Friday, January 7, 2022

Lester's Office


He sat in his office looking over dossiers he had on us and other attorneys involved in this case.
First , the Defense-

Olivia Marissa Bennett-Alexander

Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law, Trial Advocacy -Temple University..

J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School

Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Texas, California

 Speaks French and Spanish Fluently...

Worked as a Public Defender, 

Worked for Bach and Roach LLC, as Associate Attorney

Founding partner-Alexander & West ,Attorneys at law..

Divorced- Elwood Barnes..,Corporate Attorney 

No Children, two miscarriages..

Married-Donnie Ray Alexander

Beverly Cheryl West-East

Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law-Trial Advocay, Temple University..

J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School

Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Texas, California

 Speaks French and Spanish Fluently...

Worked as a Public Defender,

 Founding Partner-Alexander & West Attorney's at Law.

Daughter of Olivia's Older Half Brother, James West... Olivia's Niece

Married to Nelson East.

Nelson Sean East

Graduated, West Catholic High School-Philadelphia PA.

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law- St. Johns University, New York City
Psychology Minor...

J.D. -St. Johns Univeristy Law School, New York City..

Passed The Bar , New York, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, Texas, California 

Speaks Spanish , French and Russian Fluently...

Worked as Public Defender, 

 Associate Attorney at Robert Foxworth and Associates.

Associate Attorney at Alexander and West , Attorneys at law.

Married to Beverly West

Donnie Ray Alexander

Born and Raised in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Educated in New Orleans Public Schools..

Associates Degree- New Orleans Community College-Administration of Justice, Pre Law

Homicide Detective, New Orleans Police Department, Retired.

Principal Investigator, Alexander and West Attorneys at law-Philadelphia PA.

Married to Olivia Bennett

Also a semi-professional musician

Josephine Boyd

Born in Philadelphia PA.

Raised in Red Hook Section of New York City 

Bachelors of Science, Architecture from Fisk University

Master in Business Administration- University of Pennsylvania.

Para -Legal -Alexander & West Attorneys at law.

JD- Drexel  University Law School..

Passed the Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware, New York, Texas, California

Associate Attorney-Alexander & West, Attorneys at Law, Philadelphia.

Married to Paris Boyd

Bresha Billips

Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre Law- Lasalle University, Philadelphia PA.

J.D.- Middleton Law School, Bayside ,Pennsylvania.

Passed the bar, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, New York

Speaks Spanish and French Fluently...

Associate Attorney at Alexander and West , Attorneys at law...

Married to Attorney Tony Billips

Going up against them with a good case would be challenging enough, but he now began to seriously think about dumping this case. It was going nowhere and it was more obvious every passing day that Abigail was innocent. Going up against these lawyers with this case would wind up making him look like a fool.

He looked at Abigail Wilson's file.. Sweet Abby, he had been trying to get next to her for a lonnnnng time. He wanted her so bad, he could almost taste it.. He'd gain nothing putting her in jail, ending her career..He might gain some points by doing the right thing though.

Abigail Wilson

born in Philadelphia PA.

Graduated from North Catholic High School

B.A. -Trial Advocacy, Administration of Justice, Pre Law- Villinova University, Philadelphia PA.

J.D.- University of Pennsylvania School of Law

Passed the Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Deleware, Virginia and Washington, D.C.

Fluent in Spanish and French

Worked as a Clerk for Judge Percy Reynolds

Practiced Anti-Trust and Consumer Protection law for the Federal Trade Commission

Currently employed as an Assistant District Attorney in the Philadelphia District Attorney's office.

Has prosecuted 200 cases (196 wins, 3 hung juries , 1 loss)

Damn, she was sooo hot..and he wanted her so bad...He couldn't do this...He had started off hot, winning his first 22 cases..and then had had a cold streak..He had lost his last 6 cases.. Facing Olivia and Beverly in court and losing to them did not sound inviting, especially with a weak ass case like this.

He looked at the file of the other woman they brought in here the other day, Bonnie Shay..She had a body on her that was something else., and a big rock on her finger the size of Mt Everest...She was very, very married.

Bernadette Bonita "Bonnie " Shay

Born in Philadelphia Pennsylvania.

Graduated from The Philadelphia High School For Girls

B.A. Criminal Justice, Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy ,Pre Law- Temple University.
Philadelphia PA.


J.D.- Columbia University , School of Law, New York City, New York

Passed the bar in New York, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, California

Public Defenders Office- New York City, New York

Assistant District Attorney's Office- Manhattan Borough, New York City, New York

Married, Divorced and Remarried Attorney Ronald Shay.

Private Investigator's license- Philadelphia PA.

Insurance Investigator and Co-Counsel- CYCLOPS INSURANCE COMPANY! Philadelphia Pa.

''Wowww! Abby knows some heavy hitters." he thought.

And finally, the last attorney...Williams, Divorce Attorney, Zoey Easter.

Zoey Easter

Born in Philadelphia PA.

Graduated from Hallahan High School

B.A. - Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre-Law- Villanova University

J.D.- Villanova School of Law

Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware

Fluent in Spanish and French

Senior Associate Attorney - Peters and Moss -Philadelphia PA.

Senior Associate Attorney-The Harris Group-Philadelphia Pa.

Co-Counsel- The New York Knicks- New York ,New York

Associate Attorney- The Harris Group-Philadelphia Pa.

All talented attorneys.. He didn't feel like a show trial , going up against these guys with the case he had.. better to cut his losses.

Gary Lockwood walked in..

"Last night we tried to bring in a guy named Ernest Chandler, a two bit hood.. gun for hire.. he resisted arrest...tried to shoot it out.. he lost unfortunately." said Gary.

"Okay. what has he got to do with what I've had you investigating concerning this case.?" asked ADA Burke.

"The gun...The gun you have in evidence that was conveniently found in the dumpster behind ADA Wilson's condo is registered to him..I know the serial numbers were filed off, but Lt. Danny Ho and I took that gun to the ATF..They have a way of still getting the serial number and registration..Chandler's gun is the gun used to kill a vendor in the Clawhopper case that Abby was trying against Olivia and Beverly...Remember? three hung juries and finally an acquittal!  Drug dealer Chino Wilkins hired him to kill the vendor.. The Vendor Clawhopper was accused of killing. He really was innocent and Chandler's gun is a ballistics match to the shooting of Albert Wilkins...He's the shooter...not Abigail Wilson...Come on man, she's innocent. You really want to take this to a jury trial? You'll lose..I'm telling you." said Gary.

"I do my homework...I know your wife is Olivia's best friend and was her room mate in law school.. She successfully defended Olivia and Beverly in that civil suit last year..and you socialize with Olivia and her team.. But....there is merit in what you say..It looks like Abigail is innocent....Williams shooter is dead, but who put him up to this?"asked Lester Burke.

"Normally I would say that this is Lt. Tragg's problem...but we have an idea who is behind this..and if you give us a few hours...We'll have your man for you." said Gary.

"Okay...Good Job man." said Lester Burke.


There was good news... In the past 24 hours there was great news, Albert Williams awoke..He had survived his wounds and was checking out.. We were all there..

"Man, I'm just happy to be alive baby...And be able to walk again...even though they say I gotta use this wheel chair for a couple of days.." said Albert.

"You're gonna stay with me until you get well baby.."said an overjoyed Abby Wilson, who was wheeling him out in the wheelchair.

"I'm sorry YOU got jammed up behind this..I can identify my shooter, let me go down to police headquarters and look at a few mug shots." he said.
"That won't be necesary Albert... Your shooter was more than likely a man named Ernie Chandler and he's dead, killed a few nights ago in a shootout with the police. The gun matches your shooting and the murder of a guy we just successfully defended." said Olivia.

"But maybe your testimony can help them drop charges against Abby... Otherwise we are going to make a pure dee fool out of the prosecutor, Assistant District Attorney Lester Burke." said Beverly.

''Aww Lester Burke. That Jack ass...He hates me and he's been trying to make a move on my girl for two years...I wouldn't be surprised if HE isn't the mastermind behind all this..

Nelson, Josie and Bresha busted out in gales of laughter...

"I never sent no emails to my wife or to you Zoey..That was a load of crap." said Albert Williams/

"I know...I never believed they were from you." said Zoey.

"We all met with Burke and we presented proof that the emails were fake and he wouldn't budge..It was like talking to a brick wall."said Josie.

''He's an idiot. "said Albert Williams.

''My Husband thinks your father in law might be behind this." said Olivia.

''And he thinks you could still be a sitting duck, now that you've been released from the hospital."said Beverly.

''Maybe you two should lay low..until this blows over." said Nelson.

"I feel like going to his house beating the cowboy crap outta him. I hated him...The whole time we were married with his sarcastic remarks, always putting me dowm." snarled Albert.

"No, we don't want anymore trouble." said Abby..
"Listen to Abby and listen to us." said Bresha.

I was not with them....I was with Kevin's main man, Walter "Kool Kat " Jones planning a sweet sting.
We were at the bottling warehouse that belonged to Larry Tobin, father of Nancy Tobin, the estranged and soon to be ex-wife of Attorney Albert Williams.

"I knew if I put enough money on the table another connect would come through..Tell me, who sent you guys to us.. Pink right?" asked Larry Tobin..
"Daddy? You don't ask a man like Mr. Johnson that...He'll never say...I'm bettin Johnson aint even your real name is it.. ?" she said and then whispered.  "But you look like you got a BIG JOHNSON in your trousers." she said and winked.

I didn't answer and I didn't respond to her at all.

"You said you need a job done and I'm here to supply the man to do it.. He works clean and he works neat....No slip ups.. I understand Mr. Chandler didn't get the job done.. This man here will get the damn job done.  I want 50 large, 25 large for me and 25 large for my man here up front.. Then ,when the job is done.. Another 50 large." I said,.

Kool Kat said nothing, he glared menacingly at both Tobins and showed his gun.

with an illegal home made silencer...

"OUUUUUUUUUU I'm about to have an orgasm." said Nancy Tobin.. "Daddy did you tell him about the change of plans?" she asked.

"Change of Plans?" I asked.

"Yess.. We don't just want Williams dead..We want Abigail Wilson dead also.."said Larry Tobin.

''That will cost another 25 Large a piece." I said.

Larry Tobin produced a suitcase full of money..

"That's 200 large...You can split it evenly between the both of you...That's how bad I want them both DEAD!!! DEAD!!! DEADDDDDDDD!" he said.

"Ouuuuu dadddy thank youuuuuuuu! Yesss we want them both deaaaaaddddd! OUUUU!" screamed Nancy Tobin maniacally...

"I'm curious." you didn't offer Chandler even a quarter of this did you?" I said.

"No...That Bum screwed the entire thing up..shot him five times and didn't kill him, then gets himself killed by cops a few days ago in something unrelated.. No , you guys look like you're professionals You'll get the job done and the sooner, the better." said Larry Tobin.

"We'll be in touch." I said.

"Nice doin business with you." said Kool Kat, speaking for the first time.

Detective James "Jimmy" Barlow

Snapped photos of the entire meeting.. Kool Kat and I were wired and the entire conversation was captured on tape.

A Van down the street captured everything perfectly..

Detectives Tony Hopkins, Tyriq Pile, Carlotta Wallace and Sirena Pile were inside with a police technician.. They had recorded and copied everything.

An Hour later in the Office of  Attorney Nancy Tobin

Detectives Edwin"Duke"Baylor and Angie Belton Barlow arrested 

Attorney Nancy Tobin, charging her with 3 counts of Conspiracy to Commit Murder.

And at his warehouse a little while later..

Lt. Sissy Van Buren, Lt. Danny Ho and District Attorney Investigator Gary Lockwood and a tactical squad arrested Larry Tobin..

"I don't believe this...THEM NIGGAS SET ME UP!!!! OHHHHHHHHHHHH LAWD HAVE MERCY...I WAS SET UP!" he screamed and carried on to the point that he had to be dragged out.


Lt. Tragg sat in ADA Burke's office.. He was agitated.. he was tired.. He had been on television the night before.. HARD BOTTOM, discussing the Abigail Wilson case and her "probable guilt"

"What is this meeting about Your honor?" he asked Judge Julie Wong.

"I don't know.. I'm sure we'll both find out shortly... I saw you on Television last you think it's wise to talk about a case that hasn't even gone to court yet? I mean you're not giving the defendant a fair
chance."said Judge Wong, but talking to him was like talking to a brick wall.

He gushed..

"I might be on CNN next week.." he said, ignoring what she had said completely.. He was stunned to see us walk in.
"Hi Julie...Good Morning Lieutenant." said Olivia, smiling.

Beverly and I, Josie and Bresha didn't say a word, we just laughed.

Abigail walked in with Albert Williams.

"WILLIAMS??" said Lt. Tragg,looking like he'd seen a ghosr.

"Good Morning everyone.. In lieu of the latest developments, The District Attorneys Office is dropping all charges against Abigail Wilson.. Ms. Wilson, you are free to go." he said.
"Baby, I couldn't have done this without youuuu." said Olivia.

She gave me a slow soft, sweet kiss..
"Ohhhh thank god...I wasn't really up for another trial so soon after the last four."said Beverly..
"Me neither." said Nelson..
They kissed each other passionately..


"One of you care to fill the good Lieutenant in?" asked ADA Burke.

"A few days ago..Police had a shootout with a guy named Ernie Chandler..a gun for hire..ATF agents took a second look at the gun you found in Ms. Wilson's dumpster..The serial numbers were filed off..but they found a way to find out what the serial numbers were..The gun was registered to Chandler.
Chandler was the shooter of Mr. Williams.. Mr. Williams has since identified him from mug shots.
It also was a ballistics match for the killer in the Clawhopper case..You made that arrest also..We sweated out four trials before we acquitted him..It appears Chandler , working for a drug dealer killed that vendor as retribution. The Vendor was also a drug dealer. And Chandler was the hired gun who shot Mr. Williams." said Josie.

"Chandler was hired by Mr. Williams's estranged wife and Father in law, a sting by the Criminal Investigation Division and the District Attorney's Office caught both of them on tape ,paying an undercover 200 large to kill both Ms. Wilson and Mr. Williams and admitting they hired Chandler.
Both Mr. Tobin and Mrs. Tobin -Williams are in custody."said Bresha.

"You gave me a case with more holes in it than Swiss Cheese...So I got an Investigator from the D.A.'s office and detectives from the Criminal Investigation Division to go over this case like a fine tooth comb.  Mrs. Bennett-Alexander's husband, Donnie Ray assisted us also. You didn't thoroughly check that gun...Had you have gone to the ATF, they would have determined it's owner and that it was a ballistics match in another murder , another murder where you arrested the wrong person, a person who was actually innocent. I believe that was Ms. Wilson's last case.. You didn't look at any other suspects...Had you have done that you might have discovered the Tobins. You just stunk this court up, wasted man hours, wasted everyone's time.  You weren't going to have me looking like a fool. I asked you  several times to go and find me something, anything..You did nothing.. I went over your head.. I went to the Deputy of Operations and he gave those detectives in the CID permission to take over this case. You were much more interested in being on Hard Bottom and other News Shows...GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!!! YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE WORST DETECTIVE ON THE FORCE AND HOW YOU GOT TO BE A LIEUTENANT IS BEYOND ME!" snarled ADA Lester Burke.

Lt. Tragg was livid and as red as a beet..He stomped his foot and stormed out of the office..

Abby and Albert were in the corner kissing passionately....

''We gettin married baby!" he said.

"OUUU I CAN'T WAIT!" she cooed.

"Let's Get out of here, go grab something to eat."said Olivia.
"Excellent Idea." I said.
''Wow, he really laid into old Barney Fife, didn't he?" said Beverly, who enjoyed every minute of it.
"He needed to hear that, He has arrested too many of the wrong people and unfortunately we or Yvette's crew don't get all of the cases...I'm sure somebody he's arrested is sitting in prison who is innocent."said Nelson.
"Oh for sure. remember those eight wrongful conviction cases we did with Yvette and her group?
7 of those eight cases were his and  his dumb as a box of rocks ex partner, Dominic Evans." said Josie.
''He's the one who is jail himself for a double homicide..Oh My God!"said Bresha as we exited.

Albert and Abby followed us out of his office..

So did Judge Wong, Glad that she didn't have to pull the plug on this case.

Alone in his office, ADA Lester Burke

stood looking out the window. He had dodged a huge bullet today... He had also lost Abby for good it appeared.. This whole thing was so surreal to him..

He pulled out his flask of Jameson's Irish whiskey and took a long swig..



We were in court , but not for a trial..

Judge Percy Reynolds was performing a wedding.

Assistant District Attorney Abigail Wilson and Attorney Albert Williams  were married in a civil ceremony..They promised to have a fancy church wedding and reception in the spring..but they wanted to be legally married by then.

She asked Jazzy to be her maid of honor, to everyone's surprise..

Beverly, Kayla, Olivia and Bresha were maids of honor..

He asked me to be the best man....

Dabnis, Ray, Nelson,Paris and Tony were the groomsmen..

Zoey ,who had successfully performed Albert's divorce and her husband, Lem were also guests..

It was a small ceremony, Small but nice..

 Now Legally and Happily Married,   the happy couple retreated to the nearest Holiday Inn.

"We are here and we are married, finally!" said Abby, relieved to have finally acheived her professional and personal goals.

"YESSSSSSSSSS! " moaned Albert Williams, just happy to have Abby..

As he slipped her dress off...

and relieved her of her panties and bra..

'One thing I love about you...You're always matching." he said.

"Oh hush up silly, but I am glad you noticed." she said.

His eyes bulged out of it's sockets , watching her undress....She giggled....

They stood in the doorway, kissing passionately...

"Ohhhhh my god, I couldn't wait.." he moaned..

"I know...I couldn't wait either,"Abby said , taking his clothes off and marveling about his size and girth..

"Oh My lord, you are HUGE!" she said.....It seemed as if he'd gotten bigger..

''Abby you know that..." he said shyly...

"Yeah I know...but....wouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" she exclaimed, putting her hands over her mouth...

He tossed her on the bed...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Husssssssssssssssssssband.." she moaned... It felt good to say that..

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph.."he groaned in his low baritone as the bed began to squeak and the headboard began to rattle..

''Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" she squealed..

"HEYYYY TONE IT DOWN IN THERE!"came a voice from next door..

They ignored him and kept making sweet love.. Albert lifted her up!



"QUIET THE NOISE!" came the voice from next door...He banged on the wall loudly...

but Albert and Abby were totally oblivious..

They were back in the bed now, going at each other strongly.....



"QUIET THE NOISE....I"M CALLIN THE MANAGER!" screamed the man next door...He pounded on the wall a little harder..

His lights were flashing on and off now..

The bed was squeaking loud now and the headboard was slamming hard against the wall...

EIGHT TO NINE HOURS slowly drifted by....



"KNOCK IT OFF IN THERE...QUIET THE NOISE!!" came the voice from next door and more pounding on the wall...

THREE TO FOUR MORE HOURS PASSED  before Albert  came and came hard....and Abby's legs began to quiver and then shake...her head turned from side to side and tears streamed down the side of her face..She was crying like a little girl..


Abby  continued kissing Albert and rubbing his penis until it hardened again....

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu there it is!" she said..



''QUIET THE NOISE! I'M CALLIN THE MANAGER!"came the voice from next door!



Albert was engaged and on her again....



"YES!!! YES...OH YESSSSS!"moaned Albert..who didn't know if he was coming or going...


I UNDERSTAND YOU TWO BETTER QUIET THE DAMN NOISE AND SETTLE DOWN!!!"came the voice from next door...The man was bamming his fists on the wall now....

THREE TO FOUR HOURS drifted by....

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW LAWWWWWWWWWWWD!" Albert moaned as he began to cum like a gusher...


Albert  lie in between her legs....exhausted...

Abby wouldn't let him sleep , she continued kissing him, rubbing his large penis...keeping it hard..



They were at it again...The Bed was squeaking out of control...….The headboard was slamming against the wall...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Husband, you are putting it on meeee.. it feels so good!" she cooed..


"I'M NOT GONNA BE ABLE TO SLEEP TONIGHT!!! QUIET THE NOISE!" came the voice of the man next door..who took his shoe and banged on the wall..

"SHUT UP IN THERE YOU TWO!" came the voice from next door...He pounded on the wall again...

"I can't believe this...I went down stairs had a few drinks, came back and they're still goin at it like two cats in heat.." he complained..

"They're on their honeymoon...That's the Honeymoon suite...Why don't you change rooms?"said the manager.

"Thank you so much...They don't make any sense.." he said.

They were standing in the middle of the floor now, Albert was long striking her..

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HOOOO HOOO HOOO HOOO HOOOOOO, Aye...Ayeeeeeeee, Ayeeeee, Ay yi yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii….OH MY GOD ALBERT...OUUUUU!" she screamed.

''Will ya listen to that?" said the angry  next door neighbor.....

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HOOOO HOOO HOOO HOOO HOOOOOO, Aye...Ayeeeeeeee, Ayeeeee, Ay yi yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii….OH MY GOD ALBERT...OUUUUU!  ayyyee, aye yi yiiiiii" she screamed.
They were back in bed...going at it slower..


"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu lover...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu this is soooooooo
nice...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.." she cooed softly..

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" moaned Albert as he came again like a gusher...

FIVE TO SIX HOURS drifted by....

Albert lie in between Abby'ss legs, exhausted....too exhausted to move...Abby was  totally satisfied...She had never had this many orgasms and such strong ones at that...She held Albert's head in her arms...She looked at the clock...They had spent the entire night and most of the morning in bed.. It was nearly 3:00 pm , the next afternoon...

This was a record for the most time she ever spent with a man in bed..

Albert  woke up an hour later...He was astounded that it was nearly four in the afternoon...

Abby  was up , but still in her sea green lacey babydoll and panties..He pulled her to him and kissed her softly and slowly.....

"Ummmmmmmm how are you?" he said..

"I'm fine..."she said..

"I'm hard!" he said..

"You are unbelievable..Ouuuuuu I see! "she giggled, stroking him lightly...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyy.." she said....

After a few more minutes of kissing,

They wound up back on the bed again, making love..

"My goodness...I had no idea he was such a stud..."she thought....




TWO TO THREE HOURS drifted by before Albert  came and came hard.....

Abby  decided to just sleep...They'd go out tomorrow!

She thought about us..

Olivia, Beverly, Me, Josie, Nelson and Bresha.  Four trials , Three Hung Juries  and an acquittal.
She had fought a hard battle, a war against us... During the trial she hated us.. and yet we turned out to be her friends, rescued her from possible disbarment and prison. She could never think of us as adversaries again.


Larry and Nancy Tobin were convicted of Conspiracy to commit murder and solicitation of homicide and sentenced to 10-15 years.

Assistant District Arrorney Lester Burke successfully prosecuted them both, so glad he had the presence of mind to get an Investigator from the D.A.'s office and better more credible detectives involved in the investigation.

Lt. Tragg was once again credited with bringing in the wrong suspect and being completely wrong about the case. No one wanted him on their television show or an interview about anything.. He was livid at the turn of events.
We were enjoying  a nice Friday Night at home.

At our place..

I had a big pot on the oven,  A seafood boil.

Alfreda  and Rockland placed several trays of Baked Crab Legs in butter sauce

on the table.
"Ouuuuuu look at this." said Olivia.
"My mouth is watering." said Beverly.
"Mine is too! " said Nelson.
"Ummmmmmmm yum." said Josie.
"Ouu Let me get a plate ." said Paris.

"Ouuu I hope there is enough for us." said Bresha , who was just arriving with her husband, Tony.
"Heyyy guys, nothing I like better than crab legs." said Tony, who brought beer.

We don't do much now of days without guests.
"Come on in, grab a plate." said Olivia to our other guests for tonight.  She had gotten a discount at Pink's Seafood Restaurant and store.. FREE and she had taken advantage of that! She had purchased a lot of food, courtesy of our friend, Pink.

Kayla and her husband, Ray, Jazzy and her husband, Dabnis, Yvette and Gary and Zoey and Lem..
"Hi Liv." said Kayla.
'Heyyyyyyy Liv...You know we couldn't miss this." said Ray.
''Heyyy Liv thanks for the invite." said Jazzy.
"Howdy Neighbors." said Dabnis.
"Hi Liv., Guys" said Yvette.
"Hey Liv, Donnie Ray. Guys"said Gary.

Bringing up the rear was Zoey and Lem... We were so glad they came..

Alexa played nice smooth jazz for the afternoon..

We were enjoying  a nice Friday Night at home..with some friends..A Good time was had by all.

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