A FEW DAYS LATER- Preliminary Hearing in District Court..
There was a new Judge, Judge Conrad and Olivia knew there was not a chance he was going to dismiss the charges, yet she felt as though she had to try...
ADA Jake Patais had took a page from his girlfriend, ADA Diane Baronski's playbook and had Judge Reynolds recuse himself..He brought up the fact that we had defended him twice on murder charges and gotten him acquitted...He said that no ADA would stand a chance in court against us with him because he felt beholden to us...Beverly and Nelson argued vainly against this measure, but in the end, they lost and for the second time, Judge Reynolds had to recuse himself..
He glared angrily at ADA Diane Baronski, who was in the visitor's section of the court.
She knew and he knew that she had better not ever wind up in his courtroom in the future ,facing anyone....It was not going to go good for her..Judge Reynolds could be a very vindictive man as Lt. Tragg very well knew.
Olivia and Josie argued that the only thing tying their client to this case at all was that his DNA was on the Houseboat... The two men were friends and often seen hanging out together..Of course his prints and DNA were on the boat they both argued..
"Hey guys...No go huh?" I said.
"It was a big waste of time."said Beverly..
"Not really Neicey Poo!...I knew THAT JUDGE wasn't going to dismiss..If he had of, I would of been surprised.. I've just lulled lawyer bae, as you girls call him into a false sense of security, which I'm sure his more experienced bed mate will explain to him.."laughed Olivia.
"Liv, when we play Poker or spades...I want you as my partner."laughed Nelson..
"I imagine he's got the big head right about now."laughed Josie..
"Think so huh? This aint their first rodeo..Don't let Liv fool you.."said Lt. Tragg as he walked away..
Nelson and Beverly argued that there was no proof that the murder had even taken place on the Houseboat since not one witness could recall when they last saw Vinnie Barrett..
"You all make credible arguments, but I'm afraid there is evidence that there was bad blood between the two men...This from several witnesses..One who heard a loud argument on the boat.. Amongst other things..The charges stand.. I'll hear opening arguments tomorrow."said the Judge.
"It was a big waste of time."said Beverly..
"Liv, when we play Poker or spades...I want you as my partner."laughed Nelson..
"I imagine he's got the big head right about now."laughed Josie..
Diane Baronski walked up to the smiling Jake...She had seen the whole thing..
"Don't look so confident...Olivia was playing you...Trying to give you a false sense of security...She has something..I know it..Dig deeper into this case..I'm serious..."said Diane..
Josie showed a photo of a fire extinguisher..
"Two of The loaded condoms have Vinnie Barrett's DNA and prints...a third has Walker Clarke's DNA and prints.. all three condoms have a foreign DNA... I'm guessing it's a woman's DNA..."I said.
"We know that's Diane Baronski's DNA....I'll bet Lt. Tragg knows and is purposely sitting on it."said Beverly.."You're probably right...We have to get Diane's DNA...It won't be easy...She's smart...She knows that Walker Clarke knows her and has probably told us about his relationship with her...We may not even have to do anything.."said Olivia..
We sat in our conference room , going over the Autopsy report...
"This was most likely the murder weapon...Blood, Brain matter matching the victim's DNA was found on it..along with a palm print and DNA that does not match Walker Clarke.." she said.
"But who does it match?" asked Olivia.
'We don't know...VICAP, State Police and the Federal data bank has turned up nothing...Civil Service data banks and Military Data Banks have turned up nothing also."said Nelson..With Beverly and Nelson, we went over witness statements...Especially one in particular who heard yelling and screaming and heard a woman's voice...This was key....
"As much as we don't like her...We all agree that Diane was the third person there...but none of us think she's the killer do we?" asked Olivia..
"Nooo." said Josie..
"It's definitely someone else...but who? Walker never mentioned anyone else."said Josie..
ADA Diane Baronski gathered her purse and her briefcase...She was leaving for the day....
"Diane..You received some flowers this morning...but unlike your other orders...These flowers were dead upon arrival." she said, showing her the flowers.
It was a bouquet of tulips...They were all dead....
"Oh My God!!! There's no return address, no message..."said Diane..
Diane looked at the dead tulips and tossed them into the trash basket..
She sighed..."Oh well...win some lose some huh?" she said..
''Yeah girl."sighed Gerri Williams, See ya tomorrow." she said.At Curley's Bar, Diane and Jake sat together ...
Martini's arrived..
"You've been doing quite well....You've held your own...have you found out anything?"asked Diane.
"Clarke may have had help...They found the murder weapon, a battered fire extinguisher that Tragg and his guys missed...It's got an unidentified palm print on it...It's not Clarke's and it's got dried blood and DNA that belongs to Barrett...They also have three loaded condoms...Apparently Barrett and Clarke shared the same woman....The woman's DNA is unidentified..but it was found on all three condoms.."said Jake..
Walker had to have told them that he had slept with her and she was the reason for the falling out....And yet, Walker wasn't a violent man, She didn't in her heart of hearts believe that he had killed Vinnie..She had no idea who did..but it was definitely someone else...Who? She didn't know..
"Come on....let's go back to my place...I'm horny."said Jake..
She used her credit card to pay for their drinks..and after her card was returned...The two got up and left..
They gathered up the glasses that Diane drank from, which was still on the table...and put them in plastic bags....They also grabbed the straws...
"There is enough prints and Saliva filled with DNA to get us a match.."said Beverly.. "Thanks Ralph"
she said to Cook Ralph Scallion..
"Don't mention it Bev, Jo Jo." he said .
Olivia, Nelson and I sat in the car...
"Any trouble?" I asked..
"Like clockwork...We have drink glasses and straws she used..." said Josie..
As we pulled off..
We had figured out that Diane was the source of the third piece of DNA...but now we'd have proof...
At Jake's Condo...
The shower was running...Hot water was splashing down on the soapy bodies of Diane Baronski and Jake Patais...
They were kissing passionately, while Diane softly stroked his huge penis..
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Jake,, myyyyyyyyy goodnesss....ouuuuuuuuuuuuu you are huge.........Ummmm
this doesn't make any sense..." Diane cooed..
"You don't make any sense being this damn hot!" said Jake..
She giggled like a school girl...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuu Jakkkeeeee,,,Ouuuuuuuuuuu my goodness...What am I going to do with all of this ?" she asked..stroking his penis mildly and staring into his eyes....
"I just love your sheets.."Laughed Diane as they emerged from the shower and toweled down..
She took her bra and panties and tossed them to the side..
"It's what you've been waiting for.." she cooed..
"ALLL DAY!" he moaned in near delirium...
The kissed slowly and she moved slowly up and down on Jake..she was so wet, so moist, her skin so soft and nice smelling, Jake was losing his mind..
She was now pretty much in love with Jake, she didn't want to lose this good feeling ever...She worried what might happen when he discovers she was the girl on that boat....
"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, I LOVE YOU.....I LOVE YOU TOO!" he moaned..as the bed began to squeak out of control and the headboard began to shake and slam hard against the wall..
EIGHT TO NINE HOURS of slow ,tender love making slid by...
A Full moon had brought out my amorous feelings..

I couldn't sit there with Olivia like that for too long..
"Donnie Rayyy stop staring at me like that." Olivia whispered..
"Come here, so I can stop staring.." I said to her...
It started with kissing....
"Ohhhhhhhhh, Okayyyyyy!" she said jokingly.....
"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I cried out! I couldn't get enough....
and us in the bed...
"OHHHHHHHHH MYYYYY GODDDD!!!" Olivia moaned...
FOR THE NEXT EIGHT TO NINE HOURS...Olivia and I were in the throes of passion, oblivious to everything else..
While we were making love, At Food Corner..The rest of our group was enjoying Banana Splits..
"They're taking this a bit personally aren't they?" laughed Paris..
''Yeah, I know.."laughed Nelson..While outside the door of Jake's condo...
Somebody dropped a bouquet of dead tulips in front of his door and walked away...
Standing and applauding and throwing my damn panties!
That shower scene was hot!
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