"Yeah Baby.." I said.
"I want you to get a divorce...I can't keep doing this...I feel dirty." she said.
"Awww Cindy...baby...come on now...why do you want to mess up a perfectly good moment with that kind of talk?" I said soothingly.
"Robert....We always have to sneak around...I always have to drive somewhere and meet you..you can never come and pick me up...Whenever I'm at a family gathering...My sisters all have husbands or at least boyfriends and I have no one.. People always asking me when am I going to get married..How come I don't have a man, yada yadam yada...and I'm sick of it Robert." she said.
"Aww see..now that's it..that's your problem...you too worried about what people gon think or what people gon say...don't worry about it..." I said.
"Robert ,I'm tired of this...You never take me nowhere, you never buy me nothing....except lingerie and all we do is meet in Motels...I'm tired of that..I want a real relationship...I don't want to be hiding and sneaking around.." said Cindy...
"All right..I'll think on it.." I finnally said.
"So you'll start thinking about getting a divorce ??" she said.
"Baby,I just got married...it aint been a year..I just can't up and get a divorce just like that..The girl aint done nothin..." I said.
"You said you'd think on it.." she pouted...
'Well I'll...I'll..think about what you said.....now roll on over here..." I said.
"Robert, I'm talkin about my feelings..."
"Well,I'm thinkin about your feelings too.." I said as I began kissing her softly and slowly...
'MMmmmmmph..Robert....you always want to end every serious conversation with sex..now I'm serious....I'm serriousss Robertttttt..." she cooed.
I moved her hand over to my already massive hard on...and she began massaging it with her hands.. and continuing to kiss me...
"You hardly ever use any protection anymore...it's a wonder you haven't gotten me pregnant"
she said...
"Yeah,it's a wonder...." I said as she took my entire penis in her mouth and began deep throating it....It felt so good...and my eyes began to roll into the back of my head...She did this for a long while and then I removed her head and rolled her over, parted her legs and entered her very softly....
She moaned..."Oh my Godddddd....Robert..." as I began to move slowly and surely...savoring every single thrust... She opened her legs wider and wrapped them both around my head as I plunged deeper into her...moving harder and faster... We were both sweating profusely and gyrating harder than ever...
"Robert...don't ...don't cum in me...please don't....you're not wearing anything...please don't..."
she said...sounding like she did years ago, the first time we had sex... That got me even more excited and I moved even faster....I pulled out...just before I exploded and cut loose across the
"Oh my Robert...I can't believe I make you react like that?" she laughed as I collapsed on the
bed beside her....
"If you marry me..I promise, I'll make you feel like that every night, twice a night if you want..
I promise." she said.
I said nothing, I just looked at her...I wasn't going to divorce my wife....at least not for her..
We got up the next morning...we both showered and put on a change of clothes. I was good at covering my tracks..When I went on these "Business Trips"...I never wore the same suit back.
In fact , I usually bagged the suit, the underwear,everything and got rid of it. I made sure that I came home freshly showered and with clean clothes on...No Lipstick stains or perfume or nothing on me. That's one of the reasons why I always made Cindy drive to our meetings in her car. No scent of perfume, no lipstick or nothing in my ride. I wouldn't kiss her ,hug her or nothing on the day we were supposed to go home.
"Aren't you going to buy me Breakfast Robert?" she asked...
"Nah baby..gotta go...but here's twenty dollars..knock yourself out." I said.
"Robert, you will think about what I talked about last night?" she asked.
"Yeah..yeah..I'll think about it " I said as I drove off, leaving her in the motel.
When I got home..Corrine, my wife of six months was glad to see me...really glad...She had on one of my white shirts and a white string bikini on underneath....Before I could drop my suitcase
she leaped on me....
"Oh Robert...I missed you...show momma how much you missed me..." she cooed.... She felt my
crotch and her eyes lit up-
"Oh myyyyyy...very much I see" she smiled.
Really, I don't know how I do it myself after spending a weekend with Cindy....but a man has got to do what a man has got to do....
Corrine was so beautiful...Part African-American, Part Phillipine..with long jet black hair and a body to die for....She was twenty years younger than me and could wear me out in the bed..and she did...We must've done it seven times that afternoon....before I just had to stop, out of pure
"I'll go and get us drinks.." She said.
"Yeah babe, you do that, right about now...I need one.. I'll unpack my things in the morning."
I said..
"That's okay....I'll unpack your things for you." she said as she walked out of the room.
What a good wife I have. Aint no way I'm leaving her for Cindy...I thought.
I was sitting in the bedroom ,trying to get my breath, staring out the window, when I got hit in the head with something soft.....it was a bra....a lavender bra...then a pair of panties hit me next..
I looked down at the underwear.....I looked up and Corrine was standing there in tears with her
arms folded....
"You dog!!!" she screamed....
"What? What did I do?" I asked....
"Those aren't mine....They were in your suitcase."she screamed.....
"You sure they aint yours and they didn't get mixed in with my stuff by accident." I asked.
"Those are mediums...look at my ass Robert...I'm definitely a large...they're a little irregular around the waistband, don't you think?" she asked....
It was times like this, when I knew it was better not to answer the question!
(To be continued............)
LMAO, Ole girl set his azz up, putting her shyt in the suitcase for wifey to find.
All whores in relationships get busted sooner or later.
OMG-LMBAO ,Keith,Keith,Keith...You are somethin else....I love this...
I've got to share this story with my girlfriends..
Keith ,you are insane...lmbao..I love this...this is my favorite!!
You ...You are something else..I'm standing up and applauding,I loved this story!!!
Keith, This is the business right here!-LMBAO!!!
I gotta show this story to my girls...I think they'll love this!
Bravo Keith!!!LMAO!!! OMG this was soo funny!
I love it..love it...love it..Haven't enjoyed an ending like this in a long time.
I had to come back and comment on this... THis was da business...you go boy...Every woman who has ever been cheated on must be vicariously cheering right now...
Okay..You know my panties are flying up in the rafters right now!!!
Loved the set up...Just what he deserved! LMAO!!!
Laying and playing will eventually get you caught.
That's it...I'm tossing my boxers up in the air...I'm with you anonymous-LMAO..That was a great ending...lolololol
That was drop dead hillarious man..I dug it!!
Playa down!!! Playa Down LMAO!!!
Fam, you crazy...LMBAO ..Certifiably crazy!!!lololol
Keith...What will you come up with next??LMBAO....I'm scared to ask...lololol..Loved the ending bruh!
Wonderfully Hillarious, is there more????
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