I sat in Josie's alone. Drinking one beer after another and finnally graduating to Hennesey. Gus was a bit alarmed. He walked over to me , while he was drying a few glasses that he was washing.
"Hey Kev....Never known you to drink like this....You alright kid?" he said.
"I don't know Gus...I don't know.....What would you do if you had a friend...a good friend...and he's doing bad things?" I asked.
"Well youngin...your friends are all you got in this world....that and your own good name....I could tell you what I'd do...but it's what you would do, is what's important.... I've known you a long time Kevin.....I knew your father and I know if your old man was alive...he'd tell you to cut that "friend" loose...He'd also tell you to do the right thing." said Gus.
"Yeah...he would." I said.
"You know what else he'd tell you?" said Gus.
"Huh?, What?" I asked.
"He'd tell you not to drink anymore and to go home with your wife." he said.
I smiled at him for the first time that night.
"You called her didn't you?" I laughed....
"Yeah, I did...Here she comes now...she's going to take you home." he said with a laugh.
Sepia walked over to me and took me by the arm....I smiled at her and rubbed her cheek..
"Come on Kevin....let's go home and get you in the bed." she said.
"I'm too tired for that" I laughed.
"I wasn't talking about THAt, silly drunken man..." she laughed.
As she was helping me up....as fate would have it..the man responsible for why I was drinking walked in the bar. William "Soap" Ivory....He had a beautiful woman on his arm...It wasn't Velma...It was a younger woman..much younger, but beautiful never the less. He eyed me and the shape I was in and smiled..
"Kevin...wow is that you? Never known you to drink like that man...Wow....and who is this? Is this your wife?" said Soap.
"Hey Soap...Yes..this is my wife, Jo Anne Morris....everybody calls her "Sepia" " I said.
"Pleased to make your acquaintence.....I'm Billy Ivory, they call me "Soap'' ..Kevin, you gotta keeper there..she's gorgeous!" said Soap.
"Thank you...I've heard a lot about you." said Sepia.
"Most of it was probably true. hahahahahahahaha......Excuse me for being rude...This here is Myesha....Myesha this is my boy, Kevin...We known each other since forever and this is his wife, Sepia." said Soap.
"Pleased to meet you...Sepia is a pretty name" said Myesha.
"It's a nickname, but thanks anyway..my government name is JoAnn." said Sepia.
Sepia walked me out to her car and put me in the passenger side and She took the wheel...We would come back for my car the next day. As we rode home I wondered who this Myesha person was and how Velma felt about it or if she even knew......
The next morning, I woke up and squinted as the sunlight shone through the window...Sepia was up and dressed already..I heard the doorbell ring and I heard her downstairs talking to Clerow.
She called upstairs for me to come down, that Clerow was here... I got up ,put my bathrobe on
and walked downstairs to my living room.
"Hey Clerow...What's going on?" I asked.
"Kev, we were still listening to the goings on at your boys office and we pulled this from last
night's surveilance." he said.
''We already got what we need to put them both away...you guys can shut it down now." I said.
"Okay, but you need to hear this last recording...check it out." said Clerow.
"Walter Green??? Walter Green Soap? You gotta be kidding..He's old enough to be my grandfather and plus, he smells and he's nasty...I think he might have something." said Velma.
''What he has is a condom company that makes big money and a factory that needs plumbing.
What he has is a lot of dough." said Soap.
"Then you sleep with him....NO...I will not...I can not...that man makes me sick on my stomach
just looking at him.." protested Velma.
"If you loved me like you say you do, you would do this for me....as much as I've done for you.
I thought you loved me baby..didn't I tell you that I'm gonna make you a Vice President of my company, give you a staff of your own? Huh? Aint I been taking care of you?" cooed Soap.
" Awww Soap, come on..I slept with that Preacher and I slept with Rollie Rollerson and Radcliff for you...aren't they gettin you enough money, damn?" asked Velma.
"Bottom line, you either gonna do it or you aint...now what is it?" asked Soap.
"Ohhhhhhh, alright...alright." said Velma.
"Okay Clerow, so he's lined up another client...We know that he's been pimping her, what is the
big deal?" I said.
"Thought you'd never ask Kev...The old dude came over there and got his rocks off right? Only
there was somebody else sittin outside the office...That city dude ,Radcliff Aikens.....and right after Old man Green left..he called her from his car." said Clerow, who continued playing the
"Who is this?" said Velma.
"It's me ,Radcliff Aikens.."
"Cliff, what you want? I told you that I can't be with you like that." she said.
"No...I see that you can't....You just screwed that old dude , didn't you?" he asked.
"What? What are you doing, stalking me now?" she asked..
"Call it what you want...but your boy..plumber boy is layin up with a young chippy named Myesha Evans ....and he been layin up with her for awhile....You doin all this stuff, all this disgusting stuff for him and his business and he's screwing some young girl's brains out.
If you don't believe me...Go to Ciro's tomorrow night...Your boy will be there with that babe."
said Radcliff.
"Aww, you just a big hater...Soap aint got no other woman...I'm his main woman now."
she scoffed...
"Well Humor me then..Go to Ciros tommorrow night..." said Radcliff Aikens.
I smiled a big broad smile...Clerow was grinning that toothy grin of his......
"Tomorrow is today....They are going to be at Ciros and so are we." I laughed.
That night..Ciros was crowded.....I was surprised that Fathead Newton and company weren't here, this being one of his favorite night spots..It was as crowded as Josie's probably was on a Thursday or a Friday night...Wall to Wall people... I took Sepia with me...She being a woman wanted to see the possible fireworks and see "Soap" get his come uppance....I still hadn't made a decision on whether to go to the cops with the evidence I had that they were responsible for
Sheryl Billip's murder.
Sepia ,Clerow, his wife Cora beth and I all sat at a table. "Soap" was there at another table with
Myesha...He saw us and sent a round of drinks to our table... After awhile ,I wondered just what was the purpose of this..What could I hope to acheive by being here....Even if Velma did catch him with another woman..What was she going to do but cry and run off? Soap would just tell her whatever it is he told her that made her do his bidding and then would tell the other woman the same thing and this merry little triangle would continue...Slick playas like Soap always managed to come out on top no matter what...Tonight however was going to be different.
Velma entered from the rear exit...Clerow nudged me...I smiled.....Velma looked very calm and serene...Too calm and serene! She saw "Soap" and Myesha.....Myesha was feeding him shrimp..
She was sitting on his lap and looked like she was giving him a lap dance...She had on a very tight
Black Mini skirt....Soap looked like he was on cloud nine...He never saw Velma pull a pistol out of
her pocket book....It was so loud in there..that few people heard the pop sound as the bullet peirced his skull and exited out of his forehead ....and blood and brain tissue followed it as he fell
to the floor dead!!!!But they saw it and they scattered and screamed.....Velma fired again....This
time three bullets struck Myesha and she tossed the shrimps in the air and twisted and turned as each shot hit her body and she fell on top of "Soap", also dead....As a final act...Velma put the gun in her mouth and fired one last time..... She fell backwards just as dead as she could be!
I covered Sepia's face. Clerow covered Cora beth's face and we hustled them both out of there..
It was a horrific scene...Nobody had expected that....We were all shocked and a bit traumatized.
I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed.......I didn't have to make up my mind about bringing
my friend to justice....His own hubris had done the job for me.
I did turn in the evidence I had to the police sometime later so they could close the Sheryl Billips
murder case. Velma had killed her on orders from William Ivory. The sordid story of what was going on did get out....and unfortunately names did get mentioned...Both Rollie Rollerson and Radcliff Aiken denied ever meeting Velma and swore that their relationship with William Ivory was completely legit....but nobody believed either of them..
As for me...Well it's another Friday night and I'm back in Josies with Sepia,Sean, Sheila, Clerow,
Corrie, Cock Robbins, Vanessa, Conrad and his wife,Jill, Blake,Cherish, Paris, Chance and Robert
Foxworth...munching on fried chicken, drinking beer and listening to Reed Nelson, "88" and the
band turn it out... Gus is busy drying glasses and yelling at his bartenders...For now...All is right
in my world.
(For Carlene)
"Hey Kev....Never known you to drink like this....You alright kid?" he said.
"I don't know Gus...I don't know.....What would you do if you had a friend...a good friend...and he's doing bad things?" I asked.
"Well youngin...your friends are all you got in this world....that and your own good name....I could tell you what I'd do...but it's what you would do, is what's important.... I've known you a long time Kevin.....I knew your father and I know if your old man was alive...he'd tell you to cut that "friend" loose...He'd also tell you to do the right thing." said Gus.
"Yeah...he would." I said.
"You know what else he'd tell you?" said Gus.
"Huh?, What?" I asked.
"He'd tell you not to drink anymore and to go home with your wife." he said.
I smiled at him for the first time that night.
"You called her didn't you?" I laughed....
"Yeah, I did...Here she comes now...she's going to take you home." he said with a laugh.
Sepia walked over to me and took me by the arm....I smiled at her and rubbed her cheek..
"Come on Kevin....let's go home and get you in the bed." she said.
"I'm too tired for that" I laughed.
"I wasn't talking about THAt, silly drunken man..." she laughed.
As she was helping me up....as fate would have it..the man responsible for why I was drinking walked in the bar. William "Soap" Ivory....He had a beautiful woman on his arm...It wasn't Velma...It was a younger woman..much younger, but beautiful never the less. He eyed me and the shape I was in and smiled..
"Kevin...wow is that you? Never known you to drink like that man...Wow....and who is this? Is this your wife?" said Soap.
"Hey Soap...Yes..this is my wife, Jo Anne Morris....everybody calls her "Sepia" " I said.
"Pleased to make your acquaintence.....I'm Billy Ivory, they call me "Soap'' ..Kevin, you gotta keeper there..she's gorgeous!" said Soap.
"Thank you...I've heard a lot about you." said Sepia.
"Most of it was probably true. hahahahahahahaha......Excuse me for being rude...This here is Myesha....Myesha this is my boy, Kevin...We known each other since forever and this is his wife, Sepia." said Soap.
"Pleased to meet you...Sepia is a pretty name" said Myesha.
"It's a nickname, but thanks anyway..my government name is JoAnn." said Sepia.
Sepia walked me out to her car and put me in the passenger side and She took the wheel...We would come back for my car the next day. As we rode home I wondered who this Myesha person was and how Velma felt about it or if she even knew......
The next morning, I woke up and squinted as the sunlight shone through the window...Sepia was up and dressed already..I heard the doorbell ring and I heard her downstairs talking to Clerow.
She called upstairs for me to come down, that Clerow was here... I got up ,put my bathrobe on
and walked downstairs to my living room.
"Hey Clerow...What's going on?" I asked.
"Kev, we were still listening to the goings on at your boys office and we pulled this from last
night's surveilance." he said.
''We already got what we need to put them both away...you guys can shut it down now." I said.
"Okay, but you need to hear this last recording...check it out." said Clerow.
"Walter Green??? Walter Green Soap? You gotta be kidding..He's old enough to be my grandfather and plus, he smells and he's nasty...I think he might have something." said Velma.
''What he has is a condom company that makes big money and a factory that needs plumbing.
What he has is a lot of dough." said Soap.
"Then you sleep with him....NO...I will not...I can not...that man makes me sick on my stomach
just looking at him.." protested Velma.
"If you loved me like you say you do, you would do this for me....as much as I've done for you.
I thought you loved me baby..didn't I tell you that I'm gonna make you a Vice President of my company, give you a staff of your own? Huh? Aint I been taking care of you?" cooed Soap.
" Awww Soap, come on..I slept with that Preacher and I slept with Rollie Rollerson and Radcliff for you...aren't they gettin you enough money, damn?" asked Velma.
"Bottom line, you either gonna do it or you aint...now what is it?" asked Soap.
"Ohhhhhhh, alright...alright." said Velma.
"Okay Clerow, so he's lined up another client...We know that he's been pimping her, what is the
big deal?" I said.
"Thought you'd never ask Kev...The old dude came over there and got his rocks off right? Only
there was somebody else sittin outside the office...That city dude ,Radcliff Aikens.....and right after Old man Green left..he called her from his car." said Clerow, who continued playing the
"Who is this?" said Velma.
"It's me ,Radcliff Aikens.."
"Cliff, what you want? I told you that I can't be with you like that." she said.
"No...I see that you can't....You just screwed that old dude , didn't you?" he asked.
"What? What are you doing, stalking me now?" she asked..
"Call it what you want...but your boy..plumber boy is layin up with a young chippy named Myesha Evans ....and he been layin up with her for awhile....You doin all this stuff, all this disgusting stuff for him and his business and he's screwing some young girl's brains out.
If you don't believe me...Go to Ciro's tomorrow night...Your boy will be there with that babe."
said Radcliff.
"Aww, you just a big hater...Soap aint got no other woman...I'm his main woman now."
she scoffed...
"Well Humor me then..Go to Ciros tommorrow night..." said Radcliff Aikens.
I smiled a big broad smile...Clerow was grinning that toothy grin of his......
"Tomorrow is today....They are going to be at Ciros and so are we." I laughed.
That night..Ciros was crowded.....I was surprised that Fathead Newton and company weren't here, this being one of his favorite night spots..It was as crowded as Josie's probably was on a Thursday or a Friday night...Wall to Wall people... I took Sepia with me...She being a woman wanted to see the possible fireworks and see "Soap" get his come uppance....I still hadn't made a decision on whether to go to the cops with the evidence I had that they were responsible for
Sheryl Billip's murder.
Sepia ,Clerow, his wife Cora beth and I all sat at a table. "Soap" was there at another table with
Myesha...He saw us and sent a round of drinks to our table... After awhile ,I wondered just what was the purpose of this..What could I hope to acheive by being here....Even if Velma did catch him with another woman..What was she going to do but cry and run off? Soap would just tell her whatever it is he told her that made her do his bidding and then would tell the other woman the same thing and this merry little triangle would continue...Slick playas like Soap always managed to come out on top no matter what...Tonight however was going to be different.
Velma entered from the rear exit...Clerow nudged me...I smiled.....Velma looked very calm and serene...Too calm and serene! She saw "Soap" and Myesha.....Myesha was feeding him shrimp..
She was sitting on his lap and looked like she was giving him a lap dance...She had on a very tight
Black Mini skirt....Soap looked like he was on cloud nine...He never saw Velma pull a pistol out of
her pocket book....It was so loud in there..that few people heard the pop sound as the bullet peirced his skull and exited out of his forehead ....and blood and brain tissue followed it as he fell
to the floor dead!!!!But they saw it and they scattered and screamed.....Velma fired again....This
time three bullets struck Myesha and she tossed the shrimps in the air and twisted and turned as each shot hit her body and she fell on top of "Soap", also dead....As a final act...Velma put the gun in her mouth and fired one last time..... She fell backwards just as dead as she could be!
I covered Sepia's face. Clerow covered Cora beth's face and we hustled them both out of there..
It was a horrific scene...Nobody had expected that....We were all shocked and a bit traumatized.
I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed.......I didn't have to make up my mind about bringing
my friend to justice....His own hubris had done the job for me.
I did turn in the evidence I had to the police sometime later so they could close the Sheryl Billips
murder case. Velma had killed her on orders from William Ivory. The sordid story of what was going on did get out....and unfortunately names did get mentioned...Both Rollie Rollerson and Radcliff Aiken denied ever meeting Velma and swore that their relationship with William Ivory was completely legit....but nobody believed either of them..
As for me...Well it's another Friday night and I'm back in Josies with Sepia,Sean, Sheila, Clerow,
Corrie, Cock Robbins, Vanessa, Conrad and his wife,Jill, Blake,Cherish, Paris, Chance and Robert
Foxworth...munching on fried chicken, drinking beer and listening to Reed Nelson, "88" and the
band turn it out... Gus is busy drying glasses and yelling at his bartenders...For now...All is right
in my world.
(For Carlene)
Didn't see that ending coming. i loved this caper. great job as usual.
WOWWWWWWW, What an ending!!!! I didn't see that coming at all!
Great job Keith!
Incredible story, incredible ending!
Wow, Talk about mayhem...You brought the mayhem with this conclusion! Great Story!
Wow....I didn't see that coming..
She killed "Soap" and his new girl,then herself..thus letting Kevin off the hook.
That was an uber violent ending, but it was inevitable...That woman wasn't going to keep on doing what she was doing for him and playing second fiddle....I kinda knew that an explosion was coming.
Great story Keith,Incredible ending!
Loved it....I mean it was kinda violent..but dude deserved some get back for the way he was pimping that girl and messing around on her!
Great Story Keith...What an ending!
Glad that shooting wasn't in Josie's. Gus has been having enough problems with Symphony Sam and his non-singing girl-lol
Shame Myesha , who was basically in the wrong place ,with the wrong man, at the wrong time had to get
got..but I have no love lost for "Soap"...I know too many men like him..He got what he deserved.
Whooooo, Some of you womenfolk are pretty emotional about this! LOL!
Great story Keith...
Good Story Keith...I was not surprised that "Soap" ended up the way he did...Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Great story bruh...Radcliff Aikens was a straight hater...He made a real bitch move, pulling "Soap's"
card just because the woman didn't want him anymore.. He still didn't get her in the end..after dry snitching and all.
Good Story Keith. I didn't like what Radcliff Aikens did...but at the same time.."Soap" was out of control and dead wrong...He had that coming.
Crazy story fam..but I dug it just the same.
Wow ,this story had it all......time for a poem now Keith,
to smooth things out.
Great Story Keith!...
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