"Yeah Chess...I heard that Chris is seein some babe..I seen him driving her around town yesterday in his Benz. So She must be special...Chris usually drive his other babes around in the Jag...If they in the Benz..they must be special."Laughed Fathead Newton as we stood on the corner outside of Ciro's Nightclub in North Philly and talked.
"Man, I heard that somebody shot at you the other night." I said.
"Yeah....there was a guy driving the wrong way down the street and another guy shooting at me." said Fathead.
"If they were driving the wrong way down that street..that means they were from out of town..Because everybody in Philly knows how that street runs." I laughed.
"I'm still tryin to figure out who is making a move on me....I'm cool with everybody in South Philly and none of the North Philly playas got the heart or the muscle to step to me...So far, don't nobody know who this is." he said.
"You think New York?" I asked.
"Nah...Even though Allejandro is in jail...he still running the show and I called him last night and he assured me that nobody from there or North Jersey was behind it. So I figure this must be some new playas....But nobody on the street has a clue." said Fathead...
Just then a Black Escalade came speeding down the street...Fathead grabbed me and through me down as he joined me on the pavement...a stacatto of bullets flew... Roscoe came running out of the building with two of his associates. They all had guns blazing and the lit the Escalade up...popped the tires ..shot out the windows...and watched it go up in flames!
"Chess..Fathead..come on..get in my car...Let's get out of here." barked Roscoe as we scurried to his car and pulled off...We'd leave it to the police to figure out who the would be hitters were.
"See Chess?...it aint safe to be me." said Fathead as we sped off into the night.
The next morning in our downtown office, far away from the hood...I told Chris about the whole thing and about the prior attempt on Fathead's life. He didn't seem the least bit concerned...He spun around in his chair and looked pensive at first and then said-
"Well Chess , maybe you need to stop hangin with Fathead.....This is a gangsta's life...Someone always wanting to topple the king. He the king now...Somebody trying to take his crown....That's why I gave that up...That's why I come into business with you.....I aint got nothin nobody want no more. We businessmen now Chess...We need a whole new group of friends." he said.
He sounded like me, which was why I was kind of taken back. He looked at me and then shrugged-
"Look man, I'm so far from that gangsta mess now that I don't even know the new playas..probably some young punks looking to move up." said Chris.
"They were young...The driver was just 19 and the shooter was 25......They weren't from here, they were from Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic respectively....both had long rap sheets." I said.
"Hmmmm....New York?" asked Chris.
"Nah, Allejandro and Fathead talked..he assured him that they didn't have anything to do with it." I said.
"Then it's a new playa....Maybe from out of town, maybe from right here.....who's lookin to move up. That's Fathead's problem...not yours , nor mine Chess...he got capable people..he'll handle it." laughed Chris.
"Where you been man? I aint seen you in like, two days?" I asked.
"I was rounding up hitmen to take Fathead out..I want back in......hahahahahahahaahha, why you ask that Chess, you know where I was..Wit my baby." said Chris looking like a wistful schoolboy.
"Wendy huh?" I asked.
"Yeah man....Chess....she's some kind of fantastic man....I met her in Josie's believe it or not...That night they had that god awful singer in there and people was throwing stuff at the stage...You shoulda seen Gus...Oh man, you woulda cracked up.. You know? I'm sittin there gettin ready to walk out and this babe sends me a drink....I take it and she comes over, wearing like the tightest black micro mini I ever did see....looking all kinds of tight..We talkin, drinkin and what not and next thing I know, We drivin to AC at 2:00 in the morning.." said Chris.
'Wow...AC huh?" I said.
"Yeah man...We went to a couple of speak easys and got crunk and then rented a room....Chess,I couldn't believe it...that girl did things to me in bed...that I aint never had done to me before..
'Chess man, for starters..she poured a bottle of hot sauce on my johnson and got down on all fours and licked it clean... she took all of me in her mouth.....not something the average babe can do....cause you know me...I come with a thunder...Man, I must have come about four ,five times..just with her doing that.....then we went into the bedroom..I tried to break her back Chess..We went at it for hours...missionary position, doggy style, scissors..and finnally with her riding on top of me....I don't know how many times I came that night...but I was exhausted, then we wound up going into the bathroom..She took that hot sauce and rubbed it across those huge breasts of hers and I licked it and devoured them like a hungry homeless man...Then she stood up on the toilet seat and lowered herself on me and we were at it again right up against the wall.....man by the next morning...I was dehydrated Chess..and it's been like that everytime I'm with her." said Chris.
"Really man?" I said.
"I'm for real Chess....it's just intoxicating." said Chris.
That was a fantastic story.....It had me thinking about going home and finding Rell. I shook my head and smiled..
"So Chris...you think this might be the one?" I asked.
"Possible man...Very,very possible...and you know me..I aint never said that about nobody." said Chris...
"She sure got you sprung." I laughed...
"Sprung? Beyond sprung baby!!!...Oh, that's my Blackberry..that's probably her now." said Chrisas he picked up the Black berry and began giggling...I had never seen him like this as long as I had known him...I just scratched my head and laughed as I left the office and got in my car and left.
That night I was in Josies, drinking a Corona when Gus walked over to where I was sitting.
"Where's your boy?" he asked.
"Probably with his new girl, Wendy." I laughed.
Gus looked at me kind of funny, shook his head, then leaned down and spoke where only I could hear him.
"Yall don't know who that gal is do ya?" said Gus.
"Just some girl Chris met in here." I said.
"That girl , you say her name is Wendy Thomas right?" said Gus.
'Yeah" I said...
"Does the name George Goldberg Thomas mean anything to you?" he asked.
"Georgie boy...yeah....He used to run things in West Philly for a minute right after Chris stepped down...." I said.
"Yeah and right before our boy, Fathead took over the streets....Well ,she claims she's his widow." said Gus.
"His widow? Georgie wasn't married." I said.
"That's right..he wasn't..That's his sister."said Gus.
(To Be Continued......)
Standing and Applauding and tossing my panties in the sky...
Hot Sauce..Hot Sauce..Hot Sauce!!
Hot sauce? I have no words.
Chris is sprung....Most def...Hate to see him that way...That's what that good good can do!
I knew panties would be flying before I even read this..."Hot Sauce?" Hot Sauce Keith? Where do you come up with this stuff? Hmmmmmm ,givin you the serious side eye.LOL!
Keith, youse a freak!LOLOL Hot Story,I loved it!
Chris's nose is so wide open you could drive a truck through it.
I think this babe is dangerous. That much is obvious.
Hot Sauce, Hot Sauce..Hot Sauce!
This was wild...You got me hooked,
sho nuff!
I can feel the mayhem that's about to come..
Chris is in trouble..His guard is down. This girl has already been caught in a lie..Can't wait to see what she's up to.
This is some freak ish here ..lololol, Love it!
That's it..I'm tossing my boxers!
@Tate2- Freak!
Crazy Fam!
Good stuff!
What a title..What a Story!!
Your imagination knows no bounds sir!
Ouuuuuuuu, Hot Sauce!
ROTFLMAO Great story Keith, Crazy comments!
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