Sissy and I didn't have lunch that day...One of her detectives found a witness...A witness in West Philadelphia willing to talk...We could put this in the book of world records. The witness told her that the killer was real kool and casual...,was standing on the corner drinking a Coke and fired at Sloppy Joe Prescott as soon as he crossed the street...dropped the can in the trash can and casually walked away like it was nothing. What was important was that the killer had dropped a
soda can in the trash can... The Detectives found the can....complete with prints and with saliva...Saliva that contained DNA.....Both led them to one, Samuel Butler Coleridge.....a known junkie and petty theif who would do anything for the right price. He was picked up in one hour and immediately spilled his guts. He was hired by , another junkie named "Petey Boy" (Peter Jackson) who supplied him with a gun and a photo of who he was supposed to kill and his known hang outs and address. To nobody's surprise.."Petey Boy" was of no help to anyone..He was dead..injected with a "hot shot" ,an overdose of pure heroin by someone..and there the trail ended. Sissy had her killer, had her case solved and that was about as far as she was going to get. Sam Coleridge didn't know "Fathead Newton", had never seen him..and chances are ,whoever hired "Petey Boy" was an underling who was hired by one of Newton's lieutenants.
Nothing to lead them to Newton himself...He was just a rumor..That's the way it always went.
So I was quite surprised when Sissy walked into the little diner I was eating in, looking like a million bucks...Sharp skirt, nice stilletto heels, new hairdo...smelling great.
"Whoa...Heyyyy, you don't look like a working Detective to me Lieutenant!!" I laughed.
"I'm not working today...I'm off.." she laughed.
"I heard you cracked your case...Read about it in the papers....you said you'd get your man." I laughed.
"Yeah....I got the ones that did the dirt, too bad I didn't get the guy who made the dirt happen."
she said.
"Oh ,Fathead Newton? I told you you wasn't gonna get him...He's so insulated...He lives in a Condo downtown and spends most of his days buying real estate and hob nobbing with the politicos and pretending to be a legit kinda guy...He don't go near no drugs or guns..He don't even
come in West Philly no more." I said.
"You sure know a lot about him." laughed Sissy.
"See Sissy, you're a cop...people aint gon say but so much around you..but people will talk to me.
Everybody in West Philly and South Philly and Southwest Philly know who Fathead Newton is.
He took over from Chris Thompson." I said.
"Chris who?" she said.
"'Chris Thompson. He used to run things...He was real quiet,laid back...I aint surprised that you
never heard of him." I said.
"When did he get killed?" said Sissy.
"He aint dead....He gave it up..sold all of his business to the others and just left Philly...when the smoke cleared, Fathead Newton was the ruler of the roost. Chris comes into town form time to time, but he don't have nothing to do with that world anymore...don't even hang around his old associates." I continued.
"Hmmm, sounds like a smart man." laughed Sissy.
"Yeah, I suppose he is." I said as I finished my sandwich.
"How about you Robert? Have you gotten any smarter?" she asked me, now holding my arm
and looking me in the eye.
"I have....I know you might find that hard to believe but I have....My foolishness has cost me more than it ever should have...I had a good wife and I lost her, cause of some chick , some chick that wasn't half the woman my wife was." I said , holding my head down in shame.
"You miss Corrine huh?" she said.
"Sissy ,I was talking about you.....I messed things up with Corrine too, but I was really talking about you." I said.
We sat there at that table looking at each other...both full of regret...
My Apartment door flung open...Sissy and I were passionately kissing each other...our heads seemingly locked together as we spun into the room...
"Mmmmmph...ohhhh, Robert...wait...wait...close the door..mmmpph.." she moaned as I took my
leg and kicked the door shut...
She yanked my zipper down and held my massively erect organ in her hand and began rubbing it furiously...as I moaned.. My arm was under her skirt... she softly began to moan more...
"Oh yeah baby, ohhhhh yeah....yeah..yessss...."
I eased her into the bedroom and unzippered her skirt, hastily helped her remove her pantyhose
and blouse as well as her bra...and began unzippering my trousers...She helped me take my shirt
off...and then we were engulfed in a hot embrace...kissing each other as though our very lives depended on it...
I eased her on to the bed and eased into her just as easily...
"Ohhhhhhhhh Roberttttt....." she said.
"Sissy,I've missed you so much..." I whispered.
We made mad passionate love right there in that bed until we were both spent...and out of breath. I put my arms around her and she put her head in the crook of my shoulder and we went to sleep.
We both woke up sometime in the early morning and went at it again...This time slower and with more tenderness...I didn't want to stop...it felt so good. We went back to sleep.
When I woke up the next day...I was alone...Only my clothes were on the floor..Sissy and anything that belonged to her was gone...I don't know if she thought we had made a mistake or
what...who can know what is on a woman's mind or in her heart...but she was indeed gone. I wasn't mad...I understood..Thanks Sissy.
(Conclusion Next!)
soda can in the trash can... The Detectives found the can....complete with prints and with saliva...Saliva that contained DNA.....Both led them to one, Samuel Butler Coleridge.....a known junkie and petty theif who would do anything for the right price. He was picked up in one hour and immediately spilled his guts. He was hired by , another junkie named "Petey Boy" (Peter Jackson) who supplied him with a gun and a photo of who he was supposed to kill and his known hang outs and address. To nobody's surprise.."Petey Boy" was of no help to anyone..He was dead..injected with a "hot shot" ,an overdose of pure heroin by someone..and there the trail ended. Sissy had her killer, had her case solved and that was about as far as she was going to get. Sam Coleridge didn't know "Fathead Newton", had never seen him..and chances are ,whoever hired "Petey Boy" was an underling who was hired by one of Newton's lieutenants.
Nothing to lead them to Newton himself...He was just a rumor..That's the way it always went.
So I was quite surprised when Sissy walked into the little diner I was eating in, looking like a million bucks...Sharp skirt, nice stilletto heels, new hairdo...smelling great.
"Whoa...Heyyyy, you don't look like a working Detective to me Lieutenant!!" I laughed.
"I'm not working today...I'm off.." she laughed.
"I heard you cracked your case...Read about it in the papers....you said you'd get your man." I laughed.
"Yeah....I got the ones that did the dirt, too bad I didn't get the guy who made the dirt happen."
she said.
"Oh ,Fathead Newton? I told you you wasn't gonna get him...He's so insulated...He lives in a Condo downtown and spends most of his days buying real estate and hob nobbing with the politicos and pretending to be a legit kinda guy...He don't go near no drugs or guns..He don't even
come in West Philly no more." I said.
"You sure know a lot about him." laughed Sissy.
"See Sissy, you're a cop...people aint gon say but so much around you..but people will talk to me.
Everybody in West Philly and South Philly and Southwest Philly know who Fathead Newton is.
He took over from Chris Thompson." I said.
"Chris who?" she said.
"'Chris Thompson. He used to run things...He was real quiet,laid back...I aint surprised that you
never heard of him." I said.
"When did he get killed?" said Sissy.
"He aint dead....He gave it up..sold all of his business to the others and just left Philly...when the smoke cleared, Fathead Newton was the ruler of the roost. Chris comes into town form time to time, but he don't have nothing to do with that world anymore...don't even hang around his old associates." I continued.
"Hmmm, sounds like a smart man." laughed Sissy.
"Yeah, I suppose he is." I said as I finished my sandwich.
"How about you Robert? Have you gotten any smarter?" she asked me, now holding my arm
and looking me in the eye.
"I have....I know you might find that hard to believe but I have....My foolishness has cost me more than it ever should have...I had a good wife and I lost her, cause of some chick , some chick that wasn't half the woman my wife was." I said , holding my head down in shame.
"You miss Corrine huh?" she said.
"Sissy ,I was talking about you.....I messed things up with Corrine too, but I was really talking about you." I said.
We sat there at that table looking at each other...both full of regret...
My Apartment door flung open...Sissy and I were passionately kissing each other...our heads seemingly locked together as we spun into the room...
"Mmmmmph...ohhhh, Robert...wait...wait...close the door..mmmpph.." she moaned as I took my
leg and kicked the door shut...
She yanked my zipper down and held my massively erect organ in her hand and began rubbing it furiously...as I moaned.. My arm was under her skirt... she softly began to moan more...
"Oh yeah baby, ohhhhh yeah....yeah..yessss...."
I eased her into the bedroom and unzippered her skirt, hastily helped her remove her pantyhose
and blouse as well as her bra...and began unzippering my trousers...She helped me take my shirt
off...and then we were engulfed in a hot embrace...kissing each other as though our very lives depended on it...
I eased her on to the bed and eased into her just as easily...
"Ohhhhhhhhh Roberttttt....." she said.
"Sissy,I've missed you so much..." I whispered.
We made mad passionate love right there in that bed until we were both spent...and out of breath. I put my arms around her and she put her head in the crook of my shoulder and we went to sleep.
We both woke up sometime in the early morning and went at it again...This time slower and with more tenderness...I didn't want to stop...it felt so good. We went back to sleep.
When I woke up the next day...I was alone...Only my clothes were on the floor..Sissy and anything that belonged to her was gone...I don't know if she thought we had made a mistake or
what...who can know what is on a woman's mind or in her heart...but she was indeed gone. I wasn't mad...I understood..Thanks Sissy.
(Conclusion Next!)
Standing and Aplauding and tossing my panties up in the air...I knew they were going to get it on...I knew it. Sissy's been so busy solving crimes since her break up with Rollie Rollerson, that she needed some...
Girl ,Keep them drawers on!-lololololololol ,Great Story Keith!
How did I know that somebody would be tossing their panties in the air after this one? LMAO!
Good Story Keith...I really didn't want them to get together....I hope the conclusion isn't predictable like that!
She had to give him some!! She just had to....lolololol...Only a man would write this story like this! lololol.
LMBAO-I knew it..I knew it..I knew she was gonna be tossin them drawers after I read this chapter...Guess I throw my boxers up in the air too!lololol.
The minute I saw the picture and the title,I knew that Robert and Sissy were going to wind up in bed.
What was the point in that Keith?
I'm going to trust you and see how you end this story..
Robert's Penis strikes again!-lololol.
This Robert Foxworth must be hot stuff in bed...Two ex wives and a girlfriend still want him...That's something.
Your charactor,Robert is such a rogue...He didn't deserve a second chance from Sissy or Corrine or even Cindy...I've known so many guys like him..He's not repentant..I suppose that's the point you're trying to make here.
Ummmmp....Ummmph...This story really heated up.lololol,can't wait for the conclusion.
After reading this...I think I need a cigarette. lolololol.
You caught me off guard..I didn't see Robert hittin that..I know a lot of your female readers are going to be upset. (Except maybe one..lololol)
Robert soubnds like me-LMBAO...I like him...Your "anonymous "poster likes him too!lolol.
I would have thought that Sissy would be too hurt or too guarded to get in the bed with Robert..but when you're lonely and horny, you might do anything.
I once slept with an ex-lover of mine after a long while who had cheated on me too...Time had made me forget the hurt of his betrayal..I think Sissy felt the same way.
Excuse my bad spelling..I meant Sounds like me. My bad.
Great build up Keith..I can only wonder about the conclusion.
Wow....I didn't expect those two to wind up in bed.Will Cindy the homewrecker be turning up in the conclusion??
...Hmmm you appear to write from experience ..what you k now about laying in the crook of your arm...LOL.I love to lay there.. any who. " Thanks Sissy"?? MEN..LOL
@lyfesimplified -lololol...I haven't been a virgin for a long time..lolololol.
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