Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Everything You Could Ask For

The "Fishbowl", the nickname the detectives gave their interrogation room.   It smelled like old sweat socks, cigarette smoke, bad breath and body odor and the room was hot.. very hot... The room could use a good mopping and airing out...
Assistant District Attorney Abigail Wilson was exercising her right to remain silent...She glared at Lt. Tragg angrilly and said nothing.. She had been here for six hours...

"Abby look...The guy strung you along and then changed up on you at the last minute...I get it! Lucky for you , he's not dead...You won't get the book thrown at you...but we got you cold...The  weapon on your property...Thrown away hastily...Those emails...Why didn't you just have a drink, go over a girlfriend's house...Sleep it off? Shooting the guy was not the right way to go." said Lt. Tragg.

Abby said not a word...She glared at Lt. Tragg with a white hot hatred.. The more he talked, the more she glared...She was so angry , she wanted to explode.. How could anybody be this stupid and wooden headed? She thought. Then she smiled..

Olivia and Nelson appeared at the door
''Abby, we are here." said Olivia.

Nelson brought a Thermos full of hot coffee

and Bagels and Doughnuts...

"Well , Well , Well....Olivia, Olivia, Olivia... why am I not surprised?  You're making nice with the ADA who came the closest to beating you and your troops huh?  By the way..Where is the rest of your posse? I'm surprised your little neicey poo isn't hanging on to your bra straps...Where is your husband for that matter? and the two other girls?" asked Lt. Tragg.

"They're around, Can we speak to our client now?" asked Olivia.

''Sure...Sure..for what good it will do!" he laughed sarcastically as he left the room.

"Jack ass!" snarled Abby, as she munched the bagels and doughnuts and scarfed down the coffee.
"Abby, never mind him...We've got to get you out of here.. and get you arraigned. Beverly, Josie and Bree went to get a judge and some charactor witnesses.." said Olivia.
"They've got a paper thin case against you...Very circumstantial, but enough to charge you...It looks kind of bad right now...Which is why we need to get you out of here." said Nelson..

Abby was getting ready to speak..

Olivia shushed her..

"Not in here, these walls may have ears." she said.

"It's a good thing it doesn't have a nose...This room stinks!" said Abby.

Both Olivia and Nelson laughed.

"You're right..but try to endure it a little longer until we get you out." said Olivia.
''We'll see you in a couple of Hours." said Nelson.

We wound up in the exact same courtroom we had just been in a few weeks ago defending the woman who had been trying a case against us.. Irony was something else..

Judge Julie Wong was our Judge...We liked her, She was tough  but fair, very knowledgeable of the law..

 Beverly, Josie and Bresha stood in court waiting for us...

Olivia saw Judge Julie Wong and smiled brightly at" her girls"

Josie , Beverly and Bresha had done well.

"Oh No..Look at the ADA." said Abby.
"You know him?" said Nelson, because we didn't..

A well dressed Black man sat at the prosecution table..

He was ADA Lester Burke...

"That's Lester Burke...And he has tried to sleep with me for close to a year...I tried in every way to tell him I wasn't interested.. and now he's prosecuting me..Oh my god..." she sighed..

''Don't worry..We'll handle him." said Nelson.

Abby smiled and rubbed Nelson's hands softly..

"Beverly is a very lucky woman to have someone like you." she whispered.

I walked in and sat down next to Olivia.. 

I put my arms around her..and squeezed her waist a little.

ADA Burke stared at our table..

"That must be Olivia's man... Lucky dude...I know she drives him crazy in bed.." he mused..

He further stared...

Olivia, Beverly, Abby, Josie and Bresha..

"My goddddd, a table of hot babes...boyyyyyy I'm gonna enjoy this trial." he said to himself..

He completely ignored Nelson and I.

He argued that though Abigail Wilson was an officer of the court, Abby Wilson got caught up in a "tawdry" love affair and it lead to a passionate act  of near murder.  He knew all about Abby and Albert Williams...He was somewhat amused by this turn of events...

Olivia, Beverly and Nelson argued that there was very little to no proof that Abigail Wilson had committed any crime whatsoever and that the entire case was flimsy at best...we asked that the charges be dropped.

ADA Burke argued that there was circumstantial but compelling evidence that pointed to Abby Wilson's probable guilt.. such as the weapon being found in the dumpster of her condo...
He kept staring at both Olivia and Beverly, he couldn't decide which was the prettiest or sexiest...

He noticed that Nelson slyly rubbed Beverly's legs and slyly slipped his hands up under her skirt...and he noticed how seductivey Beverly smiled at Nelson..

"That must be her man, being she hasn't slapped him and he's hella close to her.." ADA Burke

He feasted his eyes on Josie..

"My god, what a rack!" he mused....He was more interested in our female associates than the actual case it seemed.

Josie presented 21 charactor witnessses, other attorneys and victims of some of the criminals she had sucessfully prosecuted.

ADA Burke coudn't stop staring at Josie's breasts...

"LAWWWWWD!" he thought.

Bresha argued that as a trusted officer of the court, ADA Wilson was not a flight risk or a danger to the city and that she was eager to have her case fought vigourously in court so that the truth could come out..

Judge Wong agreed and did not set bail . She knew Abby, Abby had tried cases in her courtroom, She liked her. She released ADA Abby Wilson  on her own recognizance!

Lt. Tragg was as usual, livid..

"Man they got drag with the judges and they pull one legal stunt after another.. I don't believe it." he said, stomping his foot in anger.

"Yo man, you gotta bring me more than you've brung me....So far this case is sloppy and circumstantial and I frankly don't understand you arresting her in the first place...Why don't you wait until the guy wakes up and see what he has to say?  This case stinks..Get back out there and get me something to build with." said ADA Lester Burke.
He might as well have been talking to a brick wall, Lt. Tragg completely ignored him and walked away..

"Let's go home..Order our lunch. We definitely aren't eating at Sam Mother's today." said Olivia.
"Definitely Not." said  Beverly.
"I called a good friend of ours, Bonnie Shay..I need to see all your devices and maybe see some of Albert's devices..See if he was hacked. See if you were hacked.
"I have the key to his apartment." said Abby.
"Throw me the keys...I'll drive." said Nelson.
''That went good... That ADA was kind of cute." said Josie.
"He was." giggled Bresha.

We piled into the SUV and pulled off.


We returned home...

We ordered Take Out from Chinese Bob's...

Our good friend Bonnie Shay , an Attorney (Public Defender and Assistant District Attorney, New York City) and now an Insurance Investigator for Cyclops Insurance and a computer and electronic whiz had lunch with us.

We made quick stops At Abby's condo and Albert Williams's apartment and collected his devices as well as hers.. Bonnie Shay was examining all of them to determine if either one of them had been hacked.

We all stopped to eat the piping hot Chinese food!

"Bonnie thank you soo much for helping us out.." said Olivia.. "Stop working, have some food, there is plenty.." she said.

"It's no problem Liv... I miss hanging out with you guys...Heard you guys went to the Carribean for Christmas..That sounded like fun." said Bonnie..

"Oh girrrl, it was heaven....One of my grateful clients paid for the whole thing, minus airline tickets..It was fun." said Olivia.

''Everything is delish! It always is from Chinese Bob's...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" said Beverly.

Nelson was running his hands up Beverly's skirt and rubbing her legs...he was softly tugging on the waistband of her panties.. She looked at him playfully...

They were kissing after every other forkful of food..

This wasn't lost on Abby , who thought of Al Williams, still in the hospital in a coma...hanging on for dear life..who used to rub her legs and kiss her constantly when they were together.

''Abby girl we usually tell our clients to check into a hotel under their own name..but I imagine you don't want to do that...So just keep a low profile and we'll communicate with you through this portal."said Josie.

"And use this clean phone for all communications with us.. Here are sim cards..Change them every three days."said Bresha.

"You guys don't play." said Abby..

"We take nothing for chance." I said.

"Mr. Williams was definitely hacked., Ms. Wilson was not!" said Bonnie, showing us the email sent to his estranged wife saying he wanted to come home.

I looked at the time on the email...

"Okay, what's wrong with this picture?" I asked.

"It's time and date are all wrong..This is written, the day of the shooting.." said Olivia..
"It doesn't match with the incident report...He was already shot down and in the parking lot when this was sent..No way he sent this..or wrote this." said Beverly..
"And this one sent to Zoey was sent one half hour before the shooting.. I doubt if he even knew about it and look at the response from his estranged wife.. "Is this a joke? Have you been hacked.?" Even she didn't believe it." said Nelson.

"I DIDN'T BELIEVE IT EITHER!" said Attorney Zoey Easter, who walked in... "Uh your door was unlocked..I let myself in...Ummmmmm smells good." she said

"Heyyyyyyy girl, take a seat, have some food, there is plenty." said Olivia.

''Heyyyy Zoey."said Beverly. she was now sitting on Nelson's lap...

''Heyyyy Zoey!" I said.. I was going to call you...I wanted to talk to you about these emails." I said.

"Hi Ms. Zoey." said Josie.
"Hiii Ms. Zoey." said Bresha.

"I got that email from him saying to call off the divorce proceedings...and I immediately sent him an email asking if this was a joke..I had just talked to him the day before and he was happy about it being 
over and done with...The I saw on the TV news that night that he had been gunned down in the parking lot around 5:00 pm, around the same time I got this email."said Zoey.

"Same time his wife got a similar email...Hmmmmm smells fishy doesn't it?" I said.

"He was hacked.. It would have been physically impossible to have sent these emails when he did.. Somebody was sloppy in several ways...And the fact that he's still alive proves whoever , didn't even do that right." said Olivia.

"Definitely not a professional hit."said Nelson.

''We are going to untangle this web."said Beverly...

"I can't even imagine who is behind this...His crazy esranged wife??" mused Abby...

"I don't know..I don't think it's her.. Tommorrow, Bev and I are going to talk to the guy who lived with you for five years and Williams estranged wife." I said.

''Lawrence couldn't have done this." said Abby.
"You never know."said Bresha.

"We have to question them." said Josie.

We figured the police were going to want to look at his devices, Maybe Abby's too!

We had everything we needed...Proof that he had been hacked.. I had Bresha, Abby and Josie return his devices. Then they dropped Abby off at her home.  If Lt. Tragg had been any good, he would have gotten a court order and impounded those devices before we even got to them... I had one up on him.

A Day later with Olivia and Beverly with me..We interviewed Lawrence Martin, the former live in lover of Abby Wilson.

"Mr. Wilson, I am Olivia Bennett-Alexander, I am an Attorney..." said Olivia.  "This is my niece, Mrs. Beverly West-East, she's also an attorney and my husband, Donnie Ray Alexander.. He's our investigator." she said.
"We are representing Abigail Wilson, who is accused of the attempted murder of Attorney Albert Williams, who she was engaged to.  We don't think she's guilty." said Beverly.
"Naturally, we have to question everybody in her life." I said.

"And I'm a suspect?" he said, laughing..

"Don't look at it like that Mr. Martin...we are lawyers ,not the police..Tell us about your relationship with Abby." said Olivia.

He smiled.. He was a handsome man..

"When I met Abby, she was already, a first year Attorney...I was working as a court clerk then...I had just entered law school... I was amazed that someone like her, an Attorney would even talk to someone like me, a court clerk, and a law student.  Her parents hated me, said she could do better.. but we became a couple and I moved in with her..  I quit my job and concentrated fully on law school..She fed me and paid all of the bills for three years.. I graduated from law school and passed the bar.. I clerked for a couple of judges , but the pay was low...I put most of my money into my car..She still supported me.  It was going on five years...She had had enough...She put me out...I don't blame her.. I was mad then, but in retrospect, she did me a favor.. It made me get off my ass and get a job.. I worked hard and became Senior Associate Attorney at my firm and moved into a loft at first and then later on a nice condo.  Bought a new car too...We ran into each other again...Two years ago... I had a job offer in New York City...We hooked up again, we talked about marriage and Abby and I moving to New York City, then I discovered a young lady I had been casually dating was pregnant!  It was mine!! That ended Abby and me..  I went to New York and got the job... but I kept coming to Philly every weekend to see my child.. Soon I moved back to Philly and took another job...My son is four years old now..He's well.
I'm not involved with that young lady, but we are in a real good place.. We co-parent and we are great friends.. I have a job at a law firm in Cherry Hill and uh I'm doing pretty good.  Ihaven't seen or heard from Abby in about a year...I bear her no ill will...She's a great girl.." said Lawrence Martin.

"I have to ask you where you were the afternoon of the shooting." I said.

"I was in Cherry Hill all day, at work and out to dinner with another young lady, an attorney from my firm..I'll give you her address and phone number and you can check my credit and debit card." he said.

I believed him, but I was going to check anyway.

"Thank you for your time Mr. Martin." said Beverly, smiling..


The Next Day-

"He checked out.... I spoke to the young lady at his firm...and several employees ..He was at work all day and they did go out to dinner.. His Credit Card and Debit Cards all check out..I checked his phone too and his bank account as well.  He's not our man." I said.
"I believed him...He still loves Abby..He wouldn't do anything to hurt her."said Beverly.
"You're such a romantic Neicey Poo!"laughed Olivia.
"Yesterday was kind of fun..It was kinda old school like in the beginning, when it was just the three of us, Me , you and Donnie Ray." said Beverly.
"Yeah it was....but I'm so glad we got a team now..It takes a lot of extra work off of us.."said Olivia, remembering that our work load got so heavy, it was almost as if she and Beverly were back in the Public Defenders Office.

"We returned that stuff just in the nick of time.. Lt. Tragg got a court order for Abby's devices..she called. I told her to turn them over to him." said Nelson.

"He should have gotten Albert Williams Devices.. See how backward he is.. But that ADA, Lester Burke, he got a court order for them and they were seized too!"said Josie.

"If they discover he was hacked , they might drop the charges...He might call her with a proffer, I'd be glad to represent us."said Bresha, laughing slyly...

"Ouuuuuuuuu freshie....Married woman!"laughed Beverly...

''He is cute!"laughed Josie as all three young ladies laughed conspiratorially..

"He has eyes for Abby...She knows him."said Nelson..

''Oh we are just playing...Tell me you don't ogle Judge Julie Wong, just a little bit? All the guys like her and talk about her.." laughed Beverly...

"I know she's got my ex- Pinkney spinning in circles...He doesn't know if he's coming or going.."laughed  Bresha.

"Actually I don't ogle her. I spend my time ogling you, rubbing your legs.." said Nelson, truthfully.
It wasn't often that someone left Beverly speechless...but here was one of those times...She blushed like crazy...

''Awwwwwwwww you sweet sweet guy!" she said.
"Mark that on your calender Livy, score one for Nelson." I said.

''Awwwwwww " said Olivia, laughing.. "He loves my niecey poo, He always has." she said.

"Good Comeback!"said Josie.
"And it's for real too...He's always staring at Bev." said Bresha.

"Ummmm and you can rub them as much as you want..." she whispered in his ears.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh good to know.." said Nelson, who was rubbing her legs as they spoke.

Beverly sat on Nelson's lap and kissed him passionately for a few minutes..

"They still have that gun...That gun found in the dumpster by her building." said Olivia.

''Come on...That's obviously a plant."said Josie.

''My guy at the lab said there is no DNA or Fingerprints on it and that the partial serial number shows that this gun reported stolen a year ago.."I said.

"They don't have a motive, they don't have anything.. We should argue that all charges be dropped, lack of sufficient evidence.." said Bresha.

"That would make sense Bree, but it becomes an ego thing with a lot of these ADA's..They don't like to drop anything concerning Bev or me..They don't like to admit they are wrong.. A female ADA would drop this flimsy case in a heartbeat.."said Olivia.
"Lt. Tragg always does this..Arrests someone without getting all the facts and it turns out to be the wrong person, You'd think he'd slow down, think things out." said Josie.
''You would think!"said Beverly...

"He likes to make a quick collar and then play to the press...At first it makes him look like a great detective and then it unravels.."I said.

"Over the years, he's been good for business."laughed Olivia.

We all busted out into gales of laughter!


In their domicile finally after a day of work..

Beverly looked at her husband.. "Come here, take my clothes off." she whispered.

Nelson walked over to her..

Beverly gave him a wet, sloppy, butter soft kiss..

He helped her out of her clothes and she slowly helped him out of his..They kissed passionately and she took him by the hand and walked him into the bedroom..

He slipped her bra and panties off..

He bent Beverly across the bed and slowly entered her doggie style..



They sat on the side of the bed, with Beverly, slowly easing up and down on Nelson and showering him with kisses.. Her body was trembling again.. She was having another intense orgasm.

He tossed Beverly on the bed.. and slowly entered her...she was so soft, so wet...smelled like a new born baby..

"I'M SO IN LOVE WITH YOU NELSON!" she cried out.

"I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU TOO!" he moaned.

Tears flowed from her eyes as she cried out..feeling so good!

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUSBAND! OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" moaned Beverly, delirious and trembling....

"BEV, OH MY GOD!" Nelson cried out..He felt so good....He had been wanting her all day...

For the next NINE TO TEN HOURS, they were focused on each other. Totally!

On The TV talk show, HARD BOTTOM, host B.L. Benz lead the night's lead story off...

"Defense Attorneys and good friends of this show, Olivia Bennett-Alexander , Beverly West and their team of attorneys shown here.

Donnie Ray Alexander, Investigator and Olivia's Husband, Attorneys Nelson East, husband of Beverly West, Josie Boyd and newcomer, Bresha Billips have decided to bury the hatchet and defend Assistant District Attorney Abigail Wilson

who they just finished facing in a grueling four trial WAR, in which they ultimately won a hard  fought acquittal for 

Clyde Clawhopper...A street merchant accused of murdering his rival.

Ms. Phillips is accused of shooting down her married lover, Attorney Albert Williams, who it is rumored was going to leave her for his estranged wife,

Attorney Nancy Tobin-Williams , Niece of  Attorney Floyd Tobin of the the Tobin Group. Mrs. Tobin -Williams was unavailable for comment. Mr. Williams is presently in a coma in the hospital, after being shot five times in a Center City Hospital.

Attorney Zoey Easter, who was handling the divorce was also unavailable for comment. We'll be updating you with more on this as the story develops. said B.L.

At home...

Olivia and I had the broadcast on, but we didn't see it at all.. We were involved in another activity that was taking our attention..

"MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOWWWWWWWWW!" she cooed as I slipped her lace thong down...

"OUUUUUU... WOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU....OHHHHHHHH MY GOD! DONNIE RAY!!! OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" moaned Olivia as I lifted her petite body and slowly entered her..


"THAT KEEPS LIFE INTERESTING...." she said and smiled.

"UMMMMMMMM HUSBAND!" she moaned..

"OLIVIA! , I'M LOSING MY MIND!" I cried out.,.



"OLIVIA, I LOVE YOU TOO! OHHHHHHHHHH!" I groaned as we lay on top of our bed,making sweet love.

Meanwhile on HARD BOTTOM , B.L. Benz continued to talk..

"This story has everything you could ask for, sex, a love triangle, and possibly MURDER!!!" he said.


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