I stood in the cemetary alone...A Black Mercedes Benz pulled up and the lights were cut low....He was alone as I had asked... He got out of the car and walked over to me.
"Chess...Man is you crazy? Paging me at this time of night and asking me to meet you here..
what's up?" asked Chris.
"Chris, how long we been knowin each other?" I asked him.
"Since the third or fourth grade man, what is this about?" he asked.
"Do you trust me?" I asked.
"Yeah man, more than anybody else....Man you startin to scare me." said Chris.
"So if I ask you this...will you tell me the truth ?" I said.
"What man? What?" he asked.
"Remember Goldie? Georgie boy??" I asked..
"George Thomas...yeah, how could I forget him?" said Chris.
"He was in jail...and you bailed him out and right after you bailed him out he turns up dead...You told me not to ask any questions I didn't want to know the answer to.but now I gotta know Chris. Did you kill him?" I asked.
Chris looked at me strangely.....He was quiet. He looked around....There wasn't a person or a car in sight...he began frisking me as if I was wearing a wire.
"Chris...I aint wearing no wire..this aint no police thing...This is me talking to you man to man,brother to brother, friend to friend......Now I'm asking you man...did you kill him?" I said.
"No!" said Chris blandly.
I looked at him.....He looked at me......Then he quietly said-
"Not personally, no.....but I bailed him out....as a favor to Fathead......" said Chris.
"You knew what Fathead was going to do, didn't you?" I said.
"I did....but I did it to save lives....You remember how lethal Goldy was...He was wild and reckless...He and Fathead would have killed half of the city if their little war had of continued or eventually they would've brought the New York boys into it which would have further complicated things.....I just wanted the streets quiet again...So when Fathead asked me to take the bail money down there and cut him loose...of course I knew what was going to happen next.. but I did it...and I got to live with that." said Chris.
"Who did him? Was it Roscoe??, Ralph Mole??, Donald "Smooth"?" I asked.
"Nah, it wasn't none of them...The guy that got the contract was that old bust out...that cat that was runnin with that freak, Lockjohn...Sonny something or other..Sonny Templeton." said Chris.
"Oh yeah him.....but he's dead now himself..." I said.
'That's right..he is....Fathead didn't want to use any of his people..Didn't want to chance it gettin back to him..so he had Ralph Mole contract Sonny Templeton to do the job..He came cheap." said Chris...
"Where did they find him....the old hitman's home?" I said.
Chris laughed for the first time that night......He continued to look around as if he expected cops to come charging out of the woodworks..There was none.
"Why you bring me out here Chess?" he asked again.
"That babe...that girl you layin up with is Goldie's sister man......She's here to get revenge or something....I didn't want anybody to see me talking to you about her or to eaves drop..but you could be in danger...She's settin you up man." I said.
"So you bring me out to the freakin cemetary at this god awful time of night to tell me this Chess? Mannnnn, you crazy ,We coulda had this discussion in the office, during the daytime...." said Chris.
"Chris man, that girl aint righteous. She Aint righteous holmes" I said.
"Chess, how do you know this? I mean ,so what if she's Goldy's sister? That aint got nothing to do with me. It aint like she in the game.."said Chris.
"Don't you find it funny that there have been two attempts on Fathead's life since she showed up?" I said.
"Three" said Chris.
"Huh, what?" I said.
"His car exploded in flames tonight......just seconds before he would have gotten into it." said Chris.
"See? it's her...She's back here to get him for having her brother whacked." I said.
"You hang around Kevin too much Chess...Always seein a conspiracy where they aint none...She aint that kind of girl man...She's the sweetest mellowest babe I ever met.. Man....I'm serious Chess..She's so mellow and when I'm with her...I feel different..I am different...I aint never felt like that before with anyone." said Chris.
I realized that I couldn't talk to him....He was lost..I shook my head and said...
"I'm happy for ya bruh...really I am...just be careful man...keep your eyes and ears open for any possibility okay?" I said.
"Always bruh...Always." said Chris as he walked back to his car and drove away....
Later on that night, I hooked up with Kevin at the home of his friends , Peeping Tom and Lockpick Johnson in Northeast Philly.
"What you got Kev?" I asked him. I had hired Kevin to wire Wendy Thomas's apartment and to dig up what he could find on her...
"Listen to this recording...it's a phone conversation." said Kevin.
"What did you find out Micah?" said Wendy..
"The man that actually killed your brother, Sonny Templeton is dead and has been dead for months....He was killed in an unrelated incident so we can cross him off.." came another voice.
"Did you get the fat man?" asked Wendy.
"Nah, we missed him again...He's the luckiest bastard in three states..but I don't give up that easily...the fat man will fall ...if I have to kill him myself....Something else I found out that may be of interest.." came the male voice.
"What's that Micah?" said Wendy.
"Your boyfriend....Chris Thompson.....Used to be the man in these parts...He sold all of his connects to Fathead Newton......Here's where it gets interesting my dear...The Feds pinched your brother and had him in custody...Guess who bailed him out?? Your boy,Chris Thompson! He bails him out and then two hours later , Sonny Templeton puts two slugs in the back of his head...Co-incidence?? I think not.....I think he was doing one last favor to Fathead." came the male voice.
"This is really bad news Micah...I was beginning to really feel something for Chris Thompson..I didn't know he was involved in all of this....Well.....you gotta do what you gotta do. Fathead falls and Chris falls too." said Wendy coldly.
"Good..Glad you got your head on straight girlie..." came the male voice.
"Chess, they're gonna do Chris and Fathead" said Kevin.
"Not if I can help it...I got this from here Kev...thanks for all of your help man." I said.
"You sure you don't need any back up?" said my good friend.
"Nah...I got this. But one thing you can do...See if you can pull that number, the number of the guy she was talking to...find out if you can trace where that call is coming from." I said.
"Chess...Man is you crazy? Paging me at this time of night and asking me to meet you here..
what's up?" asked Chris.
"Chris, how long we been knowin each other?" I asked him.
"Since the third or fourth grade man, what is this about?" he asked.
"Do you trust me?" I asked.
"Yeah man, more than anybody else....Man you startin to scare me." said Chris.
"So if I ask you this...will you tell me the truth ?" I said.
"What man? What?" he asked.
"Remember Goldie? Georgie boy??" I asked..
"George Thomas...yeah, how could I forget him?" said Chris.
"He was in jail...and you bailed him out and right after you bailed him out he turns up dead...You told me not to ask any questions I didn't want to know the answer to.but now I gotta know Chris. Did you kill him?" I asked.
Chris looked at me strangely.....He was quiet. He looked around....There wasn't a person or a car in sight...he began frisking me as if I was wearing a wire.
"Chris...I aint wearing no wire..this aint no police thing...This is me talking to you man to man,brother to brother, friend to friend......Now I'm asking you man...did you kill him?" I said.
"No!" said Chris blandly.
I looked at him.....He looked at me......Then he quietly said-
"Not personally, no.....but I bailed him out....as a favor to Fathead......" said Chris.
"You knew what Fathead was going to do, didn't you?" I said.
"I did....but I did it to save lives....You remember how lethal Goldy was...He was wild and reckless...He and Fathead would have killed half of the city if their little war had of continued or eventually they would've brought the New York boys into it which would have further complicated things.....I just wanted the streets quiet again...So when Fathead asked me to take the bail money down there and cut him loose...of course I knew what was going to happen next.. but I did it...and I got to live with that." said Chris.
"Who did him? Was it Roscoe??, Ralph Mole??, Donald "Smooth"?" I asked.
"Nah, it wasn't none of them...The guy that got the contract was that old bust out...that cat that was runnin with that freak, Lockjohn...Sonny something or other..Sonny Templeton." said Chris.
"Oh yeah him.....but he's dead now himself..." I said.
'That's right..he is....Fathead didn't want to use any of his people..Didn't want to chance it gettin back to him..so he had Ralph Mole contract Sonny Templeton to do the job..He came cheap." said Chris...
"Where did they find him....the old hitman's home?" I said.
Chris laughed for the first time that night......He continued to look around as if he expected cops to come charging out of the woodworks..There was none.
"Why you bring me out here Chess?" he asked again.
"That babe...that girl you layin up with is Goldie's sister man......She's here to get revenge or something....I didn't want anybody to see me talking to you about her or to eaves drop..but you could be in danger...She's settin you up man." I said.
"So you bring me out to the freakin cemetary at this god awful time of night to tell me this Chess? Mannnnn, you crazy ,We coulda had this discussion in the office, during the daytime...." said Chris.
"Chris man, that girl aint righteous. She Aint righteous holmes" I said.
"Chess, how do you know this? I mean ,so what if she's Goldy's sister? That aint got nothing to do with me. It aint like she in the game.."said Chris.
"Don't you find it funny that there have been two attempts on Fathead's life since she showed up?" I said.
"Three" said Chris.
"Huh, what?" I said.
"His car exploded in flames tonight......just seconds before he would have gotten into it." said Chris.
"See? it's her...She's back here to get him for having her brother whacked." I said.
"You hang around Kevin too much Chess...Always seein a conspiracy where they aint none...She aint that kind of girl man...She's the sweetest mellowest babe I ever met.. Man....I'm serious Chess..She's so mellow and when I'm with her...I feel different..I am different...I aint never felt like that before with anyone." said Chris.
I realized that I couldn't talk to him....He was lost..I shook my head and said...
"I'm happy for ya bruh...really I am...just be careful man...keep your eyes and ears open for any possibility okay?" I said.
"Always bruh...Always." said Chris as he walked back to his car and drove away....
Later on that night, I hooked up with Kevin at the home of his friends , Peeping Tom and Lockpick Johnson in Northeast Philly.
"What you got Kev?" I asked him. I had hired Kevin to wire Wendy Thomas's apartment and to dig up what he could find on her...
"Listen to this recording...it's a phone conversation." said Kevin.
"What did you find out Micah?" said Wendy..
"The man that actually killed your brother, Sonny Templeton is dead and has been dead for months....He was killed in an unrelated incident so we can cross him off.." came another voice.
"Did you get the fat man?" asked Wendy.
"Nah, we missed him again...He's the luckiest bastard in three states..but I don't give up that easily...the fat man will fall ...if I have to kill him myself....Something else I found out that may be of interest.." came the male voice.
"What's that Micah?" said Wendy.
"Your boyfriend....Chris Thompson.....Used to be the man in these parts...He sold all of his connects to Fathead Newton......Here's where it gets interesting my dear...The Feds pinched your brother and had him in custody...Guess who bailed him out?? Your boy,Chris Thompson! He bails him out and then two hours later , Sonny Templeton puts two slugs in the back of his head...Co-incidence?? I think not.....I think he was doing one last favor to Fathead." came the male voice.
"This is really bad news Micah...I was beginning to really feel something for Chris Thompson..I didn't know he was involved in all of this....Well.....you gotta do what you gotta do. Fathead falls and Chris falls too." said Wendy coldly.
"Good..Glad you got your head on straight girlie..." came the male voice.
"Chess, they're gonna do Chris and Fathead" said Kevin.
"Not if I can help it...I got this from here Kev...thanks for all of your help man." I said.
"You sure you don't need any back up?" said my good friend.
"Nah...I got this. But one thing you can do...See if you can pull that number, the number of the guy she was talking to...find out if you can trace where that call is coming from." I said.
"I got a friend in the FBI...He don't like to do stuff like this...but I think if I ask real nice...he'll get me a scope on that number." said Kevin.
"Thanks man." I said as I left.
I had to find out who this Micah fellow was and stop him...A tall order indeed!
(Conclusion Next)
I had to find out who this Micah fellow was and stop him...A tall order indeed!
(Conclusion Next)
That Photo is hot fam!
That photo made me want to toss my boxers to the sky....Oh yeah,good story bruh!
Good Story!Good Photo too!
Anazing what a photo of a naked woman does to the guys..Good story Keith..I'm reading the conclusion now.
Good Story Keith,loved the visualism...
I seriously thought Chess and Chris's friendship was on the verge of being tested here..So glad it was strong enough to remain intact. I'm reading the conclusion now.
I notice nobody is tossing any panties or standing and applauding..LOL! Good story Keith.
This was a damn good story, I felt as though I was watching this on tv or in the movies.
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