Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Her Right Arm

 8:00 AM- Our new cafeteria...

"This is so good and relaxing.."I said ,squeezing Bee Bee's waist..
"It is.."she said.

as we enjoyed Cheese Grits and Eggs..
''If I find someone around here who can make churros, it'll be perfect."said Sofia.
''We'll find you a person...This is so close to your old neighborhood, it's got to be one somewhere."said Kahlil.

As the two of them enjoyed Oatmeal and Grits....

"Interesting...I love this cafeteria and the food..You really know how to butter a guy up." laughed Dr. Charles Oakley..

as he enjoyed Fried Fish and Grits...

"We want you to have a full stomach and be in a good mood."laughed Ms. Yvette.
Ms. Jade smiled . She wasn't going with us today, she had more investigating to do....

She and Ms. Yvette enjoyed Pancakes and sausages..

Across town, Lt. Tragg sat stewing...

He needed to look good, to bring a case across the finish line, now that he was back on the street. He couldn't have a more open and shut case than this..but when Yvette and her crew was involved or Olivia and Beverly and their crew...The strangest things tended to happen to his cases.

None of the attorneys came in here anymore it seemed...Was he that toxic?  

In the office of District Attorney Garcetti..

"Alright Diane ...You did do me a favor, if you want off the case...You're off..but it's a real slam dunk..She did it..She was seen by six people, We've got a murder weapon with her fingerprints and DNA on it..What's the problem?" asked District Attorney Garcetti.

''Lt. Arthur Tragg is involved.When he's involved...bad things happen.. I want off.."said Diane.

''Alright Diane...I do owe you...You're off the case.. I'll call in a special prosecutor." said the D.A.

Ms. Jade allowed us to use her Nissan Pathfinder...We used it to head to Valhalla.

Ms. Yvette drove, I sat up front with her..

Bee Bee, Kahlil and Sofia sat in the back seat..

Dr. Oakley followed us in Benz.


We arrived at Valhalla Womens Correctional Center..

We sat in the waiting room...

"Ive been in High School Cafeteria's that weren't this nice." remarked Dr. Charles Oakley.

Bee Bee and Sofia laughed...

Sarita Moreno came out and sat down....She looked like she hadn't been asleep all night..

"Good Morning guys.." she said.

Kahlil and I brought a Thermos..

with hot coffee..

and a take out platter from our cafeteria with Eggs, Hash Browns and Sausage...

Sarita had a ferocious appetitte. She devoured the food and quaffed down the coffee...

"I feel so good when I know you guys are coming...You always hook me up.." she said.

"Sarita .This is Dr. Charles Oakley...He wants to do a psych exam on you.... You don't have to do anything...Just talk to him, tell him what you told us yesterday." said Ms. Yvette.

''Good Morning Sarita...Here...I want you to sign this release form, giving me permission to examine you." he said. He passed her a pen and a form..

Her hands shook and she held the pen upside down...

Sofia tried to straighten it for her..
We saw an uncommon flash of anger from Sarita..

"I KNOW HOW TO HOLD A PEN...I'M NOT AN INVALID!!!" she snarled.. Then she calmed down..
"Ohhhhhh I'm so sorry...I don't know where that came from...I am so sorry...You know I love you." she said.

"It's okay." said Sofia softly.
"It's okay...Just tell Dr. Oakley what you told us yesterday..."said Ms. Yvette softly... 

Sarita took her time and she began to talk.

"My life was into uplifting my community....That's why I studied so hard in school, went to Temple and got two graduate degrees, Worked hard registering people to vote, Why I was so proud of Sofia and Beatrice, two neighborhood girls who made something out of themselves.. They and another friend of theirs was awarded scholarships so they could attend college... I was so proud of them when they graduated from law school..

I founded the Richardson Community Development Collective with Tony Richardson, the late Community Activist who helped me when I was just starting out...I got talented people in the community to help us advocate and get grants and loans, to build and rehab, low income housing, homes, apartments, condos, lofts just like Chris and Chess did in your community... We were working on bringing a Grocery Co-Operative into the community when I noticed we were missing a lot of the grant money that we had been awarded..

I found an attorney who is also a forensic accountant named Lawrence Stevenson...and he did a forensic audit....

It led to an assistant project manager named William Baldwin.. He had embezzled over 100 thousand dollars within the past year to pay off his gambling debts here in Philadelphia

and Atlantic City.

At first he lied and said he didn't know what I was talking about... He did put 25 thousand dollars of the money he took back.

I demanded that he put it all back... He said he was going to put another 50 thousand back...but he was lying to me...My investigator had told me that he only had 25,000.00 in his total bank account, Checking and savings and still owed a considerable amount of money to both Philly and Atlantic City Gamblers....I JUST GOT TIRED OF THE CONSTANT LYING...I TOLD HIM HE WAS FIRED AND HE STILL CONTINUED TO TALK AND I GOT UP AND I GRABBED THE MEAT CLEAVER IN MY POCKET BOOK AND I PLUNGED IT IN HIS CHEST!!!"she said.

She didn't realize she was now standing up re-enacting the entire thing...She composed herself and sat down.

In that moment, Bee Bee looked terrified..
I put my arms around her...

"Ms. Moreno, why did you have a meat cleaver in your pocketbook? Did you bring it there ,planning to kill Mr. Baldwin or with anticipation of violence?" asked Dr. Oakley.

"You know...I don't even remember bringing it there...but at that moment...I knew it was there.." she said..her right arm shaking again....

Dr. Oakley passed her a bottle of water...

"Here drink this...We are done for today...but I want to see you in a few days...I want to have you admitted into the hospital and given a cat scan...I think you may have a Brain Tumor...We need to look to be sure." he said.

"She's got a preliminary hearing in two days." said Kahlil.

"I'll ask for a continuance." said Ms. Yvette.

"I'll come with you and voice my concerns." said Dr. Oakley.

"Thank you Doctor.. Sarita, you get some sleep , we'll be in touch."said Yvette.

"Thank you so much." said Sarita, as the matron escorted her back to her cell.

In the hallway Dr. Oakley spoke to us..
"The Memory loss, the right arm shaking uncontrollably, the mood swings...The Headaches and the sleeplessness...All signs of either a tumor or some other kind of abnormal brain function....She may not be clinically responsible for what she did...But we have to see and we have to know first...That's why I suggest a CAT scan and an operation.." he said.
"Thank you Doctor...I suspected something was wrong with her the first time I saw her...But I'm a lawyer, not a doctor, that's why I contacted you.."said Ms. Yvette.
"Wow! that's not the Sarita I know...or knew..It has to be something going on.."said Sofia.
"And the way her right arm kept shaking uncontrollably the entire time." I said.
"Yeah, that was creepy."said Bee Bee, who was very unnerved by the whole thing.
"Let's get out of here.. I got a text from Jade.. She's at Sam Mothers with Danny, having coffee." said Kahlil.



''This is a pleasent surprise , seeing you in here today."said Lt. Danny Ho of Robbery-Homicide.
"Even the thought of running into Lt. Tragg is not going to stop me from visiting my hubby."said Ms. Jade.

They were enjoying two cups of hot organic tea...

''Where is Yvette and the guys?"he asked.

"They are all up at the prison visiting our client. They took a Doctor with them to examine her...I had some more investigating to do." said Jade..

Lt. Tragg walked in just then...

"You talked him up." said Danny Ho.

"Yeah, all good things come to an end." sighed Jade..

They were finished with their teas..

They embraced in a passionate kiss....

When they broke their embrace, Lieutenant Tragg was standing there staring balefully at them both.

"Danny, you need to explain to your wife that she needs to stay off of active crime scenes and show a little respect to the case detective when he asks her a question." he said.

"Yeah! I'll make a note of that." said Danny Ho..."Is there anything else you wanted?" he asked.

"Jade, where is Yvette and the rest of her crew?" asked Lt. Tragg.

"Why?" asked Jade.

"Because I asked you A QUESTION!" he barked.

"Are you going to do this everytime I come in here?" asked Jade..

"I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!" he bellowed..

"See this is why nobody eats in here anymore..YOU!" said Jade.

"Are you going to answer my question or not?" screamed Lt. Tragg.

"No I'm not!" said Jade defiantly and she plunked down a few dollars... "Thanks Sam.." she said.

We pulled up outside and blew the horn...

"See you tonight babes."said Jade.
"Most definitely." said Danny Ho.

They kissed passionately again...

Danny got up and walked out...He waved at us..

in Ms. Jade's Car...

Ms. Jade took the wheel of the car 

and Ms. Yvette moved over.
I took the back seat with Bee Bee , Sofia and Kahlil.

We all pulled off..

Leaving Lt. Tragg standing there fuming...

An Hour later he was in our old office building..

in our old suite, which was once again empty, locked and with the lights off..

Furious, he stormed off.

We were back in our office...

Meeting in our Conference Room/Law Library.
"I was back at Sarita's place of work....I wanted you to look at this.. Four examples of her handwriting, Done Six months to the present... Look how incoherant her latest signatures were...You can barely understand this."said Jade, showing us all a copy..
"Shows loss of control in that right hand....Dr. Oakley said that this ,her headaches, her mood swings,
her memory lapses all point to the possibility of a brain tumor or other neurological damage."said Ms. Yvette.
"I told you he was the truth."said Bee Bee.
"Now we've got to get that continuance...I sure wish your father was the Judge or Judge Reynolds." said Sofia.
"Yeah I know...but we have a legitimate concern and if Dr. Oakley goes with us..They can see that this isn't some kind of legal stunt to stall for time." I said.
"Let's just hope Judge King sees it that way...I mean he's not that bad..but like Sofia said.. I'd feel a lot more hopeful with a more friendlier Judge in our corner." said Kahlil.


Our Building's Gym, Breakroom.
"Keitttttttth, we are going to miss our ridddde.." said Bee Bee..
"No we won't." I said..

as we kissed passionately behind the lockers in the gym breakroom.

"Yes we will, you know how you get.....We just can't have a quickie." she giggled.

I hiked her skirt up and softly rubbed her behind, still continuing to kiss her..

"Umm this is new.." I said..

''Yes, I was going to surprise you when we got home.."giggled Bee Bee.

who kissed me a little longer and then stopped and fixed her clothes..

''Save that energy for home. Calm yourself down and let's go catch the others.." she said as she walked out..

I stood behind for a moment ,catching my breath and collecting myself and then I followed her out and went home with the rest..

Ms. Jade, Ms. Yvette, Sofia, Kahlil and my wife, Bee Bee.
''Let's roll guys." said Ms. Jade.
"Yes...I can use a nice long soothing bath.."said Ms. Yvette.

"I hear that." said Sofia.
"I'll run the water for you baby." whispered Kahlil in her ear..

"You're so good to me." laughed Sofia, rubbing his hands softly.

Bee Bee giggled and rubbed my hands softly..
I kissed her on her cheek.


Lt. Tragg sat in Curleys stewing..drinking his beer and talking to Curley, The owner and a one time Homicide Detective himself...a friend of both his late father and uncle.

''Crowd is kinda light tonight. Ya know...That whole two weeks you were on that Marine Boat, this joint was jumpin... All of them lawyers you argue with all the time was in here every night, Olivia ,Beverly and their crew, Yvette Jones and her crew..Even brought their spouses...

Not just them but additional attorneys showed up.

That one that sued you and his wife...

Olivia's sexy cousin and her husband...The one that pasted you in Sam Mother's joint..

And two others....They were all in here..Every night...Now, seems like they've vanished.. They must be busy with cases.." said Curley.

"Yeah, they must be." said Lt. Tragg looking across the bar and spotting Brenda Jordan and her newly minted millionaire boyfriend, Warren Lloyd sucking face.

It was that kind of night for him...Two nights before the preliminary hearing for Sarita Moreno in what was looking like a slam dunk case for the prosecution.
I don't know what kind of night it was for the others..

But at Bee Bee and my house it was hot and steamy...

"OHHHHHH MY GOD!! LOOK AT YOU!!" said Bee Bee, once again, marveling at my size and girth and putting her hands over her mouth..
I smiled and pulled her towards me..

"Oh My God Bee Bee.." I moaned..Kissing her and slowly slipping her panties down..

''Couldn't wait huh?" laughed Bee Bee.

"No...I couldn't." I said.

Bee Bee knew how to kiss a man and her kisses and soft full lips drove me crazy...

I slipped her sheer baby doll  off.....and slipped her panties down and off, ... Bee Bee and I had been building up to this all day long....Even at the prison this morning, I had my hands up her skirt, rubbing her legs..She kept smiling and renoving my hands..

 I entered her....She was unbelievably soft and moist....I was losing my mind.... I lifted her up and began thrusting into her slowly and softly...She put her arms around my neck and trembled as I went to town...

 "Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.." she moaned... ''Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lawd gurrlllllllllllll.."I found myself yelling..

 "Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, oh my god...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" she moaned.. 

 We were both breathing heavily... I thrusted my tongue practically down her throat and while squeezing one breast with my hand...and licking on the other one with my mouth

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she screamed as I continued to thrust , harder and feverishly more.....
I sat her on the bathroom sink , parted her big beautiful legs  and thrusted into her mightily...

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU hot stuff...OH MY GOD!!! UMMMMMM!" she howled..tears freely flowing from her eyes..Her body trembling, she holding on to me for dear life and biting my shoulder a little bit.

I didn't know if I was coming or going. I didn't know if I could stop..

Soon we were in our bedroom.. I had her on the bed.....She opened her legs and pulled me closer to her.... I lifted her legs up again

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...You wanted to bone me all day didn't you?  Didn't you?"she whispered I began to thrust into her a little harder and faster...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.."she moaned.. 

 "I've day dreamed about it..since we got to work this morning.."I said as we continued making sweet love... 

 "You did?...I thought about it too." she said.. 

 "Ohhh My God...Keith..ouuuu you are so hard....ouuuuuuuuuuu" she moaned.. 

 "Ohhhhh Bee -Bee You get me that way" I said. 

She wrapped her legs around my waste and we began to move in a slow, yet deliberate rhythm for quite some time...She matched me thrust for thrust and even kissed my shoulder at one point...She was so moist and smelled so good...I was losing my mind....She was shaking and looking like she was on the verge of crying the entire time.......

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...OHHH MY GOODNESS...OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she moaned loudly ,obviously not caring who heard us.... 

 We made sweet passionate and intense love like this for the next NINE TO TEN HOURS...

Bee Bee began to shake and gyrate and tears began to stream down her face again....I was as usual surprised at how passionate she was ...

 "Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Oh my god Keith...Oh My Lordd! Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm" she moaned as the bed squeaked and the headboard slammed hard against the wall... 

 "Bee Bee....oh my godddddddddddddddddd!" I found myself moaning out loud. It's sooooooooooooooo goooddd...Oh my godddddddddddddd it's soooooo gooood Oh my Goddd Keith....ohhhhh don't stoppp, don't stopp...don't ever stop...ouuuuuuuuuuuu" she screamed as we both climaxed in a crescendo of sweat!
"See we couldn't have had a quickie at work...You get inside of me and act like you never want to stop."laughed Bee Bee, catching her breath.

"You're's so good..I don't think I can stop.." I said, trying to catch my breath

" love your Bee Bee don't you?" she asked me, kissing me slowly...

"Yes. Yes I do." I said softly.

She fell asleep on my chest..

A Big Day awaited us in 48 Hours anyway!


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