Thursday, January 20, 2022

Unsettled Daybreaks

 Daybreak...when I woke up...Carlotta was gone.. 

I could feel the heat off of the shower...

She left me a note with her lipstick smudged on it..


She was at C.I. D. Headquarters with her partners 

in the cafetria, having breakfast..

Finishing up as the others slowly stumbled in..

and took their seats with uniform police officers assigned to us, administrative staff and federal agents all assigned to this building, working on the case at hand, finding Captain John Llyles and now his missing daughter, Ava Llyles.

Lt. Tragg reported to his Police Marine Unit today...

He wasn't drinking today....He had gone home, Shaved, Showered, put on clean clothes

and had a Thermos of coffee.. He felt at peace out on the water...No feuding with attorneys, no court appearences.. No feuding with other cops.. Just peace...

This made his 9th day on the boat... He was certain if he had been running the case, he would have captured John Llyles by now...but Sissy and her detectives were on the case. They were probably taking their time on purpose to keep him on the boat, he mused.

If he only knew.. 

Lt. Sissy Van Buren wasn't that far from him..

She was at a popular coffee shop at Penns Landing...She had a meeting.

Today certainly did look unsettled and overcast...


Sissy loved the aroma in this coffee shop.

A Beautiful middle aged woman walked in and sat down next to Sissy...

''You are Sissy right? Lieutenant Sissy Van Buren?" asked the woman.

"I am.." said Sissy, smiling.

"I'm Tara Llyles, the first Mrs. Llyles..I'm the one who called you last night..." she said.

"Okayyyyy, thank you for meeting me on such short notice...We should have contacted you a week ago...but we got bogged down with another case.." said Sissy.

"I understand, at least partially...I was a cops wife for 20 years...but I've been a mother for 17 of those years and that's what I really called about.. Ava..our daughter..She's in college/..She hasn't been to class in a week or at her job..I fear John has got her...Please find her...Anything you can do to help would be appreciated. She's all I care about." said Tara Llyes.

"We are going to do what we can....We've got Plain Clothes men watching her house to see if she returns and we've got a team at her school..

Two of my detectives have been out to her college and at her job..." said Sissy.

''What Happened between you two?" asked Sissy.
"Being a Cop' wife is never easy...They're out all night on Stake outs....He was undercover at one time and missing for weeks...He missed birthday parties, school graduations and what not..but I hung in there..When he became Captain, he had  a desk job, He was coming home more.. Then he met her, Bonnie...He went ape shit over her..He asked for a divorce...I gave it to him, We were drifting apart anyway.

But Bonnie couldn't keep him happy....He suspected she was cheating on him...He told me the last time I saw him, a few weeks ago that he was the laughing stock of the department..He said she was cheating on him with his Superior, The Deputy of Operations and with one of his detectives..He was distraught..
I asked him if he was sure...He said everyone was laughing at him behind his back and he had even seen her with his superior.  He told me his neighbors had told him about another man who came by every other morning to see Bonnie.

He said he had given her everything she could ask for and it still wasn't enough.. I suggested Marital counseling, but Johnny just laughed at that...The last time he came by here he just looked so sad..He told me he had made a mistake and that I was the best thing that ever happened to him, He said he was too stupid to realize it and that he would never insult me by asking me to take him back." said Tara Lylles.

The Two women had their coffee.

The Police Boat docked for lunch..

Lt. Tragg was taking a half day today.. 

ADA April Taylor had texted him.. She was off today and at home.. and quite horny!






"I MISSED YOU!!!" said April Taylor..


"Well come inside... I'm giving my neighbors too much of a view." she said.. She had on a Black lace bra and matching black bikini panties.

Lt. Tragg and ADA April Taylor were standing in her doorway kissing passionately..


"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSS" Lt. Tragg moaned as he ran his hands down into her panties ,squeezed her butt and kissed her passionately
in her living room...

He hadn't seen her in 7 days...

"WOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU........OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUWEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I wore this because I know you'd like it.. you horny dog! UMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!"she cooed


as they made love on the living room floor.


"YESSSSSSSS!" he laughed..

.All she cared about was having him in bed...

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LORRRRRRRRRD!!!"he moaned. He hadn't had sex in weeks and it showed.


"VA VA VA VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM" he moaned loudly...


FOR THE NEXT NINE TO TEN HOURS, neither Lt. Tragg or ADA April Taylor cared about anything or anyone else but each other.

Meanwhile , Sissy and Tara Llyles continued to talk and drink coffee..

"Johnny gave me some Stocks and Bonds worth close to 100 large  the last time he was here and 11K in cash....He told me that his house was mine to sell.. He left it in a will..He said to split it evenly between him and Ava..It came in the mail yesterday...Sissy, I feel like he may be planning to do something commit suicide...Something about the way he talked.." she said.
"He have any other property?" Someplace he might go?" asked Sissy...

"He bought a small Yacht with another cop, a year ago...I doubt if he's ever used it...So Busy chasing Bonnie around." said Tara Llyles.


"This is It...I heard he and Captain Stanton and Captain Clark went in on this."said Duke..
We were hunkered down outside of the boat at the other side of the Marina.
"Yeah I heard this Boat morgtaged the three of them to the hilt..And they haven't had one party on it.."said Tyriq..
''Were you expecting an invite Rico?" laughed Carlotta.
"Yeah, he was...Him and Duke."laughed Jimmy.
Angie joined us.. Our guys got a good scope...It doesn't seem like anybody is in there."said Angie.
"Can't hear anything..But all of the lights are on."said Sirena.
"Captain Stanley said he hasn't been on the boat since last summer...So did Captain Clark...So He's the only one who could have gone on their and turned the lights on." said Hop.
It was cold.. I was hunkered down with them..... I aid nothing..
The Commander of the Tactical squad looked at Sissy..

"Call it Lieutenant..." he said.

Sissy made sure all of us had on Kevlar and Trauma plates and had our Glocks loaded and in working condition.. She hated situations like this..

"WE GO!...Spread out and enter with caution..." she said.

We all entered ,only to find ......Nothing... There was evidence that someone had been here.. Food in the refrigerator, an unmade bed.. a sink full of dishes.... Several Newspaper... but little to nothing else.
Whoever had been here had left hastily...

Sissy banged her fist into the palm of her hand..

"Damn it...We missed him again!" she said.

"Any chance we may have just missed him,like he was coming back or maybe coming back?" said Jimmy...

"No...He won't be back here..The only good thing is..We weren't that far from catching him... It looks like he left sometime today.."said Sissy.

"I think the noose is tightening around him..The pressure may be getting to him." said Carlotta.

"He's smart enough not to hang around any one place too long."said Tyriq.

'Sooner or later he'll make a mistake."said Sirena.
''Let's Hope So." said Hop.

"He left no clue on this boat where else he might go, did. he?" asked Angie..

''Not that anybody can find.."said Duke.

"Stand Down....Let's go home." said Sissy..

It was nearly three in the morning.

The Tactical squad dispersed..

I hung my head.. James Llyles was very unhinged...No Telling what he might do next..


We all went home...


Carlotta undressed and was  lounging around in our house with little
to no clothes on.. Sissy said we could all come in no later than one tomorrow, We had all been working this case kind of hard..

"Papi, stop staring at me that way.." said Carlotta , smiling at me..

"I can't help it.." I said.. "Put that phone down and come over here.."I said..
She smiled and obeyed...

She sat on my lap and began kissing me....

She looked at me and broke into a huge smile...She put her hands over her mouth...

''Oh My god....AYE MIOS DIOS!!!!Woooooou look at you! got huge!." she said, rubbing me softly and kissing me gingerly...

"Ummmmmmmmm...yesssssss.." she said as she stroked my now engorged and hard penis softly....

'' are so...ouuuuuu so hard...papi.." she said..

"I can't help it with you here all sexy and what not!!" I said...

"Ummmmmmmmmmm just calm down, calm down....ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu,it's okay....It's okay papi...ouuuuuu...." she moaned...

"This is some case huh?" I said in between wet sloppy kisses...

"It is..." said Carlotta...

''One of our most complex....Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...we can talk about it later.." I moaned..

"Siii.." she said.

Soon we were on the bed and I was entering her slowly, gently...

''Wooooooooooooooooooooooooou...Oh are hitting mami's spots....Ouuuu..."moaned Carlotta, which got me even more excited...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" was all I could manage to say...

She smiled serenely and wrapped her legs around my waste as I began to move in and out of her...

She was so soft, so wet....and smelled so good...I couldn't stand it...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu papi...yesssssssssssssssssss....yes.......AYE MIOS DIOS......Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."she moaned softly as we made sweet love.......

Our bed was really squeaking out of control at this point and our headboard was really slamming into the wall now...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Papi...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Carlotta moaned as tears and sweat just streamed down her face...

  EIGHT  TO NINE HOURS seemingly evaporated and I was no where near close to stopping...

"Ayyye papiiiiiiiiii" Carlotta moaned loudly...

The next morning was as overcast as the day before...

Everybody was asleep...

I wondered where Captain John Llyles was...Was the noose really tightening around him? Or was he somewhere relaxing..Certain that we couldn't catch him.

Daybreak didn't look like it held any more promise than yesterday..


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