Friday, January 11, 2019

The Centerpiece

The Jurors, Both Male and Female stared at Vanessa Nelson throughout the three days that Miles Ellis presented his case...

She sat there unaffected, emotionless, almost bored.....
Miles Ellis figured he had bored the jury during his three week prosecution of Willie Childs and even angered them at some point by keeping the trial going too long..without really making a point...He wasn't going to do that this time...

He called forensic witnesses....and the police officers who were on the scene...

They offered the same boring testimony that the jury already heard...

He called people from the bar who had witnessed the argument Vanessa and her brother had....

And he did something else...He called several psychologists who defined for the jury what a sociopath was..
He drove that point home and he did something else he wasn't expecting.. He actually garnered sympathy for Vanessa without intending to...The guys thought she was fine and was looking at her huge,bountiful breasts, which she couldn't hide even in her most modest business attire... Her shapely body and shapely legs had them entranced...

The young women felt the way we had wanted them to...Many of them partied and many of them had overbearing parents or older brothers who treated them the same way...

I had done complete work ups on the entire jury pool...
Miles wrapped his argument up in three days..Showing the jury large blow ups of the bloody murder scene, the sheers and the dead body of Vanessa's brother..
Vanessa sat without a shred of emotion.....

The Jury looked like it was split, 7-5....7 to convict, 5 to acquit.....
Give him credit...Miles Ellis was damn good at what he does....
 But Olivia sat back and watched the entire scenario all week...
Neither she nor Beverly questioned any of the police, forensic of psychologists Miles Ellis brought up...Nor did they object to a single thing Miles Ellis said during his three days....They just watched...
Vanessa leaned over and whispered...

"I thought you guys were my defense...You haven't objected to a thing he's said or done or witness?" she asked..
"Relax...We've got a plan.....We are just waiting our turn.." said Nelson...
"Trust us..."said Josie..
"Okay...." said Vanessa..
I walked in just then...I sat down behind Olivia and Beverly and Nelson...I passed them a file...
Miles was finishing his closing argument...
Olivia smiled..

"He's good isn't he?" she said..
"Yeah, Cute too.."laughed Beverly....
Lt. Tragg looked at us...

We all looked calm and serene....We were smiling and talking quietly.....
"Something stinks....They look too smug.." he said aloud...
"Yeah, I expected them to put up a fight at least...They did nothing...Something bothers me about that...Their defense is tomorrow...."said Miles Ellis, who was looking at us too..
"We've got them worried...Look at Miles and Lt. Tragg...They're shook...I want them to be...I've got an idea...a bold idea.."said Olivia.
"You do?" asked Beverly...
"Yes....I'm putting Vanessa and Dr. Oakley on the stand..."said Olivia..
 "WHAT? Liv you can't be serious.."said Nelson...
"She's not a sympathetic witness. Miles will chew her up.."said Josie..
"Yes..He will..I'm counting on it...part of the jury is already hostile to him...He's come off like a bully.. I expect to swing the rest of the jury our way..."said Olivia..
"Before we hit em with the real show stopper..." I said..
Beverly smiled..

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!"

Court adjourned for the day...We were up tomorrow...
Dr. Oakley looked at us...

"Great job you guys did in there.."he said sarcastically..."You didn't challenge one thing he said or question one witness on cross.."he said.
"Why should we? They just presented cold facts....There was nothing to challenge.."said Olivia..
"We are planning to open everybody's eyes when we begin our defense...Trust us..."said Beverly...
"Without giving anything away ...We know who killed Vanessa's brother and we plan to bring that out.."I whispered to Dr. Oakley...
"WHAT?" he said...
"Trust us."said Olivia softly...
"I do...Your reputation is known nationwide..I figure you girls must have something up your sleeve.."he said and smiled.
 "Ohhhhhh yes indeed we do."said Beverly...
"Right now...I want to get home and take these heels off."said Josie..

We all laughed..
Miles Ellis noticed another attractive young woman in the crowd he had never seen before..She was carrying a briefcase...So she had to be an attorney...He walked over to her..

"Well Hello...Come here often?" he joked..

Kayla laughed....

"Ohhhhh you are funny....I had a case down the hall....I knew my cousins were here today,so I was coming to see them."she said..
"Your cousins? They're attorneys or defendents?" he asked.
"Oh you're really funny..They're attorneys....Olivia Bennett-Alexander and Beverly West

I believe you're trying a case against them.." she said..
"THEY'RE YOUR COUSINS?" he asked incredulously..
"I'm Kayla Bennett-Attorney at law.. I know who you are..ADA Miles Ellis.."she said.
"Lawd Have Mercy..." he thought. "A Family of fine women and all of them attorneys." he said checking Kayla out...

"Are you married?" he asked...
"No, but I live with my boyfriend....He's an Attorney too.." she said..
"It figures" he thought to himself..

At Home... We all kicked back...
 I'm glad Miles closed early and didn't stretch his prosecution out two to three weeks like he did in the Willie Childs case." I said.
 "He couldn't...He didn't have enough to merit even one week..."said Olivia.
 "Plus he thinks he has a slam dunk.."said Nelson..
 "The Joke is going to be on him.....I'm surprised Lt. Tragg hasn't read Hazel's urinalysis report.."said Beverly...
 "Let's remember who we are talking about...If he had bothered to read Hazel's report and made it known to Miles...He would have had to of dropped charges against Vanessa and we wouldn't have to be going to court.."said Josie..
"I met Mr. Ellis...He's quite the charmer.."said Kayla, who joined us..
Alfreda  walked in and passed Olivia and Beverly the office mail...

"Hmmm you guys are more relaxed than I've ever seen you on the eve of your defense opening, Got it in the bag huh?" asked Alfreda..
"Well we've got some surprises.."said Beverly...
"One can never be totally sure with a jury...but we think we have this one pretty close...I don't even think we'll have a hung jury."said Olivia..
In the days since Hazel presented us with the results of the Urinalysis and the DNA and fingerprint evidence..I had done a very thorough investigation of Mr.  William "Squee" Rodgers....He was going to be the centerpiece.


The morning of the trial...ADA Miles Ellis was greeted to seeing Olivia kissing me passionately outside the court..
 "Thank you baby for everything you've done for me....."she cooed..
"Oh you're welcome..."I moaned..
in between slow, smouldering kisses....
"This is just a sample of what you have in store after this trial is over..."said Olivia...
"Uh Huh..A little presumptious eh counselor?" laughed Miles Ellis...That kiss had been so smouldering that he had gotten a little aroused watching us... That damn Donnie Ray is a lucky guy...I'd work for her myself...He mused..
Olivia smiled..

"Good Morning counselor..." she said and walked into the courtroom...

Beverly, Vanessa,Nelson and Josie followed us in....
Lt. Tragg looked worried.....Something didn't seem right..We seemed too serene, too relaxed...
His nemesis, Dr. Oakley walked by him without saying a word...
Our Defense began...
Olivia addressed the jury and opened with a brilliantly woven story of what happened that night in the bar...which ended in the tragic murder of a young man...She said that by the end of this day she would prove beyond a reasonable doubt that her client didn't commit this murder and that someone else did...
Beverly called several witnesses from Aqua Bar who witnessed the argument between Vanessa and her brother...Including three of the guys who attempted to pick her up...
Nelson interviewed the Bartenders and the D.J.'s who all told the same story about what they saw....Including the fact that She was incapacitated and that William "Squee" Rodgers was the one who put her in his car and drover home!!!

The Jury hadn't heard this...They had been told that she was put in an Uber....
Olivia told the jury that an Uber had not been called at all that night and she showed photos of Vanessa's car being driven from Aqua Bar to her home...
Miles didn't question any of the witnesses Olivia,Beverly and Nelson called...Like his witnesses the week before there was no reason to...They were telling the same story except for how she got home..
Dr. Oakley addressed the jury...He told of having met Vanessa Nelson when she was 14....He said that she indeed did have Anti-Social personality disorder...but that she was not violent or criminally inclined..He asked the jury to not judge her by stereotypical views presented on television and the movies of sociopaths all being criminals or mass killers..

"A lot of Mass Killers and Criminals aren't sociopaths...They're normal people like you and me."he said.
Miles Ellis went hard on him on cross...but Dr. Oakley stuck to his principals..that Vanessa was not violent..

Olivia, Beverly and Nelson did the improbable...They brought Vanessa Nelson to the stand..
This astounded everybody....
"Olivia's gone nuts...She's an unsymapthetic witness...Even I KNOW THAT....She just lost this case...Oh My God!" he laughed..
"I don't know..She's a smart woman...Something is up...Something isn't right.."mused Miles Ellis ,who looked troubled for the first time..
Vanessa told her side of the story...
"Baby ,The night you and your brother got in an argument...Tell me what you do remember.."asked Olivia.
"My brother and Squee came in Aqua Bar...A guy was trying to talk to me and My Brother and Squee ran him off..My brother was going on like he was my father..Talking about my dress was too short and I was showing too much cleavage..Squee told him to chill out and to take a break...

My brother was so angry, he walked outside..He wouldn't talk to me anymore."she said.
"Squee...Squee is William Rodgers right?" asked Beverly...
"Yes. My brother's friend..."said Vanessa.
Squee had a bottle of Lambrusco...He had a glass...He said ''Let's kill this bottle...'' So we did..

The whole time he was asking me...''When are you going to let me hit that thang?  I been wanting to get with you for a minute now...I won't tell your brother...It'll be between me and you..Nobody will know..come on now.." 

 "I was like Squee come on ,you know I don't roll with you like that.."

The Jurors laughed...
"You knew Squee for a long time right?" asked Olivia.
"My whole life...He was my brother's best friend....really his lackey...That's what I call him...If my brother said jump..His next question is how high?" said Vanessa..
"You didn't like him did you?" asked Beverly..
"I wouldn't say that...Squee was like family....He and my brother have been friends since childhood..I think though he liked me a little bit more than he should have....My brother didn't know...Squee had it bad for me...I uh unfortunately felt absolutely nothing for him....Sociopath or not..I still feel attraction for people like everybody else..I have sexual urges like everybody else." said Vanessa.
"So continue...What happened that night?" asked Olivia..
"We kept drinking and he ran his hands up my skirt...He was rubbing my legs and trying to pull at the waistband of my panties...I was so weak and woozy ,I didn't try to stop him...

I remember him begging me to come on and let's go in the men's room...He wanted to kiss me...I suppose...I said-"Hell no!" He kept begging me for a kiss.....

"Come On Nessa, just one kiss...Come on Now..." he asked..

"Go on somewhere Squee..."I said... 

He was  still rubbing my legs and trying to pull at the waistband of my panties...

"What are you doing? Stop it.." I remember saying..and I moved his hands...I slapped him too!

"I can't stop...I need you bad.." he said.

"Squee, calm yourself down...It's not going to happen.." I said...

 and then my head hit the table..but I was still conscious...Just weak....

He told my brother he was calling an UBer and that he'd see to it that I got home safe..and I vaugely remember getting into an UBER in the back seat...And Squee riding in the front seat...but that's it..

That's all I remember. Next thing I know...I'm waking up on the floor of my loft in my underwear, with no idea how I got there...Covered in my brother's blood..."she said.
"But...Uber was called...Nobody remembers picking you up that night or taking you to your address...My husband ,Mr. Alexander

 thought maybe it was a Lyft...They were called...Nobody remembers picking you up that night or taking you to your address either.  He called Yellow Cab, Germantown Taxi Cab and a few others...Nothing...So you weren't in an UBER OR A TAXI for that matter....He checked the Traffic Cam photos for that night...and he pulled a license plate...

"IT WAS YOUR CAR!!!  Somebody drove you home in YOUR CAR!!! Your car was parked in back of your loft and your back door was open ,so that's how you and whoever entered without being seen by any neighbors and not being caught on the street cam.."said Olivia...
"I guess that's right...but I don't remember.."said Vanessa.
Miles Ellis tore into her on cross..Saying that she did remember and that her brother followed her home and they quarrelled some more and she killed him..
"I don't remember any of that....I don't remember seeing my brother after Aqua Bar...I was tore up drunk from the Lambrusco I drank with Squee.."she said.
But Miles tore into her...He mis read the jury..They saw him as over bearing and a bully....He was losing them...Which was what Olivia wanted...
Nelson objected..
Judge Freeman asked Miles to cool it..
He smirked ...

"No further questions your honor.."He said and walked to his chair...He peered at the jury...They were looking at him with pure disdain...

He looked confused...
 Olivia had a bemused smile on her face...
So Did Beverly...

Lt. Tragg whispered to him...

"You're losing the jury...Ease up...I think you just walked into a trap" he said..He glared at Olivia and shook his head..
For once ,Lt. Tragg had said something that made sense...Olivia had baited him and he fallen into her trap,hook line and sinker...

Olivia called William "Squee" Rodgers to the stand...

He had here to for not been mentioned..

He appeared to be a nice affable guy....

Olivia smiled at him...

"Mr. Rodgers....Vanessa's brother was your best friend since childhood right?" she asked.

"Yeah" he said ,smiling uneasily...

"You also had a crush on your boy's sister didn't you?" she asked..

"Well uh yeah." he said..

Beverly produced a Bottle of Lambrusco...

"This is the bottle of Lambrusco you and Vanessa shared that night right?"  she asked.

He looked a little uneasy...

"I guess." he said.

"The Medical Examiner's office found traces of Rohypnol in this glass...This glass with your fingerprints on it and saliva with Ms. Nelson's DNA.....You DO KNOW what Rohypnol is don't you Mr. Rodgers?" asked Beverly..

"I-I-I uh don't think that I do." he said.

"It's the date rape drug!....On the street it's called a Roofie..But you know that...Your credit card report here shows you ordered this drug off the Black Market...A Lot of it."said Beverly with a smirk..

William Rodgers did not like Beverly....He didn't like her at all...

"You do know you're under oath Mr. Rodgers...You know because you were arrested three years ago when you were at Community College for drugging a young woman with Rohypnal...She dropped the charges and your attorney worked out a settlement out of court...Which is why The Medical Examiners Office was able to get your fingerprints and your DNA....They were still on file."said Nelson...

William Rodgers squirmed...He smiled nervously...
"We found a huge amount of Rohypnal in her urine as evidenced by this test result from the Medical Examiner's Office..It was mixed in with the Lambrusco you and she drank...Which is why she passed out!"said Olivia..

"If you say so.." said Squee..

"If I say so?  I know so....This is the Medical Examiner's report...."said Olivia, smiling..
''Why wasn't I appraised of this?  Dr. Hazel Baylor will be hearing from me and the Deputy Of Operations!" Lt. Tragg said.

 ADA Miles Ellis looked at him with mild disdain...
"Here's what happened.Vanessa wouldn't give you any sugar,so you spiked her drink....She passed out and good friend you are, you drove her home in her car..."said Beverly, who then displayed a pair of panties and a bra..

"These are her panties and bra from that night....There is no reason so much semen with YOUR DNA should be in them or in the saliva on her bra....You took advantage of her...She was incapacitated..You raped her, didn't you?  You raped her, didn't you? That's the only way you could ever have her...With her being unconscious..She never would have willingly or consciously sleep with you...And you knew that!"said Beverly..

"THAT'S A LIE!! THAT'S A GOTDAMN LIEEEE!!!" he screamed at Beverly...

The Jury laughed...

William Rodgers did not like Beverly....He didn't like her at all..He glared angrilly at her...
"Her Brother stopped by her place and walked in on you finishing up with his sister...You two fought..He tried to beat your brains out and you stabbed him in the neck with a pair of sheers....You grabbed this bloody rag and tried to stop the bleeding, but it was too late..He died almost immediately...And you used bleach to wipe all of your prints and DNA evidence off the sheers..We know this because we found your prints on the bleach bottle...You forgot to wipe that bottle...And you left her in her panties and bra ,filled with your semen and saliva...The DNA tests don't lie..."said Olivia..

Now William Rodgers was really squirming and sweating....He didn't care for Beverly's aunt any better ,but at least she was polite and spoke softly...
"Vanessa may be a sociopath, but she's no killer...You are Squee!!...You're a killer and a common rapist..You staged that scene, So that a sleeping Vanessa would wake up covered in her brothers blood.."said Nelson..

William Rodgers wanted to punch Nelson's lights out...He was furious being called a rapist...He did not think of himself as such...

The Jury gasped...

William Rodgers began to weep, he put his head in his hands and began to shake uncontrollably...

"I-I-I didn't mean it....He hit me!..He tried to choke me out...I-Didn't mean it!!!...He was my best friend and I killed him!!!!...I DIDN'T MEAN IT...IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!!!  AWWWWW LAWDDD!  I loved her..All my life,I loved her...I've wanted her...I hung around him to be close to her...Every time I came by their house...I had something for her..Flowers, Coffee...A Soda...but she couldn't see it..She wouldn't give me a chance...I had to have her...arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..I had to have her...I LOVED HER!!!!! I HAD TO HAVE HER....AWWWWWW LAWDDDD!" he cried out, breaking down...Shaking out of control...."I LOVED HER!!!!! I HAD TO HAVE HER....AWWWWWW LAWDDDD!" he cried out again.....
The Jury gasped...

ADA Miles Elllis glared at Lieutenant Tragg...


"Donnie Ray must have been at that crime scene...I'm arresting him for obstruction of justice and Dr. Hazel Baylor too.." screamed Lt. Tragg...
"Forget it....I was just passed this dossier this morning...It's addressed a week ago TO YOU!!!  The M.E.'s office sent you this , You never opened it...YOU WERE ON TELEVISION with your gotdamn press conferences...And forget arresting Donnie Ray Alexander....If I know right there isn't a shred of proof that he or anyone else was at that crime scene....If he was there ..He made the most of whatever he found...Unlike YOU!!!! Arghhhhhhhhh you disgust me!"said a very angry Miles Ellis..
 "WHO GAVE YOU THAT? WHO WAS AT MY DESK,OPENING UP MY MAIL??"screamed a justifiably angry Lt. Tragg..

This was three cases Lt. Tragg had goofed up for him....Prior to that, he hadn't lost a case...He now had two straight an earlier loss to Yvette and her team...He was flabberghasted!
"In light of this new evidence...All charges against Ms. Vanessa Nelson are dropped.!!..Marshalls take Mr. Rodgers into custody..Ms. Nelson, you are free to go!"said Judge Freeman...

William "Squee" Rodgers was crying profusely ,He looked at Vanessa.

"I just wanted to have you...I did everything I could to make you see that, Why..Whyyyyyyyyyyyy couldn't you see that? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Whyyyyyyyyyyyy couldn't you see that?" he cried...He stomped his foot in anger..."WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" he screamed as Marshalls dragged him out of the courtroom! "WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!"he screamed as he was dragged down the hallway....."AWWWW LAWDDDD!!!WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!"

Vanessa showed no emotion whatsoever...She just stared at him and shrugged her shoulders..

She looked at us and  managed a rare smile..

"You guys are the greatest...You got me off in one day....Oh My God!"  she said....
Dr. Oakley smiled..

"Olivia, Beverly, Nelson, Donnie Ray, Josie...I owe you all an apology...I doubted you guys for a minute, but you did in ONE DAY...ONE DAY, What I thought was going to take a week or maybe more to do...You guys know your business....That's why I got you...I'm sorry I doubted you girls for one minute.......You guys are the greatest." he said..
"That's Okay.....It did look kind of hazy for a minute..."said Olivia..
''We took a big gamble putting you both on the stand and it paid off.."said Beverly..
"In Spades.."said Nelson.
"I kept wondering why "Squee" was never called...Even his witnesses kept bringing up his name..."I said..
"Because ADA Miles Ellis didn't see that M.E.'s report until this morning...Another police officer found it on Lt. Tragg's desk and opened it and realized that ADA Ellis should see it immediately..."said Josie..
"Only it was too late..."said Olivia..
"Lt. Tragg had that information at least three days before we did...But he was so busy with his press conferences and his Television apearences..He never read it ,He never opened it..He can't say a word to Hazel..She did her job..."laughed Beverly..
"Which worked in our favor.."I said.

It wasn't actually a  police officer who retrieved that report...I anticipated that Lt. Tragg might try to give Hazel some trouble..Not to mention myself...
D.A.'s Investigator ,Gary Lockwood instructed a patrol officer to retrieve that dossier off of Lt. Tragg's desk and pass it to him...He assured him his identity would be kept a secret...

He then made sure that it was on ADA Miles Ellis's desk the morning our defense began....

Miles Ellis didn't know how he managed to get that file..

This covered Hazel and me...

As for interrupting an active crime scene...Well Beverly and I had wore Latex Booties and Gloves...We left behind no DNA or fingerprint evidence and we left from the back, away from the glare of the street cam....

Our car was parked a block away...

He'd never be able to prove we were ever there...
"But that other evidence...You did go on that crime scene didn't you?" asked Dr. Oakley..
"Well, All I'll say is this...If he can prove that....He's a better detective than we thought.."I said and laughed..

"And we all know he's not that.."laughed Vanessa..
ADA Rockland Cambridge stood in the back of the court laughing his head off.. He was not surprised...and he was relieved that he was not trying that case..He understood ADA Miles Ellis's frustration..He himself had been there many times before with Lt. Tragg and his sloppy detective work..
Lt. Tragg was fuming..

"I can't believe it...I just can't get a break...These damn Attorneys..."he said...
Miles Ellis didn't throw a temper tantrum, but he looked dejected...He wondered if being an Assistant District Attorney was for him...He thought about giving the corporate world another try... He couldn't look at Lt. Tragg. He grabbed his briefcase and stormed out of the courtroom...
"Hey First round of drinks are on me...Tonight at Red Booth..."said Dr. Oakley...
"Do you mind if I pass? I don't want to drink anymore..for awhile.."said Vanessa, who was glad to have murder charges dropped and to know what really happened that night..
"Good for you baby."said Olivia..
"Yes...but as for us...We need a nice cold one.."said Beverly...
"Yes"said Nelson...
"Here Here.."said Josie..
"It's unanimous..except for you Vanessa." I said..

We all laughed....Another case down...

William "Squee" Rodgers was convicted of Manslaughter and Sexual Assault and sentenced to 10-15 years in State Prison...He will be elligable for parole after 7 and a half years...

Olivia and I stayed behind after the others left...

We found ourselves in the Judges Chambers ,kissing passionately, trying to devour each others lips...
The Judges chambers were nice...We were certain everyone had gone home for the day....
"I would have never of done this a few years ago.."whispered Olivia..
In between hot smouldering kisses..
"What's different now?" I asked..
"Me....I'm different...Looser, Comfortable..With you.."said Olivia...
I liberated her from her dress and other clothing and she liberated me from mine...I lifted her up and slowly entered her...

I  lifted Olivia's petite little body up and entered her slowly and softly...I loved her soft skin, her baby like smell....her kissable lips..I savored every moment like a diner savors a fine meal...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Donnie Rayyyyy...yesssssssssssss..ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm...Thank you baby..Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu I needed this..."she moaned..

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu  Olivia..I needed youuuuuu..." he moaned...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Donnie Ray, ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..You can always have much as you wannnntttt..."she moaned...

I  kept her lifted up like that,long stroking her for close to TWO TO THREE HOURS....I could tell I had brought her to orgasm at least twice..I was so excited , and aroused ...

I put her down for a minute...I caught my breath...

 She grabbed me, put her arms around my neck and hopped up on me.....I lifted her up and entered her again.....

 "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gooooddddddd lawdd it's soooo goood...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is sooo good girl...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sweeeeet jesusssssssssss you are a demon in the bedddddddddd...arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.."I yelled..

 We were making sweet love on the couch making an imprint....I'm sure..

Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...I love you soooooooooooooo much...ouuuuuuuuuuuu..DONNIE RAY!"Olivia yelled. "I DO!!OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" she cooed..

"I LOVE YOU TOO BABY!" I moaned...

"Morrre...Morreee....morrre...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. Donnie Ray..ouuuuuu.Donnie Ray Alexander....OHHHHHHH."
she wailed...

"Ohhhh Olivia, Olivia,ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..I'm losin my minddddddddd!! "

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HUSBAND, you're making me comeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."

''HANG on baby...I'm coming tooo...OUUUUUUUUUUUUU..UMMMMMMMMMMM!"I yelled.

''Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."she screamed..


"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Donnie Ray, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh that was, that was always!" she said...Her entire body was trembling...Her left leg was shaking...She felt chills...

 We got dressed....Olivia fixed her hair,put on her lipstick and took me by the hand...We walked outside...
"You're the best investigator I've ever had...."said Olivia to me...
"And you're the sexiest lawyer I've ever had.."I said,laughing..

"Silly man...Come on.." she said as we walked out into the Philadelphia afternoon...



Anonymous said...


Cheryl said...

Nice Ending!

Rita said...

Hated to see Attorney Bae lose another case..

Brenda said...

2019 is proving to be bad for "Attorney Bae"..He's 0-2 LOL!

Lisa said...

I was beginning to think this girl might have done it...She actually was innocent!

Toni said...

So it was Squee, Her brother's creepy friend who did it..It makes sense.

Angie B. said...

I had a creepy guy like Squee, who used to try to talk to me all the time.

Sunflower said...

How timely this was with all this R. Kelly mess going on...Squew was a monster!

Halo said...

Squee was just what Nelson said he was..A common rapist!

Vanessa said...

Yup, didn't feel sorry for him at all!