Friday, February 28, 2020

The Fish Truck


We were all sitting in headquarters when DEA Regional Special Agent in Charge Carol Redding walked in..

"Hi Guys...I may have some good news for you...Depending on how you look at it.." she said.

 "We could use some good luck...We've got a missing suspect, probably murdered....No body and no suspect in that murder..."said Sissy..
 "We had a possibly willing co-operator and now he's gone missing." I said.
 "He left us a tape recorded message implicating Charles "Sonny" Brown in the murder of Tony Montrose."
 "He never actually said Charles Brown Top..He said "Sonny" Any defense attorney worth his or her salt would say anybody could be named Sonny....It would never play in court and without him here to actually testify...We got nothin.."said Tyriq..
 "Not to mention...We don't have fingerprints, DNA ,eyewitness...bupkiss...We go arrest Sonny Brown and go to court and we look worse than one of Lt. Tragg's cases." said Jimmy...
 Sirena laughed... "Jimmy's right...We got two people who have vanished without a trace and no clue as to the whereabouts of their bodies and nothing on Sonny Brown...Except he runs that card game on top of his restaurant.."said Sirena.
 "Sad day huh?" said Hop...
 "My Guys in Vice and Narcotics keep telling me there is a new player in the game...A guy who is taking advantage of the sudden void in leadership that we created."said Duke.
 "But we don't have a name.....Not our best week."said Angie..
"You said you have good news Carol...Please..Let's hear it...They're depressing me.."said Sharon Ferrell-Hopkins, smiling..

Carol put a glossy on the table...

"This is Omari Tate..He is on the come up....He just took over all of the real estate in West Philly, Southwest Philly, North Philly, South Philly and Mt. Airy....and he's making moves in Fishtown and Port Richmond.. He did Five Years as a guest of the State of Pennsylvania..One of his cell mates was Charles "Sonny" Brown...

We've been keeping an eye on him and Sonny Brown and they have been meeting a lot...with this cool guy.."said Carol , who placed a photo of
His name is Vladmir Ikoc….code name "The Russian" said Carol..

"I've seen this guy...He was quiet...Never talked...Always in the background...That's the Russian dude I mentioned earlier."said Jimmy..

"I've seen him once too...Never got his name...I asked Tony about him once and he got real cagey...Just said he was nobody important."said Angie.

"He's VERY IMPORTANT !!! He's and Up and Coming Capo in the Russian Mafia...We believe he is importing Heroin and Cocaine from both Eastern Europe  and parts of The Asian Triangle...Only thing is....He doesn't have any warehouses...We've covered Penns Landing from top to bottom, gotten warrants for every warehouse and nothing."said Carol..

'''We hit two of his warehouses and he took a big loss...He wouldn't warehouse that stuff at the pier again.."said Sissy.

"No...He'd have to bring that stuff inland...but how?" asked Tyriq..

"He and Sonny Brown have been meeting right?  What if he was bringing it to Sonny's big fancy restaurant?" asked Carlotta..

"Top, where would he store it?  The upstairs is where he runs that illegal crap game..."said Duke.

"It may be illegal, but it's far from crap....It's high stakes Poker and only the wealthiest, heaviest movers and shakers play....My C.I. told me that one guy lost a half a million and he didn't wince..It didn't even bother him..He was back the next week.."said Hop..

"Yeah that game accounts for two thirds of his total income.."said Jimmy...

"I think I know how the stash gets there....It's unloaded on trucks off of whatever boat brings it in..and those trucks deliver it to that restaurant..."I said.

"It wouldn't be just any trucks...It would be...The type of trucks that usually deliver to a restaurant...Something that would go to a big restaurant on a regular basis.."said Sharon.

''A Food Truck!"said Carlotta..

 "Your Guys are sharp if not anything else."said Carol...
''Aint they though?" asked Sissy.


Duke, Tyriq ,Hop and I walked into the swanky , Tony Restaurant owned by Charles "Sonny" Brown..

 "Sonny Brown, how are things?" I said..
 "You asked about Rico the last time we met...So we brought him here.."said Duke..
 "Heyyy Sonny, how's tricks?" said Tyriq..
Hop said nothing...He watched the room and the door..

"What do you guys want?" asked Sonny..

Duke put a glossy of  Cappy on the table..

''Seen this guy Sonny? Cappy?"  asked Duke..

"I don't believe I know him."said Sonny...

"Oh you know him...He knows you....He said so.."said Tyriq..

"We picked him up last week...He was high as a kite...jonesing...And he told us an interesting story...A story about how he and you picked up Tony Montrose in front of Olga's Diner and drove him to a little Red Brickhouse.....You shot him and killed him and the two of you stuffed him in a bodybag and took him to a Crematorium and cremated him.." I said.

"And you believe some whacked out junkie?" laughed Sonny..

''Thing is...We think YOU believe him or somebody does....He was bailed out...He didn't have any money...but somebody bailed him out and we haven't seen him since.."said Duke.

"Neither have I?" said Sonny..

"All I know is this...Cappy had better turn up soon, feeling fine or I'm going to clean my desk and devote my every waking minute to you..."I said and smiled..

Hop looked at him...

"Catch you later." he said and the four of us walked out..

In a surveillance van a few blocks away...

"Perfect...while they were keeping him company...our plain clothes guys disguised as beer and beverage delivery men wired that place for sound and video..."said Sharon..

''And our "Fisherman" cloned his phones."said Carol..

"Nice work for a night...We'll take it from here."said Sissy.

***************         *********************************  ****************************


 "We May have caught a break guys." said Tyriq....
 ''We think we may have found a Crematorium that was used in the disposal of both Tony Montrose and Cappy's bodies.." said Carlotta.
"This Crematorium is not far from that house where we found the blood and that car and get this...The owner is on the hook to Sonny Brown for 150 Large...." said Jimmy...

"Oh My....He obviously played in that High Stakes Poker game and came out bad..."said Sissy..

''We drove him to the Air Force Base in Dover and he's safely tucked away in holding there..He'll testify that Sonny Brown and Cappy drove Tony Montrose's remains to his crematorium on and around the night he vanished and he was cremated there.."said Tyriq..

''We found and identified the Prostitute that bailed Cappy out ,when he was last seen alive..She's in custody at the Federal Building where she is safe...She's a junkie too and for a fix she told us that Sonny Brown gave her the bail money and that after she bailed him out...She put him in a car with Sonny...He gave her $250,00 and that was the last she saw of Sonny and Cappy…"said Sharon..

 "Good work Guys...What do you think counselor?" asked Sissy...
"I think we have just enough to arrest Sonny Brown on two charges of First degree Murder...I've waited a long time to put a tag on him....Now I've got him.." I said..

"Could I ask you to sit on that murder charge for awhile? You can nab him anytime...

"Duke, Angie, Sirena and Hop and plain clothes guys from Narcotics and Vice and my DEA agents have been doing round the clock surveilience..

of Sonny's restaurant....Listening to their conversations, snapping photos and watching the delivery trucks...

That and our wiretaps revealed that  Mr. Omari Tate and Mr. Vladmir Ikoc have been frequent diners at Sonny Brown's restaurant....

A Huge Seafood delivery truck arrives every two days loaded with Heroin,Cocaine and Opiates and Mr. Tate is prepared to deliver to his buyers all over the city and in the suburbs....It appears Mr. Tate is the King of Philadelphia right now...He has no rivals or competitors...He is the only game in town...We plan to sting both of them tonight when the next batch comes."said Carol..
 "Sounds alright to me.." I said.
"Yeah."said Sissy..."It's time we closed the book on this case." she said.


Sissy and I met with Hazel at the Medical Examiner's Office..

 "Hi Hazel, we came as soon as we could...What's up?" asked Sissy..
"I know this is good." I said.

Hazel had that sexy smile...That smile that must drive her husband Duke crazy....

"I looked up Shawn Jacobs...Cappy.I looked at his medical file from the prison...He broke his leg while in prison and it was surgically reset..The doctor used a metal pin to hold the bone in place..The kind of pin that doesn't melt under the extreme heat of a Crematorium..
I had Forensics and CSI go through the ashes and look what I found..." she said   She showed us a Pin...
a pin that was left in the ashes that they usually discarded...

"Not only did the pin not burn....but the serial number was on it...I traced it to Stanga State Prison . It's a match...It's the one the surgeon used on Cappy's leg....We don't have his body...but we have this...  He was cremated...So was Tony Montrose...but we have nothing of his remains.."said Hazel.

''Wowwwwww!"said Sissy..

''Siss, we got him!!...We got Charles "Sonny" Brown....Mr. Untouchable on two counts of First Degree Murder...We got two witnesses...and this pin....He's toast." I said.

"Let's Wait on the Fish Truck!"laughed Sissy...


And like clockwork....The Fish Truck arrived on time...In the morning...Not late at night....

"I gotta hand it to Sonny...He plays outside the box.." laughed Duke..

"Most of these pick ups are done late at night, early morning..."said Angie..

''And usually at some warehouse....near the pier....Who would think to come to a restaurant in town?" laughed Carol Redding..

 "Omar...Here it is baby...Just like I told ya..." laughed Sonny...
 "I got a long customer list....I can move all of this in two days...Two days tops.."said Omar..
''Where will you store it?"asked the Russian..

"I got abandoned properties the police are scared to go into...blocks of abandoned houses....Trust me..I can hide this and it'll all be gone in two days...and you'll have millions.." said Omar..

"I like a man with millions sugar.."said Sirena as she clasped the handcuffs on him...

"Heyyyy what gives?" asked a started Omar...

The Russian went to walk away ,only to be stopped and handcuffed by Hop...

"Vladdy baby...We've been lookin for you...Where you goin?" said Hop..

 "Okay guys move!" said Carol..
The DEA, Narcotics and Vice moved in...They raided the truck and the entered the basement and sub-basement....

They found Heroin, Cocaine, Opiates....Enough to juice the entire city and then some...

They broke up the illegal card game upstairs too!

The rest of us...Myself, Sissy, Duke ,Angie, Carlotta,  Tyriq and Jimmy surrounded Sonny before he could run..

"You...You...You got warrants? Probable cause??" he blurted out...

 ''What? Did you take law courses in the joint Sonny???...Yes, I got that and what's more...I got you...TWO counts...Murder One.." I said.
 ''We don't have bodies...but we have enough evidence otherwise to throw you in the can for the murders of Anthony Montrose and Shawn "Cappy" Jacobs.."said Sissy..
 Duke shook his head..

''And you were doing so good for awhile Sonny." he said sarcastically.

He snarled at Angie..

"I should have known you was five Oh..." he said.
 "Aww don't take it personal baby...Just charge it to the game." laughed Angie..
 Carlotta busted out laughing...
 ''Sonny, this warms my heart...Knowing We are finally putting you away for good."

The Russian looked at Jimmy...

"If I had known you were a cop...I would have slit your throat myself.." he snarled..
"See Vladdy...That's part of the game, you weren't supposed to know."laughed Jimmy...

The Russian was furious...He stomped his foot and snarled as The Federal agents took him into custody...

"That was not a happy customer..."laughed Sharon..

''Who cares?" laughed Carol...

In all 28 people were additionally arrested this morning...

 "Nicely done eh?" laughed Sissy..
"If I don't say so Myself..Yes.." I said.


Omari Tate, Vladmir Ikoc and the 28 people we arrested were all arraigned in Federal Court..Tried and convicted of RICO and Drug charges and sentenced to 25 -50 years in prison ,with no chance of parole until at least 25 years were served...

They were all shipped to the Federal Facility in Texas....

U.S. Attorney Karla Williams was ecstatic...
Charles "Sonny" Brown was convicted of the murders of Tony Montrose and Shawn "Cappy" Jacobs and sentenced to two life sentences in State Prison.

With the case closed...Sissy gave everybody a few days off..

Carlotta and I went home...

''Aye Mios Dios...Look how fast you got undressed...You couldn't wait could you?" she said, Laughing.

"No...I couldn't.."I said, just staring at her as she slowly undressed on purpose to get me aroused..

"Let me hang up my clothes...I'll be with you shortly..." she said...

I walked over to her...

"Let me help you..."I whispered...

"You are sooooo horny..."she laughed as I unhooked her bra..

We stood in the middle of the floor ,kissing...

really kissing and practically devouring each others lips..

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuu papi….."she moaned..

"Ayyyye Mios Dios..."she moaned softly as we crashed on the bed and we began to make sweet love....

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm…" I moaned as the bed began to squeak beneath our combined weight...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu papi, you are sooo hard, soooo huge..." she moaned.....

I was losing my mind slowly....The way I always had when we made love...Carlotta was so warm, so soft, sooo wet....I was delirious....

before long we were making sweet love...Our bed squeaking loudly, our headboard rattling out of control...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu papi...I love you soooooo much!" she cooed..

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Carlotta, you are driving me crazy.." I moaned..

She turned over and moved herself up and down on me...

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I like this papi.."she moaned..

"Ohhhhhhh not as much as I like it.." I said..

The next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS was incredible...
Both of Carlotta's legs were shaking furiously, her head was turning from left to right...she was sweating profusely....

"AYE MIOS DIOS....OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU AYE  YI YIIIIIII." she moaned..she was having an intense orgasm....

which caused her to kiss me more intensely.....

I was almost angry when I did start cumming….Carlotta's screams and whoops seemed to get me more excited and to make me cum harder.....

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu papi… make me cum so hard...." she sighed..

"You make me cum so much,..." " I said..

As we lie in each other's arms...both of our bodies trembling...
We started kissing some more and before we knew it..

We were making love again for the second time...

"I never get enough of you." I moaned..

"I seee." she said and laughed...

It was the way we had "celebrated " the end of a big case since we had known each other.. I couldn't think of a better way.

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