Thursday, January 27, 2022

A Cognitive Continuance

 In the office of Special Prosecutor Maureen "Reeny" Thomas
She was studying the case she had been handed..

Sarita Moreno, accused of killing her business partner 

William Baldwin.

It seemed pretty open and shut..There were six eyewitnesses, Her fingerprints and DNA were on the meat cleaver plunged into his chest...

There was a motive, Baldwin had embezzled 100 large from her non-profit to repay gambling debts.

She was a s good as gone...and yet she hadn't made a plea and had gotten herself some good lawyers.

She looked at their dossiers on her desk. They were on us...The defense Attorneys in this case.


Born in Philadelphia PA. 

Mother, Nancy Jones, Court Stenographer

Father, Judge Keith Morrison

Graduated from West Catholic High School

B.A. Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law- Howard University

J.D.- University of Pennsylvania Law School

Fluent in Spanish, French, German

Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware ,New York, Texas, California

Associate Attorney- McCluskey/Cozen/Connor/Pratt

Married to Beatrice Evans


Born in Philadelphia PA.

Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls

B.A. -Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy ,Pre Law- Temple University

J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School

Fluent in Spanish and French

Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Deleware, Texas, California

Associate Attorney- McCluskey /Cozen/Connor and Pratt

Married to Keith Jones


Born in Philadelphia PA.

Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls

B.A. -Administration Of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law-Temple University

J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School

Fluent in Spanish and French

Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware and New York, Texas, California

Associate Attorney -McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt

Married to Kahlil Ahmed...


Born in Philadelphia PA.

Graduated from Central High School

BA.- Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law- Temple University

JD- University of Pennsylvania Law School

Speaks Arabic languages fluently, fluent in German and Russian.

Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware and New York, Texas, California

Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt

Married to Sofia Garcia


Born in Philadelphia PA.

Graduated from North Catholic High School

BA-Trial Advocacy, Pre Law, Administration of Justice -Lasalle University

JD -University of Pennsylvania Law School

Fluent in Spanish, French and Russian

Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware , New York, Texas, California.

Senior Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt

Managing Partner- McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt

Married to District Attorney Investigator-Gary Lockwood

They had to be good...They had represented the last attorneys who beat her....That too was a case where the defendent had actually killed someone and it too ended differently than anyone expected.. She pulled out  those dossiers..


Olivia Marissa Bennett-Alexander

Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law, Trial Advocacy -Temple University..

J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School

Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Texas, California

 Speaks French and Spanish Fluently...

Worked as a Public Defender, 

Worked for Bach and Roach LLC, as Associate Attorney

Founding partner-Alexander & West ,Attorneys at law..

Divorced- Elwood Barnes..,Corporate Attorney 

No Children, two miscarriages..

Married-Donnie Ray Alexander

Beverly Cheryl West-East

Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law-Trial Advocay, Temple University..

J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School

Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Texas, California

 Speaks French and Spanish Fluently...

Worked as a Public Defender,

 Founding Partner-Alexander & West Attorney's at Law.

Daughter of Olivia's Older Half Brother, James West... Olivia's Niece

Married to Nelson East.

Nelson Sean East

Graduated, West Catholic High School-Philadelphia PA.

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law- St. Johns University, New York City
Psychology Minor...

J.D. -St. Johns Univeristy Law School, New York City..

Passed The Bar , New York, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, Texas, California 

Speaks Spanish , French and Russian Fluently...

Worked as Public Defender, 

 Associate Attorney at Robert Foxworth and Associates.

Associate Attorney at Alexander and West , Attorneys at law.

Married to Beverly West

Donnie Ray Alexander

Born and Raised in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Educated in New Orleans Public Schools..

Associates Degree- New Orleans Community College-Administration of Justice, Pre Law

Homicide Detective, New Orleans Police Department, Retired.

Principal Investigator, Alexander and West Attorneys at law-Philadelphia PA.

Married to Olivia Bennett

Also a semi-professional musician

Josephine Boyd

Born in Philadelphia PA.

Raised in Red Hook Section of New York City 

Bachelors of Science, Architecture from Fisk University

Master in Business Administration- University of Pennsylvania.

Para -Legal -Alexander & West Attorneys at law.

JD- Drexel  University Law School..

Passed the Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware, New York, Texas, California

Associate Attorney-Alexander & West, Attorneys at Law, Philadelphia.

Bresha Williams

Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre Law- Lasalle University, Philadelphia PA.

J.D.- Middleton Law School, Bayside ,Pennsylvania.

Passed the bar, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, New York

Speaks Spanish and French Fluently...

Associate Attorney at Alexander and West , Attorneys at law...

That group of attorneys had beaten her twice and they chose the group she would be going up against this time to represent them during a big civil suit against them last year!!!  No...This case wasn't what it appeared to be.. She had better be on her A. Game.. The preliminary hearing was tomorrow.

She sat in Curleys Bar with Lt. Arthur Tragg talking and drinking tequila two nights before the Preliminary.

They talked about the attorneys involved and the perceived slam dunk of a case...She reminded him how Olivia and Beverly had taken a like case and turned it up on it's ear the last time they worked together..

He assured her that this time it would be different. He asked her how she even wound up on this case to begin with?
"Yes...when Diane Baronski asked to be taken off the case.. Garcetti called me in to be a Special Prosecutor. And here I am." said Maureen Thomas,
"Yessssssss, here you are..This case hardly needs a special prosecutor." laughed Lt. Tragg. He was busy looking at the skin tight and super short mini skirt she was wearing and thigh high boots... She was aware of this...Every man in the bar was falling over himself staring at her...

He poured more tequila, knowing that this was "Reeny's" drink of choice. He had his hands up her short skirt...rubbing her legs and palming her butt.

"Lieutenant, you're up to your old tricks again.. You like your hands in  my panties don't you?" she laughed..

"Yes, I'm up to my old tricks.....How about a treat baby? heh heh heh!" laughed Lt. Tragg.

Drinking like this..His hands got very loose...He had them up under her skirt..,rubbing her legs, which were trembling and squeezing her buttocks...He was now at the waistband of her panties with his hands almost in them,palming her butt.. His face was as red as a beet and he had a pleased as punch look on his face..Her face was plum red also...She was sweating...

"Pay the tab and let's get out of here." she finally said.

He was once again at her condo...Ultra Modern and walking distance from her center city law firm in Rittenhouse square.

They weren't inside good before they were kissing passionately....



"I SEE!" she said..

His trousers were sticking out like a circus tent....It was a wonder he could walk in this state..

She giggled as he continued to kiss her, devouring her lips....

"Ouuuuuuuuuuu you like your hands in my panties don't you?" she moaned..




"AWWWWWWWWWWWW MYYY GOD!" he moaned, as he slipped her panties off..

She sat on the side of the bed, moving up and down on him, kissing him as though her life depended on it..

"GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ" he said.. He didn't know if he were coming or going..



She rode him like a surfer rides the waves...Sending waves of pleasure into both of them...


For awhile they were on the floor, going at it hard...



and for the next NINE TO TEN HOURS, Lt. Tragg and Special Prosecutor, Maureen "Reeny " Thomas made sweet love...She had had several orgasms during this time period...

Both of them climaxing into a crescendo of pleasure and sweat....

Neither of them had to be anywhere tomorrow.. It was the day after they had to be ready for..


Special Prosecutor Thomas wasn't the only one studying the opposition..

Our investigator, Jade had gotten us a complete dossier on her the minute we found out that Diane Baronski had asked off of the case and she had been assigned.. It was part of our preparation, Not being caught by surprise at anytime or by anyone.

Maureen Thomas

Graduated from Lower Merion High School

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre Law, Trial advocacy- Lasalle University, Philadelphia PA.

J.D.- Villanova School Of Law

Passed the Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware, New York, Virginia, Washington, D.C.

Associate Attorney- Luken and Jerguson

Associate Attorney-Milf and Rogan

Associate Attorney- Bang & Bang

Associate Attorney- Reese & Thornton

Assistant U.S. Attorney -Southeastern District of Pennsylvania

Senior Associate Attorney - Dare and Jacobson

"I've heard She is a pretty damn good attorney ... She drinks a little too much at times...Still, when it comes to her job, she is by the book and on top of everything. Olivia and Beverly have checkmated her twice..They're the only ones so far." I said.

"I've heard that too and I've also heard something else about her..One...She likes to get high..and two , She drinks a lot like Keith said  and three , when she combines the two...She gets very friendly....VERY friendly around the guys and uh her panties slip off very easily...That has nothing to do with us or our case, just courtroom gossip I've heard from more than one person." said Yvette.

Sofia, Bee Bee and Kahlil laughed heartedly....

We were preparing for this trial..studying like cases, laws pretaining to this situation and predicates..
We were going to give Sarita the best defense possible and possibly save her life.

She obviously has something going on...And if it's caused by a tumor.. Then this is out of her control..And that's what we argue on."said Ms. Yvette.

"We are going to try and get her some help aren't we?" asked Bee Bee.

"Yes, of course...If she's got a Brain Tumor, it has to be removed....She could potentially die if it's not!" said Ms. Yvette.

"I get it..We show a jury that minus the Brain Tumor...She's perfectly normal and not a threat and we win on that!" said Kahlil.

''Absolutely...These are definitely mitigating circumstances."said Ms. Yvette.

"We need intelligent jurors, Jurors with some college education.. Possibly some medical background if we can find them."I said.

"And witnesses who have had this kind of operation.. and maybe another doctor..A Neuro -Surgeon."said Sofia..

''Several years ago when I handpicked you four out of ten possible recent law school grads...I knew you four were special..I knew you were smarter than average , had great chemistry and would make fine lawyers.... You have exceeded all of my expectations and you've done something I didn't expect...You've become my friends, my family...far more than just employees..Yall don't know how much I love yall. That goes for you too Jade, best investigator , money can buy."said a very impressed Ms. Yvette.. 

"I'll work on finding those witnesses and another Doctor." said Jade.

Bee Bee and I met in our place in the breakroom, behind the lockers in the back after the meeting..

This time it was her idea..

"Ouu you turned me on so much today at that meeting the way you handled yourself." she said.
"I did?" I said.

She took me in her arms and kissed me slowly and softly....

Everyone else was at dinner...

''Where is Keith and Bee Bee?"asked Jessica Sanchez Burrow of the Innocence Project.

"Upstairs ,Talking."said Sofia, who knew where we were and was covering..

"They'll be down shortly.." said Kahlil.

''We heard about your case...and that you're using Dr. Charles Oakley...He's very good...Jessie and I had a case simular to yours and we used him and another ClinicalPsychologist,who understands these things a Black woman...I'll give you her card."said her husband, Chip.

"Thank you...This is why I like working here and living on the block I live on with so many talented people in my same profession."laughed Ms. Yvette.

"Not to mention we've all worked together before." said Dabnis , who made a place for his wife, Jazzy,

''Here comes your wayward staff, fresh from sucking face.." laughed Jazzy, who wet a cloth and wiped 
Bee Bee's lipstick off my collar..

We both smiled sheepishly as we sat down with our food.

''Don't sweat it..We are all practically newlyweds...and we all got hot wives.."joked Ray St.Jacques, pinching his wife, Kayla Bennett-St. Jacques
"Ouuuuuuuuu, Stop it Rayyyy." she said ,jerking...

Bresha's husband, newcomer, Tony Billips laughed too.
As did Ms. Jade.

As we enjoyed a nice relaxing tension free meal...It was nice to enjoy all of our meals tension free, meaning without Lt. Tragg around. He knew nothing of this cafeteria and although he knew some of us worked here..The important thing was he didn't know Ms. Yvette, Jade, Me, Bee Bee, Sofia and Kahlil worked here now.


The  Preliminary Hearing in the Murder Trial of Sarita Moreno began..

"Yvette Jones and associates for the defense." said Ms. Yvette.

Standing with Sarita and flanked by Sofia, Bee Bee, Myself ,Kahlil and Ms. Jade.

"How do you plead?" asked Judge Michael King.. He was expecting a guilty by reason of insanity plea, a proffered deal...He didn't expect this to turn into a trial.. He thought this matter who would be settled in two days tops.. He was astounded when he heard what Ms. Yvette did say.

"We are pleading NOT GUILTY  your honor and there are mitigating circumstances...We are also asking for a continuance.."said Ms. Yvette.

"WHATTTTTT?" said an astonished Judge Michael King...

"I don't believe it...ON WHAT GROUNDS?" asked a now completely sober Special prosecutor, Maureen "Reeny" Thomas, flabberghasted by the plea and the request.

"Our client suffers from cognitive dissonance issues that may be responsible for her actions ,rendering her out of control at the time of the crimes and we want time for her to go to the hospital and have a CAT scan to ascertain this." said Sofia.


"This is no stunt...Your honor, have you noticed my client's constant shaking..Her right arm in particular and the sweating? Something is going on here."said Bee Bee.

"And you want a continuance so she can get a cat scan?" asked Judge King.

"If it would please the court...We are all lawyers..We are not Doctors...We brought Dr. Charles Oakley with us.. He examined her up at Valhalla , he can explain." I said.

Kahlil and Jade walked into the courtroom with 

Dr. Charles Oakley.

"I remember him, that quack.." snarled Lt. Tragg.

Special Prosecutor Thomas smiled, but she was interested in what he had to say..

"Your Honor, I interviewed Ms.Moreno at the womens correctional center...Her right arm twitched uncontrollably and she had trouble signing a simple piece of paper.. She had mood swings and headaches and losses of memory...This has led me to believe there is some cognitive dissonance..Now cognitive dissonance, let me explain-In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the perception of contradictory information. Relevant items of information include a person's actions, feelings, ideas, beliefs, values, and things in the environment. Cognitive dissonance is typically experienced as psychological stress when persons participate in an action that goes against one or more of those things. According to this theory, when two actions or ideas are not psychologically consistent with each other, people do all in their power to change them until they become consistent. The discomfort is triggered by the person's belief clashing with new information perceived, wherein the individual tries to find a way to resolve the contradiction to reduce their discomfort. I believe there is more to her bizzare behavior than this.. I think there is something physiological going on here." said Dr. Oakley.

"Like a Brain Tumor?" asked the Judge.

"Yes, exactly!" said Dr. Oakland.

Judge King looked at Sarita, sitting in between Bee Bee and Sofia.

Bee Bee had a cold towell, wiping her brow and Sofia was holding her shaking right arm, rubbing her hands softly..

"I'll allow it.. Two days...A full Cat scan and I want the attending Physician in this courtroom to give testimony." he said.

"Thank You Your honor, That's good enough." said Ms. Yvette.

"Well Home slice, we got our work cut out for us.." I said.
'We certainly do." said Kahlil.

as we all left the courtroom.

Special Prosecutor Maureen Thomas smiled, she actually admired the defense Ms. Yvette and us were presenting.. She whispered to Ms. Yvette.

"Yvette, you're a good attorney, excellent's bullshit..but it's a damn good strategy." she said.

Yvette looked at her and smiled.


Sarita was taken to the hospital that afternoon.. Escorted there by sherriff's deputies..

Ms. Yvette was there, along with  Judy Romero, Bee Bee, Sofia, Kahlil, Jade and Dr. Oakley...

I brought everybody a hot steaming tumbler of coffee, while we waited.

We had been there for an hour when Lt. Tragg walked in.. We all collectively groaned when he walked in.

"You know Yvette, both you and your buddy, Olivia have pulled some stunts over the years in court, but I have to say this tops everything I've ever seen and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.  She's a murderer...She almost admitted it until you showed up with this defense.." he snarled.

''WHY DON'T YOU SHUT UP AND GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE?" screamed Judy Romero angrily..

"It's okay...It's okay mami, ignore him..."said Sofia, hugging her friend..

"It's okay Judy...It's okay baby!"said Bee Bee, rubbing her hands and also hugging her.

"Who the hell is she?" asked Lt. Tragg incredulous..

"That's Sarita Moreno's niece....This really isn't the time for your whining and complaining...I'd really like for you to leave."said Ms. Yvette sternly..She was in no mood to joust with him and was not smiling the way she usually did when he came around..
"YOU REALLY NEED TO LEAVE!" I said. Angry enough to actually address him for the first time.
"Show some respect man." said Kahlil..

"You know, you need to examine yourself..A number of people no longer eat in Sam Mother's because of you, we even limit our visits to Curley's bar because of you...Why don't you get some therapy? You're toxic!" said Jade.

"Yvette, call your troops off..I'm not in the mood for it." snarled Lt. Tragg.

"Then leave! We don't intend to discuss this case with you AT ALL or anything else.. So if you want to stand here and look stupid, that's on you."said Yvette who was visibly angry..

Dr. Simon Oakland sat ,glaring at him...shaking his head in disgust...

Me, Bee Bee, Judy, Sofia and Kahlil finished our coffee and got up and walked outside.

''Where the hell are they going? Who are you calling?"asked Lt. Tragg.

Yvette was on the phone ..

She was talking to her husband, D.A.'s investigator, Gary Lockwood.

"Don't worry baby...It's handled." was all he would say.

"Go Home!" said Jade.
15 minutes later, his phone rang...It was The Deputy Of Operations.

"Hello sir...I am uh following up on the Moreno Investigation. How did you know I was at the hospital?? I know she's in the hospital...Yes.. I turned in my report...There was nothing else to be reported on sir...Yes...No I'm not hassling attorneys..
Yes.. Yvette Jones and her associates are here..I was questioning them... About the case sir..Yes..I know I'm on Cease and Desist..No I don't want Sherrif's deputies arresting me...Yes, I know if I'm arrested again and placed in the cooler I'm back on the Marine Boat until Spring..yes sir sirrrrrrr..Well I...Now sir, that kind of language is not needed..No, my head is not up my ass again...Yes sir sirrrrrrr...I was just finished and just leaving.. Yes sirrrrrrrrrrr sirrrrrrrr...No sir.. No sirrrrrrrrrrr sirrrrr..." he said. and hung up.

He was as red as a beet...He almost looked like he was close to tears...He stomped his foot angrilly and stormed out of the hospital..

"Hey man, you still haven't replaced your car yet?" asked Kahlil.

"Any leads on who blew it up yet? It's been almost a year." I asked.

Bee Bee, Sofia and Judy cracked up laughing as we were going back in.

Lt. Tragg was furious...He got in his car...

He pulled off at top speed.


Gary showed up..

He came with Hot Dogs from Jakes and more coffees...

Ms. Yvette kissed him passionately..

"You always take care of me..." she said.

"That's my job baby!" he said, hugging her and squeezing her.

2:30 AM

The Surgeon came out and addressed us.

"She's got a tumor the size of a walnut in her left frontal lobe! And it's got to be removed soon!" he said.

Ms. Yvette, Gary, Judy, Sofia, Bee Bee, Ms Jade, Myself, Kahlil and Dr. Oakland said nothing. Our suspicions were on the money..

But would a judge and a jury buy it?  That was the question.


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