In The squadroom we sat for a briefing from my beautiful sister in law, Dr. Monique Cotton, Forensic Investigator and Philadelphia County Coroner..
"Dr. Alex Circle died because of a combonation of a large dosage of Midazolam...A sedative that would keep him asleep mixed in with Hot Cocoa...Also mixed in with it was Vecuronium Bromide, which Causes Paralysis and Potassium Chloride which Stops the Heart. .. He drank the Hot Cocoa cocktail and drifted off to his death...It was a peaceful and painless death...BUT IT WAS MURDER JUST THE SAME!! This is the same kind of combonation used by prisons when they execute prisoners by lethal injection."said Monique.
"I have credit card information here....That combonation was ordered on a credit card belonging to Dr Oran Faustus.." said Monica.
"I want a warrant out for the arrests of both Dr. Oran Faustus and Dr. Julie Cornbluth...Murder one and Conspiracy charges.."said Lt, Cotton.."I'll get on that." said Kylie..
"I wonder if in the short time since we found Dr. Circle's body if these two are in fact still in town? I mean they've had time to get out of town..They could be anywhere..Lemuria, The Moon, Mars..."I said.
"They both have to know that we've found Circle's body and that an autopsy has proven he was murdered and that they are top suspects.." said Lt. Cotton..
As the five of us continued to talk about them..
We had no idea that Dr. Faustus was actually closer to us than we even imagined and at the present time , not the least bit concerned about the fact that he and his assistant were now murder suspects..
Dr. Faustus was in bed, making sweet love to a beautiful young mutant woman he met in a club a few weeks before...

squealed the woman, Amy Richards as Dr. Faustus plowed into her, doggie style and bent her over the kitchen sink..
Soon they were sitting ,naked on her couch, kissing each other passionately...while she moved up and down on his rock hard penis..
"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he screamed to the top of his lungs as he finally began to cum and cum hard...
Her mutant powers gave her control of the air currents around her..Much like Dr. Bombay...She was having an untense orgasm...and both of their bodies levitated out of the bed and rose to the top of the room....
"WOAHHHHHH OHHHH OHHH!" screamed Dr. Faustus as their two bodies spun around in med air..
Slowly their bodies began to float back down from the ceiling into the bed...
Sometime later after they were dressed... Dr. Faustus said..
"Amy,I want you to meet me at the club...I have an announcement to make.." he said.
"I forgot that you have telepathic powers also..." said Dr. Faustus...
Amy could hear people's thoughts as Monica could, but she could not lock in, nor feel emotions the way Monica could..Then on the other hand, Monica couldn't levitate the way she could.
And meanwhile, back in our squadroom...
"Look what I found "said Monica.. "The Good Doctor purchased a ring from this jeweler, I saw it on his credit card report...Yesterday.."said Monica.
''So Me and Mo Mo paid the jeweler a visit...We just missed the good doctor.. He was with Dr. Cornbluth...We saw them both on the video.I think we are getting closer."I said.
''You think he and Cornbluth are getting hitched?" asked Lt. Cotton.
"I thought that too at first....but if he was getting married...He wouldn't bring his bride to be to the jeweler with him would he? No ,this has got to be someone else.."said Monica..
Kylie walked in... "Guys I got something... My street sources say and we have video proof that the Good doc hangs out in a bar frequented by Mutants..Mutants who are out.."said Kylie..
"Oh My God... MAGNETOS...I've been in there a few times...It was years ago..."said Monica.
"So uh did you date other mutants?" I asked.
"That's a conversation for another time.."laughed Lt. Cotton..
We spent another night patrolling the city skies and streets..
in my flying car...
"You love this dress don't you?" asked Monica.
"I sure do..." I said, smiling..
"I know why.." Monica smiled..she scanned my mind and laughed..She saw what I had planned for us after we cracked this case...Getting away, just the two of us , a nice hotel room, candy,
''After we crack this case partner..We'll have a long weekend..Just me and you..."said Monica, smiling and rubbing my hands..
I smiled as she rubbed my hands softly... Little did we know, the break we were looking for was soon to come..
Meanwhile in The Mutant Bar known as MAGNETO'S....
Their Food and Drinks arrived..
Penne Pasta and
"Ouuuu this is so nice Oran..."said Amy..
"Here Amy....This is for you...BE MY BRIDE!!!" said Dr. Faustus..
He showed her a beautiful engagement ring..
"OHHHH ORAN, that is beautiful....but you just want to get me pregnant , so you can produce a mutant baby...I can't marry you just for that...And don't lie to me.." said Amy..."I assure you...My love for you goes farther than that...I assure you..."said Oran..
"It's a blocked number."said Monica..
"Hello Detective Nellis...I know by now you must be looking for Dr. Faustus....He's in Magnetos bar...If you hurry you can catch him.." came the voice..
I knew who it was.. It was Julie Cornbluth..All pretenses were gone..
"I've been ready.."said Monica.
I turned my Flying Car around and headed back for the center of the city..
"BE MY BRIDE!" demanded Dr. Oran Faustus...
showing the engagement right to Amy..
"No...This is a nice ring...but I can't..You want me because I'm a Mutant, you think you can get me pregnant and have a mutant baby...I don't want to have a baby right now in my life and even though I have enjoyed having sex with you...I don't wish to marry you Oren....
"Gotdamn it you will be my bride or I will....what...what sorcery is this..??" he said..
His gun came out of his pocket...The clip flew out and the gun went flying out the door..
Dr. Faustus himself was lifted out of his chair and sent soaring into the air..
OHHHHH!!!" he screamed as he soared up to the roof..
I heard the screaming...I entered the bar with my glock drawn..
So Did Monica.....
"You....You're like me...a Mutant...I can feel it.." she said.
"Yes, I am a mutant...I'm A Homicide detective...we came here looking for Dr. Faustus..." said Monica.
Amy pointed towards the ceiling..
"The man you want is up there...He is not a good man!" she said.
I looked up and smiled..
"No he's not a good man...Not at all Amy.." I said , trying to hide a laugh...
All of the patrons and the bartender looked up and smiled , some even laughed...
"Wow...He makes a nice ointment.."joked Monica.."You uh DO plan to uh let us arrest him don't you?" I asked Amy... I picked up his gun and the clip and put it in a plastic bag...
"Yes...I'll bring him down.." said Amy , who whispered to Monica..
"Your husband loves you very much and would very much like to make love to you at some point tonight.."
Monica realized that Amy was a telepath like her and in addition, she could control the air currents around her..She smiled and nodded..
"Yes, I realize that...I love him too...but girl I'm tired, I just want to cuddle." she said.
Dr. Oren Faustus was convicted of Conspiracy to commit Kidnapping, Rape and Murder and the Murder of Alex Circle and sentenced to 30-60 years....For him it's a life sentence.
We never did catch up with Dr. Cornbluth. I'd always wonder why she chose to betray her former colleauge..Maybe she didn't sign up for kidnapping, rape and murder...Maybe she didn't want to see him manipulate and use Amy...Who knows?
That night , after we turned Dr. Faustus in...Monica and I went home.. It was our first night together since the Red Moon..
Monica said nothing...She simply undressed and headed for the shower..She smiled, knowing that I was watching her every move and salivating...god.. She was a sexy little thing.. I pinched myself every morning when I woke up and realized that she was my wife.
I just smiled, thinking about the treat that was coming..
I peeped through the door..I could see her taking a hot shower... She smiled at me and winked..
I smiled back...I was turned on beyond belief...
I watched attentively as she dried herself off and lotioned her body an put on sexy black lingerie...
"Eyes in sockets...Tongue back in mouth" she said to me and smiled...She had said this the very first time she caught me looking at her lustfully...Which was my first day in homicide.. being introduced to my new partner....I Was like.. "Wow..I hit the jackpot.."
She laid across the bed and said to me with a come hither smile..
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, you ready to handle all of this Nate?"
"Lawddddddddddddddd!" was all I could say...
"Stop it Nate, you makin me laugh...I'm trying to be sexy.." she said.
"Girl, you were sexy the day you were born...You aint gotta try and be nothing.." I said.
"Ummmmmmmmmm..I'm liking the way you talk to me.." she said.
Monica ran her hands down my boxer shorts and stopped at my crotch area...
I slipped my t-shirt off and slipped my shorts off.....
We stood there looking at each other and slowly and softly began kissing right in the middle of the bed....This is how it always began...
Neither of us noticed the harvest moon out tonight.. or cared..
"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she screamed as I continued to thrust , harder and feverishly more.....
I laid her across her bed ,and a few minutes later I entered her softly and gently and began to stroke her softly and slowly....She moaned and put her arms around my neck and drew me closer to her..I kissed her neck, between her breasts, her cheeks....She continued to kiss my lips and my ears and my chest...
" do you....Oh My God..I'm losing my mind..." I said.
"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Nate..." she screamed as I continued to thrust , harder and feverishly more.....She was having a very intense orgasm.. but something was different...very different..
EIGHT TO NINE HOURS came and went as Monica and I made sweet and passionate love right there in bedroom on that soft bed....The bed wasn't squeaking, but the headboard was definitely slamming up against the wall...
We were kissing, laughing, and squeezing each other gently...I was sucking her sweet breasts...and going crazy....
What a wonderful night this had been...
The Moon was still visible in the distance..
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