Thursday, May 26, 2011

Something Evil

Finding Lee Spann wasn't hard at all...We knew what he looked like and we knew where he lived...In a very tony downtown Philly condo....Kool Kat, Clerow or myself would have stood out in this area...But Peeping Tom, dressed in a fabulous suit did not...He successfully followed him to his Condo entrance...Kool Kat,Clerow and I sat in front of the building in a rented car with shaded windows...Lockpick Johnson, dressed to the nines in a Brooks Brothers suit (First time I'd ever seen the brother so clean) easily got inside once Lee Spann had gone and the two of them wired his condo for sound and video...

Sean Jackson...In another rented car followed Lee Spann from his condo to the tony headquarters of Central
Insurance...which was located in an office building , just three blocks from where I worked at Hype Magazine..We had already wired that place's conference room a few hours before...Lee Spann foolishly left his Android behind and we got the number and bugged that too!

Naturally, he turned and came back for it...but we were out by then...We even had a GPS device on his car..
We knew his every move and could watch him and monitor his every conversation. It didn't take long before we heard this conversation-




"Where are you, you're late?"

"No sweat Mr. Luden...I had to double back and get my phone...I'm on my way."

"Did you set up our latest pigeon?"

''Sure did...His name is Rollerson...Rollie Rollerson...real big wig...gotta fat roll, good credit on the board of directors of everything Black in the city..."

"He married?"

"No...but he lives with a woman...They been together like three years and he's been in a big scandal before..real big...he can't afford to be involved in another one."

"You got a girl for him?"

"Of course...This one will have him hollerin and screamin...."

"Okay...No mistakes this time."

"Oh of course not...I never figured that Heather would have a conscious...actually feel bad about those poor saps..Shame about her...I kind of liked her..."

"Well don't get too sad about her....You screw up this time and you'll be the next one in the ocean."

"Hey, you don't have to get like that..."

"I can get anyway I want...My wife doesn't want any more screw ups...We didn't get enough money out of those clowns...They were weak and they killed themselves.."

"Man ,I couldn't know they was gonna do that..."

"It was YOUR JOB TO KNOW...That's why my wife and I pay you."

''Okay,Okay...This one won't kill himself.."

"He'd better not...How about the girl?"

''She's solid..I got her from a real classy place...Not from that bottom feeder, Rollo Jones.."

''Good...Will we have to kill him also?"

"Nah...He's never seen me ..We talked on the phone...He don't know nothin...Probably don't know she's dead."

"They found her a few days ago...Some guys on a fishing trip...I want you to find out who they were...My man Garvin will take care of them."

''Awww come on Mr. Luden...Some old guys on a fishing trip??"

''They Identified her..They knew her."

"So what?"

"Just find them."



Kool Kat, Clerow, Sean Jackson and I looked at each other and smiled.

"Glad I wasn't on that fishin trip." said Lockpick Johnson.

"We got enough right now to bring Spann in, This Luden guy, who-ever he is, His wife and this Garvin fellow..
but I want to play this out." I said.


We parked the Van a block away....Peeping Tom, Lockpick Johnson, Clerow,Kool Kat and I sat in the van and watched a live video feed of our conspirators...Michael Luden was a tall, Black man, well built..He looked like he had played some football in his day...The spark of gray hair in his head betrayed him..Without the gray he could have passed for a younger man...His attractive wife, Lola Bey-Luden was much younger, at least a decade...but obviously the one running the show...When Lee Spann walked in...It was she who he addressed his attention to.

"Is everything set up?" she asked..

"I set the equipment up at at the Marriot, room 662." he said proudly.

"I don't need to know the room number...just need to know that our pigeon is ready.." she said..

"He's ready...alright..." said Spann...

"Good....We don't need to meet anymore until he makes his first payment and we divy up the cash." she said.

"About that...My split was a little light....I mean, I put myself on the line...Settin that chick that your boy Garvin could snatch her and all...I could be tied to a murder.." he said.

"Don't worry'll be well compensated." said Lola Bey Luden.

Spann got up from the table...He smiled and nodded his head and walked out of the office..

"Michael.." she said to her husband...

"What baby?" he answered...

"We are going to need another Private Detective...Call Garvin..tell him it's time Mr. Spann took a dip in the pool..ahahahahahahahahahahaha.." she said.

'"Will do precious." he laughed.

I had never in my life seen anybody as cold blooded and evil as these two....And I have tangled with some pretty bad charactors...I was going to enjoy taking these guys down.


"Don't you know Rollie Rollerson Kev?" asked Clerow as we drove towards the hotel...

"Sure do..He sits on the board of directors of my magazine...I know him quite well...He and I have history..he tried to fire me once...Then I discovered a nasty little secret about him and kind of helped him out...He gave me my Lexus and my job back as kind of a show of gratitude you might say." I said.

"Yeah and hush money." said Kool Kat...We all laughed...

When we got to the Marriot, Room 662 wasn't hard to find....You might say we heard our way to the room..


"Ohhhhh Mister Rollerson, it's so biggggg, it's sooo goood....ouuuuuu, mama likes this,...ouuuuuuuu..."




The bed was rocking, the headboard was slamming against the wall something fierce....The door was even vibrating....White people were walking into the hallway...Some of the women were smiling ...The men were bemused..Kool Kat was laughing, slapping his knee..Clerow was laying up against the wall laughing...They were causing such a ruckus that even I had to smile..I motioned to them both to leave with me...

About an hour later, a very busty and shapely young lady in a skirt that was way too short for her left the room and walked toward the elevator...Rollie Rollerson straightened his clothes and slipped down the backstairs.. We followed him...My Android vibrated....It was Sean Jackson..

''What's up Sean?" I asked.

"Spann is on the move...He's headed your way." said Sean.

"I bet he is... Rollerson and the girl just finished." I said.

"He's probably got the video evidence...He's going to remove the bugs." I said.

"What do we do next?" asked Sean..

"We wait and we watch." I said.

We wait and we watch....

(Conclusion Next)


Anonymous said...

This had me about to throw my panties
at you!

Tate 2 said...

They got a real nice hustle goin on, get information of somebody,pick the right person and set them up....Can't wait to see Kevin take these clowns down!

Brenda said...

These people are sickeningly evil...
Good storyline Keith!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear their reasoning behind all this.

Jazzy said...

It's about money B& T...Money!