Sean Jackson, Clerow, Robert Foxworth and I sat outside the hotel..The sleazy hotel where the blind man worked at the front desk. Donald Smooth drove by and I gave the high sign. He nodded. Clerow and I walked in ,while Robert and Sean stayed in the car.
I rang the bell and I said to the Blind man...
"Hey buddy, remember me?"
"I remember the voice....You were here a few days ago..What do you want ? A room?" he asked.
"I want 'Sam Jones' " I said.
The blind man jumped...startled almost.
"I-I don't know him...I told you my son deals with the customers." he said.
Clerow pulled out his pistol...loaded it and cocked it and placed it to his temple...
"Okay, you can't see this, but you can smell it and you can feel it...it's a gun....now unless you want me to tell this gentlemen to pull the trigger ,you'll tell me what I need to know about Sam
Jones' " I said.
I heard the click of another gun and Clerow and I stood up staring into the face of a younger man. It was the blind man's son..Thomas.
''Leave my dad alone.. You guys made a big mistake." Thomas said.
There was yet another click of yet another gun....This gun being put to the younger man's head.
"You did too sonny." said Donald Smooth, who had him covered.
"Hey ,what is this?" asked Thomas.
"I'll ask the questions and you better answer them right Tommy boy ...I want Sam Jones...." I said.
"He's a cop....his name is Cole ....Cole Butler.....Look, we used to run prostitutes up in here. We don't no more, I swear..But Butler and some Vice guys rousted us..Butler and his partners told us that they'd shut this place down and lock me up if we didn't allow him to use it...All he did was set a tape recorder and some gadget in one of our rooms...That's all...We didn't know what he was doing...other than that...You guys Feds or something?" said the Blind man's son.
"Don't worry who we are." said Clerow.
"Come on...We are done here." I said to Clerow and Smooth. We got back in the car with Robert
Foxworth and Sean Jackson, who was at the wheel.
"It's the cop....Cole Butler...He shook them down so that he could use the room to send the calls to your sister. He electronically altered his voice and had the calls activated by a cell phone." I said.
''Wow, how careful is he?" said Robert.
"So none of this comes back to him?" said Donald Smooth.
"No....We need to find his partner to fill in the blanks." I said.
We found Cole Butler's partner ,Eugene coming out of a dusty apartment building in West Philadelphia....A half dressed woman was at the door smiling at him....
"So when you gon come back around and give mama some of that sugar, baby?" she smiled..
"Oh,ho,ho,ho.....as soon as I can find another creative excuse to give to mah wife..." he laughed..
"Well don't make it too long Eugene...mama gets lonely and cold.." she cooed...
"Ah won't baby." he said as he kissed her and she closed the door.
Donald Smooth walked up to him and applied a taser to his testicles! Clerow and I both winced as we saw him take the shock....a much lighter one than the one they gave me, but bad just the same!
"AHHHHHHHHHH, sweeet jesusssssssss!" he screamed as he fell into the wall and then hit the floor with a thud.... Clerow took his service revolver and cocked it and aimed it at his temple.
I walked over to him and leaned down...smiling all the while....
"How are you doing Gene...Remember me?" I said.
"Y-Y-You.....the guy who came in the h-h-h-house....Do-do-Do-Do you, do yall realize that I am
a c-cop?" he stuttured.
"A COP?? Oh gee...really Eugene? A cop that helped kidnapped a girl and a cop that almost killed me and left me on the side of the road for dead?" I snapped as Clerow and Smooth laughed.
"That-That-That- That-That wuz Cole...He tole me to do it..I didn't want to snatch the girl...I told him that this was crazy....I told him....Lawd have mercy......That was Cole that hit you with that taser and tole me to lay you on the road...I wanted to take you to the hospital...I'm so glad you didn't die....oh lawdd...lawd jesus...I don't want to go to jail..I don't want to lose my pension and for god sake...I don't want mah wife to find out.....What are you guys ,Feds?"he asked.
This was the second time tonight I had been asked this... I just smiled.
"I know...you're internal affairs right? Ah knew it ,That damn Cole, shakin people down ,bribin people, kidnapping girls, stalkin people....Look...It was Cole...all Cole....If you guys promise not to tell my wife I was down here at Big Mary's house...I'll give you Cole on a platter, I swear." he babbled. He had told us more than we really needed to know about Mister Cole Butler.
"Alright..we won't tell...Just do the right thing Eugene." I said looking at Clerow and Donald Smooth and winking...They played along.
"We are good friends with your boss, Lt.Sissy Van Buren." I said.
"What? Oh my God...Okay...Okay...I'll take care of this. You Feds aint got nothin to worry about and remember ,I turned in State's Evidence..I aint have nothin to do with this" said Eugene.
I motioned for Clerow to give him his service revolver back and we got back into our cars and pulled off. We laughed the entire ride back.
We all wound up at Josies ,where we told Gus of our night out and our adventures....
"Well ,I must admit....you all look pretty spiffy in those suits and those shoes....One look at you guys and I either think you're IRS or FBI...some kind of feds" laughed Gus.
It had been Robert Foxworth's idea for us to wear dark suits and wingtips....It had paid off in spades. Even a stone cold gangster like Donald Smooth looked like an FBI man...Clerow looked like an Undertaker, Sean looked smooth and debonair and Me? Well ,I've always looked good in a suit.
"Well Kevin, what do we do next?" asked Robert.
"We don't have to do anything.....I think all of the peices of this little puzzle are about to come together." I said as the five of us lifted our glasses and shared a toast!
(Conclusion Next..)
I rang the bell and I said to the Blind man...
"Hey buddy, remember me?"
"I remember the voice....You were here a few days ago..What do you want ? A room?" he asked.
"I want 'Sam Jones' " I said.
The blind man jumped...startled almost.
"I-I don't know him...I told you my son deals with the customers." he said.
Clerow pulled out his pistol...loaded it and cocked it and placed it to his temple...
"Okay, you can't see this, but you can smell it and you can feel it...it's a gun....now unless you want me to tell this gentlemen to pull the trigger ,you'll tell me what I need to know about Sam
Jones' " I said.
I heard the click of another gun and Clerow and I stood up staring into the face of a younger man. It was the blind man's son..Thomas.
''Leave my dad alone.. You guys made a big mistake." Thomas said.
There was yet another click of yet another gun....This gun being put to the younger man's head.
"You did too sonny." said Donald Smooth, who had him covered.
"Hey ,what is this?" asked Thomas.
"I'll ask the questions and you better answer them right Tommy boy ...I want Sam Jones...." I said.
"He's a cop....his name is Cole ....Cole Butler.....Look, we used to run prostitutes up in here. We don't no more, I swear..But Butler and some Vice guys rousted us..Butler and his partners told us that they'd shut this place down and lock me up if we didn't allow him to use it...All he did was set a tape recorder and some gadget in one of our rooms...That's all...We didn't know what he was doing...other than that...You guys Feds or something?" said the Blind man's son.
"Don't worry who we are." said Clerow.
"Come on...We are done here." I said to Clerow and Smooth. We got back in the car with Robert
Foxworth and Sean Jackson, who was at the wheel.
"It's the cop....Cole Butler...He shook them down so that he could use the room to send the calls to your sister. He electronically altered his voice and had the calls activated by a cell phone." I said.
''Wow, how careful is he?" said Robert.
"So none of this comes back to him?" said Donald Smooth.
"No....We need to find his partner to fill in the blanks." I said.
We found Cole Butler's partner ,Eugene coming out of a dusty apartment building in West Philadelphia....A half dressed woman was at the door smiling at him....
"So when you gon come back around and give mama some of that sugar, baby?" she smiled..
"Oh,ho,ho,ho.....as soon as I can find another creative excuse to give to mah wife..." he laughed..
"Well don't make it too long Eugene...mama gets lonely and cold.." she cooed...
"Ah won't baby." he said as he kissed her and she closed the door.
Donald Smooth walked up to him and applied a taser to his testicles! Clerow and I both winced as we saw him take the shock....a much lighter one than the one they gave me, but bad just the same!
"AHHHHHHHHHH, sweeet jesusssssssss!" he screamed as he fell into the wall and then hit the floor with a thud.... Clerow took his service revolver and cocked it and aimed it at his temple.
I walked over to him and leaned down...smiling all the while....
"How are you doing Gene...Remember me?" I said.
"Y-Y-You.....the guy who came in the h-h-h-house....Do-do-Do-Do you, do yall realize that I am
a c-cop?" he stuttured.
"A COP?? Oh gee...really Eugene? A cop that helped kidnapped a girl and a cop that almost killed me and left me on the side of the road for dead?" I snapped as Clerow and Smooth laughed.
"That-That-That- That-That wuz Cole...He tole me to do it..I didn't want to snatch the girl...I told him that this was crazy....I told him....Lawd have mercy......That was Cole that hit you with that taser and tole me to lay you on the road...I wanted to take you to the hospital...I'm so glad you didn't die....oh lawdd...lawd jesus...I don't want to go to jail..I don't want to lose my pension and for god sake...I don't want mah wife to find out.....What are you guys ,Feds?"he asked.
This was the second time tonight I had been asked this... I just smiled.
"I know...you're internal affairs right? Ah knew it ,That damn Cole, shakin people down ,bribin people, kidnapping girls, stalkin people....Look...It was Cole...all Cole....If you guys promise not to tell my wife I was down here at Big Mary's house...I'll give you Cole on a platter, I swear." he babbled. He had told us more than we really needed to know about Mister Cole Butler.
"Alright..we won't tell...Just do the right thing Eugene." I said looking at Clerow and Donald Smooth and winking...They played along.
"We are good friends with your boss, Lt.Sissy Van Buren." I said.
"What? Oh my God...Okay...Okay...I'll take care of this. You Feds aint got nothin to worry about and remember ,I turned in State's Evidence..I aint have nothin to do with this" said Eugene.
I motioned for Clerow to give him his service revolver back and we got back into our cars and pulled off. We laughed the entire ride back.
We all wound up at Josies ,where we told Gus of our night out and our adventures....
"Well ,I must admit....you all look pretty spiffy in those suits and those shoes....One look at you guys and I either think you're IRS or FBI...some kind of feds" laughed Gus.
It had been Robert Foxworth's idea for us to wear dark suits and wingtips....It had paid off in spades. Even a stone cold gangster like Donald Smooth looked like an FBI man...Clerow looked like an Undertaker, Sean looked smooth and debonair and Me? Well ,I've always looked good in a suit.
"Well Kevin, what do we do next?" asked Robert.
"We don't have to do anything.....I think all of the peices of this little puzzle are about to come together." I said as the five of us lifted our glasses and shared a toast!
(Conclusion Next..)