and she's got a talented group of people working with her..

I uh understand they live down the street from where you and Vettie are living now!....So I imagine you guys socialize, talk, shop together..what have you.. You don't uh ever give them information on any cases they are working on do you?  You know you work for the D.A.'s Office. I don't have to remind you of that of course!" said Lt. Tragg.

"No you do not! I work for Rockland Cambridge...

If you noticed...He's been winning a number of cases lately and none of them have been against Yvette and her attorneys...I also work for Assistant District Attorney, Karen Page,

Wrongful Conviction Unit..When Yvette and Company or Olivia and Beverly are trying a case for that Unit, I occassionally do share information with them, but that's it..I told Yvette when we first started dating that she needed an investigator of her own..That I couldn't help her...
And that's how they got Jade..Jade was on loan to the department some years back when she worked for Hong Kong Homicide.. She and I and others worked a case here..She was back in the states and looking for a job and I steered her to Yvette, who hired her...Helped her get her citizenship.. Jade does all of their investigating...I have nothing to do with their findings...I know my limits.."said Gary.
"You and Vettie don't uh Pillow Talk?" he asked..

Gary thought about Yvette last night and smiled slightly, thinking of the near marathon sex they had been having..






on all floors of their house.
"I'm a newly married man...I'm married to a very attractive, sexy woman...Talking about our jobs is the last thing on my mind at night..."said Gary as he sipped his coffee..

"Good deal...I certainly understand that...because you always were a good cop and you know how these things work."said Lt. Tragg, who tossed a couple of dollars on the table.   He liked Gary..

"Your Breakfast is on me." he said as he got up and walked out..

Gary smiled and shook his head..

"Thanks for the Breakfast.." he said and smiled.

Which brings us to today!

"How's Vettie now of days?  I have been up to their office.. They're never there." asked Lt. Tragg.

"They've been very Busy...Working a lot of out of court litigations...The Kids are working with a lot of other attorneys, Innocence Project, Wrongful Convictions , a few cases with Olivia and Beverly that involve out of court settlements, some federal cases..They are pretty busy.," said Gary, finishing up his food.

"I think her kids went rogue on her..Took on a case without telling her and she had to come and bail them out..Only she couldn't because this one is a stone loser.."said Lt. Tragg.,

"Oh yeah? I wouldn't know about it." said Gary.

"You're Lying...You're married...I know you two talk..What's goin on? How come she and her kids are never in their office? Where are they now?" he asked.

Gary smiled, but said nothing.. He paid Sam his bill...and left a tip..

"Goodbye Lieutenant, Some of us have work to do." he said as he quietly left..

Lt. Tragg wasn't paying for breakfast today... He was too angry at not having his questions answered.


We were at the moment at the Women's Correctional Center known as Valhalla.

We were in the waiting room with our client..

Sarita looked better..She had slept in a bed most of the night and been allowed to shower this morning..

We brought A thermos full of coffee, Bagels and cream cheese and jelly.. and hot freshly baked doughnuts.

We also brought bottles of water.

"You guys are angels.." said Sarita Moreno, who devoured the Bagels and Doughnuts with us, Quaffed down the coffee and the waters...

''Glad to see you're doing better...Sorry we couldn't get you out of  jail...but this Correctional center is a lot better than "The Cooler" said Ms. Yvette.
"Yeah, at least you have a real bed and a pillow."said Bee Bee.
"You look a lot better..We figured you could use a taste from home." said Sofia.

"Cakeman Raven Right?" said Sarita..
"You're on the money." I said.
"Glad you're feeling better." said Kahlil.

Jade  was not with us on this trip but she had done a thorough breakdown on our client..

Sarita Moreno

Born in Philadelphia PA.

Graduated from Olney High School

B.A.-Sociology, Temple University

Master Business Administration-Temple University

Community Activist and Fund raiser

Taught Sociology briefly at Temple University

Taught Business and Social Justice at Middleton School of Law, Bayside ,PA.

Served one term on Philadelphia City Council

Unsuccessful run for Mayor

Manager and Founder of the Richardson Community Development Collective.

She received Federal, State and  City funds...She successfully attracted Businesses to the Fishtown and Northern Liberties communities..

New Homes, New Condos, Apartments and Lofts were being built because of the RCDC...

"Sarita, what happened? Tell me everything, don't leave anything out...Remember..This is just between you and us..We represent you."said Yvette.

"My life was into uplifting my community....That's why I studied so hard in school, went to Temple and got two graduate degrees, Worked hard registering people to vote, Why I was so proud of Sofia and Beatrice, two neighborhood girls who made something out of themselves.. They and another friend of theirs was awarded scholarships so they could attend college... I was so proud of them when they graduated from law school..

I founded the Richardson Community Development Collective with Tony Richardson, the late Community Activist who helped me when I was just starting out...I got talented people in the community to help us advocate and get grants and loans, to build and rehab, low income housing, homes, apartments, condos, lofts just like Chris and Chess did in your community... We were working on bringing a Grocery Co-Operative into the community when I noticed we were missing a lot of the grant money that we had been awarded..

I found an attorney who is also a forensic accountant named Lawrence Stevenson...and he did a forensic audit....

It led to an assistant project manager named William Baldwin.. He had embezzled over 100 thousand dollars within the past year to pay off his gambling debts here in Philadelphia

and Atlantic City.

At first he lied and said he didn't know what I was talking about... He did put 25 thousand dollars of the money he took back.

I demanded that he put it all back... He said he was going to put another 50 thousand back..." said Sarita.

"He was lying to you...At the time of his death...He had $2500.00 in his bank account, total, Checking and savings."I said.
"Jade checked all of that out and he was in debt to some Philly Gamblers.." said Kahlil..

"I know..Mr. Stevenson had told me.. That's why I got so mad at him... I fired him...I told him to clear my desk out, but I don't understand why I got THAT mad, why I pulled that Meat Cleaver out and plunged it in his chest....I have never gotten that angry, that out of control before..

A cold chill went down Ms. Yvette's back... I didn't know how we could save her...She did kill this man, 
She did snap...Ms. Yvette wasn't sure she should be out on the street..

"You always carry a meat cleaver in your purse Sarita ?" asked Bee Bee , who also had a cold chill down her spine.

"NO!!! I don't remember taking that out of my house...I don't know why I had it!" said Sarita, who grabbed her head..

"OHHHHHH MY HEAD!! IT FEELS LIKE IT IS EXPLODING!" she said and grabbed her head..

Sofia gave her some water and another aspirin..

"Here ,Sarita , drink this.." said Sofia.

Yvette rubbed her back...

"That's enough for today...Don't get stressed... Go back to your cell and get some sleep.. We'll be in touch ." she said and she motioned for us to leave..

Meanwhile at RDC Headquarters, 

Jade was finishing up interviewing the employees and checking out the crime scene...

Lt. Tragg showed up...


"My Job! Looks like you're doing yours too for a change." she said and laughed.

"Keep it up ,Just keep it up...I'm going to pull your license yet...." he snarled..

"Promises, Promises." laughed Jade as she walked past him and left..


Back at our building..

Ms Yvette laid out the situation to us..

"Look, she did it...She killed this man, they have six good eyewitnesses, She's admitted it, but there is something wrong with her...You can all see it.. The headaches, the right arm shaking...The loss of memory..This goes beyond diminished capacity." said Ms. Yvette.

"Wayyy behind it.. I'm suspecting some type of mental illness..I really am. I didn't want to upset her by asking about it today."said Sofia.

"There is a Psycho-Therapist...he's really good..His name is Dr. Charles Oakley... 
Olivia and Beverly represented one of his patients...a clinical sociopath who was charged with killing her own brother.
Turns out she actually was innocent, but was a sociopath that he had been treating for years...He's brilliant."said Bee Bee.

"We need to find him and have him take a look at her..." I said.

''What is our goal here? If she really killed this guy are we  trying to put her back on the street? I'm not trying to be cold, but we usually defend people who are actually innocent...I mean, she confessed to us that she did it."said Kahlil.

"I know...I know...I was kind of afraid sitting in there listening to her talk, but like Ms. Yvette said, this is something more..This isn't, I snapped or we were in a fight and in the heat of passion I killed him..This is more like..I can't help myself...I don't know why I did this." said Sofia.

"And if I don't get help...I might do it again."said Bee Bee.

"We want to explore every option, give her the best legal defense possible, get her some help."said Yvette.
"I'm there for it."said Kahlil.
"I am too!" I said.

Jade walked in...

"I interviewed all of the employees and the six eyewitnesses as well..Their story holds, she did it!
He , the victim was an elitist jerk and an embezzler. He was in debt to Philly Gamblers and Atlantic City Gamblers... He had just paid all of his debts off and was back into further debt." said Jade.

"We are going to hire a well known Psycho Therapist to examine her...We were with her yesterday and today and there is definitely something on with her...Physically and Mentally." said Ms. Yvette.

"Oh Myyyy!" said Jade.


Dr. Charles Oakley appeared in our office...

"Nice Office you guys have here..Nice Building." he said.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice Dr. Oakley... My good friend, Attorney Olivia Bennett-Alexander sang your praises." said Yvette.

''Yes..I worked a case with Olivia and her team three years ago...They represented a patient of mine, A clinical sociopath accused of murder.  She was actually innocent, believe it or not...but from what you've told me your case is a little different." he said.

"It's very differemt.... I believe my client has a problem with cognition....Memory, Motor and Impulse control." said Yvette.

''She has headaches, debilitating headaches."said Bee Bee.

''And her hands shakes...She has a problem signing her name..She couldn't even hold the pen at one point."said Kahlil..

"Hmmmmmmm, where is your client now?" he asked.

''She is currently incarcerated at Valhalla Women's Correctional Facility..charged with murder."said Sofia.

''OHHHHHH I SEE...Well, I need to interview her and I need to do it sooner rather than later.. She may need a CAT SCAN....I won't know until I actually see this young lady, but she sounds like she has a brain tumor...and if she does , she may need an operation..." he said.
"We can go and see her tomorrow." I said. 'Can't we?" I asked.
"Oh Most definitely...if you need to see her." said Ms. Yvette.

"Yes...I just want her to talk, so I can observe her...Then I'm going to test her..."said Dr. Oakley.

''Why don't you meet us here at 8:00 am....Our cafeteria makes a fantastic breakfast...We can then drive to the prison from here." said Yvette.

"Good enough, I'll see you in the morning." he said.

"Thank You so much." said Bee Bee.
"Thanks a lot." I said.
"Thank you so much." said Sofia.
"Thanks Man." said Kahlil..

"Oh...So nice to be appreciated."laughed Dr. Oakley.

''We are an appreciative bunch."laughed Ms. Yvette.
"Indeed!"laughed Ms. Jade as Dr. Oakley let himself out.


Nightfall...It had been a very interesting couple of days. 

We were home....It had been an interesting day...We had covered a lot of ground with no bother from Lt. Tragg.

We were all at home...
Bee Bee was wearing another sheer see through Baby doll.....She had just taken a hot shower and walked into our bedroom..

My eyes popped out of my head..

She giggled..

"Oh my goddd..look at you...Are you going to act like this all the time?..WOW!!! That boner is massive." she said and put her hands over her mouth..
I pulled her towards me...Is this something you bought at Bridget's store the other day?" I asked.

"Yes, both, the panties and the baby doll...I knew you'd like it." she giggled..

"I like everything on you.." I said.

"Awwwwwwwwwwww" she giggled.

I undressed and  slipped her panties down and off  and took her into my arms and kissed her softly....

"Ohhhhh my godddd, Bee Bee..."I moaned...

"Ummmmmm, ouuuuuuuuuuuu you are so hard....Ouuuuuu, look at youuuu!" she exclaimed as she stroked me lightly...

We lie across the bed, kissing and practically slobbering over each other....

Soon we were making love passionately on top of the bed..Not thinking about recent events..

The next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS, all we were thinking about was each other..

The same was next door at Kahlil and Sofia's house..

Sofia and Kahlil were lying across the bed..

Kissing ,fondling and laughing..

He slipped her panties down and off...

"OHHHHHHHH MAMASITA!!!" he moaned...

"OUUUUUUUUUUU PAPI...AYE MIOS DIOS! You are sooo damn hard! OUUUUU!" Sofia moaned  as she rode him on the side of the bed until neither one of them could take anymore...

"You've always gotten me hard mamasita." said Kahlil.


before they too were making sweet love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS!

Gary and Ms. Yvette were way ahead of us..
They had been making sweet love since Ms. Yvette got home for the day...
Ms. Yvette had had dinner with us at our building and Gary and Danny Ho had eaten dinner at Sam Mother's Diner. and gone home and headed  straight to the bedroom..

They had made love early into the morning hours....
Enjoying  their massive and new smart bed.. 

Yvette smiled..

The bed was sturdy and very very comfortable...It moved with their every move and was very comfortable and warm..It actually enhanced their lovemaking..

EIGHT TO NINE HOURS had passed by.

 Bee Bee and I were fast asleep in each others arms..

Sofia and Kahlil were in each others arms and still kissing, almost asleep.
And Gary and Ms. Yvette were sound asleep..

A nice stress buster for the coming day.. We were prepared and loose, ready for the challenge..

And At Ms. Jade's House...

I'm glad to be home babe.. Lt. Tragg didn't come in tonight, at least not while we were eating dinner." said Lt. Danny Ho as he undressed.

I ran into him earlier at the crime scene.," said Jade. "I don't want to talk about him, let's make love." said Jade.

''No problem with me." said Danny.

They kissed passionately..
Standing in the middle of their bedroom kissing passionately.

Danny slipped her panties down....

She  eased herself down on Danny slowly.....



They began making love. 

The day was over...This was our health and wellness.


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