Thursday, January 6, 2022

A Sale On Crab Legs


At her Tony Condo, Assistant District Attorney Abigail Wilson, now a suspect in the attempted murder of her lover ,Attorney Albert Williams dreams of their last night together.

It was a recurring thought on cold lonely nights like this

The Case was over... They like us had had brunch...Assistant District Attorney Abigail Wilson and her "fiance" Attorney Albert Walker returned to her tony Condo...

It was beautiful....

"Abby...ohhhhhhhh My lawyer says my divorce will be done in another three weeks..We are almost there baby." he said, taking her in his arms..

"Ohhhhhhh, I can not wait...Then we can be married, Married properly.." said Abby..
As they kissed passionately....

"Ummmmmmmm, Ummmmmmmmmmm.." she moaned..

"Oh My god!" he moaned in between wet sloppy kisses..

Abby Wilson stood in the doorway...

"I'm a little nervous too...This will be my last time having sex with you until your divorce is final." she said.

Albert began to shake...He was nervous and turned on...

His eyes bulged out of it's sockets , watching her undress...

That dress , that tight Blue pin stripped  Dress that she was wearing was brand new.. She had purchased it for this trial, along with a matching bra and panty set.

She had gotten cat calls and whistles from several men all day...Exactly the reaction she wanted... Albert certainly noticed...He couldn't keep his eyes off of her. She felt naughty and sexy all at once..

''Abby, you're one sexy woman!" he said.

"You are such a sweetheart Al...Here , help me with my zipper." she said. As he unzippered her dress and watched as she stepped out of it.

"I bought some new panties .You like?" she asked..

His eyes were bulging out of their sockets...

"I take it that's a yes." she giggled.


"Ohhhhhhhh stoppppp!" she giggled.

''Where did you get this?" he asked.

''A place called Panty's Galore!" she said.

"I'm here for it." he said.

"You are so silly." she laughed.

He ran his hands down into her panties and kissed her butter soft lips..

" He gently unhooked her bra and slipped her matching panties down....

"You are sooooo hard and so damn big...ummm that's what I love about youuu!....Look at you....OUUUUUUUU!" she laughed.. Al  was huge! she thought to herself.

They stood in the doorway, kissing passionately...

"Ohhhhh my god, I couldn't wait.." he moaned..

"I know...I couldn't wait either," Abby found herself saying , taking the rest of her clothes off  and marveling about his size and girth..

"REALLY?" he said..

''Yes...Really!" she said. She was herself quite horny..

"WOW!" he said...

"Oh My lord, you are HUGE! Does your wife know what she has or rather had?" she asked......

''I think she does!?..." he said shyly...

"I hope so...but....wouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Look at you....What am I going to do with all that?" she exclaimed, putting her hands over her mouth and giggling with excitement...

This got Al very excited..

He tossed her on the bed...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Albert...." she gasped... 

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph."he groaned in his low baritone as the bed began to squeak and the headboard began to rattle..

''Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!  baby!" she squealed..

  Albert  lifted her up!


"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU TALK TO ME DADDDDDDYYYYYY!!!!OHHHH MYYYYY" cooed Abby..He was nearly to her stomach, she gasped..

They were back in the bed now, going at each other strongly.....



The bed was squeaking loud now and the headboard was slamming hard against the wall...

THREE TO FOUR HOURS slowly drifted by....She was impressed with his stamina...


"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu say my name baby...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she cooed deliriously....

ABIGAIL!!!....OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he moaned..


THREE TO FOUR MORE HOURS PASSED  before Al came and came hard....and Abby's  legs began to quiver and then shake...her head turned from side to side and tears streamed down the side of her face..She was crying like a little girl....She was having ,she believed her fourth intense orgasm and just crying like a baby...

Abby  continued kissing  Albert and rubbing his penis until it hardened again....

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu there it is! OUUUU Look at that!!!" she said..

"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! YESSSSSSS BABY! YESSSS!" Al moaned.. He couldn't believe his good fortune...This Assistant District Attorney  was a freak behind closed doors he mused.




Albert was engaged and on her again....



"YES!!! YES...OH YESSSSS!"moaned  Albert..who didn't know if he was coming or going...

"I LOVE YOUUUUU TOOO!!! OUUUUUUUUUUU!!!  I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!  YOU DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND!" she cooed...She was having her fifth and sixth intense orgasms...

"OH MY GOD.....OUUUUU MOREEEEE?" he asked.



THREE TO FOUR  MORE HOURS drifted by....She was sitting on him, riding him hard.....

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW LAWWWWWWWWWWWD!" ALBERT moaned as he began to cum like a gusher...


Albert lie in between her legs....exhausted...

Abigail wouldn't let him sleep , She continued kissing him, rubbing his large penis...keeping it hard..

''Since I'm here, you might as well take  as much of me as you want..." she cooed..



They were at it again...The Bed was squeaking out of control...….The headboard was slamming against the wall...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu MISTER WILLIAMS,  BABY!!!!!!!, I'm not going to be able to walk tommorrow..but it feels so good!" she cooed..




They were standing in the middle of the floor now,  ALBERT was long stroking her..


"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HOOOO HOOO HOOO HOOO HOOOOOO, Aye...Ayeeeeeeee, Ayeeeee, Ay yi yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii….OH MY GOD ...OUUUUU!  ayyyee, aye yi yiiiiii" she screamed.

They were back in bed...going at it slower..



"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu lover...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu this is soooooooo
nice...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..YOU LIKE IT DADDY?" she cooed softly..

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" moaned Albert as he came again like a gusher...

Albert lie in between Abby's legs, exhausted....too exhausted to move...Abby was  totally satisfied...She had never had this many orgasms and such strong ones at that...She held Albert's's head in her arms..She was so glad she was involved with him and close to marrying him.. 
It was almost 12 noon, The next day...What a night and early morning they had both had..

She walked into her bathroom and began brushing her teeth..She looked up and Albert was behind her..
He bent her over the sink.. She had a look of horror in her face..She couldn't believe he was still hard after the night they had had.. He entered her slowly and began to slowly move in and out..

"YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!" she said , "OUUUUUUUUUUU, OH MY GODDDDD!" she howled  as he began to stroke her doggie style.


Abigail and Albert enjoyed a sweet kiss at her door..

"Ummmmmm you don't get enough do you?" she said.

"Of you? No I do not...Myyyyyyyy goodness...I wish I had a few more hours.." said Albert Williams.

"Next week your divorce will be final and you'll be free and clear and we can get married right away.,.
by a justice of the peace or a Judge in court...I heard Judge Reynolds marries people." said Abby.

"Thought you were an old fashioned girl..Thought you'd want a church wedding."he laughed.

"We can have a church wedding and all after we get married officially and legally." said Abby..

They kissed some more..

"I can't wait baby." he said and smiled as he walked away..

"Call me boo!" she said...

"This was not a man who suddenly had a change of heart."said Abby.

She reiterated the story of their last night together.. Just 48 hours before Attorney Albert Williams was gunned down in a parking lot to Assistant District Attorney Lester Burke.

who listened attentively , along with. Olivia, Beverly, Myself, Nelson, Josie and Bresha.. He was also checking her out as well as Olivia, Beverly, Josie and Bresha.. He sat behind his desk to hide his now massive erection.. He loved being around all these nice looking and nice smelling as well as well dressed women.

 Judge Julie Wong.was there too...He found her equally attractive.... He loved being their center of attention..He was like a kid in a candy store.

We were all meeting with him in his office this morning.. Olivia, Beverly ,Nelson, Josie and Bree  were appealing to him to drop all charges on the account that this case had a lot of holes in it...was hugely circumstantial and had very little merit..

"Look, all you've got is a gun, The Murder weapon, conveniently dropped in the dumpster behind her building and little else." said Olivia.
"The Gun has no fingerprints or DNA on it whatsover...And she being an Assistant District Attorney and a very smart woman, which we know from experience...would not be so sloppy." said Beverly.
"You don't even have a motive man. She and the guy had just made love for hours and he had told her ,he couldn't wait to get married...Like she said , that doesn't sound like a man, who would then turn around and tell his wife, he was coming home and call his lawyer and tell her to call it off." argued Nelson.

"Oh I don't know...Guys lie to get sex and they lie after sex." said ADA Lester Burke.

"Ohhh, you know that from experience counselor?" asked Beverly...

Olivia smiled and hung her head low... So did Abby and I..

"Those emails were hacked... Our investigator and a specialist , who is here with us today is here to prove that....and we know the police confiscated all of Albert and our client's devices and probably know that now." said Josie.
"You know it too! This information was passed to you...There goes your motive. That gun is highly circumstantial evidence.. It looks to me like a neat frame.." said Bresha.

Bonnie Shay was there with proof that the emails were hacked and Divorce Attorney Zoey Easter was there testifying that she had just spoken to Albert Williams the day before he got shot.and he wanted to get on with his divorce..

"Those emails were definitely not sent by him... The time of the emails is exactly the time of his shooting..It would be impossible for him to have sent these when he did..  I'm a former Assistant District Attorney with the New York D.A.'s office.. No way I would prosecute a case this flimsy." said Bonnie Shay.
"I'm Attorney Zoey Easter, I was handling the divorce proceedings..I had just seen him a day before and he was anxious to get his divorce proceedings over with..He wouldn't just change up like that on such short notice.. I communicated with hm daily." said Zoey.

ADA Jonathan Burke was as bull headed as Lt. Tragg, despite what we had told him, He dismissed all of our arguments and still wanted to go on with a trial.. We couldn't understand why at all, None of us..

Judge Julie Wong  spoke..

"This case does indeed look like a waste of time.. You need to show me more in the preliminary or I just might declare this case a mistrial and throw it out..The Preliminaries are in two days counselor, Show me more." she said and got up and left..

"I'd like to show you more alright." he thought to himself as we all left his office.

He got on his phone immediately-

"GET ME LT. TRAGG, I NEED TO SEE HIM ASAP!" he growled angrilly.


"Well that was a waste of time...Anybody else would have dropped this case.. He's enjoying seeing me twist in the wind like this." said a despondant and frustrated Abby.
"There is something between you two isn't it?" asked Beverly.

"Yes..he wants to get in my panties in the worse way...Has been trying to put his penis between us for two years now..In some perverse way, he's enjoying this. He knows this case against me is a load of crap." said Abby.

''From what Judge Wong heard in there..I'm certain she'll toss this out." said Olivia.

"I am too...He didn't offer any kind of rebuttal." said Nelson.
"I got the feeling he wasn't paying any attention to me.. Well not what I was saying anyway...He was looking at my chest."said Josie.
''Same here."said Bree.
"You know...If he presses forward with this, he's going to get laughed out of court...This won't make it to a jury and he knows it.. Judge Wong knows it...I wouldn't worry."said Bonnie Shay.

''Yeah you guys, don't worry. I'll just be glad when my client wakes up." said Zoey.

" will I." said Abby.

"Come on ladies...Let's go get some lunch." I said.

"Have to take a rain check guys..I gotta get back to work."said Bonnie.
"Same here...but call me if you need me." said Zoey.

''Awwwwwwww..well thanks anyway ladies for all of your help." said Olivia.

We all wound up at a Pasta Restaurant...The same one we had all gone to two months before after a big case..

''This food is delish." said Abby.
''A grateful client turned us on to this place after a trial."said Olivia.
"I'm usually the guy that turns them on to new eateries..." I said, smiling.
"I've always said that for someone ,not from Philly, he knows a lot about our cuisine and our restaurants."said Beverly.
"Yeah, over the years, he has turned us on to some great spots, right under our noses."said Nelson.
"Investigator supreme, Musician and Foodie...Donnie Ray, you're a guy of many talents."said Josie with a smile.
"A real renaissance man!" gushed Bresha. 

My phone vibrated... I checked the text message-


Olivia looked at me..

"Something up baby?"she asked.

I showed her the text message-


She knew what that meant.


He was furious....

"Lieutenant TRAGG!!  This case is pure dee bullshit and you know it.  I told you to get me something else..I told you to get me something else and you didn't do jack... I borrowed Gary Lockwood from Rockland Cambridge.

He interviewed and cleared 
Lawrence Martin...Know who he is? He lived with ADA Abigail Phillips for five years...Three of them while he was in law school..She worked and paid the bills...After he passed the bar, she put him out..They ran into each other years later and were engaged..until he found out he had a bun in another woman's oven...They broke up... He alibied out for the shooting.. Guess what? Olivia's husband interviewed him and cleared him three days before.. YOU however knew nothing about him.. He would have been what you call A SUSPECT!!! AND YOU HAVEN'T TALKED TO WILLIAMS WIFE AT ALL HAVE YOU?? HAVE YOU??" he bellowed.

Lt. Tragg was as red as a beet. He was both livid and surprised.

"I had guests this morning....

Assistant District Attorney Abby Wilson and her legal team, Olivia Bennett-Alexander, Beverly West-East, her husband, Donnie Ray Alexander, Nelson East, Josie Boyd and Bresha Billips. They brought two other attorneys with them, 
"One is a former Assistant District Attorney from the New York D.A.'s Office. She's also some kind of electronics whiz..  She had proof that those emails were phony and that Albert Williams devices had been hacked. I of course already knew this.. The devices I had taken from his apartment were proven to be hacked by our own lab boys..."
''Williams divorce lawyer said that she received a text from him at the very time in the crime scene report that he was being shot."

Judge Julie Wong was with them....She said if I don't have more in 48 hours, she's considering throwing the whole thing out...You really goofed on this.... GO INTERVIEW THE WIFE...WE NEED TO BE UP ON THIS!" he said.

Lt. Tragg was furious.. He couldn't chance going to Olivia's Office/Duplex...He didn't relish  being thrown in the cooler..and he feared another trip to the cooler could land him on the Marine Boat again for sure, especially considering his standing with the Deputy of Operations at the moment.. He'd wait and catch them in Sam Mother's Diner...He'd really give them a piece of his mind.. He had no intention of interviewing either Nancy or Frank Tobin. As far as he was concerned, he had brought in a good case.. a damn good case.

Unlike this fancy dan , ADA Burke, who he despised..He actually liked Abby and hated to arrest and charge her, but a tawdry love affair with a married man, a gun, the weapon found in the dumpster of her condo seemed like enough to him to nail her on attempted murder charges.

What it really was, was it made good headlines, It kept him in the headlines..He was invited to be on HARD BOTTOM to discuss the case tonight. It would be his first time on the show in two years..


Any good Detective and or Private Investigator has sources on the street...People close to the underworld who are known as confidential informants...

The man known as "Pink" had once been a borderline criminal... He was defended numerous times by then Public Defenders, Olivia Bennett-Alexander, known as Mrs. Olivia Barnes back then, her niece, Beverly West and her protoge' Nelson East..

They were the reason he stayed out of prison.. And except for maybe a 30 day stay in the county lock up..He never did any hard time.  He remembered them and some of the cops who were fair to him..
Today, he is a legitimate businessman..He owns a very lucrative Seafood Restaurant and store and is pretty much retired from the street life.. Though he keeps his ear to the street...I was introduced to him by fellow Private Investigator Kevin Morris.

Pink has been a great source of information in a lot of my investigations.. When he sends a text that reads THERE IS A SALE ON CRAB LEGS...that means he has information.

So , Olivia and I paid him a visit...

" Hello Mister Pink...I hear there is a sale on crab legs." said Olivia as she actually purchased some crab legs and some Oysters...

"Damn Olivia....You always did look good." said Pink, who called one of his workers to assist her and met me in the back of the restaurant.

"Hello Donnie Ray." he said.

"Hello Pink." I said. "What's on your mind?" I said.

"Donnie Ray, I uh saw on HARD BOTTOM where you guys are defending that ADA accused of gunning down her married boyfriend... Would his name happen to be Albert Williams.?" asked Pink.

"Yes, what do you know?" I asked.

"Lieutenant Tragg is off his nut, that girl had nothin to do with this.. A few weeks ago a guy comes in here.  I know him...His name is Tobin..Larry Tobin..

He like me is a former street guy. He owns a Bottling company...He has a fleet of trucks that deliver soda and beer to all of the warehouses around town..Over the years he's done good for himself. His daughter is a lawyer...Her name is Nancy Tobin Williams, she's married to Attorney Albert Williams and she's an  A Senior Associate Attorney at the Tobin Group..  His Younger brother , Frankie Tobin is an Attorney also..He's the big mahoff there.. Larry put his brother and his daughter through law school.
Anyway..He knows me from our time in the streets..He comes by here wavin a lot of cash, 50 large and asks me if I know a guy who will "Take care of somebody" for him.  I give him the side eye and he drops the money on the table and says .."Get back to me Pink." and leaves.

He comes back a few days later and I give him his money back in an envelope and tell him, I don't do that type of thing and will not do that type of thing and not to ask me anymore.

He gives me a song and a dance about how his daughter is going through a divorce and she is emotionally devestated and that his son of a bitch son in law has gotten a restraining order out against her  and he wants him dead!

I tell him , I feel for him, but I can't and won't help him.. He asks me if I know anybody that might take the contract..I ask him to leave. But I have an idea, somebody took the contract." said Pink.

Now this was eye opening..This was the break I was looking for.

"Do you have any idea who took the contract?" I asked.

"Judging by how sloppy the job was..My guess is, it's Ernie Chandler...a wanna be gangster that hangs around Stoleys...He dresses nicely and works a cell phone like he's a big time shot caller..He sells a small package on the street at times and hires himself out as muscle to the juice men sometimes, but he's no big deal. Ever since that dude got shot, he's been flashing a lot of cash..buying everybody drinks at Josie's, Aqua Bar, Stoleys. Here is where he lays his head."said Pink.
"Thanks Pink..."I said and went to peel off a few hundreds.. He raised both palms.
"No, your money is no good here....I owe your wife and her niece too much...They kept me out of jail too many times back in the day when I was a Hustler.." he said, Looking up as Olivia walked over to us.
She spent a lot of money...She bought a lot of seafood.. It was good we had a freezer in the basement of our house for it.

"Welll you boys have a nice talk?" asked Olivia.

''Sure Did." I said. "Thanks Pink." I said.

Meanwhile in the building that houses the Tobin Group law firm, the rest of our team awaited a meeting with the elusive Nancy Tobin.

Beverly, Nelson, Josie and Bresha waited patiently in her office.

Attorney Nancy Tobin was a nice looking woman, the same age as Beverly, Nelson and Josie and seemed pleasent enough.

She sat down with us..

''Soooo you're representing that harpie who's been running around with my husband huh?" she asked.

"You two have been seperated for nearly two years now." said Beverly..

"According to these complaints.. You were violent towards your husband during the marriage, you had loud rows in public several times and you let the air out of his tires, cemented the locks on the door of his apartment and tossed some type of liquid on his front window.  He has had three restraining orders taken out against you." said Nelson.

"I'm Bi polar okay? That's been documented...I'm moody...but if you're here to ask if I shot my husband or if I paid somebody to do it...NO I DID NOT!!  I DON'T TAKE THINGS THAT FAR!!" she said.
Besides...I've got a new man now...She can have him." she said softly..

"So on the day of the shooting..You were not at work, where were you?" asked Josie.

"With my new man in Atlantic City...You can check my credit cards and my debit card...We were at
Revel and we went to a concert at Borgata...Smokey Robinson...I had nothing to do with whatever happened to Albert.." then her mood lightened... " For what it's worth...I'd never want Albert dead or anything bad to happen to him...I have a new man now and I'm ready to move on , We had seven years together...I'd like to think 5 of them were good." she said.
Bresha didn't ask her any questions, but she took copious notes.


Olivia and I were  at home..

"I checked out Nancy Tobin's alibi  ..It checks out.. she and another man, George Smallwood were indeed at the Revel Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City and they did have dinner and see a show at Borgata.  They didn't return to Philly until the day after the shooting." I said.

"Good..So we have eliminated the wife  and Abby's old boyfriend....said Olivia... "Now we concentrate on Daddy and this guy he may have hired." said Olivia.

I pulled Olivia to me and cut the light off...

"And that is the key to this whole thing.. Now come here, I want the key to your panties." I whispered.

"You don't need a key, they are unlocked..." whispered Olivia...who giggled. She found it funny she was talking so nasty.

Giving me a slow, soft kiss....

"Ummmmmmmmmm, oh yes...." I moaned..

"Yes.. " whispered Olivia...

"Oh My God, Olivia..."I gasped as I slipped her panties down...

Olivia gasped...Oh My God...DONNIE RAYY!!! are huge!!!.Did you get bigger?" she I unhooked her bra and began sucking on her breasts.....

I didn't answer...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh DONNIE RAY!....ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.." she moaned.

"You're going to split me in half with that huge thing..What am I going to do with all of that?" she joked..

"You'll be fine.." I said.

I thrusted my tongue practically down her throat and while squeezing one breast with my hand... and I lifted her up and positioned her on me as I entered her and began thrusting away...



A HALF HOUR slowly oozed by...I felt so good...I wasn't even close to stopping..

"Ouuuu husband you are doing the damn thing...UMMMMMM" she said..
 I laid her across her bed , a few minutes later and I entered her softly and gently and began to stroke her softly and slowly....She moaned and put her arms around my neck and drew me closer to her..I kissed her neck, between her breasts, her cheeks....She continued to kiss my lips and my ears and my chest...

"Ohhh My God...I can't believe how good this  feels!" she moaned..

"Me neither!" I said.

She wrapped her legs around my waste and we began to move in a slow, yet deliberate rhythm for quite some time...She matched me thrust for thrust and even kissed my shoulder at one point...She was so moist and smelled so good...I was losing my mind....She was shaking and looking like she was on the verge of crying the entire time.......

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...OHHH MY GOODNESS...OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she moaned loudly ,obviously not caring who heard us....

We made sweet passionate and intense love like this for EIGHT TO NINE HOURS.. Olivia began to shake and gyrate and tears began to stream down her face again....I was surprised at how passionate she still was ...

"It's sooooooooooooooo goooddd...Oh my godddddddddddddd it's soooooo gooood Oh my Goddd Donnie Ray....ohhhhh don't stoppp, don't stopp...don't ever stop...ouuuuuuuuuuuu" she screamed as I mounted her from behind on the floor of our bedroom..

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..

I came like a gusher....

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!" I moaned...

She smiled....Her mouth was wide open as she stared at me...


We sat and stared at each other for a few minutes....

"You want some more don't you?" she whispered, with a look of disbeleif...

I smiled and gently felt her breasts...I gently kissed both of them....She leaned over and kissed me again..

"You were intense....You made me cum like four times..OUUUUUUU!." she smiled..she was still shaking as she continued to kiss me...

She gave me a nice sloppy, wet kiss....I pulled her to me and kissed her too..She felt my still very hard and engorged penis...Her mouth opened wide..

"You are so hard!" she whispered... "Myyyyyy goodness..." she said..

"You make me hornier than any woman I've ever known"..I whispered...

" just want some more..Flattery will get you everywhere, .."she laughed as we continued kissing and I mounted her once again...

"Oh My goodness!!!! DONNIE RAY!!!!  OUUUUUUUUU!" she replied smiling and slowly kissing me as I entered her again...She was so warm,so inviting..

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Donnie Ray...ohhhh my goddd!..Ouuuuuuuu..." she cried the bed began to squeak....The headboard slammed against the wall....She stared at me almost in disbelief.....

Another TWO TO THREE HOURS of sweet and tender lovemaking continued....We were both going to be very tired tomorrow ...but neither of us cared at the moment...Not like we had to be anywhere at any time..

She began to blow softly in my ear ,in between soft , wet kisses..which turned me on even more...and within TWENTY MINUTES... I exploded like a gusher ...Holding her tightly....Her body shook a little too..Tears ran down the side of her face..her body began shaking and her head turned from side to side...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...myyy goodnessss.." she exclaimed...still shaking like a church woman testifying......

We continued to hold each other for a few minutes....

"You okay?" I asked...

"I'm just fine..." she said, smiling serenely....

She smiled sweetly and held me between her legs as I dozed off.....She had the sweetest smile on her face....


A little while later-


I had her bent over the bathroom sink, plowing into her doggie style...

"UMMMMMMMMMMMM , You never get enough. OHHHHH MEOWWWWWW!" she moaned.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I cried out as I began to cum with wild abandon and my body began to shake.and tremble.

My phone was ringing off the hook...

Olivia was sweating and trying to catch her breath.

"I think you'd better..... you'd better , get that!" she said.

I grabbed the phone-

"Hello." I said,.

"Donnie Ray. I hate to bother you this time of morning man, but I think you need to get dressed 
and get down here man." said Gary Lockwood, Investigator for the D.A.'s Office.

I got dressed quickly and drove to  West Philly, where in the hallway of an apartment  building lie the body of a black man in his early 40's.

D.A.'s investigator, Gary Lockwood was there  with Detectives Duke Baylor and Lt. Danny Ho.
''Sorry to wake you up Donnie Ray, but this gentlemen is a person of interest to you...This is Ernest Chandler, sometimes stick up man, sometimes drug dealer and suspected killer for hire.. " said Gary.
We tried to question him tonight and he chose to shoot it out with us. As you can see..He lost!" said Gary.
"That gun that was found in ADA Abby Phillips dumpster had the serial numbers filed off, but we still had a way to find them and find out who this gun was registered to. It was to this guy, Ernie Chandler... And something else... It's a balllistic match for the murder of  that Food Truck owner, the rival of your wife's client, Clyde Clawhopper earlier this month... The Food Truck owner dealt drugs off his food truck, and he was squeezing Chandler's Boss out of business... Chandler gunned him down in retribution.. Your wife's client was actually innocent." said Detective  Duke Baylor.
"Huh! Imagine That!" I said dryly,

Duke, Gary and Danny Ho busted out in Gales of Laughter.

"I knew he was Muscle for hire." I said, getting serious.
"We've already picked up his boss, a guy named Chino Wilkins...but we think Chandler gunned down Albert Williams for somebody else... We are still looking. I imagine this gun he had on him could be tied to other killings." said Lt. Danny Ho.

"Thanks for the heads up."I said.  

This was more than likely the shooter of Al Williams, but he was dead ,He was no help to us.

"Olivia's husband looks good even early in the morning, getting up out of bed." Observed Dr. Marcia Martin.
"Don't he now?" observed Dr. Hazel Baylor. wife of Detective  Duke Baylor.

"Okay, let's get him out of here." said Detective Duke Baylor.
The Body of would be hitman, Ernie Chandler was put in a plastic bag and strapped to a gurney
and removed from the apartment complex.

I returned home with the news...

Olivia sat on my lap as I undressed again.

"So our client was actually innocent, which we knew all along..and Albert Williams's actual shooter is now dead." She said.

"Yeah, but we can try and make a case  out of Tobin hiring him." I said.

"That will be hard to do..and speaking of HARD! Myyyyyyyy goodness, you stay hard." she said , putting her hands over her mouth in amazement.

"And you stay sexy." I said.

She leaned over and kissed me softly..

"Flattery will get you everywhere." she said.


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